diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/controls.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/controls.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b2d99b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/controls.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ float
+ /controls/flight/aileron
+ float
+ /controls/flight/elevator
+ float
+ /controls/flight/rudder
+ float
+ /controls/flight/aileron-trim
+ float
+ /controls/flight/elevator-trim
+ float
+ /controls/flight/rudder-trim
+ float
+ /controls/flight/flaps
+ float
+ /controls/flight/speedbrake
+ float
+ /controls/flight/spoilers
+ float
+ /controls/gear/brake-left
+ float
+ /controls/gear/brake-right
+ float
+ /controls/gear/copilot-brake-left
+ float
+ /controls/gear/copilot-brake-right
+ float
+ /controls/gear/brake-parking
+ bool
+ /controls/gear/gear-down
+ bool
+ /controls/switches/master-avionics
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-jet.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-jet.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09611bec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-jet.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ float
+ /systems/electrical/outputs/fuel-pump[%i]
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/starter
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/throttle
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/condition
+ bool
+ /engines/engine[%i]/running
+ bool
+ /engines/engine[%i]/cranking
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/rpm
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/n1
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/n2
+ float/engines/engine[%i]/thrust-lbs
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/egt-degf
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/epr
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/oil-pressure-psi
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-piston-prop.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-piston-prop.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef4ea2ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-piston-prop.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ float
+ /systems/electrical/outputs/fuel-pump[%i]
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/starter
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/master-bat
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/master-alt
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/throttle
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/mixture
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/propeller-pitch
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/condition
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/magnetos
+ bool
+ /engines/engine[%i]/running
+ bool
+ /engines/engine[%i]/cranking
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/rpm
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/fuel-flow-gph
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/fuel-px-psi
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/egt-degf
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/cht-degf
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/mp-osi
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/tit
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/oil-temperature-degf
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/oil-pressure-psi
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-turboprop.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-turboprop.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e99246b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-turboprop.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ float
+ /systems/electrical/outputs/fuel-pump[%i]
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/starter
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/master-bat
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/master-alt
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/throttle
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/mixture
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/propeller-pitch
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/condition
+ bool
+ /engines/engine[%i]/running
+ bool
+ /engines/engine[%i]/cranking
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/rpm
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/fuel-flow-gph
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/fuel-px-psi
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/egt-degf
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/cht-degf
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/mp-osi
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/tit
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/oil-temperature-degf
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/oil-pressure-psi
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/n1
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/n2
+ float/engines/engine[%i]/thrust-lbs
+ float
+ /engines/engine[%i]/epr
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/environment.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/environment.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eab533358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/environment.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ float
+ /environment/wind-speed-kt
+ float
+ /environment/wind-from-heading-deg
+ float
+ /environment/turbulence/magnitude-norm
+ float
+ /environment/temperature-degc
+ float
+ /environment/pressure-sea-level-inhg
+ float
+ /environment/magnetic-variation-deg
+ bool
+ /hazards/icing/wing
+ float
+ /environment/visibility-m
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/faults-engines.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/faults-engines.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af41fd223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/faults-engines.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ bool
+ /controls/flight/flaps-serviceable
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/faults/serviceable
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/faults/left-magneto-serviceable
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/faults/right-magneto-serviceable
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/faults/spark-plugs-serviceable
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/faults/oil-pressure-status
+ bool
+ /controls/engines/engine[%i]/faults/fuel-pump-serviceable
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/gear-fixed.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/gear-fixed.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a005a586c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/gear-fixed.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ float
+ /gear/gear[%i]/steering-norm
+ float
+ /gear/gear[%i]/compression-norm
+ bool
+ /gear/gear[%i]/wow
+ float
+ /gear/gear[%i]/rollspeed-ms
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/gear-retractable.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/gear-retractable.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..165fb81dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/gear-retractable.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ float
+ /gear/gear[%i]/position-norm
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/position.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/position.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..634143709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/position.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ double
+ angular-deg
+ /position/longitude-deg
+ double
+ angular-deg
+ /position/latitude-deg
+ double
+ /position/altitude-ft
+ double
+ /position/altitude-agl-ft
+ float
+ angular-deg
+ /orientation/roll-deg
+ float
+ angular-deg
+ /orientation/pitch-deg
+ float
+ angular-deg
+ /orientation/heading-deg
+ float
+ angular-deg
+ /orientation/alpha-deg
+ float
+ angular-rad
+ /orientation/side-slip-rad
+ float
+ angular-deg
+ /orientation/beta-deg
+ float
+ /orientation/roll-rate-degps
+ float
+ /orientation/pitch-rate-degps
+ float
+ /orientation/yaw-rate-degps
+ float
+ /velocities/airspeed-kt
+ float
+ /velocities/vertical-speed-fps
+ float
+ /velocities/speed-north-fps
+ float
+ /velocities/speed-east-fps
+ float
+ /velocities/speed-down-fps
+ float
+ /velocities/vBody-fps
+ float
+ /velocities/uBody-fps
+ float
+ /velocities/wBody-fps
+ float
+ /accelerations/pilot/x-accel-fps_sec
+ float
+ /accelerations/pilot/y-accel-fps_sec
+ float
+ /accelerations/pilot/z-accel-fps_sec
+ bool
+ /sim/alarms/stall-warning
+ float
+ /instrumentation/slip-skid-ball/indicated-slip-skid
+ float
+ /position/ground-elev-m
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/rotor.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/rotor.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7496421bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/rotor.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ float
+ roll-deg
+ angular-deg
+ float
+ rpm
+ float
+ stall
+ float
+ torque
+ float
+ yaw-deg
+ angular-deg
+ float
+ cone-deg
+ angular-deg
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/surfaces.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/surfaces.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92daeec95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/surfaces.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ float
+ /surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm
+ float
+ /surface-positions/elevator-trim-tab-pos-norm
+ float
+ /surface-positions/flap-pos-norm
+ float
+ /surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm
+ float
+ /surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm
+ float
+ /surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm
+ float
+ /surface-positions/speedbrake-pos-norm
+ float
+ /surface-positions/spoilers-pos-norm
+ float
+ /surface-positions/nose-wheel-pos-norm
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/tanks.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/tanks.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a423cf2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/tanks.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ float
+ /consumables/fuel/tank[%i]/level-gal_us
+ bool
+ /controls/fuel/tank[%i]/fuel_selector
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-glider.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-glider.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29ca92fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-glider.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ Generic Flight Recorder for Gliders (no engines/no tanks/single non-retractable gear)
+ 1
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine/throttle
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-helicopter.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-helicopter.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..297d7a74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-helicopter.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ Generic Flight Recorder for Helicopters
+ 2
+ /rotors/main
+ /rotors/tail
+ float
+ /controls/engines/engine/throttle
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-jet.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-jet.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76c555ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-jet.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ Generic Flight Recorder for Jets (2 jet engines/4 tanks/3 retractable gear)
+ 2
+ 2
+ 4
+ 3
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-piston-propeller-1.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-piston-propeller-1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e228ed6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-piston-propeller-1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ Generic Flight Recorder (1 piston engine/1 propeller/4 tanks/3 fixed gear)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-piston-propeller-4.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-piston-propeller-4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be7ee7cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-piston-propeller-4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ Generic Flight Recorder (4 piston engines/4 propellers/4 tanks/3 retractable gear)
+ 4
+ 4
+ 4
+ 3
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-turboprop-2.xml b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-turboprop-2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15f20eefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-turboprop-2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ Generic Flight Recorder (2 turboprop engines/2 propellers/4 tanks/3 retractable gear)
+ 2
+ 2
+ 4
+ 3
diff --git a/Docs/README.flightrecorder b/Docs/README.flightrecorder
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8a40ebe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Docs/README.flightrecorder
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+FlightGear Flight Recorder Mini-HOWTO
+Thorsten Brehm
+Started in August 2011
+Last revised: 2011-09-26
+FlightGear provides a customizable flight recorder capable of capturing
+any selection of properties described via XML configuration files.
+The recorder is currently used for the replay system.
+Feature Brief
+* Generic recording system, adaptable to any aircraft/data, provided that
+ data is accessible via the property tree. No hard-coded selections or
+ assumptions on properties to be recorded.
+* Configuration read from XML files or the property tree itself.
+* Interpolation method configurable per recorded/replayed signal.
+* Adaptable recording resolution per signal.
+* Multiple configurations supported.
+Quick Start: Basic Configuration
+To configure and adapt the flight recorder, add a "/sim/flight-recorder"
+section to your aircraft -set.xml file.
+ 0
+ My Aircraft's Flight Recorder
+ float
+ /controls/gear/nosegear-steering-cmd-norm
+ linear
+Default type for each signal is "float". Default "interpolation" method
+is "linear" (for float/double). Default values may be omitted. See
+configuration details below.
+Generic Configuration Files
+Select one of the default configuration files to specify the basic
+properties to be recorded. It's not recommended to specify all
+properties to be recorded individually.
+The following generic files are provided:
+* /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-piston-propeller-4.xml
+ Matches propeller aircraft with 4 piston engines, 4 tanks,
+ 3 retractable gear.
+ It is the same configuration that was hard-coded for the replay system
+ up to FlightGear 2.4.0. To provide backward compatibility this
+ configuration is loaded by default, unless an aircraft provides a
+ specific flight recorder configuration.
+* /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-piston-propeller-1.xml
+ Matches propeller aircraft with 1 piston engines, 2 tanks, 3 fixed
+ gear.
+* /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-turboprop-2.xml
+ Matches turboprop aircraft with 2 turbines/propellers, 4 tanks,
+ 3 retractable gear.
+* /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-jet.xml
+ Matches jet aircraft with 2 jet engines, 4 tanks.
+* /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-glider.xml
+ Matches gliders (no engines, no tanks, single fixed gear).
+* /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/generic-helicopter.xml
+ Matches helicopters with main and tail rotor (tested with YASim).
+If none of the generic files matches your aircraft, simply use a
+configuration which covers more than you need. Alternatively, copy the
+contents of one of these generic files to your aircraft, and adapt as
+needed (see below).
+FDM experts are welcome to add more generic configuration files to
+/Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder - such as YASim-/JSBSim-specific
+configurations, and configurations for other types of aircraft
+(balloons, airships, ...).
+Generic Components
+The generic configuration files in turn include a set of generic
+components. If you copy the contents of a generic file to your aircraft,
+you can adapt the components to your needs. See examples.
+It is not recommended to copy the contents of the _component_ files to
+an aircraft though (causes too much hassle and dependencies).
+Engine Selection:
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-jet.xml
+ Records properties of a single jet engine.
+ For multiple jet engines, use "count". Example for 4 jets:
+ 4
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/engine-piston.xml
+ Records properties of a single piston engine and propeller.
+ For multiple piston engines, use "count" (see "jet" example).
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/rotor.xml
+ Records properties of a single helicopter rotor (tested with YASim).
+ To use this, provide the base property path to the rotor as "prefix".
+ Example recording the rotor below "/rotors/main":
+ /rotors/main
+Gear Selection:
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/gear-fixed.xml
+ Records properties of a single non-retractable gear.
+ For multiple fixed gear, use "count" (see "jet" example).
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/gear-retractable.xml
+ Records properties of a single retractable gear.
+ For multiple retractable gear, use "count" (see "jet" example).
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/tanks.xml
+ Records properties of a single fuel tank.
+ For multiple fuel tanks, use "count" (see "jet" example).
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/surfaces.xml
+ Records properties of flight control surfaces. Include this
+ for aircraft (with wings). Not useful for helicopters,
+ balloons, ...
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/faults-engines.xml
+ Records fault properties of a single engine. Only include this
+ if your aircraft supports fault simulation.
+ For multiple engines, use "count" (see "jet" example). If used,
+ it should be compined with piston or jet engine.
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/environment.xml
+ Records properties of environment/weather (visibility,
+ temperature - but _not_ cloud position...).
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/position.xml
+ Records properties of a the aircrafts main position (latitude,
+ longitude, velocities, ...).
+ This is the most important component. Always include this.
+ * /Aircraft/Generic/flightrecorder/components/controls.xml
+ Records most important flight controls (rudder, aileron,
+ elevator, ...). Always include this.
+Custom Properties
+When the generic or component files are not be sufficient to record or
+replay aircraft-specific effects, you can add custom properties (signals
+to be recorded) to the configuration.
+Each signal consits of a recording type/resolution (which does _not_
+need to match the actual type in the property tree!), the path to the
+property and interpolation type.
+Example recording some additional custom properties:
+ float
+ /controls/gear/nosegear-steering-cmd-norm
+ double
+ rotational-deg
+ /ai/model/carrier/alpha-angle-deg
+ bool
+ /controls/panel/custom-switch
+Signal Configuration
+ bool
+ angular-deg
+ /controls/panel/custom-switch
+* type: The signal's type specifies the recording resolution - not the
+ type of the original property. The following types are supported:
+ - double: 8 byte/sample
+ - float: 4 byte/sample (default)
+ - int: 4 byte/sample, integer
+ - int16: 2 byte/sample, integer
+ - int8: 1 byte/sample, integer
+ - bool: 1 bit/sample (yes, 1 bit. 8 bools per byte).
+ String type is unsupported (too expensive).
+* interpolation: Specifies how values are interpolated during replay, i.e.
+ when replay is in slow-motion mode and more frames/second are required
+ than recorded, or when replaying data from the medium/long term memory.
+ Supported methods:
+ - discrete: No interpolation. Default for integer/bool types.
+ - linear: Standard linear interpolation. Default for float/double.
+ - angular-rad (or angular): Angular values in radians (0-2pi).
+ - angular-deg: Angular values in degrees (0-360).
+* property: Path to the property to be recorded.
+Advanced Configuration
+- Multipe recorder configurations for a single aircraft are supported
+ (multiple "" sections for n=0,1,...).
+ Active configuration to be used for the replay system is selected via
+ /sim/flight-recorder/replay-config (= 0,1,...).
+ This can be useful for specific recorders for specific scenarios,
+ which should not be used by default. For example, a specific recorder
+ configuration could be provided which also records the position of
+ an aircraft carrier, of other AI aircraft, ...
+ This may also be useful for future use, i.e. to select another flight
+ recorded configuration for a different purpose, such as for the
+ multiplayer system.
+- Flight recorder configuration can be adapted during run-time
+ (configuration is visible in the property browser below
+ /sim/flight-recorder). However it is necessary to reset (reinit) the
+ replay subsystem first - which also erases earlier recordings. It is
+ not possible to mix recordings of different configurations on to a
+ single "tape".
+- Each configuration should be given a name. Useful for a (future)
+ selection GUI, when multiple configurations are available.
+Optimizing Performance
+- Recording properties consumes memory and also CPU time. A few
+ additional properties don't matter much, but avoid execessive numbers.
+ Reduce the resolution (type) of signals to the minimum necessary to
+ save space.
+- Use "bool" types where possible, they are most efficient.
+- Avoid recording with "double" resolution (type "double"). Use "float"
+ instead - even if the original property in the property tree is a
+ "double" (almost all of them do). "float" precision is almost always
+ sufficient for recording/replay purposes, with few exceptions (like
+ latitude/longitude properties).
+- Use int16/int8 for "small" integer values.
+Recording/Replay Limits
+- All properties can be recorded, however, only writable properties can
+ be replayed. Properties marked as read-only, or tied properties not
+ implementing the "set" method cannot be replayed.
+- Replaying a property overwrites the property's value. However, other
+ sources may also write to the same property - such as Nasal code,
+ autopilot rules etc. When multiple sources "fight" over a property's
+ value then the last update "wins" - resulting in a dependency to an
+ unknown/random sequence. Hence, during deplay, try to disable other
+ sources writing to properties which were recorded and should be
+ replayed.
+ If the other source cannot be disabled, check if you're recording the
+ right property. It may be better to record the input properties of the
+ other source instead (i.e. the inputs processed by the Nasal or
+ autopilot rule).