From d0203549e833b32b719697b3a2c2a63e16fcef16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stuart Buchanan <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2017 22:15:21 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add AirportInfo and template pages for FG1000

 .../FG1000/Models/AirportInfo.svg             | 570 ++++++++++++++++++
 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Models/MFD.svg | 274 +--------
 .../Instruments-3d/FG1000/Models/MFD2.svg     |  65 +-
 .../Instruments-3d/FG1000/Models/NavMap.svg   | 102 ++++
 .../FG1000/Models/TrafficMap.svg              | 264 ++++++++
 .../ActiveFlightPlanNarrow.nas                |  78 +++
 .../ActiveFlightPlanNarrowController.nas      |   9 +
 .../ActiveFlightPlanNarrowOptions.nas         |  28 +
 .../ActiveFlightPlanNarrowStyles.nas          |  28 +
 .../ActiveFlightPlanWide.nas                  |  78 +++
 .../ActiveFlightPlanWideController.nas        |   9 +
 .../ActiveFlightPlanWideOptions.nas           |  28 +
 .../ActiveFlightPlanWideStyles.nas            |  28 +
 .../Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproach.nas |  78 +++
 .../AirportApproachController.nas             |   9 +
 .../AirportApproachOptions.nas                |  28 +
 .../AirportApproach/AirportApproachStyles.nas |  28 +
 .../Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrival.nas   |  78 +++
 .../AirportArrivalController.nas              |   9 +
 .../AirportArrival/AirportArrivalOptions.nas  |  28 +
 .../AirportArrival/AirportArrivalStyles.nas   |  28 +
 .../AirportDeparture/AirportDeparture.nas     |  78 +++
 .../AirportDepartureController.nas            |   9 +
 .../AirportDepartureOptions.nas               |  28 +
 .../AirportDepartureStyles.nas                |  28 +
 .../AirportDirectory/AirportDirectory.nas     |  78 +++
 .../AirportDirectoryController.nas            |   9 +
 .../AirportDirectoryOptions.nas               |  28 +
 .../AirportDirectoryStyles.nas                |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfo.nas  | 229 +++++++
 .../AirportInfo/AirportInfoController.nas     | 212 +++++++
 .../Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoOptions.nas  |  28 +
 .../Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoStyles.nas   |  28 +
 .../Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeather.nas   |  78 +++
 .../AirportWeatherController.nas              |   9 +
 .../AirportWeather/AirportWeatherOptions.nas  |  28 +
 .../AirportWeather/AirportWeatherStyles.nas   |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1.nas    |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Controller.nas |   9 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Options.nas    |  28 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Styles.nas     |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2.nas    |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Controller.nas |   9 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Options.nas    |  28 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Styles.nas     |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3.nas    |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Controller.nas |   9 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Options.nas    |  28 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Styles.nas     |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4.nas    |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Controller.nas |   9 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Options.nas    |  28 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Styles.nas     |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5.nas    |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Controller.nas |   9 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Options.nas    |  28 +
 .../Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Styles.nas     |  28 +
 .../FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalog.nas   |  78 +++
 .../FlightPlanCatalogController.nas           |   9 +
 .../FlightPlanCatalogOptions.nas              |  28 +
 .../FlightPlanCatalogStyles.nas               |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatus.nas      |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusController.nas   |   9 +
 .../Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusOptions.nas      |  28 +
 .../Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusStyles.nas       |  28 +
 .../IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfo.nas     |  78 +++
 .../IntersectionInfoController.nas            |   9 +
 .../IntersectionInfoOptions.nas               |  28 +
 .../IntersectionInfoStyles.nas                |  28 +
 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/MFD.nas  | 145 ++++-
 .../FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfo.nas          |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoController.nas       |   9 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoOptions.nas   |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoStyles.nas    |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMap.nas            |  13 +-
 .../FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMapController.nas  |  69 ++-
 .../Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirports.nas |  78 +++
 .../NearestAirportsController.nas             |   9 +
 .../NearestAirportsOptions.nas                |  28 +
 .../NearestAirports/NearestAirportsStyles.nas |  28 +
 .../NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspaces.nas     |  78 +++
 .../NearestAirspacesController.nas            |   9 +
 .../NearestAirspacesOptions.nas               |  28 +
 .../NearestAirspacesStyles.nas                |  28 +
 .../NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequencies.nas |  78 +++
 .../NearestFrequenciesController.nas          |   9 +
 .../NearestFrequenciesOptions.nas             |  28 +
 .../NearestFrequenciesStyles.nas              |  28 +
 .../NearestIntersections.nas                  |  78 +++
 .../NearestIntersectionsController.nas        |   9 +
 .../NearestIntersectionsOptions.nas           |  28 +
 .../NearestIntersectionsStyles.nas            |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDB.nas    |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBController.nas |   9 +
 .../Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBOptions.nas    |  28 +
 .../Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBStyles.nas     |  28 +
 .../Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPT.nas   |  78 +++
 .../NearestUserWPTController.nas              |   9 +
 .../NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTOptions.nas  |  28 +
 .../NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTStyles.nas   |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOR.nas    |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORController.nas |   9 +
 .../Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOROptions.nas    |  28 +
 .../Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORStyles.nas     |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/PageGroupController.nas      |  58 +-
 .../StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlan.nas     |  78 +++
 .../StoredFlightPlanController.nas            |   9 +
 .../StoredFlightPlanOptions.nas               |  28 +
 .../StoredFlightPlanStyles.nas                |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/Stormscope.nas    |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeController.nas |   9 +
 .../Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeOptions.nas    |  28 +
 .../Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeStyles.nas     |  28 +
 .../Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatus.nas       |  78 +++
 .../SystemStatus/SystemStatusController.nas   |   9 +
 .../SystemStatus/SystemStatusOptions.nas      |  28 +
 .../Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusStyles.nas |  28 +
 .../Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWS.nas |  78 +++
 .../FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSController.nas      |   9 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSOptions.nas         |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSStyles.nas          |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Controller.nas  |   9 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Options.nas     |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Styles.nas      |  28 +
 .../Nasal/TemplatePage/TemplatePage.nas       |  79 +++
 .../FG1000/Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMap.nas    |  11 +-
 .../Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMapController.nas |  82 ++-
 .../Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanning.nas       |  78 +++
 .../TripPlanning/TripPlanningController.nas   |   9 +
 .../TripPlanning/TripPlanningOptions.nas      |  28 +
 .../Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningStyles.nas |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfo.nas  |  78 +++
 .../UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoController.nas     |   9 +
 .../Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoOptions.nas  |  28 +
 .../Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoStyles.nas   |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/Utility/Utility.nas          |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/Utility/UtilityController.nas       |   9 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityOptions.nas   |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityStyles.nas    |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfo.nas          |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoController.nas       |   9 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoOptions.nas   |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoStyles.nas    |  28 +
 .../Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLink.nas |  78 +++
 .../WeatherDataLinkController.nas             |   9 +
 .../WeatherDataLinkOptions.nas                |  28 +
 .../WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkStyles.nas |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfo.nas            |  78 +++
 .../FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoController.nas  |   9 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoOptions.nas     |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoStyles.nas      |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadio.nas          |  78 +++
 .../Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioController.nas       |   9 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioOptions.nas   |  28 +
 .../FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioStyles.nas    |  28 +
 .../Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/  |  57 ++
 gui/dialogs/fg1000.xml                        |  12 +
 157 files changed, 6853 insertions(+), 372 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Models/AirportInfo.svg
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Models/NavMap.svg
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Models/TrafficMap.svg
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowStyles.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWide.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachStyles.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrival.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Options.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Styles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Styles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Options.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Styles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Options.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Styles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Styles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTStyles.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOR.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOROptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusStyles.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWS.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/TemplatePage.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkStyles.nas
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 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoController.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoOptions.nas
 create mode 100644 Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoStyles.nas
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+           sodipodi:role="line"
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diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9daf521b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# ActiveFlightPlanNarrow
+var ActiveFlightPlanNarrow =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "FPL - ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("ActiveFlightPlanNarrowLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("ActiveFlightPlanNarrow", "ActiveFlightPlanNarrowGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9d991b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ActiveFlightPlanNarrow Controller
+var ActiveFlightPlanNarrowController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ ActiveFlightPlanNarrowController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6a1d588d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# ActiveFlightPlanNarrow Options
+var ActiveFlightPlanNarrowOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ActiveFlightPlanNarrowOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff20bc58a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanNarrow/ActiveFlightPlanNarrowStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# ActiveFlightPlanNarrow Styles
+var ActiveFlightPlanNarrowStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ ActiveFlightPlanNarrowStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWide.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWide.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..363020b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWide.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# ActiveFlightPlanWide
+var ActiveFlightPlanWide =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "FPL - ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("ActiveFlightPlanWideLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("ActiveFlightPlanWide", "ActiveFlightPlanWideGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69be6527f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ActiveFlightPlanWide Controller
+var ActiveFlightPlanWideController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ ActiveFlightPlanWideController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe404ef3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# ActiveFlightPlanWide Options
+var ActiveFlightPlanWideOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ActiveFlightPlanWideOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ade8b736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ActiveFlightPlanWide/ActiveFlightPlanWideStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# ActiveFlightPlanWide Styles
+var ActiveFlightPlanWideStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ ActiveFlightPlanWideStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproach.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproach.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ab860d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproach.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# AirportApproach
+var AirportApproach =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("AirportApproachLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("AirportApproach", "AirportApproachGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89fd7a273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# AirportApproach Controller
+var AirportApproachController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportApproachController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5fdf3e98b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportApproach Options
+var AirportApproachOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [AirportApproachOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db67a195c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportApproach/AirportApproachStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportApproach Styles
+var AirportApproachStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportApproachStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrival.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrival.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce905c057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrival.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# AirportArrival
+var AirportArrival =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("AirportArrivalLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("AirportArrival", "AirportArrivalGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..734c6ca85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# AirportArrival Controller
+var AirportArrivalController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportArrivalController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fc0d5e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportArrival Options
+var AirportArrivalOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [AirportArrivalOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..020660c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportArrival/AirportArrivalStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportArrival Styles
+var AirportArrivalStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportArrivalStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDeparture.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDeparture.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..327a145bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDeparture.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# AirportDeparture
+var AirportDeparture =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("AirportDepartureLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("AirportDeparture", "AirportDepartureGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a249fe8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# AirportDeparture Controller
+var AirportDepartureController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportDepartureController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57fb3be13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportDeparture Options
+var AirportDepartureOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [AirportDepartureOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb12f31c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDeparture/AirportDepartureStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportDeparture Styles
+var AirportDepartureStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportDepartureStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectory.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectory.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b47d8f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectory.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# AirportDirectory
+var AirportDirectory =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "WPT - AIRPORT DIRECTORY",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("AirportDirectoryLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("AirportDirectory", "AirportDirectoryGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee28f4935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# AirportDirectory Controller
+var AirportDirectoryController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportDirectoryController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3105924d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportDirectory Options
+var AirportDirectoryOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [AirportDirectoryOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43d404589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportDirectory/AirportDirectoryStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportDirectory Styles
+var AirportDirectoryStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportDirectoryStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfo.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfo.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4afc03b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfo.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# AirportInfo
+var AirportInfo =
+    1 : "HARD SURFACE",  # Asphalt
+    2 : "HARD SURFACE", # Concrete
+    3 : "TURF",
+    4 : "DIRT",
+    5 : "GRAVEL",
+    #  Helipads
+    6 : "HARD SURFACE",  # Asphalt
+    7 : "HARD SURFACE", # Concrete
+    8 : "TURF",
+    9 : "DIRT",
+    0 : "GRAVEL",
+  },
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "WPT - AIRPORT INFORMATION",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("AirportInfoLayer"),
+      parents : [ AirportInfo, device.addPage("AirportInfo", "AirportInfoGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    # Need to display this underneath the softkeys, EIS, header.
+    obj._group.set("z-index", -10.0);
+    obj._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Dynamic text elements in the SVG file.  In the SVG these have an "AirportInfo" prefix.
+    var textelements = [
+      "ID",
+      "Usage",
+      "Name",
+      "City",
+      "Region",
+      "Alt",
+      "Lat",
+      "Lon",
+      "Fuel",
+      "TZ",
+      "Runway",
+      "RwyDimensions",
+      "RwySurface",
+      "RwyLighting",
+      "FreqLabel1", "Freq1",
+      "FreqLabel2", "Freq2",
+      "FreqLabel3", "Freq3",
+      "FreqLabel4", "Freq4",
+      "FreqLabel5", "Freq5",
+      "FreqLabel6", "Freq6",
+      "FreqLabel7", "Freq7",
+      "FreqLabel8", "Freq8",
+      "Zoom"
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; textelements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById("AirportInfo" ~ element);
+      obj.symbols[element].setText("");
+    }
+    # The Airport Chart
+    obj.AirportChart = obj._group.createChild("map");
+    obj.AirportChart.setController("Static position", "main");
+    var controller = obj.AirportChart.getController();
+    # Initialize a range and screen resolution.  Setting a range
+    # to 4nm means we pick up a good set of surrounding fixes
+    # We will use the screen range for zooming.  If we use range
+    # then as we zoom in the airport center goes out of range
+    # and all the runways disappear.
+    obj.AirportChart.setRange(4.0);
+    obj.AirportChart.setScreenRange(fg1000.MAP_PARTIAL.HEIGHT);
+    obj.AirportChart.setTranslation(
+      fg1000.MAP_PARTIAL.CENTER.X,
+      fg1000.MAP_PARTIAL.CENTER.Y
+    );
+    var r = func(name,vis=1,zindex=nil) return caller(0)[0];
+    foreach(var type; [r('TAXI'),r('RWY')] ) {
+        obj.AirportChart.addLayer(canvas.SymbolLayer,
+                     ,
+                               4,
+                               obj.Styles.getStyle(,
+                               obj.Options.getOption(,
+                               type.vis );
+    }
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Softkey menus
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+    me.controller.offdisplay();
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+    me.controller.ondisplay();
+  },
+  displayAirport : func(apt_info) {
+    # Display a given airport
+    me.AirportChart.getController().setPosition(,apt_info.lon);
+    me.symbols["ID"].setText(;
+    me.symbols["Usage"].setText("PUBLIC");
+    me.symbols["Name"].setText(string.uc(;
+    me.symbols["City"].setText("CITY");
+    me.symbols["Region"].setText("REGION");
+    me.symbols["Alt"].setText(sprintf("%ift", 3.28 * apt_info.elevation));
+    if ( < 0.0) {
+      me.symbols["Lat"].setText(sprintf("S %.4f",;
+    } else {
+      me.symbols["Lat"].setText(sprintf("N %.4f",;
+    }
+    if (apt_info.lon < 0.0) {
+      me.symbols["Lon"].setText(sprintf("W%3.4f", -apt_info.lon));
+    } else {
+      me.symbols["Lon"].setText(sprintf("E%3.4f", apt_info.lon));
+    }
+    me.symbols["Fuel"].setText("AVGAS");
+    me.symbols["TZ"].setText("UTC-6");
+    # Display the comms frequencies for this airport
+    var fcount = 1;
+    if (size(apt_info.comms()) > 0) {
+      # Airport has one or more frequencies assigned to it.
+      var freqs = {};
+      var comms = apt_info.comms();
+      foreach (var c; comms) {
+        freqs[c.ident] = sprintf("%.3f", c.frequency);;
+      }
+      foreach (var c; sort(keys(freqs), string.icmp)) {
+        me.symbols["FreqLabel" ~ fcount].setText(c);
+        me.symbols["Freq" ~ fcount].setText(freqs[c]);
+        fcount += 1;
+      }
+    }
+    while (fcount < 9) {
+      # zero remaining comms channels
+      me.symbols["FreqLabel" ~ fcount].setText("");
+      me.symbols["Freq" ~ fcount].setText("");
+      fcount += 1;
+    }
+  },
+  displayRunway : func(rwy_info) {
+    var lbl = ~ "-" ~;
+    me.symbols["Runway"].setText(lbl);
+    var dim = sprintf("%ift x %ift", 3.28 * rwy_info.length, 3.28 * rwy_info.width);
+    me.symbols["RwyDimensions"].setText(dim);
+    me.symbols["RwySurface"].setText(me.SURFACE_TYPES[rwy_info.surface]);
+    #me.symbols["RwyLighting"].setText(rwy_info.surface);
+  },
+  setZoom : func(zoom, label) {
+    # Set the zoom level for the airport chart display
+    me.AirportChart.setScreenRange(zoom);
+    me.symbols["Zoom"].setText(label);
+  },
+  highlightElement : func(element) {
+    var sym = me.symbols[element];
+    sym.setDrawMode(canvas.Text.TEXT + canvas.Text.FILLEDBOUNDINGBOX);
+    sym.setColorFill(fg1000.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR);
+    sym.setColor(fg1000.HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_COLOR);
+  },
+  unhighlightElement : func(element) {
+    var sym = me.symbols[element];
+    sym.setDrawMode(canvas.Text.TEXT);
+    sym.setColor(fg1000.NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..726026584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# AirportInfo Controller
+var AirportInfoController =
+  # Vertical ranges, and labels.
+  # Unlike some other map displays, we keep the range constant at 4nm an change
+  # the ScreenRange to zoom in.  Otherwise as we zoom in, the center of the
+  # runways moves out of the range of the display and they are not drawn.
+  # Ranges are scaled to the display height with range 1 displaying 4nm vertically.
+  # 2000nm = 12,152,000ft.
+  RANGES : [{range: 4/500/6076.12, label: "500ft"},
+            {range: 4/750/6076.12, label: "750ft"},
+            {range: 4/1000/6076.12, label: "1000ft"},
+            {range: 4/1500/6076.12, label: "1500ft"},
+            {range: 4/2000/6076.12, label: "2000ft"},
+            {range: 8, label: "0.5nm"},
+            {range: 5.33, label: "0.75nm"},
+            {range: 4, label: "1nm"},
+            {range: 2, label: "2nm"},
+            {range: 1.33, label: "3nm"},
+            {range: 1, label: "4nm"},
+            {range: 0.66, label: "6nm"},
+            {range: 0.5, label: "8nm"},
+            {range: 0.4, label: "10nm"} ],
+    "ID",
+    "Name",
+    "Runway",
+    "Freq1",
+    "Freq2",
+    "Freq3",
+    "Freq4",
+    "Freq5",
+    "Freq6",
+    "Freq7",
+    "Freq8",
+  ],
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportInfoController ] };
+    obj.airport = "";
+    obj.runway = "";
+    obj.runway_index = -1;
+ = nil;
+ = page;
+    obj.crsr_toggle = 0;
+    obj.crsrIdx = 0;
+    obj.current_zoom = 7;
+    obj.current_id_entry = "";
+    # Emesary
+    obj._recipient = nil;
+    # Initial airport is our current location.
+    var current_apt = airportinfo("airport");
+    obj.setAirport(;
+    obj.setZoom(7);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  setAirport : func(id)
+  {
+    if (id == me.airport) return;
+    me.airport = id;
+ airportinfo(id);
+    # Display the first runway.
+    me.setRunway(0);
+  },
+  setRunway : func(runway_index)
+  {
+    if (runway_index == me.runway_index) return;
+    var rwys = keys(;
+    if (runway_index < 0) runway_index = 0;
+    if (runway_index > (size(rwys) - 1)) runway_index = size(rwys) - 1;
+    me.runway_index = runway_index;
+  },
+  incrRunway : func(value)
+  {
+    var incr_or_decr = (value > 0) ? 1 : -1;
+    me.setRunway(me.runway_index + incr_or_decr);
+  },
+  # Control functions for Input
+  incrAirportID : func(value)
+  {
+    var incr_or_decr = (value > 0) ? 1 : -1;
+    if (me.current_id_entry == "") {
+      me.current_id_entry = "A";
+    } else {
+      var fixed = substr(me.current_id_entry, 0, size(current_id_entry) - 2);
+      var lastchar = substr(me.current_id_entry, -1);
+      var char = math.mod(find(lastchar, alphabet) + incr_or_decr, 26);
+      var nextchar = substr(alphabet, char, 1);
+      me.current_id_entry = fixed + nextchar;
+    }
+  },
+  zoomIn : func() {
+    me.setZoom(me.current_zoom -1);
+  },
+  zoomOut : func() {
+    me.setZoom(me.current_zoom +1);
+  },
+  zoom : func(val)
+  {
+    var incr_or_decr = (val > 0) ? 1 : -1;
+    me.setZoom(me.current_zoom + incr_or_decr);
+  },
+  setZoom : func(zoom) {
+    if ((zoom < 0) or (zoom > (size(me.RANGES) - 1))) return;
+    me.current_zoom = zoom;
+[zoom].range * fg1000.MAP_PARTIAL.HEIGHT, me.RANGES[zoom].label);
+  },
+  showCRSR : func() {
+  },
+  hideCRSR : func() {
+    me.crsrIdx = 0;
+  },
+  moveCRSR : func(val) {
+    var incr_or_decr = (val > 0) ? 1 : -1;
+    me.crsrIdx = math.mod(me.crsrIdx + incr_or_decr, size(me.CRSR_ELEMENTS) -1);
+  },
+  handleCRSR : func() {
+    me.crsr_toggle = (! me.crsr_toggle);
+    print("CRSR pressed " ~ me.crsr_toggle);
+    if (me.crsr_toggle) {
+      me.showCRSR();
+    } else {
+      me.hideCRSR();
+    }
+    return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
+  },
+  handleFMSInner : func(value) {
+    if (me.crsr_toggle == 1) {
+      print("FMSInner for AirportInfoController called " ~ me.crsr_toggle);
+      if (me.CRSR_ELEMENTS[me.crsrIdx] == "Runway") {
+        me.incrRunway(value);
+      }
+      if (me.CRSR_ELEMENTS[me.crsrIdx] == "ID") {
+        me.incrAirportID(value);
+      }
+      return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
+    } else {
+      return;
+    }
+  },
+  handleFMSOuter : func(value) {
+    if (me.crsr_toggle == 1) {
+      print("FMSOuter for AirportInfoController called " ~ me.crsr_toggle);
+      me.moveCRSR(value);
+      return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
+    } else {
+      return;
+    }
+  },
+  RegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
+    if (transmitter == nil)
+      transmitter = emesary.GlobalTransmitter;
+    if (me._recipient == nil){
+      me._recipient ="AirportInfoController_" ~;
+      var pfd_obj =;
+      var controller = me;
+      me._recipient.Receive = func(notification)
+      {
+        if (notification.Device_Id == pfd_obj.device_id
+            and notification.NotificationType == notifications.PFDEventNotification.DefaultType) {
+          if (notification.Event_Id == notifications.PFDEventNotification.HardKeyPushed
+              and notification.EventParameter != nil)
+          {
+            var id = notification.EventParameter.Id;
+            var value = notification.EventParameter.Value;
+            #printf("Button pressed " ~ id ~ " " ~ value);
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_CRSR)   return controller.handleCRSR();
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_OUTER)  return controller.handleFMSOuter(value);
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_INNER)  return controller.handleFMSInner(value);
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.RANGE)      return controller.zoom(value);
+          }
+        }
+        return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
+      };
+    }
+    transmitter.Register(me._recipient);
+    me.transmitter = transmitter;
+  },
+  DeRegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
+      # remove registration from transmitter; but keep the recipient once it is created.
+      if (me.transmitter != nil)
+        me.transmitter.DeRegister(me._recipient);
+      me.transmitter = nil;
+  },
+  # Reset controller if required when the page is displayed or hidden
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me.RegisterWithEmesary();
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me.DeRegisterWithEmesary();
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc4c6cf8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportInfo Options
+var AirportInfoOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [AirportInfoOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e55783c3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportInfo/AirportInfoStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportInfo Styles
+var AirportInfoStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportInfoStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeather.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeather.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bac4635dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeather.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# AirportWeather
+var AirportWeather =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "WPT - WEATHER INFORMATION",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("AirportWeatherLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("AirportWeather", "AirportWeatherGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34f8064c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# AirportWeather Controller
+var AirportWeatherController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportWeatherController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..608ff0abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportWeather Options
+var AirportWeatherOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [AirportWeatherOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d54a1e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/AirportWeather/AirportWeatherStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# AirportWeather Styles
+var AirportWeatherStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ AirportWeatherStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bb899fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Checklist1
+var Checklist1 =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "LST - CHECKLIST 1",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("Checklist1Layer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("Checklist1", "Checklist1Group") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Controller.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Controller.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..689af50f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Controller.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Checklist1 Controller
+var Checklist1Controller =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist1Controller ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Options.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Options.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31abd5813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Options.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist1 Options
+var Checklist1Options =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [Checklist1Options] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Styles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Styles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88d5d356f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist1/Checklist1Styles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist1 Styles
+var Checklist1Styles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist1Styles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11a8a99de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Checklist2
+var Checklist2 =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "LST - CHECKLIST 2",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("Checklist2Layer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("Checklist2", "Checklist2Group") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Controller.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Controller.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d12198607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Controller.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Checklist2 Controller
+var Checklist2Controller =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist2Controller ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Options.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Options.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33e566035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Options.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist2 Options
+var Checklist2Options =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [Checklist2Options] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Styles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Styles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..135492481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist2/Checklist2Styles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist2 Styles
+var Checklist2Styles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist2Styles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8ceb6642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Checklist3
+var Checklist3 =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "LST - CHECKLIST 3",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("Checklist3Layer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("Checklist3", "Checklist3Group") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Controller.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Controller.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51058021e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Controller.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Checklist3 Controller
+var Checklist3Controller =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist3Controller ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Options.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Options.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9baebcfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Options.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist3 Options
+var Checklist3Options =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [Checklist3Options] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Styles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Styles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30433ff48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist3/Checklist3Styles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist3 Styles
+var Checklist3Styles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist3Styles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47b91a160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Checklist4
+var Checklist4 =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "LST - CHECKLIST 4",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("Checklist4Layer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("Checklist4", "Checklist4Group") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Controller.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Controller.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1eb3fc358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Controller.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Checklist4 Controller
+var Checklist4Controller =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist4Controller ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Options.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Options.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9cff10b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Options.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist4 Options
+var Checklist4Options =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [Checklist4Options] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Styles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Styles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..626a65805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist4/Checklist4Styles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist4 Styles
+var Checklist4Styles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist4Styles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3579dce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Checklist5
+var Checklist5 =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "LST - CHECKLIST 5",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("Checklist5Layer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("Checklist5", "Checklist5Group") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Controller.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Controller.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21686874c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Controller.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Checklist5 Controller
+var Checklist5Controller =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist5Controller ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Options.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Options.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..057344c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Options.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist5 Options
+var Checklist5Options =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [Checklist5Options] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Styles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Styles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5cdd2850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Checklist5/Checklist5Styles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Checklist5 Styles
+var Checklist5Styles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ Checklist5Styles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalog.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalog.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dafc933a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalog.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# FlightPlanCatalog
+var FlightPlanCatalog =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "FPL - FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("FlightPlanCatalogLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("FlightPlanCatalog", "FlightPlanCatalogGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d22d9b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# FlightPlanCatalog Controller
+var FlightPlanCatalogController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ FlightPlanCatalogController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa51f5c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# FlightPlanCatalog Options
+var FlightPlanCatalogOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [FlightPlanCatalogOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c64177d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/FlightPlanCatalog/FlightPlanCatalogStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# FlightPlanCatalog Styles
+var FlightPlanCatalogStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ FlightPlanCatalogStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatus.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatus.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59d8d788f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatus.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# GPSStatus
+var GPSStatus =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "AUX - GPS STATUS",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("GPSStatusLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("GPSStatus", "GPSStatusGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..252c3b059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# GPSStatus Controller
+var GPSStatusController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ GPSStatusController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf28937ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# GPSStatus Options
+var GPSStatusOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [GPSStatusOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c380e0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/GPSStatus/GPSStatusStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# GPSStatus Styles
+var GPSStatusStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ GPSStatusStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfo.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfo.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..825d023e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfo.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# IntersectionInfo
+var IntersectionInfo =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("IntersectionInfoLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("IntersectionInfo", "IntersectionInfoGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6046bc92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# IntersectionInfo Controller
+var IntersectionInfoController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ IntersectionInfoController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ad7e8069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# IntersectionInfo Options
+var IntersectionInfoOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [IntersectionInfoOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5972d5035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/IntersectionInfo/IntersectionInfoStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# IntersectionInfo Styles
+var IntersectionInfoStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ IntersectionInfoStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/MFD.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/MFD.nas
index 3d7141927..986cdd03c 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/MFD.nas
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/MFD.nas
@@ -1,48 +1,143 @@
 # FG1000 MFD
 var nasal_dir = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/";
-io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'NavMap/NavMap.nas', "fg1000");
-io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'NavMap/NavMapStyles.nas', "fg1000");
-io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'NavMap/NavMapOptions.nas', "fg1000");
-io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'NavMap/NavMapController.nas', "fg1000");
-io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'TrafficMap/TrafficMap.nas', "fg1000");
-io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'TrafficMap/TrafficMapStyles.nas', "fg1000");
-io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'TrafficMap/TrafficMapOptions.nas', "fg1000");
-io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'TrafficMap/TrafficMapController.nas', "fg1000");
+var MFDPages = [
+  "NavMap",
+  "TrafficMap",
+  "Stormscope",
+  "WeatherDataLink",
+  "TAWS",
+  "AirportInfo",
+  "AirportDirectory",
+  "AirportDeparture",
+  "AirportArrival",
+  "AirportApproach",
+  "AirportWeather",
+  "IntersectionInfo",
+  "NDBInfo",
+  "VORInfo",
+  "UserWPTInfo",
+  "TripPlanning",
+  "Utility",
+  "GPSStatus",
+  "XMRadio",
+  "XMInfo",
+  "SystemStatus",
+  "ActiveFlightPlanWide",
+  "ActiveFlightPlanNarrow",
+  "FlightPlanCatalog",
+  "StoredFlightPlan",
+  "Checklist1",
+  "Checklist2",
+  "Checklist3",
+  "Checklist4",
+  "Checklist5",
+  "NearestAirports",
+  "NearestIntersections",
+  "NearestNDB",
+  "NearestVOR",
+  "NearestUserWPT",
+  "NearestFrequencies",
+  "NearestAirspaces"
+foreach (var page; MFDPages) {
+  io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ page ~ '/' ~ page ~ '.nas', "fg1000");
+  io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ page ~ '/' ~ page ~ 'Styles.nas', "fg1000");
+  io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ page ~ '/' ~ page ~ 'Options.nas', "fg1000");
+  io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ page ~ '/' ~ page ~ 'Controller.nas', "fg1000");
 io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'EIS.nas', "fg1000");
 io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'Drivers/EISDriver.nas', "fg1000");
 io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ 'PageGroupController.nas', "fg1000");
+# Constants to define the display area, for placement of elements.  We
+# could try to do something with a layout, but the position and size of
+# elements is fixed.  Can't be member variables of MFD as they are
+# self-referential.
+var DISPLAY = { WIDTH : 1024, HEIGHT  : 768 };
+var HEADER_HEIGHT = 56;
+var FOOTER_HEIGHT = 25;
+var EIS_WIDTH     = 150;
+# Size of data display on the right hand side of the MFD
+  WIDTH  : 300,
+  X      : DISPLAY.WIDTH  - 300,
+  Y      : HEADER_HEIGHT,
+# Map dimensions when the data display is not present
+var MAP_FULL =  {
+  X      : EIS_WIDTH,
+  Y      : HEADER_HEIGHT,
+# Map dimensions when the data display is present
+var MAP_PARTIAL = {
+  X      : EIS_WIDTH,
+  Y      : HEADER_HEIGHT,
+var HIGHLIGHT_COLOR =  "#80ffff";
+var HIGHLIGHT_TEXT_COLOR = "#000000";
+var NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR = "#80ffff";
 var MFD =
-  # Center of any maps
-    X: (1024/2 + 60),
-    Y: (768/2 + 20)
-  },
   # Constants for the hard-buttons on the fascia
   FASCIA : {
     FMS_OUTER : 0,
     FMS_INNER : 1,
     RANGE     : 2,
+    FMS_CRSR  : 3,
   new : func (myCanvas)
     var obj = { parents : [ MFD ] };
     obj._svg = myCanvas.createGroup("softkeys");
-    canvas.parsesvg(obj._svg, '/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Models/MFD.svg');
+    var fontmapper = func (family, weight) {
+      #if( family == "Liberation Sans" and weight == "narrow" ) {
+        return "LiberationFonts/LiberationSansNarrow-Regular.ttf";
+      #}
+      # If we don't return anything the default font is used
+    };
+    foreach (var page; MFDPages) {
+      var svg_file ='/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Models/' ~ page ~ '.svg';
+      if (resolvepath(svg_file) != "") {
+        # Load an SVG file if available.
+        canvas.parsesvg(obj._svg,
+                        svg_file,
+                        {'font-mapper': fontmapper});
+      }
+    }
+    canvas.parsesvg(obj._svg,
+                    '/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Models/MFD.svg',
+                    {'font-mapper': fontmapper});
     obj._MFDDevice =, 12, "SoftKey", myCanvas, "MFD");
+    # Surround dynamic elements
+    obj._pageTitle = obj._svg.getElementById("PageTitle");
     # Engine Information System
     obj._eisDriver =;
     obj._eis =, obj._eisDriver);
@@ -50,13 +145,15 @@ var MFD =
     # Controller for the display on the bottom left which allows selection
     # of page groups and individual pages using the FMS controller.
     obj._pageGroupController =, obj._svg, obj._MFDDevice);
-    obj._pageGroupController.RegisterWithEmesary();
-    obj._pageGroupController.addPage("NavigationMap",, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg));
-    obj._pageGroupController.addPage("TrafficMap",, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg));
+    foreach (var page; MFDPages) {
+      var code = "obj._pageGroupController.addPage(\"" ~ page ~ "\", fg1000." ~ page ~ ".new(obj, myCanvas, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg));";
+      var addPageFn = compile(code);
+      addPageFn();
+    }
     # Display the NavMap and the appropriate top level on startup.
-    obj._MFDDevice.selectPage(obj._pageGroupController.getPage("NavigationMap"));
+    obj._MFDDevice.selectPage(obj._pageGroupController.getPage("NavMap"));
     # Add a wheel controller., which we will attach to the zoom.
     myCanvas.addEventListener("wheel", func(e)
@@ -80,6 +177,10 @@ var MFD =
   del: func()
-    me._pageGroupController.DeRegisterWithEmesary();
+    me.getCurrentPage().DeRegisterWithEmesary();
+  },
+  setPageTitle: func(title)
+  {
+    me._pageTitle.setText(title);
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfo.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfo.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e46f96dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfo.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# NDBInfo
+var NDBInfo =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "WPT - NDB INFORMATION",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("NDBInfoLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("NDBInfo", "NDBInfoGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12370b4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# NDBInfo Controller
+var NDBInfoController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NDBInfoController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a03e94fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NDBInfo Options
+var NDBInfoOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [NDBInfoOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11536135a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NDBInfo/NDBInfoStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NDBInfo Styles
+var NDBInfoStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NDBInfoStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMap.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMap.nas
index 20e6a9512..6378ddc6b 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMap.nas
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMap.nas
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 # Navigation Map
 var NavMap =
-  new : func (myCanvas, device, svg)
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
     var obj = {
+      title : "MAP - NAVIGATION MAP",
       _group : myCanvas.createGroup("NavigationMapLayer"),
       parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("NavigationMap", "NavigationMapGroup") ]
@@ -11,12 +12,13 @@ var NavMap =
     obj.Styles =;
     obj.Options =;
     obj.MFDMap = obj._group.createChild("map");
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
     # Need to display this underneath the softkeys, EIS, header.
     obj._group.set("z-index", -10.0);
-    obj.device = device;
     # Initialize the controller:
     var ctrl_ns = canvas.Map.Controller.get("Aircraft position");
@@ -42,8 +44,8 @@ var NavMap =
     # Center the map's origin, modified to take into account the surround.
-      fg1000.MFD.MAP_CENTER.X,
-      fg1000.MFD.MAP_CENTER.Y
+      fg1000.MAP_FULL.CENTER.X,
+      fg1000.MAP_FULL.CENTER.Y
     var r = func(name,vis=1,zindex=nil) return caller(0)[0];
@@ -204,8 +206,11 @@ var NavMap =
       me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+    me.controller.offdisplay();
   ondisplay : func() {
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+    me.controller.ondisplay();
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMapController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMapController.nas
index 6a339a974..9dda952e9 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMapController.nas
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NavMap/NavMapController.nas
@@ -71,16 +71,20 @@ var NavMapController =
   # Airways levels.
-  new : func (navmap, svg, zoom_label, current_zoom)
+  new : func (page, svg, zoom_label, current_zoom)
     var obj = { parents : [ NavMapController ] };
     obj.current_zoom = current_zoom;
     obj.declutter = 0;
     obj.airways = 0;
-    obj.navmap = navmap;
-    obj.navmap.setScreenRange(689/2.0);
+ = page;
     obj.label = svg.getElementById(zoom_label);
+    # Emesary
+    obj._recipient = nil;
     return obj;
   zoomIn : func() {
@@ -100,7 +104,7 @@ var NavMapController =
     # Ranges above represent vertical ranges, but the display is a rectangle, so
     # we need to use the diagonal range of the 1024 x 689, which is 617px.
     # 617px is 1.8 x 689/2, so we need to increase the range values by x1.8
-    me.navmap.setRange(me.RANGES[zoom].range);
@@ -112,9 +116,9 @@ var NavMapController =
           (me.RANGES[me.current_zoom].range <= layer.range) and
           (me.declutter <= layer.declutter)   )
-        me.navmap.MFDMap.getLayer(layer_name).setVisible(1);
       } else {
-        me.navmap.MFDMap.getLayer(layer_name).setVisible(0);
@@ -148,5 +152,58 @@ var NavMapController =
+  handleFMSInner : func(value) {
+    # This page has no use for the FMS knob, so we pass all such
+    # events to the pageGroupController which displays the page menu in the
+    # bottom right of the screen
+    return;
+  },
+  handleFMSOuter : func(value) {
+    # This page has no use for the FMS knob, so we pass all such
+    # events to the pageGroupController which displays the page menu in the
+    # bottom right of the screen
+    return;
+  },
+  RegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
+    if (transmitter == nil)
+      transmitter = emesary.GlobalTransmitter;
+    if (me._recipient == nil){
+      me._recipient ="NavMapController_" ~;
+      var pfd_obj =;
+      var controller = me;
+      me._recipient.Receive = func(notification)
+      {
+        if (notification.Device_Id == pfd_obj.device_id
+            and notification.NotificationType == notifications.PFDEventNotification.DefaultType) {
+          if (notification.Event_Id == notifications.PFDEventNotification.HardKeyPushed
+              and notification.EventParameter != nil)
+          {
+            var id = notification.EventParameter.Id;
+            var value = notification.EventParameter.Value;
+            #printf("Button pressed " ~ id ~ " " ~ value);
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_OUTER)  return controller.handleFMSOuter(value);
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_INNER)  return controller.handleFMSInner(value);
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.RANGE)      return controller.zoom(value);
+          }
+        }
+        return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
+      };
+    }
+    transmitter.Register(me._recipient);
+    me.transmitter = transmitter;
+  },
+  DeRegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
+      # remove registration from transmitter; but keep the recipient once it is created.
+      if (me.transmitter != nil)
+        me.transmitter.DeRegister(me._recipient);
+      me.transmitter = nil;
+  },
+  # Reset controller if required when the page is displayed or hidden
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me.RegisterWithEmesary();
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me.DeRegisterWithEmesary();
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirports.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirports.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9a88e451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirports.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# NearestAirports
+var NearestAirports =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "NRST - NEAREST AIRPORTS",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("NearestAirportsLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("NearestAirports", "NearestAirportsGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec1e2c56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# NearestAirports Controller
+var NearestAirportsController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestAirportsController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f540e86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestAirports Options
+var NearestAirportsOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [NearestAirportsOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8237f94fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirports/NearestAirportsStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestAirports Styles
+var NearestAirportsStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestAirportsStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspaces.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspaces.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a98a251a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspaces.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# NearestAirspaces
+var NearestAirspaces =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "NRST - NEAREST AIRSPACES",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("NearestAirspacesLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("NearestAirspaces", "NearestAirspacesGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef3d757f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# NearestAirspaces Controller
+var NearestAirspacesController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestAirspacesController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b35b28a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestAirspaces Options
+var NearestAirspacesOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [NearestAirspacesOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..021a211b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestAirspaces/NearestAirspacesStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestAirspaces Styles
+var NearestAirspacesStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestAirspacesStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequencies.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequencies.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66dfb2616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequencies.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# NearestFrequencies
+var NearestFrequencies =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "NRST - NEAREST FREQUENCIES",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("NearestFrequenciesLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("NearestFrequencies", "NearestFrequenciesGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da8f498da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# NearestFrequencies Controller
+var NearestFrequenciesController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestFrequenciesController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72249d8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestFrequencies Options
+var NearestFrequenciesOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [NearestFrequenciesOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90447bed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestFrequencies/NearestFrequenciesStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestFrequencies Styles
+var NearestFrequenciesStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestFrequenciesStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersections.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersections.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..528735a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersections.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# NearestIntersections
+var NearestIntersections =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("NearestIntersectionsLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("NearestIntersections", "NearestIntersectionsGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9036318d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# NearestIntersections Controller
+var NearestIntersectionsController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestIntersectionsController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbfabe9ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestIntersections Options
+var NearestIntersectionsOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [NearestIntersectionsOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cdb577fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestIntersections/NearestIntersectionsStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestIntersections Styles
+var NearestIntersectionsStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestIntersectionsStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDB.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDB.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bfd7b5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDB.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# NearestNDB
+var NearestNDB =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "NRST - NEAREST NDB",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("NearestNDBLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("NearestNDB", "NearestNDBGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..398f81406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# NearestNDB Controller
+var NearestNDBController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestNDBController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5334a4cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestNDB Options
+var NearestNDBOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [NearestNDBOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b59988c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestNDB/NearestNDBStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestNDB Styles
+var NearestNDBStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestNDBStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPT.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPT.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4b65b264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPT.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# NearestUserWPT
+var NearestUserWPT =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "NRST - NEAREST USER WPTS",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("NearestUserWPTLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("NearestUserWPT", "NearestUserWPTGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db81ba472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# NearestUserWPT Controller
+var NearestUserWPTController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestUserWPTController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..296ef2e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestUserWPT Options
+var NearestUserWPTOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [NearestUserWPTOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91c7c6674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestUserWPT/NearestUserWPTStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestUserWPT Styles
+var NearestUserWPTStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestUserWPTStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOR.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOR.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3be32294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOR.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# NearestVOR
+var NearestVOR =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "NRST - NEAREST VOR",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("NearestVORLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("NearestVOR", "NearestVORGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce5a4eac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# NearestVOR Controller
+var NearestVORController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestVORController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOROptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOROptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..602f1f7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVOROptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestVOR Options
+var NearestVOROptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [NearestVOROptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0010db73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/NearestVOR/NearestVORStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# NearestVOR Styles
+var NearestVORStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ NearestVORStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/PageGroupController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/PageGroupController.nas
index 5a25ea714..1bf407cd5 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/PageGroupController.nas
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/PageGroupController.nas
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ var PAGE_GROUPS = [
   { label: "MapPageGroupLabel",
           group: "MapPageGroup",
-          pages: [ "NavigationMap", "TrafficMap", "Stormscope", "WeatherDataLink", "TAWSB"],
+          pages: [ "NavMap", "TrafficMap", "Stormscope", "WeatherDataLink", "TAWSB"],
   { label: "WPTGroupLabel",
           group: "WPTPageGroup",
-          pages: [ "AirportInformation", "IntersectionInformation", "NDBInformation", "VORInformation", "UserWPTInformation"],
+          pages: [ "AirportInfo", "IntersectionInfo", "NDBInfo", "VORInfo", "UserWPTInfo"],
   { label: "AuxGroupLabel",
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var PAGE_GROUPS = [
   { label: "FPLGroupLabel",
           group: "FPLPageGroup",
-          pages: [ "ActiveFlightPlan", "FlightPlanCatalog", "StoredFlightPlan"],
+          pages: [ "ActiveFlightPlanWide", "FlightPlanCatalog", "StoredFlightPlan"],
   { label: "LstGroupLabel",
@@ -49,17 +49,14 @@ var PageGroupController =
     # List of pages to be controllers.  Keys are the pages in PAGE_GROUPS;
     obj._pageList = {};
-    # Timers to controll when to hide the menu after inactivity, and when to load
+    # Timers to control when to hide the menu after inactivity, and when to load
     # a new page.
-    obj._hideMenuTimer = maketimer(5, obj, obj.hideMenu);
+    obj._hideMenuTimer = maketimer(3, obj, obj.hideMenu);
     obj._hideMenuTimer.singleShot = 1;
     obj._loadPageTimer = maketimer(0.5, obj, obj.loadPage);
     obj._loadPageTimer.singleShot = 1;
-    # Emesary
-    obj._recipient = nil;
     return obj;
@@ -128,13 +125,13 @@ var PageGroupController =
     me._menuVisible = 1;
-    me._hideMenuTimer.restart(5);
+    me._hideMenuTimer.restart(3);
-  FMSOuter : func(val)
+  handleFMSOuter : func(val)
     if (me._menuVisible == 1) {
       # Change page group
@@ -143,9 +140,10 @@ var PageGroupController =
       me._selectedPage = 0;
+    return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
-  FMSInner : func(val)
+  handleFMSInner : func(val)
     if (me._menuVisible == 1) {
       # Change page group
@@ -153,43 +151,7 @@ var PageGroupController =
       me._selectedPage = math.mod(me._selectedPage + incr_or_decr, size(PAGE_GROUPS[me._selectedPageGroup].pages));
-  },
-  RegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
-    if (transmitter == nil)
-      transmitter = emesary.GlobalTransmitter;
+    return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_Finished;
-    if (me._recipient == nil){
-      me._recipient ="PageController_" ~ me._device.designation);
-      var pfd_obj = me._device;
-      var controller = me;
-      me._recipient.Receive = func(notification)
-      {
-        if (notification.Device_Id == pfd_obj.device_id
-            and notification.NotificationType == notifications.PFDEventNotification.DefaultType) {
-          if (notification.Event_Id == notifications.PFDEventNotification.HardKeyPushed
-              and notification.EventParameter != nil)
-          {
-            var id = notification.EventParameter.Id;
-            var value = notification.EventParameter.Value;
-            #printf("Button pressed " ~ id ~ " " ~ value);
-            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_OUTER) controller.FMSOuter(value);
-            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_INNER) controller.FMSInner(value);
-            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.RANGE)     { if (pfd_obj.current_page.controller.zoom != nil) pfd_obj.current_page.controller.zoom(value); }
-          }
-          return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_OK;
-        }
-        return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
-      };
-      transmitter.Register(me._recipient);
-      me.transmitter = transmitter;
-    }
-  DeRegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
-      # remove registration from transmitter; but keep the recipient once it is created.
-      if (me.transmitter != nil)
-        me.transmitter.DeRegister(me._recipient);
-      me.transmitter = nil;
-  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlan.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlan.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e876f0fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlan.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# StoredFlightPlan
+var StoredFlightPlan =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "FPL - STORED FLIGHT PLAN",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("StoredFlightPlanLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("StoredFlightPlan", "StoredFlightPlanGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec900e42b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# StoredFlightPlan Controller
+var StoredFlightPlanController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ StoredFlightPlanController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ceb6526c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# StoredFlightPlan Options
+var StoredFlightPlanOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [StoredFlightPlanOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f7858d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/StoredFlightPlan/StoredFlightPlanStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# StoredFlightPlan Styles
+var StoredFlightPlanStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ StoredFlightPlanStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/Stormscope.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/Stormscope.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7970ef55b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/Stormscope.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Stormscope
+var Stormscope =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "MAP - STORMSCOPE",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("StormscopeLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("Stormscope", "StormscopeGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2adfd6bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Stormscope Controller
+var StormscopeController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ StormscopeController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..116ee0169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Stormscope Options
+var StormscopeOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [StormscopeOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..982e1eb1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Stormscope/StormscopeStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Stormscope Styles
+var StormscopeStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ StormscopeStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatus.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatus.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fdb751b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatus.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# SystemStatus
+var SystemStatus =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "AUX - SYSTEM STATUS",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("SystemStatusLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("SystemStatus", "SystemStatusGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3dcf15cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# SystemStatus Controller
+var SystemStatusController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ SystemStatusController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a70840baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# SystemStatus Options
+var SystemStatusOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [SystemStatusOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05505d52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/SystemStatus/SystemStatusStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# SystemStatus Styles
+var SystemStatusStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ SystemStatusStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWS.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWS.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b6fa2cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWS.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+var TAWS =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "MAP - TAWS",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("TAWSLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("TAWS", "TAWSGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b024bb532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TAWS Controller
+var TAWSController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ TAWSController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2cafd352a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# TAWS Options
+var TAWSOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [TAWSOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55c54ffea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TAWS/TAWSStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# TAWS Styles
+var TAWSStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ TAWSStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Controller.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Controller.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17a9647b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Controller.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Template Controller
+var TemplateController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ TemplateController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Options.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Options.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a24dd023e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Options.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Template Options
+var TemplateOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [TemplateOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Styles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Styles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57f4b482c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/Styles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Template Styles
+var TemplateStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ TemplateStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/TemplatePage.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/TemplatePage.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..787b78c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TemplatePage/TemplatePage.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Template
+var Template =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "TemplateTitle",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("TemplateLayer"),
+      parents : [ Template, device.addPage("Template", "TemplateGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic text elements in the SVG file.  In the SVG these have an "AirportInfo" prefix.
+    var textelements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+      obj.symbols[element].setText("");
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMap.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMap.nas
index 3d9a07df5..0dc0c6e69 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMap.nas
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMap.nas
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
 var TrafficMap =
-  new : func (myCanvas, device, svg)
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
     var obj = {
+      title : "MAP - TRAFFIC MAP",
       _group : myCanvas.createGroup("TrafficMapLayer"),
       parents : [ TrafficMap, device.addPage("TrafficMap", "TrafficMapGroup") ]
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ var TrafficMap =
     obj.Options =;
     obj.mapgroup = obj._group.createChild("map");
     obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
     # Dynamic text elements
     obj.op_label = svg.getElementById("TrafficMapOpMode");
@@ -50,8 +52,8 @@ var TrafficMap =
     # Center the map's origin, modified to take into account the surround.
-      fg1000.MFD.MAP_CENTER.X,
-      fg1000.MFD.MAP_CENTER.Y
+      fg1000.MAP_FULL.CENTER.X,
+      fg1000.MAP_FULL.CENTER.Y
     var r = func(name,vis=1,zindex=nil) return caller(0)[0];
@@ -165,8 +167,11 @@ var TrafficMap =
       me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+    me.controller.offdisplay();
   ondisplay : func() {
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+    me.controller.ondisplay();
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMapController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMapController.nas
index c652cc81d..6b56b565a 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMapController.nas
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TrafficMap/TrafficMapController.nas
@@ -21,16 +21,19 @@ var TrafficMapController =
               {range: 12, inner_label: "4nm", outer_label: "12nm"} ],
-  new : func (trafficmap, svg)
+  new : func (page, svg)
     var obj = { parents : [ TrafficMapController ] };
     obj.range = 1;
     obj.alt = "NORMAL";
     obj.operating = 0;
     obj.flight_id = 0;
-    obj.trafficmap = trafficmap;
-    obj.trafficmap.setScreenRange(689/2.0);
+ = page;
+    # Emesary
+    obj._recipient = nil;
     return obj;
@@ -48,33 +51,33 @@ var TrafficMapController =
   setZoom : func(zoom) {
     if ((zoom < 0) or (zoom > (size(me.RANGES) - 1))) return;
     me.current_zoom = zoom;
-    me.trafficmap.setRange(
   setAlt : func(alt) {
     if (me.ALTS[alt] == nil) return;
-    me.trafficmap.alt_label.setText(me.ALTS[alt].label);
     me.alt = alt;
     # Update the TFC controller to filter out the correct targets
-    me.trafficmap.mapgroup.getLayer("TFC").options.ceiling_ft =  me.ALTS[alt].ceiling_ft;
-    me.trafficmap.mapgroup.getLayer("TFC").options.floor_ft =  me.ALTS[alt].floor_ft;
+"TFC").options.ceiling_ft =  me.ALTS[alt].ceiling_ft;
+"TFC").options.floor_ft =  me.ALTS[alt].floor_ft;
   setOperate : func(enabled) {
     if (enabled) {
-      me.trafficmap.op_label.setText("OPERATING");
-      me.trafficmap.setLayerVisible("TFC", 1);
+"TFC", 1);
       me.operating = 1;
     } else {
-      me.trafficmap.op_label.setText("STANDBY");
-      me.trafficmap.setLayerVisible("TFC", 0);
+"TFC", 0);
       me.operating = 0;
   setFlightID : func(enabled) {
     me.flight_id = enabled;
-    me.trafficmap.Options.setOption("TFC", "display_id", enabled);
+"TFC", "display_id", enabled);
   toggleFlightID : func() {
     me.setFlightID(! me.flight_id);
@@ -88,4 +91,59 @@ var TrafficMapController =
     if (me.flight_id == 1 and label == "FLT ID") return 1;
     return 0;
+  handleFMSInner : func(value) {
+    # This page has no use for the FMS knob, so we pass all such
+    # events to the pageGroupController which displays the page menu in the
+    # bottom right of the screen
+    return;
+  },
+  handleFMSOuter : func(value) {
+    # This page has no use for the FMS knob, so we pass all such
+    # events to the pageGroupController which displays the page menu in the
+    # bottom right of the screen
+    return;
+  },
+  RegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
+    if (transmitter == nil)
+      transmitter = emesary.GlobalTransmitter;
+    if (me._recipient == nil){
+      me._recipient ="TrafficMapController_" ~;
+      var pfd_obj =;
+      var controller = me;
+      me._recipient.Receive = func(notification)
+      {
+        if (notification.Device_Id == pfd_obj.device_id
+            and notification.NotificationType == notifications.PFDEventNotification.DefaultType) {
+          if (notification.Event_Id == notifications.PFDEventNotification.HardKeyPushed
+              and notification.EventParameter != nil)
+          {
+            var id = notification.EventParameter.Id;
+            var value = notification.EventParameter.Value;
+            #printf("Button pressed " ~ id ~ " " ~ value);
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_OUTER)  return controller.handleFMSOuter(value);
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_INNER)  return controller.handleFMSInner(value);
+            if (id == fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.RANGE)      return controller.zoom(value);
+          }
+        }
+        return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
+      };
+    }
+    transmitter.Register(me._recipient);
+    me.transmitter = transmitter;
+  },
+  DeRegisterWithEmesary : func(transmitter = nil){
+      # remove registration from transmitter; but keep the recipient once it is created.
+      if (me.transmitter != nil)
+        me.transmitter.DeRegister(me._recipient);
+      me.transmitter = nil;
+  },
+  # Reset controller if required when the page is displayed or hidden
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me.RegisterWithEmesary();
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me.DeRegisterWithEmesary();
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanning.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanning.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3da8870b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanning.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# TripPlanning
+var TripPlanning =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "AUX - TRIP PLANNING",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("TripPlanningLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("TripPlanning", "TripPlanningGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86bade2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TripPlanning Controller
+var TripPlanningController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ TripPlanningController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be8b954d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# TripPlanning Options
+var TripPlanningOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [TripPlanningOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..147484c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/TripPlanning/TripPlanningStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# TripPlanning Styles
+var TripPlanningStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ TripPlanningStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfo.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfo.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6e7d08df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfo.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# UserWPTInfo
+var UserWPTInfo =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "WPT - USER WPT INFORMATION",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("UserWPTInfoLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("UserWPTInfo", "UserWPTInfoGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d94d599fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# UserWPTInfo Controller
+var UserWPTInfoController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ UserWPTInfoController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15028332c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# UserWPTInfo Options
+var UserWPTInfoOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [UserWPTInfoOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0fb937060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/UserWPTInfo/UserWPTInfoStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# UserWPTInfo Styles
+var UserWPTInfoStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ UserWPTInfoStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/Utility.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/Utility.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fac7f5830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/Utility.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Utility
+var Utility =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "AUX - UTILITY",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("UtilityLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("Utility", "UtilityGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..463fd0730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Utility Controller
+var UtilityController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ UtilityController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ccf74b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Utility Options
+var UtilityOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [UtilityOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4abadc77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/Utility/UtilityStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Utility Styles
+var UtilityStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ UtilityStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfo.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfo.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..630b89e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfo.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# VORInfo
+var VORInfo =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "WPT - VOR INFORMATION",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("VORInfoLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("VORInfo", "VORInfoGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7c9b4eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# VORInfo Controller
+var VORInfoController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ VORInfoController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c8765473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# VORInfo Options
+var VORInfoOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [VORInfoOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf6d68880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/VORInfo/VORInfoStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# VORInfo Styles
+var VORInfoStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ VORInfoStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLink.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLink.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..347c31c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLink.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# WeatherDataLink
+var WeatherDataLink =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "MAP - WEATHER DATA LINK",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("WeatherDataLinkLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("WeatherDataLink", "WeatherDataLinkGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e99749b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# WeatherDataLink Controller
+var WeatherDataLinkController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ WeatherDataLinkController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..015131fd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# WeatherDataLink Options
+var WeatherDataLinkOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [WeatherDataLinkOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85ebc2fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/WeatherDataLink/WeatherDataLinkStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# WeatherDataLink Styles
+var WeatherDataLinkStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ WeatherDataLinkStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfo.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfo.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69a442bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfo.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# XMInfo
+var XMInfo =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "AUX - XM INFORMATION",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("XMInfoLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("XMInfo", "XMInfoGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..109a86a74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# XMInfo Controller
+var XMInfoController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ XMInfoController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40f52f9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# XMInfo Options
+var XMInfoOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [XMInfoOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4d0cf2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMInfo/XMInfoStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# XMInfo Styles
+var XMInfoStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ XMInfoStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadio.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadio.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..810498291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadio.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# XMRadio
+var XMRadio =
+  new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = {
+      title : "AUX - XM RADIO",
+      _group : myCanvas.createGroup("XMRadioLayer"),
+      parents : [ NavMap, device.addPage("XMRadio", "XMRadioGroup") ],
+      symbols : {},
+    };
+    obj.Styles =;
+    obj.Options =;
+    obj.device = device;
+    obj.mfd = mfd;
+    obj.controller =, svg);
+    # Dynamic elements
+    var elements = [
+    ];
+    foreach (var element; elements) {
+      obj.symbols[element] = svg.getElementById(element);
+    }
+    var topMenu = func(device, pg, menuitem) {
+      pg.clearMenu();
+      resetMenuColors(device);
+      device.updateMenus();
+    };
+    # Display map toggle softkeys which change color depending
+    # on whether a particular layer is enabled or not.
+    var display_toggle = func(device, svg, mi, layer) {
+      var bg_name = sprintf("SoftKey%d-bg",mi.menu_id);
+      if (obj.controller.isEnabled(layer)) {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+        svg.setColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      } else {
+        device.svg.getElementById(bg_name).setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        svg.setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+      svg.setText(mi.title);
+      svg.setVisible(1); # display function
+    };
+    # Function to undo any colors set by display_toggle when loading a new menu
+    var resetMenuColors = func(device) {
+      for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+        var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+        device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+      }
+    }
+    topMenu(device, obj, nil);
+    return obj;
+  },
+  offdisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(0);
+    # Reset the menu colours.  Shouldn't have to do this here, but
+    # there's not currently an obvious other location to do so.
+    for(var i = 0; i < 12; i +=1) {
+      var name = sprintf("SoftKey%d",i);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name ~ "-bg").setColorFill(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+      me.device.svg.getElementById(name).setColor(1.0,1.0,1.0);
+    }
+  },
+  ondisplay : func() {
+    me._group.setVisible(1);
+    me.mfd.setPageTitle(me.title);
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioController.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioController.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a84b239c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioController.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# XMRadio Controller
+var XMRadioController =
+  new : func (page, svg)
+  {
+    var obj = { parents : [ XMRadioController ] };
+    return obj;
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioOptions.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioOptions.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e24979793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioOptions.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# XMRadio Options
+var XMRadioOptions =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [XMRadioOptions] };
+    obj.Options= {};
+    obj.loadOptions();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getOption : func(type) {
+    return me.Options[type];
+  },
+  setOption : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Options[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadOptions : func() {
+    me.clearOptions();
+    me.Options.APS = {};
+  },
+  clearOptions : func() {
+    me.Options = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioStyles.nas b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioStyles.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c87bb6b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/XMRadio/XMRadioStyles.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# XMRadio Styles
+var XMRadioStyles =
+  new : func() {
+    var obj = { parents : [ XMRadioStyles ]};
+    obj.Styles = {};
+    obj.loadStyles();
+    return obj;
+  },
+  getStyle : func(type) {
+    return me.Styles[type];
+  },
+  setStyle : func(type, name, value) {
+    me.Styles[type][name] = value;
+  },
+  loadStyles : func() {
+    me. clearStyles();
+    me.Styles.XXX = {};
+  },
+  clearStyles : func() {
+    me.Styles = {};
+  },
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..584163af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my %pages = ("Stormscope" => "MAP - STORMSCOPE",
+"WeatherDataLink" => "MAP - WEATHER DATA LINK",
+"TAWS" => "MAP - TAWS",
+"AirportInfo" => "WPT - AIRPORT INFORMATION",
+"AirportDirectory" => "WPT - AIRPORT DIRECTORY",
+"AirportWeather" => "WPT - WEATHER INFORMATION",
+"IntersectionInfo" => "WPT - INTERSECTION INFORMATION",
+"TripPlanning" => "AUX - TRIP PLANNING",
+"Utility" => "AUX - UTILITY",
+"GPSStatus" => "AUX - GPS STATUS",
+"XMRadio" => "AUX - XM RADIO",
+"SystemStatus" => "AUX - SYSTEM STATUS",
+"ActiveFlightPlanWide" => "FPL - ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN",
+"ActiveFlightPlanNarrow" => "FPL - ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN",
+"FlightPlanCatalog" => "FPL - FLIGHT PLAN CATALOG",
+"StoredFlightPlan" => "FPL - STORED FLIGHT PLAN",
+"Checklist1" => "LST - CHECKLIST 1",
+"Checklist2" => "LST - CHECKLIST 2",
+"Checklist3" => "LST - CHECKLIST 3",
+"Checklist4" => "LST - CHECKLIST 4",
+"Checklist5" => "LST - CHECKLIST 5",
+"NearestAirports" => "NRST - NEAREST AIRPORTS",
+"NearestIntersections" => "NRST - NEAREST INTERSECTIONS",
+"NearestNDB" => "NRST - NEAREST NDB",
+"NearestVOR" => "NRST - NEAREST VOR",
+"NearestUserWPT" => "NRST - NEAREST USER WPTS",
+"NearestFrequencies" => "NRST - NEAREST FREQUENCIES",
+"NearestAirspaces" => "NRST - NEAREST AIRSPACES"
+foreach my $page (sort(keys(%pages))) {
+  my $pageTitle = $pages{$page};
+  #print "$page : $pageTitle\n";
+  if (! -d $page) { mkdir($page) };
+  chdir("~/FlightGear/fgdata/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/$page");
+  system("cp ./TemplatePage/TemplatePage.nas ${page}/${page}.nas");
+  system("cp ./TemplatePage/Options.nas ${page}/${page}Options.nas");
+  system("cp ./TemplatePage/Controller.nas ${page}/${page}Controller.nas");
+  system("cp ./TemplatePage/Styles.nas ${page}/${page}Styles.nas");
+  foreach my $f (glob("${page}/*.nas")) {
+    #print("Substituting on $f\n");
+    system("perl -pi -e \"s/TemplateTitle/$pageTitle/g\" $f");
+    system("perl -pi -e \"s/Template/$page/g\" $f");
+  }
+  #print("obj._pageGroupController.addPage(\"${page}\", fg1000.${page}.new(obj, myCanvas, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg));\n")
diff --git a/gui/dialogs/fg1000.xml b/gui/dialogs/fg1000.xml
index 41684afd8..4bd9e9611 100644
--- a/gui/dialogs/fg1000.xml
+++ b/gui/dialogs/fg1000.xml
@@ -418,6 +418,13 @@
                         } ));
+                        append(listeners, setlistener("/sim/gui/dialogs/fg1000/crsr-pressed", func(v) {
+                          var notification ="MFD", 1, notifications.PFDEventNotification.HardKeyPushed, { Id: fg1000.MFD.FASCIA.FMS_CRSR, Value: 1.0 });
+                          emesary.GlobalTransmitter.NotifyAll(notification);
+                        } ));
@@ -885,6 +892,11 @@
+                <binding>
+                  <command>property-assign</command>
+                  <property>/sim/gui/dialogs/fg1000/crsr-pressed</property>
+                  <value>1</value>
+                </binding>