diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/747.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/747.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62a537172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft-yasim/747.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+<airplane mass="400000">
+<!-- Approach configuration -->
+<approach speed="130" aoa="9">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="0.5"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" value="0.5"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="1.0"/>
+<!-- Cruise configuration -->
+<cruise speed="487" alt="41000">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="0.0"/>
+<cockpit x="-5.42" y="1.81" z="15.06"/>
+<fuselage ax="0" ay="0" az="0" bx="-69.86" by="0.00" bz="2.41" width="6"/>
+<wing x="-26.50" y="3.01" z="-1.45" length="33.72" chord="13.25" sweep="33"
+      taper=".27" dihedral="7" camber="0.1">
+  <stall aoa="15" width="2" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end=".56" lift="1.8" drag="3"/>
+  <flap1 start=".64" end=".88" lift="1.3" drag="1.5"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" output="FLAP0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/aileron" output="FLAP1" split="true"/>
+<hstab x="-62.63" y="1.81" z="1.81" chord="8.43" length="10.84" taper=".29"
+       sweep="28" dihedral="7" effectiveness="1">
+  <stall aoa="15" width="2" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="2.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/elevator" output="FLAP0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/elevator-trim" output="FLAP0"/>
+<vstab x="-62.63" y="0.00" z="3.61" chord="12.04" length="12.04" taper="0.3"
+       sweep="33" effectiveness="1">
+  <stall aoa="15" width="2" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.2" drag="1.3"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
+<jet x="-34.93" y="16.26"  z="-1.20" mass="8000" thrust="60000">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" output="THROTTLE"/>
+<jet x="-26.50" y="12.65"  z="-2.41" mass="8000" thrust="60000">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" output="THROTTLE"/>
+<jet x="-26.50" y="-12.65" z="-2.41" mass="8000" thrust="60000">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" output="THROTTLE"/>
+<jet x="-34.93" y="-16.26" z="-1.20" mass="8000" thrust="60000">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" output="THROTTLE"/>
+<gear x="-5.42"  y="0.00" z="-5.42" retract-time="7" compression="2"> <!-- nose -->
+  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="STEER" square="true"/>
+<gear x="-29.15" y="5.42" z="-5.42" retract-time="7" compression="2"> <!-- fwd left main -->
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[0]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<gear x="-31.32" y="1.81" z="-5.42" retract-time="7" compression="2"> <!-- rear left main -->
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[0]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<gear x="-31.32" y="-1.81" z="-5.42" retract-time="7" compression="2"> <!-- rear right main -->
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[1]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<gear x="-29.15" y="-5.42" z="-5.42" retract-time="7" compression="2"> <!-- fwd right main -->
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[1]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<tank x="-26.50" y="0" z="-1.45" jet="true" capacity="128000"/>
+<tank x="-30.10" y="8" z="-1.45" jet="true" capacity="128000"/>
+<tank x="-30.10" y="-8" z="-1.45" jet="true" capacity="128000"/>
+<ballast x="-6"  y="0" z="2.4" mass="40000"/> <!-- hump -->
+<ballast x="-12" y="0" z="2.4" mass="40000"/> <!-- hump -->
+<ballast x="-18" y="0" z="2.4" mass="40000"/> <!-- hump -->
+<ballast x="-24" y="0" z="2.4" mass="40000"/> <!-- hump -->
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/X15set.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/X15set.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27f163a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft-yasim/X15set.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+X15 simulation config. This files ties together all the components
+used by FGFS to represent the X15. Components include the flight data 
+model, instrument panel, and external 3D model.
+3D models can be downloaded from http://home.t-online.de/home/Wolfram.Kuss/
+October 23 2001 John Check, fgpanels@rockfish.net
+<!-- these are the three main components -->
+ <sim>
+  <flight-model>jsb</flight-model>
+  <aircraft>X15</aircraft>
+  <sound>false</sound>
+  <panel>
+   <path>Aircraft/X15/Panels/X15-panel.xml</path>
+  </panel>
+  <!-- gear up -->
+  <model>
+   <path>Aircraft/X15/Models/X15_flight.ac</path>
+  </model> 
+  <!-- gear down -->
+  <model_2>
+   <path>Aircraft/X15/Models/X15_landing.ac</path>
+  </model_2> 
+ </sim>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/a4.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/a4.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33b80c87d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft-yasim/a4.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+<airplane mass="10250">
+<!-- Approach configuration -->
+<approach speed="120" aoa="16.5">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="0.5"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="1.0"/>
+<!-- Cruise configuration -->
+<cruise speed="517" alt="34000">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="0.0"/>
+<cockpit x="-2.9" y="0.0" z="1.0"/>
+<fuselage ax="0" ay="0" az="0" bx="-12.2" by="0" bz=".64" width="1.47"/>
+<wing x="-6.4" y=".55" z="0" taper=".186"
+      length="4.04" chord="3.95" sweep="28" dihedral="0" camber="0.1">
+  <stall aoa="25" width="10" peak="1.3"/>
+  <flap0 start="0.0" end="0.5" lift="1.5" drag="2.0"/>
+  <flap1 start="0.5" end="1.0" lift="1.15" drag="1.3"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" output="FLAP0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/aileron" output="FLAP1" split="true"/>
+<hstab x="-11.01" y="0" z="1.38" taper=".3" effectiveness="2"
+       length="2.02" chord="2.02" sweep="26">
+  <stall aoa="25" width="10" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.7" drag="2.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/elevator" output="FLAP0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/elevator-trim" output="FLAP0"/>
+<vstab x="-11.01" y="0" z="1.38" taper=".176"
+       length="2.57" chord="3.11" sweep="28">
+  <stall aoa="25" width="10" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.15" drag="1.3"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
+<!-- NOTE: Skyhawks do NOT have afterburners.  This one does for
+     testing purposes only -->
+<jet x="-5.0" y="0" z=".44" mass="2050" thrust="10250" afterburner="16500">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" output="THROTTLE"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/afterburner[0]" output="REHEAT"/>
+<!-- nose -->
+<gear x="-2.29" y="0" z="-1.93" retract-time="7" compression=".96">
+  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="STEER" square="true"/>
+<!-- left main -->
+<gear x="-7" y="1.19" z="-1.56" retract-time="7" compression=".78">
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[0]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<!-- right main -->
+<gear x="-7" y="-1.19" z="-1.56" retract-time="7" compression=".78">
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[1]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<!-- A4-M had 800 gallons of in-fuselage fuel capacity in three tanks,
+     one in each wing and one behind the cockpit. TA-4F had "only" 100
+     gallons in the fuselage due to the second seat, so the wings must
+     have 0-350 gallons each.  Call the tanks 260/280/260 gallons, and
+     use 6.72 lbs/gal for Jet-A fuel. -->
+<tank x="-5.50" y="0" z="0.5" jet="true" capacity="1880"/>
+<tank x="-6.0" y="1" z="0" jet="true" capacity="1750"/>
+<tank x="-6.0" y="-1" z="0" jet="true" capacity="1750"/>
+<ballast x="-1.5" y="0" z="1" mass="650"/> <!-- cockpit -->
+<ballast x="-3.0" y="0" z="1" mass="650"/> <!-- cockpit -->
+<ballast x="-11.01" y="0" z="1.38" mass="-300"/> <!-- lighten the tail -->
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/c172.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/c172.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe8c05d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft-yasim/c172.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<airplane mass="1950">
+<!-- Approach configuration -->
+<approach speed="40" aoa="16">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="0.3"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/mixture[0]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="1.0"/>
+<!-- Cruise configuration -->
+<cruise speed="115" alt="8000">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/mixture[0]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="0.0"/>
+<cockpit x="-1.88" y=".33" z="0.6"/>
+<fuselage ax="-.17" ay="0" az="-.51" bx="-7.16" by="0" bz=".17" width="1"/>
+<!-- Extra fuselage to handle the "bulge" at the front -->
+<fuselage ax="-1.36" ay="0" az=".17" bx="-4.09" by="0" bz=".17" width="1"/>
+<wing x="-2.47" y=".51" z=".68" taper=".78"
+      length="5.37" chord="1.54" sweep="0" dihedral="0" camber="0.1">
+  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end=".38" lift="1.6" drag="2.0"/>
+  <flap1 start=".78" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.6"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" output="FLAP0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/aileron" output="FLAP1" split="true"/>
+<hstab x="-7.16" y="0.08" z=".17" taper=".63" effectiveness="2"
+       length="1.71" chord="1.36" sweep="0">
+  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.6" drag="1.8"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/elevator" output="FLAP0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/elevator-trim" output="FLAP0"/>
+<vstab x="-7.16" y="0" z=".17" taper=".5" effectiveness="3"
+       length="1.71" chord="1.54" sweep="20">
+  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.5"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="FLAP0" invert="true" square="true"/>
+<propeller radius="1.0"
+	   cruise-speed="86" cruise-rpm="2200"
+           cruise-alt="10000" cruise-power="99"
+           takeoff-power="180" takeoff-rpm="2500"
+           eng-power="180" eng-rpm="2500"
+           x="-.6" y="0" z="0" mass="400" moment="11">
+  <actionpt x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" output="THROTTLE"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/mixture[0]" output="MIXTURE"/>
+<gear x="-1" y="0" z="-1.5" compression=".4"> <!-- nose -->
+  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="STEER"/>
+<gear x="-2.73" y="1.15" z="-1.36" compression=".3"> <!-- left main -->
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[0]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<gear x="-2.73" y="-1.15" z="-1.36" compression=".3"> <!-- left main -->
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[1]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<tank x="-2.47" y="1.36" z=".68" capacity="75"/> 
+<tank x="-2.47" y="-1.36" z=".68" capacity="75"/> 
+<ballast x="-2.0" y=".33" z="0" mass="180"/> <!-- pilot -->
+<ballast x="-2.0" y="-.33" z="0" mass="180"/> <!-- passenger -->
+<ballast x="-1.0" y="-.33" z="0" mass="200"/> <!-- cockpit -->
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/c310.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/c310.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d365e851f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft-yasim/c310.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+<airplane mass="3903">
+<approach speed="70" aoa="16">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="0.4"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" value="0.4"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/mixture[0]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/mixture[1]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/propellor-pitch[0]" value="0.5"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/propellor-pitch[1]" value="0.5"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="1.0"/>
+<cruise speed="223" alt="20000">
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/mixture[0]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/mixture[1]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/propellor-pitch[0]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/propellor-pitch[1]" value="1.0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" value="0.0"/>
+<cockpit x="-2.78" y="0.26" z="0.95"/>
+<fuselage ax="0.00"  ay="0" az="0"
+          bx="-9.50" by="0" bz="0" width="0.8"/>
+<wing x="-3.65" y="0.62" z="-0.18" length ="4.68" chord ="1.68"
+      sweep="0" dihedral="5" taper="0.8" camber="0.1">
+  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end=".5" lift="1.5" drag="2.0"/>
+  <flap1 start=".55" end=".94" lift="1.3" drag="1.5"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/flaps" output="FLAP0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/aileron" output="FLAP1" split="true"/>
+<hstab x="-8.33" y="0.22" z="0.07" length ="2.34" chord ="1.24"
+       sweep="0" dihedral="0" taper="0.6" camber="0.1">
+  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.8"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/elevator" output="FLAP0"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/elevator-trim" output="FLAP0"/>
+<vstab x="-8.26" y="0.00" z="0.26" length ="2.16" chord ="1.61"
+       sweep="36" taper="0.5">
+  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
+  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.5"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="FLAP0" invert="true" square="true"/>
+<!-- Late model 310's had 50 gallon tip tanks, and 31.5 gallon wing
+     tanks.  Some also had nacelle tanks, but those aren't modeled
+     here -->
+<tank x="-3.62" y="5.30" z="0.44" capacity="300"/>
+<tank x="-3.62" y="1.02" z="-0.15" capacity="189"/>
+<tank x="-3.62" y="-1.02" z="-0.15" capacity="189"/>
+<tank x="-3.62" y="-5.30" z="0.44" capacity="300"/>
+<gear x="0.00" y="0.00" z="-1.35" compression=".5" retract-time="7">
+  <control axis="/controls/rudder" output="STEER"/>
+<gear x="-4.02" y="1.32" z="-1.35" compression=".5" retract-time="7">
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[0]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<gear x="-4.02" y="-1.32" z="-1.35" compression=".5" retract-time="7">
+  <control axis="/controls/brakes[1]" output="BRAKE"/>
+<propeller x="-2.56" y="1.83" z="0.07"
+           mass="800" moment="20" radius="1.0"
+           eng-power="285" eng-rpm="2700"
+           turbo-mul="2" wastegate-mp="40"
+           cruise-power="157" cruise-speed="195"
+           cruise-rpm="2100" cruise-alt="20000"
+           min-rpm="1600" max-rpm="2700">
+  <actionpt x="-1.53" y="1.83" z="0.07"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[0]" output="THROTTLE"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/mixture[0]" output="MIXTURE"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/propellor-pitch[0]" output="ADVANCE"/>
+<propeller x="-2.56" y="-1.83" z="0.07"
+           mass="800" moment="20" radius="1.0"
+           eng-power="285" eng-rpm="2700"
+           turbo-mul="2" wastegate-mp="40"
+           cruise-power="157" cruise-speed="195"
+           cruise-rpm="2100" cruise-alt="10000"
+           min-rpm="1600" max-rpm="2700">
+  <actionpt x="-1.53" y="-1.83" z="0.07"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/throttle[1]" output="THROTTLE"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/mixture[1]" output="MIXTURE"/>
+  <control axis="/controls/propellor-pitch[1]" output="ADVANCE"/>
+<ballast x="-2.78" y="0.26" z="0.0" mass="180"/> <!-- pilot -->
+<ballast x="-8.5" y="0" z="0" mass="-150"/>
+<ballast x="-7" y="0" z="0" mass="-300"/>
+<weight x="-4.24" y="0" z="0" mass-prop="/yasim/c310/passenger-lbs"/>
\ No newline at end of file