diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/c172-tutorial.xml b/Aircraft/c172p/c172-tutorial.xml
index 4b09c9f06..4a76bd485 100644
--- a/Aircraft/c172p/c172-tutorial.xml
+++ b/Aircraft/c172p/c172-tutorial.xml
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Take-off and climb out at 600fpm (about 70 kts), continuing on the runway headin
-      <instruction>Release the parking brakes, smoothly apply full power and start your take-off.</instruction>
+      <message>Release the parking brakes, smoothly apply full power and start your take-off.</message>
         <message>Apply full throttle for take-off.</message>
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Take-off and climb out at 600fpm (about 70 kts), continuing on the runway headin
-      <instruction>Stay on the center-line of the runway using the rudder.</instruction>
+      <message>Stay on the center-line of the runway using the rudder.</message>
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Take-off and climb out at 600fpm (about 70 kts), continuing on the runway headin
-      <instruction>Rotate at 65 knots and climb straight out on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute.</instruction>
+      <message>Rotate at 65 knots and climb straight out on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute.</message>
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Take-off and climb out at 600fpm (about 70 kts), continuing on the runway headin
-      <instruction>Continue your climb on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute to 1000 feet.</instruction>
+      <message>Continue your climb on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute to 1000 feet.</message>
         <message>Your climb angle is too shallow - raise the nose slightly to increase your climb rate.</message>
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ Take-off and climb out at 600fpm (about 70 kts), continuing on the runway headin
-      <instruction>Level off at between 1000 and 1100 feet.</instruction>
+      <message>Level off at between 1000 and 1100 feet.</message>
         <message>You are too low</message>
@@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ You start the tutorial cruising at around 1000ft and 90kts. To begin your descen
-      <instruction>Reduce throttle to 50%. Apply one degree of flaps.
+      <message>Reduce throttle to 50%. Apply one degree of flaps.
                    Start your descent, staying lined up with the runway a hands-width above the glare-shield.
                    You are aiming to descend at around 500 feet per minute and 80 knots.
-      </instruction>
+      </message>
         <message>You are going too fast. Reduce power and pitch up to reduce your airspeed to 80 knots.</message>
@@ -310,10 +310,10 @@ You start the tutorial cruising at around 1000ft and 90kts. To begin your descen
-      <instruction>Let down the second step of flaps and use the VASI to check your descent rate.
+      <message>Let down the second step of flaps and use the VASI to check your descent rate.
                    White - too high. Red - too low, Red and white - just right.
                    Use throttle to control your descent rate rather than attitude.
-     </instruction>
+     </message>
@@ -325,9 +325,9 @@ You start the tutorial cruising at around 1000ft and 90kts. To begin your descen
-      <instruction>Let down your final set of flaps and continue to follow the VASI glideslope.
+      <message>Let down your final set of flaps and continue to follow the VASI glideslope.
                    Stay lined up with the middle of the runway.
-      </instruction>
+      </message>
@@ -339,9 +339,9 @@ You start the tutorial cruising at around 1000ft and 90kts. To begin your descen
-      <instruction>Reduce power to idle. When you are about 10 feet above the ground,
+      <message>Reduce power to idle. When you are about 10 feet above the ground,
                    smoothly bring the nose up so it is level with the horizon.
-      </instruction>
+      </message>
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ You start the tutorial cruising at around 1000ft and 90kts. To begin your descen
-      <instruction>Keep tracking straight down the runway and let the aircraft land on the main gear.</instruction>
+      <message>Keep tracking straight down the runway and let the aircraft land on the main gear.</message>
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ You start the tutorial cruising at around 1000ft and 90kts. To begin your descen
-      <instruction>Lower the nose wheel, continue to track down the runway and gently brake to a stop.</instruction>
+      <message>Lower the nose wheel, continue to track down the runway and gently brake to a stop.</message>
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Release the parking brakes, smoothly apply full power and start your take-off.</instruction>
+      <message>Release the parking brakes, smoothly apply full power and start your take-off.</message>
         <message>Apply full throttle for take-off</message>
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Stay on the center-line of the runway using the rudder.</instruction>
+      <message>Stay on the center-line of the runway using the rudder.</message>
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Take-off at 65 knots and climb straight out on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute (about 70 knots).</instruction>
+      <message>Take-off at 65 knots and climb straight out on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute (about 70 knots).</message>
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Continue your climb on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute to 500 feet.</instruction>
+      <message>Continue your climb on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute to 500 feet.</message>
         <message>Your climb angle is too shallow - raise the nose slightly to increase your climb rate.</message>
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Make a left turn to crosswind (heading 030) and continue climbing to 1000 feet.</instruction>
+      <message>Make a left turn to crosswind (heading 030) and continue climbing to 1000 feet.</message>
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Level off at 1000 feet and make another left turn to downwind (heading 300).</instruction>
+      <message>Level off at 1000 feet and make another left turn to downwind (heading 300).</message>
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Reduce power to 60%, and trim for level flight. Continue flying parallel to the runway.</instruction>
+      <message>Reduce power to 60%, and trim for level flight. Continue flying parallel to the runway.</message>
         <message>You are heading too far left, Turn right slightly to heading 300.</message>
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>You are now opposite the end of the runway. Reduce power to 50%, set flaps to 10.</instruction>
+      <message>You are now opposite the end of the runway. Reduce power to 50%, set flaps to 10.</message>
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Let the aircraft descend and slow. Continue flying a heading of 300.</instruction>
+      <message>Let the aircraft descend and slow. Continue flying a heading of 300.</message>
         <message>You are heading too far left, Turn right slightly to heading 300.</message>
@@ -715,8 +715,8 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Turn left to base (heading 210), and set flaps to 20.
-                   Continue to descend at around 500 feet per minute.</instruction>
+      <message>Turn left to base (heading 210), and set flaps to 20.
+                   Continue to descend at around 500 feet per minute.</message>
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Turn onto final (heading 120), and line up with the runway.</instruction>
+      <message>Turn onto final (heading 120), and line up with the runway.</message>
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Set flaps to 30. Control your descent rate using the throttle.</instruction>
+      <message>Set flaps to 30. Control your descent rate using the throttle.</message>
@@ -762,8 +762,8 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Reduce power to idle. When you are about 10 feet above the ground,
-                   smoothly bring the nose up so it is just above the horizon.</instruction>
+      <message>Reduce power to idle. When you are about 10 feet above the ground,
+                   smoothly bring the nose up so it is just above the horizon.</message>
@@ -775,8 +775,8 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Keep tracking straight down the runway using the rudder
-                   and let the aircraft land on the main gear.</instruction>
+      <message>Keep tracking straight down the runway using the rudder
+                   and let the aircraft land on the main gear.</message>
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are t
-      <instruction>Lower the nose wheel, continue to track down the runway and gently brake to a stop.</instruction>
+      <message>Lower the nose wheel, continue to track down the runway and gently brake to a stop.</message>
@@ -867,11 +867,11 @@ Both KSFO (San Francisco International) and KHAF (Half Moon Bay) are within glid
-      <instruction>We're happily cruising along, enjoying an evenings flight.</instruction>
+      <message>We're happily cruising along, enjoying an evenings flight.</message>
-      <instruction>Engine failure! Engine failure! Trim for a best glide speed of 90 knots.</instruction>
+      <message>Engine failure! Engine failure! Trim for a best glide speed of 90 knots.</message>
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ Both KSFO (San Francisco International) and KHAF (Half Moon Bay) are within glid
-      <instruction>Now look around and choose an airport, or emergency landing site. Stay at 90 knots.</instruction>
+      <message>Now look around and choose an airport, or emergency landing site. Stay at 90 knots.</message>
@@ -925,8 +925,8 @@ Both KSFO (San Francisco International) and KHAF (Half Moon Bay) are within glid
-      <instruction>Start maneuvering towards your chosen emergency landing spot,
-                   keeping your speed at 90 knots IAS.</instruction>
+      <message>Start maneuvering towards your chosen emergency landing spot,
+                   keeping your speed at 90 knots IAS.</message>
@@ -962,8 +962,8 @@ Both KSFO (San Francisco International) and KHAF (Half Moon Bay) are within glid
-      <instruction>At this point we would radio an emergency/mayday.
-                   Remember - Aviate, Navigate, Communicate - in that order.</instruction>
+      <message>At this point we would radio an emergency/mayday.
+                   Remember - Aviate, Navigate, Communicate - in that order.</message>
@@ -999,8 +999,8 @@ Both KSFO (San Francisco International) and KHAF (Half Moon Bay) are within glid
-      <instruction>Continue flying towards your emergency landing spot.
-                   If we had the spare capacity, we might attempt to restart the engine at this point.</instruction>
+      <message>Continue flying towards your emergency landing spot.
+                   If we had the spare capacity, we might attempt to restart the engine at this point.</message>
         <message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
                  Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ Both KSFO (San Francisco International) and KHAF (Half Moon Bay) are within glid
-      <instruction>Stay a 90 knots for maximum glide. Only use flaps once the runway is "made".</instruction>
+      <message>Stay a 90 knots for maximum glide. Only use flaps once the runway is "made".</message>
         <message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
                  Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>