From bc71bf297e532e97c45a2dd09c59f43d0fe7fcf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Harrison <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 08:46:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add Property / object update manager to props

Manage updates when a value has changed more than a predetermined amount. This makes updating displays (e.g. canvas), or performing actions based on a property (or value in a hash) changing by more than the preset amount.
 Nasal/props.nas | 222 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 222 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Nasal/props.nas b/Nasal/props.nas
index 6387b679f..8ff8bbfef 100644
--- a/Nasal/props.nas
+++ b/Nasal/props.nas
@@ -346,3 +346,225 @@ var runBinding = func(node, module = nil) {
     var cmd = node.getNode("command", 1).getValue() or "null";
     condition(node.getNode("condition")) ? fgcommand(cmd, node) : 0;
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Property / object update manager
+ #
+ # - Manage updates when a value has changed more than a predetermined amount.
+ #   This class is designed to make updating displays (e.g. canvas), or
+ #   performing actions based on a property (or value in a hash) changing
+ #   by more than the preset amount.
+ #   This can make a significant improvement to performance compared to simply
+ #   redrawing a canvas in an update loop.
+ # - Author       : Richard Harrison (
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#example usage:
+# this is using the hashlist (which works well with an Emesary notification)
+# basically when the method is called it will call each section (in the lambda)
+# when the value changes by more than the amount specified as the second parameter.
+# It is possible to reference multiple elements from the hashlist in each newFromHashList; if either
+# one changes then it will result in the lambda being called.
+#        obj.update_items = [
+#            UpdateManager.newFromHashList(["VV_x","VV_y"], 0.01, func(val)
+#                                      {
+#                                        obj.VV.setTranslation (val.VV_x, val.VV_y + pitch_offset);
+#                                      }),
+#            UpdateManager.newFromHashList(["pitch","roll"], 0.025, func(hdp)
+#                                      {
+#                                          obj.ladder.setTranslation (0.0, hdp.pitch * pitch_factor+pitch_offset);                                           
+#                                          obj.ladder.setCenter (118,830 - hdp.pitch * pitch_factor-pitch_offset);
+#                                          obj.ladder.setRotation (-hdp.roll_rad);
+#                                          obj.roll_pointer.setRotation (hdp.roll_rad);
+#                                      }),
+#            props.UpdateManager.FromProperty("velocities/airspeed-kt", 0.01, func(val)
+#                                      {
+#                                          obj.ias_range.setTranslation(0, val * ias_range_factor);
+#                                      }),
+#                            props.UpdateManager.FromPropertyHashList(["orientation/alpha-indicated-deg", "orientation/side-slip-deg"], 0.1, func(val)
+#                                                                     {
+#                                                                         obj.VV_x =["orientation/side-slip-deg"].getValue()*10; # adjust for view
+#                                                                         obj.VV_y =["orientation/alpha-indicated-deg"].getValue()*10; # adjust for view
+#                                                                         obj.VV.setTranslation (obj.VV_x, obj.VV_y);
+#                                                                     }),
+#           ]
+#==== the update loop then becomes ======
+#        foreach(var update_item; me.update_items)
+#        {
+#            # hdp is a data provider that can be used as the hashlist for the property
+#            # update from hash methods.
+#            update_item.update(hdp);
+#        }
+var UpdateManager =
+ _updateProperty : func(_property)
+ {
+ },
+    FromProperty : func(_propname, _delta, _changed_method)
+    {
+        var obj = {parents : [UpdateManager] };
+        obj.propname = _propname;
+ = props.globals.getNode(_propname);
+ = _delta;
+        obj.curval =;
+        obj.lastval = obj.curval;
+        obj.changed = _changed_method;
+        obj.update = func(obj)
+        {
+            me.curval =;
+            if (me.curval != nil)
+            {
+                me.localType =;
+                if (me.localType == "INT" or me.localType == "LONG" or me.localType == "FLOAT" or me.localType == "DOUBLE")
+                  {
+                      if(me.lastval == nil or math.abs(me.lastval - me.curval) >=
+                        {
+                            me.lastval = me.curval;
+                            me.changed(me.curval);
+                        }
+                  }
+                else if(me.lastval == nil or me.lastval != me.curval)
+                  {
+                      me.lastval = me.curval;
+                      me.changed(me.curval);
+                  }
+            }
+        };
+        obj.update(obj);
+        return obj;
+    },
+    IsNumeric : func(hashkey)
+    {
+        me.localType =[hashkey].getType();
+        if (me.localType == "UNSPECIFIED") {
+            print("UpdateManager: warning ",hashkey," is ",ty, " excluding from update");
+  [hashkey] = nil;
+        }
+        if (me.localType == "INT" or me.localType == "LONG" or me.localType == "FLOAT" or me.localType == "DOUBLE")
+          return 1;
+        else
+          return 0;
+    },
+    FromPropertyHashList : func(_keylist, _delta, _changed_method)
+    {
+        var obj = {parents : [UpdateManager] };
+        obj.hashkeylist = _keylist;
+ = _delta;
+        obj.lastval = {};
+        obj.hashkey = nil;
+        obj.changed = _changed_method;
+        obj.needs_update = 0;
+ = {};
+        obj.is_numeric = {};
+        foreach (hashkey; obj.hashkeylist) {
+  [hashkey] = props.globals.getNode(hashkey);
+            obj.lastval[hashkey] = nil;
+#            var ty =[hashkey].getType();
+#            if (ty == "INT" or ty == "LONG" or ty == "FLOAT" or ty == "DOUBLE") {
+#                obj.is_numeric[hashkey] = 1;
+#            } else
+#              obj.is_numeric[hashkey] = 0;
+#print("create: ", hashkey," ", ty, " isnum=",obj.is_numeric[hashkey]);
+#            if (ty == "UNSPECIFIED")
+#              print("UpdateManager: warning ",hashkey," is ",ty);
+        }
+        obj.update = func(obj)
+          {
+              if (me.lastval == nil)
+                  me.needs_update = 1;
+              else {
+                  me.needs_update = 0;
+                  foreach (hashkey; me.hashkeylist) {
+                      if ([hashkey] != nil) {
+                          me.valIsNumeric = me.IsNumeric(hashkey);
+                          if (me.lastval[hashkey] == nil
+                              or (me.valIsNumeric and (math.abs(me.lastval[hashkey] -[hashkey].getValue()) >=
+                              or (!me.valIsNumeric and (me.lastval[hashkey] !=[hashkey].getValue()))) {
+                              me.needs_update = 1;
+                              break;
+                          }
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+              if (me.needs_update) {
+                  me.changed(me);
+                  foreach (hashkey; me.hashkeylist) {
+                      me.lastval[hashkey] =[hashkey].getValue();
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+        ;
+        return obj;
+    },
+    FromHashValue : func(_key, _delta, _changed_method)
+    {
+        var obj = {parents : [UpdateManager] };
+        obj.hashkey = _key;
+ = _delta;
+        obj.isnum = _delta != nil;
+        obj.curval = nil;
+        obj.lastval = nil;
+        obj.changed = _changed_method;
+        obj.update = func(obj)
+          {
+              me.curval = obj[me.hashkey];
+              if (me.curval != nil) {
+                  if (me.isnum) {
+                      me.curval = num(me.curval);
+                      if (me.lastval == nil or math.abs(me.lastval - me.curval) >= {
+                          me.lastval = me.curval;
+                          me.changed(me.curval);
+                      }
+                  } else {
+                      if (me.lastval == nil or me.lastval != me.curval) {
+                          me.lastval = me.curval;
+                          me.changed(me.curval);
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+        ;
+        return obj;
+    },
+    FromHashList : func(_keylist, _delta, _changed_method)
+    {
+        var obj = {parents : [UpdateManager] };
+        obj.hashkeylist = _keylist;
+ = _delta;
+        obj.lastval = {};
+        obj.hashkey = nil;
+        obj.changed = _changed_method;
+        obj.needs_update = 0;
+        obj.update = func(obj)
+          {
+              if (me.lastval == nil)
+                me.needs_update = 1;
+              else
+                me.needs_update = 0;
+              if (obj != nil or me.lastval == nil) {
+                  foreach (hashkey; me.hashkeylist) {
+                      if (me.lastval[hashkey] == nil or math.abs(me.lastval[hashkey] - obj[hashkey]) >= {
+                          me.needs_update = 1;
+                          break;
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+              if (me.needs_update) {
+                  me.changed(obj);
+                  foreach (hashkey; me.hashkeylist) {
+                      me.lastval[hashkey] = obj[hashkey];
+                  }
+              }
+          };
+        return obj;
+    },