diff --git a/Nasal/controls.nas b/Nasal/controls.nas
index 276d1b899..78cea711c 100644
--- a/Nasal/controls.nas
+++ b/Nasal/controls.nas
@@ -65,6 +65,35 @@ var throttleMouse = func {
+setForAllEnginesProperty= func(type){
+ var engineRoot = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines");
+ var v = getprop("/controls/engines/"~type~"-all");
+ v = -v;
+ v = (v+1)*0.5; # scale from -1..1 to 0..1
+ foreach( var c; engineRoot.getChildren() ){
+ if (c.getName() =="engine"){
+ var n = c.getNode(type);
+ if(n!=nil) {
+ n.setValue(v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+_setlistener("/controls/engines/throttle-all", func{
+ setForAllEnginesProperty("throttle");
+_setlistener("/controls/engines/mixture-all", func{
+ setForAllEnginesProperty("mixture");
+_setlistener("/controls/engines/propeller-pitch-all", func{
+ setForAllEnginesProperty("propeller-pitch");
# Joystick axis handlers (use cmdarg). Shouldn't be called from
# other contexts. A non-null argument reverses the axis direction.
var axisHandler = func(pre, post) {
@@ -232,7 +261,23 @@ var slewProp = func(prop, delta) {
# range of a trim axis is 2.0. Should probably read this out of a
# property...
var TRIM_RATE = 0.045;
+var setElevatorTrimToPosition_listener = nil;
+setElevatorTrimToPosition = func() {
+ if (setElevatorTrimToPosition_listener != nil) {
+ removelistener(setElevatorTrimToPosition_listener);
+ setElevatorTrimToPosition_listener = nil;
+ }
+ var nv = getprop("/controls/flight/elevator")+getprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim");
+ var lv = getprop("/controls/flight/elevator");
+ var setElevatorTrimToPosition_listener = setlistener("/controls/flight/elevator", func(v){
+ if (v.getValue() != lv) {
+ setprop("controls/flight/elevator",0);
+ removelistener(setElevatorTrimToPosition_listener);
+ print("set trim to ",nv);
+ setprop("/controls/flight/elevator-trim", nv);
+ }
+ } , 0, 0);
# Handlers. These are suitable for binding to repeatable button press
# events. They are *not* good for binding to the keyboard, since (at
@@ -394,14 +439,26 @@ var elevatorTrimAxis = func { elevatorTrim(cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue(
var aileronTrimAxis = func { aileronTrim(cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue()); }
var rudderTrimAxis = func { rudderTrim(cmdarg().getNode("setting").getValue()); }
+# to avoid clash with "gearToggle"; this will only toggle when
+# given a parameter of 1; as the controls button binding will pass 0 when the button is pressed and
+# 1 when the button is released.
+var gearTogglePosition = func(v) {
+ if (v){
+ if (getprop("/controls/gear/gear-down"))
+ setprop("/controls/gear/gear-down", 0);
+ else
+ setprop("/controls/gear/gear-down", 1);
+ }
# Gear handling.
+# - parameter v is either 1 (down), -1 up (retracted)
var gearDown = func(v) {
if (v < 0) {
- setprop("/controls/gear/gear-down", 0);
+ setprop("/controls/gear/gear-down", 0);
} elsif (v > 0) {
- setprop("/controls/gear/gear-down", 1);
+ setprop("/controls/gear/gear-down", 1);
var gearToggle = func { gearDown(getprop("/controls/gear/gear-down") > 0 ? -1 : 1); }
@@ -421,6 +478,62 @@ var applyParkingBrake = func(v) {
setprop(p, var i = !getprop(p));
return i;
+var parkingBrakeToggle = func(v) {
+ if (v){
+ if (getprop("/controls/gear/brake-parking"))
+ setprop("/controls/gear/brake-parking", 0);
+ else
+ setprop("/controls/gear/brake-parking", 1);
+ }
+var toggleNWS = func(v) {
+ if (v){
+ if (getprop("/controls/gear/nose-wheel-steering"))
+ setprop("/controls/gear/nose-wheel-steering", 0);
+ else
+ setprop("/controls/gear/nose-wheel-steering", 1);
+ }
+var weAppliedSpeedBrake = 99;
+var weAppliedWheelBrake = 99;
+# allows one binding to do airbrakes and wheel brakes
+var applyApplicableBrakes = func(v, which = 0) {
+ var wow = getprop ("/gear/gear[0]/wow")
+ or getprop ("/gear/gear[1]/wow")
+ or getprop ("/gear/gear[2]/wow")
+ or getprop ("/gear/gear[3]/wow")
+ or getprop ("/gear/gear[4]/wow")
+ or getprop ("/gear/gear[5]/wow")
+ or getprop ("/gear/gear[6]/wow")
+ ;
+ if (wow) {
+ if (!v and weAppliedSpeedBrake != 99) {
+ setprop("controls/flight/speedbrake", 0);
+ weAppliedSpeedBrake=0;
+ }
+ if (which <= 0) {
+ interpolate("/controls/gear/brake-left", v, controls.fullBrakeTime);
+ }
+ if (which >= 0) {
+ interpolate("/controls/gear/brake-right", v, controls.fullBrakeTime);
+ }
+ weAppliedWheelBrake = which;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!v and weAppliedWheelBrake != 99) {
+ if (weAppliedWheelBrake <= 0) { interpolate("/controls/gear/brake-left", 0, controls.fullBrakeTime); }
+ if (weAppliedWheelBrake >= 0) { interpolate("/controls/gear/brake-right", 0, controls.fullBrakeTime); }
+ weAppliedWheelBrake=0;
+ }
+ weAppliedSpeedBrake=which;
+ setprop("controls/flight/speedbrake", v);
+ }
# 1: Deploy, -1: Release
var deployChute = func(v) setprop("/controls/flight/drag-chute", v);
diff --git a/Nasal/joystick.nas b/Nasal/joystick.nas
index 8eb494ab5..a5c985b9b 100644
--- a/Nasal/joystick.nas
+++ b/Nasal/joystick.nas
@@ -269,6 +269,19 @@ var axisBindings = [
NasalScaleAxis.new("Mixture 2", "controls.perEngineSelectedAxisHandler(1)([1]);", "/controls/engines/engine[1]/mixture") ,
NasalScaleAxis.new("Propeller 2", "controls.perEngineSelectedAxisHandler(2)([1]);", "/controls/engines/engine[1]/propeller-pitch") ,
+# 2018.2 (RJH); change engine bindings to use the scaled axis configuration; the -all property
+# that is used has a listener in controls.nas that will propogate the value to all configured engines.
+# - mainly to allow the use of the "invert" option.
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Throttle All Engines", "/controls/engines/throttle-all") ,
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Mixture All Engines", "/controls/engines/mixture-all") ,
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Propeller All Engines", "/controls/engines/propeller-pitch-all") ,
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Throttle Engine 0", "/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle") ,
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Mixture Engine 0", "/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture") ,
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Propeller Pitch Engine 0", "/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch") ,
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Throttle Engine 1", "/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle") ,
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Mixture Engine 1", "/controls/engines/engine[1]/mixture") ,
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Propeller Pitch Engine 1", "/controls/engines/engine[1]/propeller-pitch"),
NasalLowHighAxis.new("View (horizontal)",
"setprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg\", getprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg\") + 30);",
"setprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg\", getprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg\") - 30);",
@@ -277,14 +290,17 @@ var axisBindings = [
"setprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg\", getprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg\") - 20);",
"setprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg\", getprop(\"/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg\") + 20);",
-# PropertyScaleAxis.new("Aileron Trim", "/controls/flight/aileron-trim"),
-# PropertyScaleAxis.new("Elevator Trim", "/controls/flight/elevator-trim"),
-# PropertyScaleAxis.new("Rudder Trim", "/controls/flight/rudder-trim"),
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Aileron Trim", "/controls/flight/aileron-trim"),
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Elevator Trim", "/controls/flight/elevator-trim"),
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("Rudder Trim", "/controls/flight/rudder-trim"),
PropertyScaleAxis.new("Brake Left", "/controls/gear/brake-left", 0.5, 1.0),
PropertyScaleAxis.new("Brake Right", "/controls/gear/brake-right", 0.5, 1.0),
- NasalLowHighAxis.new("Aileron Trim", "controls.aileronTrim(-1);", "controls.aileronTrim(1);", "/controls/flight/aileron-trim"),
- NasalLowHighAxis.new("Elevator Trim", "controls.elevatorTrim(-1);", "controls.elevatorTrim(1);", "/controls/flight/elevator-trim"),
- NasalLowHighAxis.new("Rudder Trim", "controls.rudderTrim(-1);", "controls.rudderTrim(1);", "/controls/flight/rudder-trim"),
+ NasalLowHighAxis.new("Aileron Trim Incremental", "controls.aileronTrim(-1);", "controls.aileronTrim(1);", "/controls/flight/aileron-trim-delta"),
+ NasalLowHighAxis.new("Elevator Trim Incremental", "controls.elevatorTrim(-1);", "controls.elevatorTrim(1);", "/controls/flight/elevator-trim-delta"),
+ NasalLowHighAxis.new("Rudder Trim Incremental", "controls.rudderTrim(-1);", "controls.rudderTrim(1);", "/controls/flight/rudder-trim-delta"),
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("View Horizontal Axis", "/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg", 180, 0),
+ PropertyScaleAxis.new("View Vertical Axis", "/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg", 180, 0),
@@ -519,13 +535,30 @@ var buttonBindings = [
NasalButton.new("Aileron Trim Right", "controls.aileronTrim(1);", 1),
NasalHoldButton.new("FGCom PTT", "controls.ptt(1);", "controls.ptt(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Trigger", "controls.trigger(1);", "controls.trigger(0);"),
- NasalHoldButton.new("Flaps Up", "controls.flapsDown(-1);", "controls.flapsDown(0);"),
- NasalHoldButton.new("Flaps Down", "controls.flapsDown(1);", "controls.flapsDown(0);"),
- NasalHoldButton.new("Gear Up", "controls.gearDown(-1);", "controls.gearDown(0);"),
- NasalHoldButton.new("Gear Down", "controls.gearDown(1);", "controls.gearDown(0);"),
+ NasalButton.new("Flaps Up", "controls.flapsDown(-1);",0),
+ NasalButton.new("Flaps Down", "controls.flapsDown(1);",0),
+ NasalButton.new("Gear Up", "controls.gearDown(-1);",0),
+ NasalButton.new("Gear Down", "controls.gearDown(1);",0),
+ NasalButton.new("Gear Toggle", "controls.gearTogglePosition(1);",0),
NasalHoldButton.new("Spoilers Retract", "controls.stepSpoilers(-1);", "controls.stepSpoilers(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Spoilers Deploy", "controls.stepSpoilers(1);", "controls.stepSpoilers(0);"),
NasalHoldButton.new("Brakes", "controls.applyBrakes(1);", "controls.applyBrakes(0);"),
+ NasalHoldButton.new("Brakes (air/wheel)", "controls.applyApplicableBrakes(1);", "controls.applyApplicableBrakes(0);"),
+ NasalHoldButton.new("Parking brakes", "controls.parkingBrakeToggle(0);", "controls.parkingBrakeToggle(1);"),
+ NasalHoldButton.new("NWS toggle", "controls.toggleNWS(0);", "controls.toggleNWS(1);"),
+# with all of these it is expected the the armament system in the selected aircraft
+# will manage the wrap around and or reset to zero.
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Pickle", "/controls/armament/pickle-target", "1"),
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Target next", "/controls/armament/target-selected", "1"),
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Target previous", "/controls/armament/target-selected", "-1"),
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Weapon next", "/controls/armament/weapon-selected", "1"),
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Weapon previous", "/controls/armament/weapon-selected", "-1"),
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Azimuth left", "/controls/radar/azimuth-deg", "-5"),
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Azimuth right", "/controls/radar/azimuth-deg", "5"),
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Elevation up", "/controls/radar/elevation-deg", "5"),
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Elevation down", "/controls/radar/elevation-deg", "-5"),
+ PropertyAdjustButton.new("Missile Reject", "/controls/armament/missile-reject", "1"),
NasalButton.new("View Decrease", "view.decrease(0.75);", 1),
NasalButton.new("View Increase", "view.increase(0.75);", 1),
diff --git a/gui/dialogs/button-axis-config.xml b/gui/dialogs/button-axis-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e294b8dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/dialogs/button-axis-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+ button-axis-config
+ vbox
+ true
+ true
+ 3
+ hbox
+ 1
+ true
+ true
+ left
+ table
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 2
+ true
+ hbox
+ true
diff --git a/gui/dialogs/button-config.xml b/gui/dialogs/button-config.xml
index 7c76e2b8b..6cde0866a 100644
--- a/gui/dialogs/button-config.xml
+++ b/gui/dialogs/button-config.xml
@@ -205,11 +205,24 @@ var assignButton = func(cmd) {
@@ -497,6 +536,133 @@ var assignButton = func(cmd) {
+ 0
+ 5
@@ -505,6 +671,16 @@ var assignButton = func(cmd) {