diff --git a/Effects/bowwave.eff b/Effects/bowwave.eff
index ecd7db865..7af277295 100644
--- a/Effects/bowwave.eff
+++ b/Effects/bowwave.eff
@@ -88,10 +88,14 @@
-		<rendering-hint>transparent</rendering-hint>
+		<rendering-hint>transparent</rendering-hint>
+		<transparent>true</transparent>
+		<render-bin>
+			<bin-number type="int">6</bin-number>
+			<bin-name>DepthSortedBin</bin-name>
+		</render-bin>
 		<!-- 	fog include -->
@@ -527,14 +531,14 @@
-			<!--<render-bin>
+			<render-bin>
-			</render-bin>-->
+			</render-bin>
diff --git a/Effects/model-combined.eff b/Effects/model-combined.eff
index 1c0f609d4..cc4b069ab 100644
--- a/Effects/model-combined.eff
+++ b/Effects/model-combined.eff
@@ -91,8 +91,13 @@ please see Docs/README.model-combined.eff for documentation
 <!-- END Reflection -->
 		<!-- 		Dirt -->
 		<dirt-enabled type="int">0</dirt-enabled>
-		<dirt-color type="vec3d">0.0 0.0 0.0</dirt-color>
-		<dirt-factor type="float">0.0</dirt-factor>
+		<dirt-multi type="int">0</dirt-multi>
+		<dirt-color type="vec3d" n="0">0.0 0.0 0.0</dirt-color>
+		<dirt-factor type="float" n="0">0.0</dirt-factor>
+		<dirt-color type="vec3d" n="1">0.0 0.0 0.0</dirt-color>
+		<dirt-factor type="float" n="1">0.0</dirt-factor>
+		<dirt-color type="vec3d" n="2">0.0 0.0 0.0</dirt-color>
+		<dirt-factor type="float" n="2">0.0</dirt-factor>
 		<!-- ambient correction -->
 		<ambient-correction type="float">0.05</ambient-correction>
 <!-- 		quality slider -->
@@ -602,20 +607,61 @@ please see Docs/README.model-combined.eff for documentation
-				<name>dirt_color</name>
-				<type>float-vec3</type>
+				<name>dirt_multi</name>
+				<type>int</type>
-					<use>dirt-color</use>
+					<use>dirt-multi</use>
-				<name>dirt_factor</name>
-				<type>float</type>
+				<name>dirt_r_color</name>
+				<type>float-vec3</type>
-					<use>dirt-factor</use>
+					<use>dirt-color[0]</use>
+			<uniform>
+				<name>dirt_r_factor</name>
+				<type>float</type>
+				<value>
+					<use>dirt-factor[0]</use>
+				</value>
+			</uniform>
+			<uniform>
+				<name>dirt_g_color</name>
+				<type>float-vec3</type>
+				<value>
+					<use>dirt-color[1]</use>
+				</value>
+			</uniform>
+			<uniform>
+				<name>dirt_g_factor</name>
+				<type>float</type>
+				<value>
+					<use>dirt-factor[1]</use>
+				</value>
+			</uniform>
+			<uniform>
+				<name>dirt_b_color</name>
+				<type>float-vec3</type>
+				<value>
+					<use>dirt-color[2]</use>
+				</value>
+			</uniform>
+			<uniform>
+				<name>dirt_b_factor</name>
+				<type>float</type>
+				<value>
+					<use>dirt-factor[2]</use>
+				</value>
+			</uniform>
 			<!-- set the amount of ambient light correction 0.0 - 1.0  -->
diff --git a/Shaders/ubershader.frag b/Shaders/ubershader.frag
index fb966290b..31d3b989b 100644
--- a/Shaders/ubershader.frag
+++ b/Shaders/ubershader.frag
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ uniform int lightmap_enabled;
 uniform int lightmap_multi;
 uniform int shader_qual;
 uniform int dirt_enabled;
+uniform int dirt_multi;
 uniform float lightmap_r_factor;
 uniform float lightmap_g_factor;
@@ -42,14 +43,18 @@ uniform float refl_fresnel;
 uniform float refl_rainbow;
 uniform float refl_noise;
 uniform float amb_correction;
-uniform float dirt_factor;
+uniform float dirt_r_factor;
+uniform float dirt_g_factor;
+uniform float dirt_b_factor;
 uniform vec3 lightmap_r_color;
 uniform vec3 lightmap_g_color;
 uniform vec3 lightmap_b_color;
 uniform vec3 lightmap_a_color;
-uniform vec3 dirt_color;
+uniform vec3 dirt_r_color;
+uniform vec3 dirt_g_color;
+uniform vec3 dirt_b_color;
 ///fog include//////////////////////
 uniform int fogType;
@@ -151,10 +156,17 @@ void main (void)
 //begin DIRT
 	if (dirt_enabled > 0.0){
-		vec3  dirtColor = dirt_color * noisevec.rgb;
-		float dirtFactor = reflmap.r * dirt_factor;
-		      dirtFactor = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, dirtFactor);
-		fragColor.rgb = mix(fragColor.rgb, dirtColor, dirtFactor);
+		float dirtFactorR = reflmap.r * dirt_r_factor;
+		      dirtFactorR = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, dirtFactorR);
+		fragColor.rgb = mix(fragColor.rgb, dirt_r_color, dirtFactorR);
+		if (dirt_multi > 0) {
+			float dirtFactorG = reflmap.g * dirt_g_factor;
+			float dirtFactorB = reflmap.b * dirt_b_factor;
+			dirtFactorG = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, dirtFactorG);
+			dirtFactorB = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, dirtFactorB);
+			fragColor.rgb = mix(fragColor.rgb, dirt_g_color, dirtFactorG);
+			fragColor.rgb = mix(fragColor.rgb, dirt_b_color, dirtFactorB);
+		}
 //END Dirt