Fork 0

Split up tutorials into separate files, and add new tutorials for the c172p.

This commit is contained in:
stuart 2008-12-31 16:25:45 +00:00
parent aff4cacf70
commit 997cbfc50a
12 changed files with 2198 additions and 1046 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,10 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
<name>Setting the Altimeter</name>
The Altimeter on an aircraft works using air pressure. This varies due to weather conditions, so the altimeter must be set regularly to a known value.
Having the correct altimeter setting is important. As well as helping pilots to avoid any high terrain, it means that aircraft can be separated by altitude and not hit each other. This is particular important in busy airspace.
The source of this altimeter setting varies. At high altitudes, a standard pressure is used. At lower levels, and area setting is used, and around airports, the current airport setting is used.
This tutorial will teach you how to set the altimeter based on the ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) for Livermore Municipal airport.
<value>Fair weather</value>
<message>In this lesson, you'll learn how to set the altimeter to the Livermore ATIS. I've already
set the radio to the correct frequency - 119.65 MHz</message>
<message>Listen to the ATIS message. If you cannot hear it, check the Sound Configuration item in the File menu.</message>
<message>The ATIS message said the altimeter setting was 29.97.
We can set this using Equipment->Instrument Settings, or we can adjust
the altimeter so that the altimeter matches the altitude of Livermore - 380ft.
<message>To adjust the altimeter directly, use the knob on the bottom left. Click on the right
to increase the altitude, and left to decrease. Use the left mouse button to make small adjustments, and
the right button to make large adjustments.
<message>Set the altimeter to 380 feet, or the pressure setting to 29.97 inHG.</message>
<message>That's too low. Increase the altimeter setting or altitude.</message>
<message>That's too high. Decrease the altimeter setting or altitude.</message>
<message>If you set the pressure setting directly, you can double-check you've set the correct
value by checking the current altitude.</message>

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<tutorial include="startup.xml"/>
<tutorial include="taxiing.xml"/>
<tutorial include="radios.xml"/>
<tutorial include="altimeter.xml"/>
<tutorial include="takeoff.xml"/>
<tutorial include="landing.xml"/>
<tutorial include="pattern.xml"/>
<tutorial include="engine-failure.xml"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
<name>Engine Failure</name>
<description>Engine failure is very rare in flight simulators, but a risk in real life.
The tutorial starts with you cruising at 3500ft over the hills of San Francisco. A total engine failure will occur, with no possibility of restart - black smoke, chunks of metal pushed out of the cowling.
Glide the aircraft to the nearest airport and make a successful emergency landing. You must manage your altitude and fly a normal pattern from "abeam the numbers". Don't deploy flaps until you have the runway "made".
The Cessna 172 glides at a ratio of 10:1 at a best glide speed of 90kts IAS. The glide ratio assumes no flaps and a "windmilling" propeller. If you fly any faster or slower, or have flaps deployed, the glide rate will be worse.
Both KSFO (San Francisco International) and KHAF (Half Moon Bay) are within glide distance. In real life, you would opt for the larger of the two airports, but for an extra challenge, try to land at KHAF.
<value>Fair weather</value>
<message>We're happily cruising along, enjoying an evenings flight.</message>
<message>Engine failure! Engine failure! Trim for a best glide speed of 90 knots.</message>
<message>Now look around and choose an airport, or emergency landing site. Stay at 90 knots.</message>
<message>You are too slow. You need to fly at 90 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
<message>You are too fast. You need to fly at 90 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
<message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>
<message>Start maneuvering towards your chosen emergency landing spot,
keeping your speed at 90 knots IAS.</message>
<message>You are too slow. You need to fly at 90 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
<message>You are too fast. You need to fly at 90 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
<message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>
<message>At this point we would radio an emergency/mayday.
Remember - Aviate, Navigate, Communicate - in that order.</message>
<message>You are too slow. You need to fly at 90 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
<message>You are too fast. You need to fly at 90 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
<message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>
<message>Continue flying towards your emergency landing spot.
If we had the spare capacity, we might attempt to restart the engine at this point.</message>
<message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>
<message>Stay a 90 knots for maximum glide. Only use flaps once the runway is "made".</message>
<message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>
<message>Assuming the aircraft is upright and you landed on a runway,
you walked away from a total engine failure - well done!</message>

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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
<name>Straight-in Landing</name>
<description>Landings are not optional...
Land the aircraft from an altitude of 1000ft on runway 30 at KHAF on a calm morning.
Unlike normal flight, when landing you use power alone to control descent rate. The runway should stay in the same position throughout the descent - about a third of the distance above the glare-shield.
KHAF has a VASI to the left of runway 30, a series of lights designed to help you judge your approach. Simply put, the VASI will display red lights if you are descending too fast (indicating that you need to increase power), and white lights if you are too high (indicating that you need to decrease power). If you are descending at the right angle, you will see 3 red lights and 3 white.
You start the tutorial cruising at around 1000ft and 90kts. To begin your descent, you will need to reduce power and drop one notch flaps. You are aiming to approach at 80kts and 300fpm. As you get closer, you will need to reduce power further and drop more flaps, aiming to touch down "on the numbers" at 65kts.
<!-- <heading-deg>300.0</heading-deg> -->
<value>Fair weather</value>
<message>The runway is straight ahead. Reduce throttle to 50% and apply one degree of flaps.
Stay in line with the runway about a hands-width above the glare-shield.
You are aiming to descend at around 500 feet per minute and 80 knots.
<message>You are going too fast. Reduce power and pitch up to reduce your airspeed to 80 knots.</message>
<message>Reduce throttle to 50%</message>
<message>Set one step of flaps by pressing ]</message>
<message>Let down the second step of flaps and use the VASI to check your descent rate.
White - too high. Red - too low, Red and white - just right.
Use throttle to control your descent rate rather than attitude.
<message>Set your second set of flaps by pressing ]</message>
<message>Let down your final set of flaps and continue to follow the VASI glideslope.
Stay lined up with the middle of the runway.
<message>Set your final set of flaps by pressing ]</message>
<message>Reduce power to idle. When you are about 10 feet above the ground,
smoothly bring the nose up so it is level with the horizon.
<message>Keep tracking straight down the runway and let the aircraft land on the main gear.</message>
<message>Lower the nose wheel, continue to track down the runway and gently brake to a stop. Use
the mouse with the left button held down to steer.</message>
<message>Congratulations on a successful landing.</message>

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@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
<name>Flying the Pattern</name>
The traffic pattern is used as a method to stop aircraft crashing into each other when near an airport.
The pattern is a rectangular flight path with the runway forming one of the long sides.
It consists of the following sections:
- Upwind. Once we've taken off, we flying straight ahead on the runway heading to 500ft.
- Crosswind. At 500ft, we turn left 90 degrees and continue climbing until we get to 1000ft.
- Downwind. When we reach 1000ft, we turn left again so we are parallel to the runway, reduce power and fly at 100kts. When we are "abeam the numbers" (opposite the number on the runway we intend to land on), we reduce power to 50%, drop one notch of flat and descend 100ft at 90kts.
- Base. We now make another left-hand turn, add another notch of flaps, and let speed continue to dissipate.
- Final. At the correct moment (based on visual queues),we make a final left turn to line up with the runway. We drop our final lot of flaps, descend and land.
As before, we'll be flying at KHAF, on runway 12, on a clear day.
Runway 12 does not have a VASI. Instead you will need to judge whether you are too low or too high by the view of the runway. If the runway is going away from you, you will land short. If the runway is coming towards you, you will over-shoot. Remember, you should aim to have the runway about a third of the way above the glare-shield, and adjust your rate of descent using power.
<value>Fair weather</value>
<message>Release the parking brakes, smoothly apply full power and start your take-off.</message>
<message>Apply full throttle for take-off</message>
<message>Release the parking brake using Shift B</message>
<message>Stay on the center-line of the runway using the rudder.</message>
<message>Take-off at 65 knots and climb straight out on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute (about 70 knots).</message>
<message>Continue your climb on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute to 500 feet.</message>
<message>Your climb angle is too shallow - raise the nose slightly to increase your climb rate.</message>
<message>Your climb angle is too great - lower the nose slightly to decrease your climb rate.</message>
<message>You are heading too far left, Turn right slightly to heading 120.</message>
<message>You are heading too far right, Turn left slightly to heading 120.</message>
<message>You are in danger of being "behind the power curve". Drop the nose to speed up to 70 knots.</message>
<message>Make a left turn to crosswind (heading 030) and continue climbing to 1000 feet.</message>
<message>Level off at 1000 feet and make another left turn to downwind (heading 300).</message>
<message>Reduce power to 60%, and trim for level flight. Continue flying parallel to the runway.</message>
<message>You are heading too far left, Turn right slightly to heading 300.</message>
<message>You are heading too far right, Turn left slightly to heading 300.</message>
<message>You are too high. Pattern altitude is 1000 feet.</message>
<message>You are too low. Pattern altitude is 1000 feet.</message>
<message>You are now opposite the end of the runway. Reduce power to 50%, set flaps to 10.</message>
<message>Let the aircraft descend and slow. Continue flying a heading of 300.</message>
<message>You are heading too far left, Turn right slightly to heading 300.</message>
<message>You are heading too far right, Turn left slightly to heading 300.</message>
<message>You are too high. You should be descending to around 850 feet.</message>
<message>Turn left to base (heading 210), and set flaps to 20.
Continue to descend at around 500 feet per minute.</message>
<message>Turn onto final (heading 120), and line up with the runway.</message>
<message>Set flaps to 30. Control your descent rate using the throttle.</message>
<message>Reduce power to idle. When you are about 10 feet above the ground,
smoothly bring the nose up so it is just above the horizon.</message>
<message>Keep tracking straight down the runway using the rudder
and let the aircraft land on the main gear.</message>
<message>Lower the nose wheel, continue to track down the runway and gently brake to a stop.</message>
<message>Congratulations on successfully following the pattern.
If you want to practice more landings, you can take off again immediately.
Don't forget to lift your flaps though! This is known as a Touch and Go.

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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
<name>Radio Tuning</name>
Radios are used both for communication, and also for navigation.
This tutorial will teach you how to tune the radio of the aircraft to pick up
the ATIS - Automatic Terminal Information Service. This is broadcast by all
but the smallest airports and provides information on the current ground-level
weather, the altimeter setting and the runway in use.
<value>Fair weather</value>
<message>In this lesson, you'll learn how to tune the radio to the Livermore ATIS.
The radio is in the middle of the center console.</message>
<message>There are 4 radios on this aircraft - two for communication (COMM1, COMM2) and two for navigation (NAV1, NAV2).
Each radio has an active frequency and a standby frequency.
We tune the radio by changing the standby frequency, and then swapping the active and standby. </message>
<message>To change the standby frequency, you can click on the left side of the knob to decrease it, and the right side to increase it. </message>
<message>Using the middle mouse button changes the number on the left of the decimal place, while the left mouse button changes the number after the decimal place.</message>
<message>Set the standby frequency to 119.65 MHz. This is the ATIS frequency for Livermore, and is printed on sectional charts.</message>
<message>Now, switch the active and standby frequencies by pressing the swap button so the active frequency is 119.650MHz.</message>
<message>Listen to the ATIS message. If you cannot hear it,
look at the Sound Configuration dialog on the File menu.
It will tell you the current weather conditions, the runway in use, and the altimeter setting.</message>
<message>Once you've heard it, you can switch it off by swapping the frequency back to standby. Do that now.</message>
<message>Great job. COMM2 is located immediately below COMM1 in the radio stack, and is tuned in the same way.
The NAV radios work in exactly the same way, except they use a different frequency
range, and their output goes to the navigational instruments.</message>

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@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
<name>Start Up</name>
Before you go flying, you'll need to learn how to start the engines.
This tutorial will take you through the pre-startup checklist and starting the Cessna 172p.
<value>Fair weather</value>
<message>Welcome to Livermore Municipal Airport. In this lesson we'll go through the pre-startup checks and start the aircraft.</message>
<message>Before we start up, we need to brief what we'll do in case of an engine fire on startup. As
this isn't our aircraft, and we're fully insured, we'll simply open the door and run away.</message>
<message>Next, we check our seatbelts, and seat adjustments. Cessnas can get worn seat rails that
sometimes cause the seat to slip backwards, often just as you take off, so make sure it is secure.</message>
<message>The fuel selector is set to BOTH, the Mixture control is fully rich, and the carb heat is off. </message>
<message>Open the throttle slightly. Use your joystick throttle control,
or PgUp to increase throttle to about 10%.</message>
<message>Push in the throttle using PgUp, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
<message>Open the throttle a bit more.</message>
<message>That's a bit too much. Pull it out slightly using your joystick throttle control, or PgDn.</message>
<message>Now, we'll check no-one is about to walk into our propeller.</message>
<message>Looks clear.</message>
<message>We need to switch on the magnetos. Click the middle hotspot, or press }, three times, so the key is set to BOTH.</message>
<message>Click the middle hotspot, or press }, three times, so both magnetos are on and the key
is set to BOTH.</message>
<message>Finally, we can start the engine. Hold down s, or the right hotspot until the engine catches.</message>
<message>Wrong way - set the magnetos back to BOTH.</message>
<message>You need the magnetos on to start the engine. Set them to BOTH by clicking the middle hotspot or pressing ].</message>
<message>Great, the engine is running. Adjust the throttle so we're running at between 800 and 1000 RPM.</message>
<message>You can release the starter motor now - the engine is running</message>
<message>That's a bit high. Reduce throttle slightly with PgDn, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
<message>That's too low. Increase throttle slightly with PgUp, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
<message>Great. We're now ready to taxi to the runway.</message>

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@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
This tutorial starts from Half-Moon Bay (KHAF), a small airport on the coast near San Francisco, in clear, still, weather.
This tutorial will teach you how to take-off, and climb at 600 feet per minute. You will level off at 1000ft to complete the tutorial.
<value>Fair weather</value>
<message>At the start of the take-off roll, you will control the direction of the aircraft using the
nose-wheel steering and rudder. As the aircraft takes off, you will use the ailerons and elevator
to control the direction and attitude of the aircraft.
The nose-wheel and rudder is controlled using 0/Enter on the numeric keypad, or by using the mouse
in "yoke" mode with the left mouse button held down.
To switch the mouse to yoke mode, press the right mouse button until it displays as a + sign.
<message>Release the parking brakes using Shift-B</message>
<message>Release the parking brake using Shift B</message>
<message>Smoothly apply full power using PgUp, controlling the direction using the nosewheel.</message>
<message>Release the parking brake using Shift B</message>
<message>Apply full throttle for take-off.</message>
<message>Stay on the center-line of the runway using the rudder. Steer using the mouse with the left button held down, or using 0/Enter on the numeric keypad</message>
<message>Let the aircraft lift off at 65 knots and climb straight out on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute.</message>
<message>Gently raise the nose, by pressing the down key on the keypad, or moving the mouse back slightly.</message>
<message>Continue your climb on heading 120 at 600 feet per minute to 1000 feet.</message>
<message>Your climb angle is too shallow - raise the nose very slightly to increase your climb rate.</message>
<message>Your climb angle is too great - lower the nose slightly to decrease your climb rate.</message>
<message>You are heading too far left, Turn right slightly to heading 120.</message>
<message>You are heading too far right, Turn left slightly to heading 120.</message>
<message>You are in danger of being "behind the power curve". Drop the nose to speed up to 70 knots.</message>
<message>Level off at between 1000 and 1100 feet.</message>
<message>You are too low</message>
<message>You are too high</message>
<message>Congratulations, you've successfully taken off. Now try landing!</message>

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@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
This tutorial covers moving the aircraft around on the ground, from the parking position to the run-up area.
For more information on taxiing, see Section 2-9 of the FAA Airplane Flying Handbook available at http://www.faa.gov/library/manuals/aircraft/airplane_handbook/.
<!-- Turn right onto taxiway -->
<!-- Mention differential braking -->
<!-- Left turn in taxiway -->
<!-- Right turn onto taxiway A -->
<!-- Runup aread -->
<value>Fair weather</value>
<message>In this lesson we'll taxi the aircraft from its parking
position infront of the FBO, along taxiways Juliet and Alpha to the run-up area near runway 07L.</message>
<message>I've already started the engine. Press Shift-B to release the parking brake, allow the aircraft
to move forward slightly, then hold b to check that the normal brakes work.</message>
<message>Apply the brakes by pressing b</message>
<message>The parking brake is still on. Release it by pressing Shift-B.</message>
<message>Keep applying the brakes. You can steer the aircraft on the ground by either using 0/Enter on the
numeric keypad, or using the mouse in yoke mode (+) with the left mouse button held down. If you need to slow
down, just press b to apply the brakes.</message>
<message>Keep the brakes on until I tell you to start taxiing.</message>
<message>Release the brakes and taxi forwards. Make a right turn onto taxiway Juliet.</message>
<message>That's left, not right.</message>
<message>Continue taxiing along taxiway Juliet. Keep the nosewheel on the yellow line. Don't allow the aircraft to go too fast - use b to brake if you need to. </message>
You're straying off the taxiway. Keep heading on taxiway Juliet, keeping your nosewheel on the yellow line.
<message>If you need to turn very tightly, you can apply differential braking, and only brake one wheel, by pressing ',' for the left, or '.' for the right.</message>
You're straying off the taxiway. Keep your nosewheel on the yellow line.
<message>The taxiway turns left here. Slow down by applying some brakes (b) and follow it round.</message>
You're straying off the taxiway. Turn left.
<message>We're now at the intersection of taxiways Juliet, Golf and Alpha. Turn right onto taxiway Alpha.</message>
<message>That's left, not right.</message>
<message>Continue taxiing along taxiway Alpha to the end of the taxiway. </message>
You're straying off the taxiway. Keep heading on taxiway Alpha, keeping your nosewheel on the yellow line.
<message>We've reached the run-up area. Brake slowly to a stop and set the parking brake.</message>
<message>We've reached the run-up area. Well done</message>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Started October 23 2001 by John Check, fgpanels@rockfish.net
<tutorials include="c172-tutorial.xml"/>
<tutorials include="Tutorials/c172-tutorials.xml"/>