diff --git a/Effects/skydome.eff b/Effects/skydome.eff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bfcc713b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Effects/skydome.eff
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  <name>Effects/skydome</name>
+  <parameters>
+    <mie><use>/sim/rendering/mie</use></mie>
+    <rayleigh><use>/sim/rendering/rayleigh</use></rayleigh>
+    <density><use>/sim/rendering/dome-density</use></density>
+  </parameters>
+  <technique n="8">
+    <predicate>
+      <and>
+        <property>/sim/rendering/shader-effects</property>
+        <property>/sim/rendering/scattering-shader</property>
+        <or>
+          <less-equal>
+            <value type="float">2.0</value>
+            <glversion/>
+          </less-equal>
+          <and>
+            <extension-supported>GL_ARB_shader_objects</extension-supported>
+            <extension-supported>GL_ARB_shading_language_100</extension-supported>
+            <extension-supported>GL_ARB_vertex_shader</extension-supported>
+            <extension-supported>GL_ARB_fragment_shader</extension-supported>
+          </and>
+        </or>
+      </and>
+    </predicate>
+    <pass>
+      <lighting>true</lighting>
+      <shade-model>smooth</shade-model>
+      <cull-face>back</cull-face>
+      <program>
+        <vertex-shader>Shaders/skydome.vert</vertex-shader>
+        <fragment-shader>Shaders/skydome.frag</fragment-shader>
+      </program>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>mK</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>mie</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>rK</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>rayleigh</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>density</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>density</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+    </pass>
+  </technique>
+  <!-- fall back without shaders -->
+  <technique n="11">
+    <pass>
+      <lighting>false</lighting>
+      <shade-model>smooth</shade-model>
+      <cull-face>back</cull-face>
+    </pass>
+  </technique>
diff --git a/Shaders/skydome.frag b/Shaders/skydome.frag
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a120eb2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Shaders/skydome.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#version 120
+// Atmospheric scattering shader for flightgear
+// Written by Lauri Peltonen (Zan)
+// Implementation of O'Neil's algorithm
+varying vec3 rayleigh;
+varying vec3 mie;
+varying vec3 eye;
+float miePhase(in float cosTheta, in float g)
+  float g2 = g*g;
+  float a = 1.5 * (1.0 - g2);
+  float b = (2.0 + g2);
+  float c = 1.0 + cosTheta*cosTheta;
+  float d = pow(1.0 + g2 - 2.0 * g * cosTheta, 0.6667);
+  return (a*c) / (b*d);
+float rayleighPhase(in float cosTheta)
+  //return 1.5 * (1.0 + cosTheta*cosTheta);
+  return 1.5 * (2.0 + 0.5*cosTheta*cosTheta);
+void main()
+  float cosTheta = dot(normalize(eye), gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz);
+  vec3 color = rayleigh * rayleighPhase(cosTheta);
+  color += mie * miePhase(cosTheta, -0.8);
+  gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
+  gl_FragDepth = 0.1;
diff --git a/Shaders/skydome.vert b/Shaders/skydome.vert
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..917aba508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Shaders/skydome.vert
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#version 120
+// Atmospheric scattering shader for flightgear
+// Written by Lauri Peltonen (Zan)
+// Implementation of O'Neil's algorithm
+uniform mat4 osg_ViewMatrix;
+uniform mat4 osg_ViewMatrixInverse;
+varying vec3 rayleigh;
+varying vec3 mie;
+varying vec3 eye;
+// Dome parameters from FG and screen
+const float domeSize = 80000.0;
+const float realDomeSize = 100000.0;
+const float groundRadius = 0.984503332 * domeSize;
+const float altitudeScale = domeSize - groundRadius;
+// Dome parameters when calculating scattering
+// Assuming dome size is 5.0
+const float groundLevel = 0.984503332 * 5.0;
+const float heightScale = (5.0 - groundLevel);
+// Integration parameters
+const int nSamples = 7;
+const float fSamples = float(nSamples);
+// Scattering parameters
+uniform float rK = 0.0003; //0.00015;
+uniform float mK = 0.003; //0.0025;
+uniform float density = 0.5; //1.0
+vec3 rayleighK = rK * vec3(5.602, 7.222, 19.644);
+vec3 mieK = vec3(mK);
+vec3 sunIntensity = 10.0*vec3(120.0, 125.0, 130.0);
+// Find intersections of ray to skydome
+// ray must be normalized
+// cheight is camera height
+float intersection (in float cheight, in vec3 ray, in float rad2)
+  float B = 2.0 * cheight*ray.y;
+  float C = cheight*cheight - rad2;  // 25.0 is skydome radius * radius
+  float fDet = max(0.0, B*B - 4.0 * C);
+  return 0.5 * (-B - sqrt(fDet));
+// Return the scale function at height = 0 for different thetas
+float outscatterscale(in float costheta)
+  float x = 1.0 - costheta;
+  float a = 1.16941;
+  float b = 0.618989;
+  float c = 6.34484;
+  float d = -31.4138;
+  float e = 75.3249;
+  float f = -80.1643;
+  float g = 32.2878;
+  return exp(a+x*(b+x*(c+x*(d+x*(e+x*(f+x*g))))));
+// Return the amount of outscatter for different heights and thetas
+// assuming view ray hits the skydome
+// height is 0 at ground level and 1 at space
+// Assuming average density of atmosphere is at 1/4 height
+// and atmosphere height is 100 km
+float outscatter(in float costheta, in float height)
+  return density * outscatterscale(costheta) * exp(-4.0 * height);
+void main()
+    // Make sure the dome is of a correct size
+    vec4 realVertex = gl_Vertex; //vec4(normalize(gl_Vertex.xyz) * domeSize, 1.0);
+    // Ground point (skydome center) in eye coordinates
+    vec4 groundPoint = gl_ModelViewMatrix * vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+    // Calculate altitude as the distance from skydome center to camera
+    // Make it so that 0.0 is ground level and 1.0 is 100km (space) level
+    float altitude = distance(groundPoint, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
+    float scaledAltitude = altitude / realDomeSize;
+    // Camera's position, z is up!
+    float cameraRealAltitude = groundLevel + heightScale*scaledAltitude;
+    vec3 camera = vec3(0.0, 0.0, cameraRealAltitude);
+    vec3 sample = 5.0 * realVertex.xyz / domeSize; // Sample is the dome vertex
+    vec3 relativePosition = camera - sample; // Relative position
+    // Find intersection of skydome and view ray
+    float space = intersection(cameraRealAltitude, -normalize(relativePosition), 25.0);
+    if(space > 0.0) {
+      // We are in space, calculate correct positiondelta!
+      relativePosition -= space * normalize(relativePosition);
+    }
+    vec3 positionDelta = relativePosition / fSamples;
+    float deltaLength = length(positionDelta); // Should multiply by something?
+    vec3 lightDirection = gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz;
+    // Cos theta of camera's position and sample point
+    // Since camera is 0,0,z, dot porduct is just the z coordinate
+    float cameraCosTheta;
+    // If sample is above camera, reverse ray direction
+    if(positionDelta.z < 0.0) cameraCosTheta = -positionDelta.z / deltaLength;
+    else cameraCosTheta = positionDelta.z / deltaLength;
+    // Total attenuation from camera to skydome
+    float totalCameraScatter = outscatter(cameraCosTheta, scaledAltitude);
+    // Do numerical integration of scsattering function from skydome to camera
+    vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
+    for(int i = 0; i < nSamples; i++) 
+    {
+      // Altitude of the sample point 0...1
+      float sampleAltitude = (length(sample) - groundLevel) / heightScale;
+      // Cosine between the angle of sample's up vector and sun
+      // Since lightDirection is in eye space, we must transform sample too
+      vec3 sampleUp = gl_NormalMatrix * normalize(sample);
+      float cosTheta = dot(sampleUp, lightDirection);
+      // Scattering from sky to sample point
+      float skyScatter = outscatter(cosTheta, sampleAltitude);
+      // Calculate the attenuation from this point to camera
+      // Again, reverse the direction if vertex is over the camera
+      float cameraScatter;
+      if(relativePosition.z < 0.0) {  // Vertex is over the camera
+        cameraCosTheta = -dot(normalize(positionDelta), normalize(sample));
+        cameraScatter = totalCameraScatter - outscatter(cameraCosTheta, sampleAltitude);
+      } else {  // Vertex is below camera
+        cameraCosTheta = dot(normalize(positionDelta), normalize(sample));
+        cameraScatter = outscatter(cameraCosTheta, sampleAltitude) - totalCameraScatter;
+      }
+      // Total attenuation
+      vec3 totalAttenuate = 4.0 * 3.14159 * (rayleighK + mieK) * (-skyScatter - cameraScatter);
+      vec3 inScatter = exp(totalAttenuate - sampleAltitude*4.0);
+      color += inScatter * deltaLength;
+      sample += positionDelta;
+    }
+    color *= sunIntensity;
+    rayleigh = rayleighK * color;
+    mie = mieK * color;
+    eye = gl_NormalMatrix * positionDelta;
+    // We need to move the camera so that the dome appears to be centered around earth
+    // to make the dome render correctly!
+    float moveDown = -altitude; // Center dome on camera
+    moveDown += groundRadius;
+    moveDown += scaledAltitude * altitudeScale; // And move correctly according to altitude
+    // Vertex transformed correctly so that at 100km we are at space border
+    vec4 finalVertex = realVertex - vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * moveDown;
+    // Transform
+    gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * finalVertex;
diff --git a/gui/dialogs/rendering.xml b/gui/dialogs/rendering.xml
index d266a1be5..fe6197cb1 100644
--- a/gui/dialogs/rendering.xml
+++ b/gui/dialogs/rendering.xml
@@ -1,74 +1,78 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
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-      </text>
-	  <text>
-        <halign>left</halign>
-	    <label>Snow is dependant on crop, landmass and urban shaders.</label>
-      </text>
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+				<halign>left</halign>
+				<label>"Material shaders" must be enabled for most options.</label>
+			</text>
+			<text>
+				<halign>left</halign>
+				<label>Snow is dependant on crop, landmass and urban shaders.</label>
+			</text>
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@@ -128,40 +132,40 @@
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-          <command>dialog-apply</command>
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-        <halign>left</halign>
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+					<command>dialog-apply</command>
+					<object-name>precipitation</object-name>
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+			</checkbox>
-	  <!--
+			<!--
@@ -174,47 +178,47 @@
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-        <halign>left</halign>
-        <label>Random objects (triggers scenery reload)</label>
-        <name>random-objects</name>
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-          <command>dialog-apply</command>
-          <object-name>random-objects</object-name>
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-        <binding>
-          <command>reinit</command>
-          <subsystem>tile-manager</subsystem>
-        </binding>
-      </checkbox>
+			<checkbox>
+				<halign>left</halign>
+				<label>Random objects (triggers scenery reload)</label>
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+				<binding>
+					<command>dialog-apply</command>
+					<object-name>random-objects</object-name>
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+				<binding>
+					<command>reinit</command>
+					<subsystem>tile-manager</subsystem>
+				</binding>
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-        <property>/sim/rendering/random-vegetation</property>
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+				<halign>left</halign>
+				<label>Random vegetation</label>
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+					<property>/sim/rendering/shader-effects</property>
+				</enable>
+				<property>/sim/rendering/random-vegetation</property>
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+			<!--
@@ -227,340 +231,473 @@
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-        </enable>
-        <property>/sim/rendering/clouds3d-enable</property>
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-          <command>dialog-apply</command>
-		  <object-name>3d-clouds</object-name>
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+				<halign>left</halign>
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+					<property>/sim/rendering/shader-effects</property>
+				</enable>
+				<property>/sim/rendering/clouds3d-enable</property>
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-			<object-name>cloud-density</object-name>
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-			<property>/sim/rendering/clouds3d-enable</property>
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-			  <property>/sim/rendering/clouds3d-enable</property>
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+							<property>/sim/rendering/clouds3d-enable</property>
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+						<object-name>cloud-density</object-name>
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+						<property>/sim/rendering/clouds3d-enable</property>
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-			  <property>/sim/rendering/clouds3d-enable</property>
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