From b53010ba701980c0d96ee2256865bbd162d2e5d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thorsten Renk <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2017 12:13:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] As per mailing list discussion, clean up legacy AI scenarios:
 tankers (obsoleted by Nasal-driven tanker) and weather (obsoleted by AW
 thermals and thunderstorms)

 AI/bigstorm_demo.xml    |  39 --------
 AI/refueling_demo.xml   |  69 -------------
 AI/refueling_demo_1.xml |  52 ----------
 AI/refueling_demo_2.xml |  52 ----------
 AI/thermal_demo.xml     | 216 ----------------------------------------
 5 files changed, 428 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 AI/bigstorm_demo.xml
 delete mode 100644 AI/refueling_demo.xml
 delete mode 100644 AI/refueling_demo_1.xml
 delete mode 100644 AI/refueling_demo_2.xml
 delete mode 100644 AI/thermal_demo.xml

diff --git a/AI/bigstorm_demo.xml b/AI/bigstorm_demo.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fbd86113..000000000
--- a/AI/bigstorm_demo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <scenario>
-  <name>Thunderstorm (San Francisco)</name>
-  <description>
-     This scenario puts a thunderstorm with lightning and 
-     turbulence over San Francisco at 5000 feet MSL.  The 
-     "bottom" of the thunderstorm is at 5000 feet, with parts
-     extending above and rain below it.  The storm is moving
-     on a true heading of 100 degrees, at a ground speed of
-     25 knots.
-     The AI thunderstorm contains a cylindrical zone of
-     turbulence, with a diameter set by &lt;diameter-ft&gt;, a top set
-     by &lt;height-msl&gt;, a bottom equal to &lt;altitude&gt; minus 1000
-     feet, and a strength set by &lt;strength-norm&gt;.  It does not
-     interact with terrain. 
-     Dave Culp, davidculp2 at 
-  </description>
-  <entry>
-   <type>thunderstorm</type>
-   <model>Models/Weather/bigstorm.xml</model>
-   <latitude>37.7</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.5</longitude>
-   <speed>25.0</speed>
-   <altitude>5000.0</altitude>
-   <heading>100.0</heading>
-   <diameter-ft>21048.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>38000.0</height-msl>
-   <strength-norm>1.0</strength-norm>
-  </entry>
- </scenario>
diff --git a/AI/refueling_demo.xml b/AI/refueling_demo.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 474747e82..000000000
--- a/AI/refueling_demo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-	<scenario>
-		<description>
-			The following scenario puts an aerial tanker in orbit over
-			KSFO at 3000 ft AGL. The tanker uses the 737 model,
-			but you can use any model (a KC-135 model can be
-			found at:
-			The center of the orbit is actually west of KSFO, and the
-			eastern edge of the orbit passes over the airport.  Note
-			that AI aircraft do not react to wind, therefore your speed
-			and bank angle will have to vary along the orbit since
-			your "user" aircraft *does* react to the wind.
-			I recommend using the T-38 as your airplane for four
-			reasons: (1) it has a radar screen which may be needed
-			to find the tanker;  (2) it has the speed to catch the
-			tanker; (3) it uses a JSBSim FDM, which means it can
-			onload fuel; (4) it has a green light added to the
-			instrument panel, between the fuel gauges, which comes
-			on when you are in the refueling envelope.
-			Right now the air refueling envelope is very loose, and I
-			plan on tightening it up in the future.  Currently no
-			aerodynamic effects of refueling are modeled
-			(i.e downwash, bow wave, vortices).
-			Dave Culp,  davidculp2 at
-		</description>
-		<entry>
-			<name>Tanker-1</name>
-			<callsign>ESSO2</callsign>
-			<type>tanker</type>
-			<class>tanker</class>
-			<TACAN-channel-ID>041X</TACAN-channel-ID>
-			<model>Models/Geometry/KC135/KC135.xml</model>
-			<latitude>37.61633</latitude>
-			<longitude>-122.38334</longitude>
-			<altitude>3000</altitude>
-			<heading>020</heading>
-			<speed>280</speed>
-			<roll>-15</roll>
-		</entry>
-		<entry>
-			<name>Wingman-Tanking</name>
-			<type>wingman</type>
-			<model>AI/Aircraft/f16/Models/f16-Wingman.xml</model>
-			<life>-1</life>
-			<repeat>false</repeat>
-			<count>1</count>
-			<x-offset>-74.65</x-offset>
-			<y-offset>0</y-offset>
-			<z-offset>-18.3</z-offset>
-			<yaw-offset>0</yaw-offset>
-			<pitch-offset>0</pitch-offset>
-			<roll-offset>0</roll-offset>
-			<formate>true</formate>
-			<parent>Tanker-1</parent>
-		</entry>
-	</scenario>
diff --git a/AI/refueling_demo_1.xml b/AI/refueling_demo_1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3cfad69..000000000
--- a/AI/refueling_demo_1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-	<scenario>
-		<description>
-			The following scenario puts an aerial tanker in a N/S
-			towline starting over KSFO at 8000 ft AGL. The tanker
-			uses the KC-135 model, but you can use any model.
-			Note that AI aircraft do not react to wind, therefore your
-			speed and bank angle will have to vary along the orbit
-			since your "user" aircraft *does* react to the wind.
-			I recommend using the T-38 as your airplane for four
-			reasons: (1) it has a radar screen which may be needed
-			to find the tanker;  (2) it has the speed to catch the
-			tanker; (3) it uses a JSBSim FDM, which means it can
-			onload fuel; (4) it has a green light added to the
-			instrument panel, between the fuel gauges, which comes
-			on when you are in the refueling envelope.
-			The A4F also has a refueling capabilty using
-			YASim, with a green light in the fuel level gauge.
-			It also has a nav-display which can be set to
-			display the A/A TACAN position of the channel
-			listed below.
-			Right now the air refueling envelope is very loose, and I
-			plan on tightening it up in the future.  Currently no
-			aerodynamic effects of refueling are modeled
-			(i.e downwash, bow wave, vortices).
-			Dave Culp,  davidculp2 at
-		</description>
-		<entry>
-			<callsign>ESSO1</callsign>
-			<TACAN-channel-ID>040X</TACAN-channel-ID>
-			<type>tanker</type>
-			<class>tanker</class>
-			<model>Models/Geometry/KC135/KC135.xml</model>
-			<!--   <model>AI/Aircraft/KA6-D/KA6-D.xml</model>-->
-			<flightplan>tanker_racetrack.xml</flightplan>
-			<name>ESSO 1</name>
-			<repeat>1</repeat>
-		</entry>
-	</scenario>
diff --git a/AI/refueling_demo_2.xml b/AI/refueling_demo_2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 807ccdf25..000000000
--- a/AI/refueling_demo_2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-	<scenario>
-		<description>
-			The following scenario puts an aerial tanker in a N/S
-			towline starting over KSFO at 8000 ft AGL. The tanker
-			uses the KC-135 model, but you can use any model.
-			Note that AI aircraft do not react to wind, therefore your
-			speed and bank angle will have to vary along the orbit
-			since your "user" aircraft *does* react to the wind.
-			I recommend using the T-38 as your airplane for four
-			reasons: (1) it has a radar screen which may be needed
-			to find the tanker;  (2) it has the speed to catch the
-			tanker; (3) it uses a JSBSim FDM, which means it can
-			onload fuel; (4) it has a green light added to the
-			instrument panel, between the fuel gauges, which comes
-			on when you are in the refueling envelope.
-			The A4F also has a refueling capabilty using
-			YASim, with a green light in the fuel level gauge.
-			It also has a nav-display which can be set to
-			display the A/A TACAN position of the channel
-			listed below.
-			Right now the air refueling envelope is very loose, and I
-			plan on tightening it up in the future.  Currently no
-			aerodynamic effects of refueling are modeled
-			(i.e downwash, bow wave, vortices).
-			Dave Culp,  davidculp2 at
-		</description>
-		<entry>
-			<callsign>TEXACO1</callsign>
-			<TACAN-channel-ID>050X</TACAN-channel-ID>
-			<type>tanker</type>
-			<class>tanker</class>
-			<!--   <model>AI/Aircraft/KC135/KC135.xml</model>  -->
-			<model>Models/Geometry/KA6-D/KA6-D.xml</model>
-			<flightplan>tanker_racetrack_2.xml</flightplan>
-			<name>TEXACO 1</name>
-			<repeat>1</repeat>
-		</entry>
-	</scenario>
diff --git a/AI/thermal_demo.xml b/AI/thermal_demo.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16861bbee..000000000
--- a/AI/thermal_demo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <scenario>
-  <name>Thermals above KSFO (San Francisco)</name>
-  <description>
-     The &lt;height&gt; tag defines the upper limit of the thermal.
-     AI thermals have some limitations, i.e. they don't lean
-     downwind, they are only cylindrical in shape, they don't
-     interact with the terrain or weather. They work with JSBSim and
-     YASim. Try using the sgs233 model or the Bocian for a good
-     demonstration.
-     Dave Culp, davidculp2 at
-     updated by Heiko Schulz,
-  </description>
-<!-- ########################################## -->
-<!-- THERMALS                                   -->
-<!-- ########################################## -->
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  tower at KSFO -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.61633</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.38334</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  Oracle campus -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.531</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.2639</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  Stadium (Candlestick Park) -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.7157</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.3838</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  Downtown San Francisco -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.79</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.397</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  West San Francisco -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.757</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.478</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  KOAK -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.72021</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.21745</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  Oakland Shipyards -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.80577</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.30173</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.4112</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.09064</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.4269</latitude>
-   <longitude>-121.9278</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.55953</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.03683</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>13.49</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>4800.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.5715</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.33306</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>6</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>10000.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/thermalcap.xml</model>
-  </entry>
-<!-- ########################################## -->
-<!-- SINKS                                      -->
-<!-- ########################################## -->
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.6036</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.3477</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>-5</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>10000.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.6971</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.37445</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>-5</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>10000.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.794041</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.36</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>-5</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>10000.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.47733</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.0978</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>-5</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>10000.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.6768</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.29464</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>-5</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>10000.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/</model>
-  </entry>
-  <entry>
-   <!-- Location:  ? -->
-   <type>thermal</type>
-   <latitude>37.6368</latitude>
-   <longitude>-122.1859</longitude>
-   <strength-fps>-5</strength-fps>
-   <diameter-ft>10000.0</diameter-ft>
-   <height-msl>6000</height-msl>
-   <model>Models/Geometry/</model>
-  </entry>
- </scenario>