Canvas widgets: style for Slider
Only horizontal mode for now, and not quite right visually, but usable enough to start with.
@ -84,6 +84,15 @@ var WidgetsFactoryDialog = {
m.tab_2.addItem(m.resize_button, 5);
m.tab_2.addItem(m.resize_button, 5);
m.numericControlsTab =;
m.tabs.addTab("ncTab", "Numeric Controls", m.numericControlsTab);
m.slider =, style,
{"max-value" : 100,
"page-step" : 20,
"tick-count" : 10})
return m;
return m;
@ -709,61 +709,87 @@ DefaultStyle.widgets.frame = {
# a horionztal or vertical slider, for selecting /
# a horizontal or vertical slider, for selecting /
# dragging over a numerical range
# dragging over a numerical range
DefaultStyle.widgets.slider = {
DefaultStyle.widgets.slider = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "slider");
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "slider");
me._createElement("bg", "image")
me._createElement("bg", "image")
.set("slice", "10 10");
.set("slice", "2 6");
me._createElement("thumb", "image")
me._createElement("fill", "image")
.set("slice", "10 10");
.set("slice", "2 6");
me._ticks = 0;
me._fillHeight = me._fill.imageSize()[1];
me._ticksPath = nil;
me._createElement("thumb", "image");
me._thumbSize = me._thumb.imageSize();
me._ticks = 0;
me._ticksPath = nil;
setNormValue: func(model, normValue)
setNormValue: func(model, normValue)
var (w, h) = model._size;
var (w, h) = model._size;
var availWidthPos = w - h; # pixel range the thumb can move over
var halfThumbWidth = me._thumbSize[0] * 0.5;
me._thumb.setTranslation(round(availWidthPos * normValue), 0);
var availWidthPos = w - me._thumbSize[0];
var thumbX = math.round(availWidthPos * normValue);
var thumbY = (h - me._thumbSize[1]) * 0.5;
me._thumb.setTranslation(thumbX - halfThumbWidth, thumbY);
me._fill.setSize(thumbX, me._fillHeight);
update: func(model)
update: func(model)
var direction = "horizontal";
# set background state
# set background state
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
file ~= "backdrop-";
file ~= "scale-" ~ direction ~ "-trough";
if( !model._enabled )
if( !model._enabled )
file ~= "-disabled";
file ~= "-disabled";
me._bg.set("src", file ~ ".png");
me._bg.set("src", file ~ ".png");
# fill state
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
file ~= "scale-" ~ direction ~ "-fill";
if( !model._enabled ) {
file ~= "-disabled";
} else {
me._fill.set("src", file ~ ".png");
# set thumb state
# set thumb state
file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
file ~= "button-"; # should we use a seperate thumb?
file ~= "slider-" ~ direction;
if( !model._enabled )
if( !model._enabled ) {
file ~= "-disabled";
file ~= "-disabled";
else if (model._down)
} else {
file ~= "-down";
if (model._down)
elsif (model._hover)
file ~= "-focused";
file ~= "-hovered";
if (model._hover)
file ~= "-hover";
me._thumb.set("src", file ~ ".png");
me._thumb.set("src", file ~ ".png");
# set thumb size
var (w, h) = model._size;
# fixme assumes horizonal for now
me._thumb.setSize(h, h);
# update the position as well, since other stuff
# update the position as well, since other stuff
# may have changed
# may have changed
me.setNormValue(model, model._normValue());
me.setNormValue(model, model._normValue());
setSize: func(model, w, h)
var fillTop = (h - me._fillHeight) * 0.5;
me._bg.setTranslation(0, fillTop);
me._fill.setTranslation(0, fillTop);
me._bg.setSize(w, me._fillHeight);
me.setNormValue(model, model._normValue());
updateRanges: func(minValue, maxValue, numTicks = 0)
updateRanges: func(minValue, maxValue, numTicks = 0)
if (me._ticks != numTicks) {
if (me._ticks != numTicks) {
@ -22,36 +22,62 @@ gui.widgets.Slider = {
# TODO : select where value is shown
# TODO : select where value is shown
# TODO : select where tick marks are shown
# TODO : select where tick marks are shown
if( style != nil ) {
m._setView( style.createWidget(parent, cfg.get("type", "slider"), cfg) );
m._setView( style.createWidget(parent, cfg.get("type", "slider"), cfg) );
m._view.updateRanges(m._minValue, m._maxValue, m._numTicks);
m._view.updateRanges(m._minValue, m._maxValue, m._numTicks);
return m;
return m;
setValue: func(val)
setValue: func(val)
me._value = val;
if( me._view != nil ) {
if( me._view != nil ) {
me._view.setNormValue(me, me._normValue());
return me;
return me;
setDown: func(down = 1)
if (me._down == down )
return me;
me._down = down;
return me;
# protected:
# protected:
_setView: func(view)
_setView: func(view)
call(gui.Widget._setView, [view], me);
call(gui.Widget._setView, [view], me);
# var el = view._root;
var el = view._root;
# el.addEventListener("mousedown", func if( me._enabled ) me.setDown(1));
el.addEventListener("mousedown", func if( me._enabled ) me.setDown(1));
# el.addEventListener("mouseup", func if( me._enabled ) me.setDown(0));
el.addEventListener("mouseup", func if( me._enabled ) me.setDown(0));
# el.addEventListener("click", func if( me._enabled ) me.toggle());
# el.addEventListener("click", func if( me._enabled ) me.toggle());
el.addEventListener("mouseleave",func me.setDown(0));
# el.addEventListener("mouseleave",func me.setDown(0));
view._thumb.addEventListener("drag", func(e) {
# el.addEventListener("drag", func(e) e.stopPropagation());
_dragThumb: func(event)
var vr = me._view._root;
var viewPosX = vr.canvasToLocal([event.clientX, event.clientY])[0];
var width = me._size[0];
if (viewPosX < 0) {
} elsif (viewPosX > width) {
} else {
var norm = viewPosX / width;
me.setValue(norm * ( me._maxValue - me._minValue));
# return value as its normalised equivalent
# return value as its normalised equivalent
After Width: | Height: | Size: 156 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 217 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 256 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 153 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 249 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 249 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 193 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 213 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 257 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 163 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 243 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 246 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 373 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 597 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 575 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 510 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 459 B |