diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/747.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/747.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 153ea73d2..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/747.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-<airplane mass="400000">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="136" aoa="7">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.2"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.2"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/slats" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="490" alt="36000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.75"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.75"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="19.08" y="1.81" z="15.06"/>
-<fuselage ax="24.5" ay="0" az="0" bx="-45.36" by="0.00" bz="2.41"
-          width="6" taper="0.3" midpoint="0.2"/>
-<wing x="-2" y="3.01" z="-1.45" length="33.72" chord="13.25" sweep="33"
-      taper=".27" dihedral="7" camber="0.15" incidence="-0.7">
-  <stall aoa="12" width="2" peak="2"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end=".56" lift="1.8" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start=".64" end=".88" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <slat start="0" end="1" aoa="2" drag="1.1"/>
-  <spoiler start="0.2" end="0.6" lift="0.3" drag="2.0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/slats" control="SLAT"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="SPOILER"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="10"/>
-<hstab x="-38.13" y="1.81" z="1.81" chord="8.43" length="10.84" taper=".29"
-       sweep="28" dihedral="7" camber="-0.1" effectiveness="2.3">
-  <stall aoa="15" width="2" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.6" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-38.13" y="0.00" z="3.61" chord="12.04" length="12.04" taper="0.3"
-       sweep="33">
-  <stall aoa="15" width="2" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.2" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"
-		  min="1" max="-1"/>
-<!-- The CF6 engines are rated at 60000 lbs thrust, flat rated to 33 -->
-<!-- degrees C.  Corrected to YASim's standard atmosphere temperature -->
-<!-- of 288.2 kelvins, that gives 63737 lbs of nominal thrust. -->
-<jet x="-10.43" y="16.26"  z="-1.20" mass="8000" thrust="63737">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<jet x="-2" y="12.65"  z="-2.41" mass="8000" thrust="63737">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<jet x="-2" y="-12.65" z="-2.41" mass="8000" thrust="63737">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<jet x="-10.43" y="-16.26" z="-1.20" mass="8000" thrust="63737">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<!-- nose -->
-<gear x="19.08"  y="0.00" z="-5.42"
-      compression="0.75" spring="0.7" damp="4">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<gear x="-4.65" y="5.42" z="-5.42" compression="1.1"> <!-- fwd left main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<gear x="-6.82" y="1.81" z="-5.42" compression="1.1"> <!-- rear left main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<gear x="-6.82" y="-1.81" z="-5.42" compression="1.1"> <!-- rear right main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[3]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<gear x="-4.65" y="-5.42" z="-5.42" compression="1.1"> <!-- fwd right main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[4]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<tank x="-2" y="0" z="-1.45" jet="true" capacity="128000"/>
-<tank x="-5.6" y="8" z="-1.45" jet="true" capacity="128000"/>
-<tank x="-5.6" y="-8" z="-1.45" jet="true" capacity="128000"/>
-<ballast x="18.5"  y="0" z="2.4" mass="30000"/> <!-- hump -->
-<ballast x="12.5" y="0" z="2.4" mass="40000"/> <!-- hump -->
-<ballast x="6.5" y="0" z="2.4" mass="40000"/> <!-- hump -->
-<ballast x="0.5" y="0" z="2.4" mass="30000"/> <!-- hump -->
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/README.j3cub b/Aircraft-yasim/README.j3cub
deleted file mode 100644
index f1f7f26bd..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/README.j3cub
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-[This information is copied from the 1946 J3C-65 owner's handbook.]
-                             FLYING HINTS
-The Piper Cub Special represents more than 15 years of diligent
-aircraft engineering and manufacturing experience.  Its simplicity of
-design and construction, its low operating and maintenance costs, its
-inherent stability, ruggedness, and its outstanding safety and ease of
-flying, have made it the most popular airplane in aviation history.
-The Piper Cub Special is the time-tested product of millions of hours
-of flying under all conceivable conditions both in the military and in
-peace time.
-There are hints on starting, flying, stopping, and other related
-topics that are important to the owner who wants to conserve his
-airplane -- keep it in maximum airworthy condition -- and enjoy a full
-measure of flying satisfaction.
-First, each pilot should become familiar enough with his Piper Cub
-Special that he can accomplish a satisfactory pre-flight inspection.
-This check is simple and requires only a few minutes.  See Section IX
-for check list.  Daily check of airplane prior to flight should be the
-first in a number of safe flying habits the pilot should acquire.
-(1) Make routine check of gasoline supply.  Visible fuel gauge is
-integral part of gas tank cap; it will not show number of gallons but
-will show proportion of fuel in tank by length of rod which extends
-upward from cap.  A full tank of 12 U.S. gallons will be indicated by
-11 inches of rod extending beyond cap.  Keep gas gauge rod clean and
-smooth with crocus cloth for accuracy and freedom of movement.
-(2) Check oil level in engine sump by removing oil cap and gauge.  Oil
-stick should indicate oil level up to index mark of 4 quarts.
-(3) Check freedom of movement of flight and engine controls.
-(1) Chock wheels, or have occupant who is familiar with controls set
-brakes in cabin.
-(2) Ignition switch OFF.  Verify.
-(3) Set throttle approximately 1/10 open.
-(4) Push fuel shut-off ON.
-(5) Turn propeller through several times.
-(6) Turn ignition switch ON.
-(7) Start engine by pulling propeller through with a snap.
-CAUTION -- Always handle propeller as if switch were "ON."  Stand as
-far in front of propeller as possible.  Use both hands and grasp one
-blad approximately midway from tip.  Do not overgrasp blade.  Do not
-wear long, loose clothing.  Make sure footing is sure to preclude
-possibility of feet slipping.
-(8) If engine does not start, turn switch OFF.  Turn primer knob to
-unlock, pull out, pump three or four times, then reseat primer and
-lock by turning in opposite direction.  In extremely cold weather a
-few strokes of the primer as the engine starts will enable it to keep
-running.  NOTE -- Avoid excessive priming as it causes raw gasoline to
-wash lubricating oil from engine cylinder walls.  Do not prime warm
-(9) Repeat starting procedures 6, 7.
-(10) If engine loads up and refuses to start, turn ignition switch
-"OFF,", open throttle wide and turn propeller through backwards
-several times to unload excessive gas mixture in cylinders.  Then
-close throttle and repeat starting procedure.
-(1) As soon as engine starts, advance throttle slightly to idle at 700
-R.P.M.  Check engine instruments.  If oil pressure gauge does not
-indicate pressure within 30 seconds, stop engine immediately, check
-and correct trouble before any further operation.  Oil temperature
-during operating should not rise above 200� F. and oil pressure should
-not fall below 30 pounds.  With engine warm, idling speed should be
-550-600 R.P.M.
-(2) Rev engine up to 2100 R.P.M. on both magnetos.  Switch to LEFT and
-RIGHT magnetos.  R.P.M. drop should not be over 75 R.P.M.  CAUTION
---Do not operate engine on either single magneto for more than 30
-seconds at a time, as this tends to foul the non-operating spark plugs
-in the ignition circuit of the magneto that is switched off.
-(1) Never cut switch immediately after landing as this causes engine
-to cool too rapidly.
-(2) Idle engine, especially in high temperature operating conditions,
-for several minutes.  It is advisable to switch to each magneto for 30
-second intervals to allow gradual cooling of engine.  This helps to
-prevent overheating of spark plug insulators and will lessen tendency
-for "after-firing."
-(3) Check for carburetor heat OFF during idling.
-(1) Open throttle to start airplane in motion; then close throttle to
-a setting sufficient to keep airplane rolling.  Do not keep throttle
-advanced so that it is necessary to control taxi speed of airplane
-with brakes.  This causes unnecessary wear and tear on brakes and
-(2) Taxi slowly (speed of a fast walk) controlling direction with
-rudder which is connected to a steerable tail wheel.  Use brakes only
-for positive, precision ground control when necessary.
-(3) Taxi upwind with stick back; downwind with stick foreward.  When
-ground winds are in excess of 15 M.P.H., turn into wind using ailerons
-in direction of turn; apply ailerons away from the turn when turning
-downwind.  This procedure helps to prevent the wind "picking up" a
-wing during windy, gusty conditions.  Always make ground turns slowly.
-(1) For takeoff use full throttle, heading into wind.  Airplane loaded
-will become airborne at approximately 39 M.P.H.  Best climb speed is
-an indicated 55 M.P.H.
-(2) Indicated R.P.M. for cruising speed of 73 M.P.H. is 2150.
-Take-off R.P.M. is 2300.  Do not fly at full throttle over 3 minutes.
-(3) Use CARBURETOR AIR HEAT when engine runs "rough" and tachometer
-shows drop in R.P.M. which may be due to ice forming in carburetor.
-Tachometer should recover to within 50 R.P.M. below normal when using
-carburetor heat.  Push heater to "OFF" position, and if icing
-condition has been cleared, R.P.M. should return to normal.  Continued
-use of carburetor heat will only cause increased fuel consumption and
-loss of power.
-(4) Maximum permissible diving speed is 122 M.P.H.
-(1) Push carburetor heat ON prior to throttling back for glide, or for
-any other flight maneuver.
-(2) Glide between 50-60 M.P.H. depending upon loading of airplane and
-gust conditions.
-NOTE -- "Clear" engine by opening throttle gently, every 200-250 feet
-of descent during a long glide so that engine temperature will be
-Throttle action on the part of the pilot should be smooth and gentle
-at all times.
-(1) After termination of flight, enter flying time in aircraft and
-engine log books.
-(2) Turn ignition and fuel OFF.
-(3) Chcok the wheels of airplane.
-(4) If airplane is not to be flown for some time, it should be
-hangared or tied down.  Use good quality 1/2" - 5/8" diameter rope.
-Secure to lift assist handle at aft end of fuselage; also at upper end
-of both front wing lift struts where they attach to wing.  Make sure
-that rope passes between aileron cable and lift strut.  Mooring ropes,
-when airplane is tied down, should have no slack.
-(5) Lock aileron and elevator controls by wrapping front seat belt
-completely around rear control stick, tighten and buckle.
-(6) Under excessively wind conditions, airplane should be tailed into
-wind for mooring.
-[Here is my older information.]
-These are the only numbers I could find.  They are for a J3 Cub with
-an 85HP engine rather than 65 hp, so some adjustments may be
-necessary.  The source is
-  http://www.evergreenfs.com/planedata.htm
-  Best rate of climb (Vy):   65 mph (57 kt)
-  Best angle of climb (Vx):  55 mph (48 kt)
-  Cruise:                    70 mph (61 kt)
-  Never-exceed (Vne):       122 mph (106 kt)
-  Best Glide (Vglide):       60 mph (52 kt)
-  Stall (Vs):                38 mph (33 kt)
-  Maneuvering (Va):          70 mph (61 kt)
-  Approach:               50-60 mph (44-52 kt)
-  Take off:                  full
-  Climb:                     50 rpm below full
-  Cruise:                    2300 rpm
-  Approach:                  1200 rpm
-  Practice stalls:           1200 rpm
-  Take-off:                  450-800 ft
-  Landing:                   200-800 ft
-  Total fuel:                12 gal US
-  Usable fuel:               12 gal US
-  Grade:                     80/87
-  GPH:                       5 gal US/hr
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/README.p51d b/Aircraft-yasim/README.p51d
deleted file mode 100644
index d087b6975..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/README.p51d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-P-51D Information
-NOTE: the yasim config file for this aircraft currently starts up with 
-the booster in 1st stage.
-Set prop pitch to full increased rpm.
-Start engine with throttle at idle.
-Set BOOST stage one (CTRL-b keybinding cycles through stage 0 (off), 1, 
-and 2).  Default startup for p51-d should have stage one already on.
-Set throttle to 40 inHG Manifold Pressure (MP).
-Be ready to actuate rudder.  When the tail first lifts, the torque will 
-pull the nose to the left.
-After tail lifts off slowing move throttle to full open which with 
-stage 1 booster engaged should be about 61 inHG Manifold Pressure.
-Hang on.  Stay on top of rudder control with small adjustments or you'll 
-do a ground loop.
-Rotate at 150 mph or so.
-Back off MP to 46 inHG.  
-Adjust propeller pitch to 2700 rpm.
-Keep adding throttle as you climb to maintain 46 inHG until you hit full throttle.
-At 18,000 feet turn on second stage (hit CTRL-b) and back off throttle to 46 inHG.
-Trim and Cruise at about 2400 rpm.
-Do not exceed 2700 rpm sustained.
-Do not exceed 3000 rpm military power (aerobatics)
-Do not exceed 3500 rpm in dives.
-Do not exceed 61 inHG Mainfold Pressure (military power), except 71 inHG for 
-maximum of 7 minutes (war emergency power).  Note that war emergency 
-power is not for flying fast,  rather it is for dogfighting at < 200mph.
-A single long sweeping turn from the downwind leg into a short approach 
-seems to work best.  Make sure you are below 250mph before starting the 
-turn.  Use forward slip as necessary to bleed off speed and altitude at the 
-same time.
-Start applying flaps at 250mph,  gear at 175mph, and full flaps 
-at 165mph or less.
-Excessive braking can cause you to nose over.   Some recommend raising 
-flaps immediately after touchdown.
-This information is gleaned from various sources:
-Maximum Speed: 437 mph
-Cruise Speed: 363 mph
-Landing Speed: 100 mph
-Initial Climb Rate: 3475 feet per minute
-Sustained Climb Speed: 175 mph
-Service Ceiling: 41,900 (with 2nd Stage booster).
-Stall Speed (9000lbs) Gear/Flaps Up: 102mph Gear/Flaps Down: 95mph
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/README.pa28-161 b/Aircraft-yasim/README.pa28-161
deleted file mode 100644
index 968a9bfc1..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/README.pa28-161
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-These numbers apply to the 160 hp variant of the Warrior II; they come
-from the Piper POH.
-  Vne (never exceed):    160 KIAS
-  Vno (max. cruise):     126 KIAS
-  Vfe (max. flaps):      103 KIAS
-  Va (maneuvering):      111 KIAS (2440 lb) - 88 KIAS (1531 lb)
-  Vs (clean stall):       50 KIAS
-  Vso (flaps stall):      44 KIAS
-  Vglide (best glide):    73 KIAS
-  Vx (best climb angle):  63 KIAS
-  Vy (best climb rate):   79 KIAS
-  Enroute climb:          87 KIAS
-  Approach (no flaps):    70 KIAS
-  Approach (full flaps):  63 KIAS
-  Cruise (75%, 8000 ft): 124 KTAS (107 KIAS)
-  Cruise (55%, 8000 ft): 103 KTAS (89 KIAS)
-  Take off:                  full
-  Climb:                     full
-  75% power at 8,000 ft:     2665 rpm
-  75% power at 4,000 ft:     2570 rpm
-  75% power at sea level:    2480 rpm
-  55% power at 12,000 ft:    2470 rpm
-  55% power at 8,000 ft:     2375 rpm
-  55% power at 4,000 ft:     2285 rpm
-  55% power at sea level:    2195 rpm
-  Total fuel:                50 gal US
-  Usable fuel:               48 gal US
-  Grade:                     100LL/100 (Avgas)
-  GPH (75%, 8000 ft):        10.0 gph
-  GPH (55%, 8000 ft):         7.0 gph
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/a10-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/a10-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 1fb071f54..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/a10-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-<!--  A10 yasim config.  This is a hack and not an authentic
-      representation of the aircraft.  Having said that, the
-      numbers, where I could find them, roughly match those of
-      the original aircraft.
-      Lee Elliott. leee-fgfs@spatial.freeserve.co.uk
-<airplane mass="37700">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="110" aoa="7">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="380" alt="0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="-3.5" y="0.0" z="1.2"/>
-<fuselage ax="0" ay="0" az="0" bx="-16.26" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="1.4"/>
-<!-- Left Engine -->
-<fuselage ax="-10" ay="1.50" az="1" bx="-13.5" by="1.50" bz="0.8"
-          width="1.5"/>
-<!-- Right Engine -->
-<fuselage ax="-10" ay="-1.50" az="1" bx="-13.5" by="-1.50" bz="0.8"
-          width="1.5"/>
-<wing x="-8.8" y="0.5" z="-0.5" taper="0.6" incidence="-1"
-      length="8.3" chord="3.1" sweep="0.0" dihedral="3.0" camber="0">
-  <stall aoa="14" width="6" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.04" end="0.51" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <spoiler start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="0.1" drag="20.0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="SPOILER"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="left"
-      prop="/surface-positions/left-flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-      prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="left"
-      prop="/surface-positions/left-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-speed control="SPOILER" transition-time="0.5"/>
-<hstab x="-15.5" y="0.4" z="0.4" taper="0.0" effectiveness="3"
-       length="2.5" chord="2" sweep="0.0" dihedral="0.0" camber="0">
-  <stall aoa="20" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-15.0" y="2.5" z="-0.9" taper="0.7" effectiveness="2"
-       length="2.8" chord="2.0" sweep="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-15.0" y="-2.5" z="-0.9" taper="0.7" effectiveness="2"
-       length="2.8" chord="2.0" sweep="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<!-- Engines and tanks -->
-<jet x="-11.8" y="-1.5" z="1.0" mass="1000" thrust="9065">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<jet x="-11.8" y="1.5" z="1.0" mass="1000" thrust="9065">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<tank x="-8.5" y="-1.5" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
-<tank x="-8.5" y="1.5" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
-<tank x="-8.5" y="0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="6700"/>
-<!-- Undercarriage -->
-<!-- nose -->
-<gear x="-2.9" y="0.4" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.7">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear/position-norm"/>
-<!-- left main -->
-<gear x="-9.0" y="2.5" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- right main -->
-<gear x="-9.0" y="-2.5" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[2]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- Canopy -->
-<gear x="-2.6" y="0.0" z="1.4" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
-<!-- Ballast -->
-<ballast x="-3.5" y="0" z="1.0" mass="2000"/> <!-- Armored cockpit -->
-<ballast x="-4.0" y="0" z="-1.0" mass="4000"/> <!-- Gun -->
-<ballast x="-5.0" y="0" z="0.0" mass="1000"/> <!-- avionics -->
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/a10cl-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/a10cl-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 475a9918b..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/a10cl-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-<!--  A10 yasim config.  This is a hack and not an authentic
-      representation of the aircraft.  Having said that, the
-      numbers, where I could find them, roughly match those of
-      the original aircraft.
-      Lee Elliott. leee-fgfs@spatial.freeserve.co.uk
-<airplane mass="37700">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="110" aoa="8">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="380" alt="0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="-3.5" y="0.0" z="1.2"/>
-<fuselage ax="0" ay="0" az="0" bx="-16.26" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="1.4"/>
-<!-- Left Engine -->
-<fuselage ax="-10" ay="1.50" az="1" bx="-13.5" by="1.50" bz="0.8"
-          width="1.5"/>
-<!-- Right Engine -->
-<fuselage ax="-10" ay="-1.50" az="1" bx="-13.5" by="-1.50" bz="0.8"
-          width="1.5"/>
-<wing x="-8.8" y="0.5" z="-0.5" taper="0.6" incidence="-1.0"
-      length="8.3" chord="3.1" sweep="0.0" dihedral="3.0" camber="0.006">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="6" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.04" end="0.51" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <spoiler start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="0.1" drag="20.0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="SPOILER"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-      prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-speed control="SPOILER" transition-time="0.5"/>
-<hstab x="-15.5" y="0.4" z="0.4" taper="0.0" effectiveness="3"
-       length="2.5" chord="2" sweep="0.0" dihedral="0.0" camber="0">
-  <stall aoa="18" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-15.0" y="2.5" z="-0.9" taper="0.7" effectiveness="2"
-       length="2.8" chord="2.0" sweep="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-15.0" y="-2.5" z="-0.9" taper="0.7" effectiveness="2"
-       length="2.8" chord="2.0" sweep="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<!-- Engines and tanks -->
-<jet x="-11.8" y="-1.5" z="1.0" mass="1000" thrust="9065">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<jet x="-11.8" y="1.5" z="1.0" mass="1000" thrust="9065">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<tank x="-8.5" y="-1.5" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
-<tank x="-8.5" y="1.5" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
-<tank x="-8.5" y="0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="6700"/>
-<!-- Undercarriage -->
-<!-- nose -->
-<gear x="-2.9" y="0.4" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.7">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear/position-norm"/>
-<!-- left main -->
-<gear x="-9.0" y="2.5" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- right main -->
-<gear x="-9.0" y="-2.5" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- Canopy -->
-<gear x="-2.6" y="0.0" z="1.4" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
-<!-- Ballast -->
-<ballast x="-3.5" y="0" z="1.0" mass="2000"/> <!-- Armored cockpit -->
-<ballast x="-4.0" y="0" z="-1.0" mass="4000"/> <!-- Gun -->
-<ballast x="-5.0" y="0" z="0.0" mass="1000"/> <!-- avionics -->
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/a10fl-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/a10fl-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index ac8eb3821..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/a10fl-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-<!--  A10 yasim config.  This is a hack and not an authentic
-      representation of the aircraft.  Having said that, the
-      numbers, where I could find them, roughly match those of
-      the original aircraft.
-      Lee Elliott. leee-fgfs@spatial.freeserve.co.uk
-<airplane mass="37700">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="110" aoa="8">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="380" alt="0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="4.5" y="0.0" z="1.2"/>
-<fuselage ax="8" ay="0" az="0" bx="-8.26" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="1.4"/>
-<!-- Left Engine -->
-<fuselage ax="-2" ay="1.50" az="1" bx="-5.5" by="1.50" bz="0.8"
-          width="1.5"/>
-<!-- Right Engine -->
-<fuselage ax="-2" ay="-1.50" az="1" bx="-5.5" by="-1.50" bz="0.8"
-          width="1.5"/>
-<wing x="-0.8" y="0.5" z="-0.5" taper="0.6" incidence="-1.0"
-      length="8.3" chord="3.1" sweep="0.0" dihedral="3.0" camber="0.006">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="6" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.04" end="0.51" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <spoiler start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="0.1" drag="20.0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="SPOILER"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-      prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-speed control="SPOILER" transition-time="0.5"/>
-<hstab x="-7.5" y="0.4" z="0.4" taper="0.0" effectiveness="3"
-       length="2.5" chord="2" sweep="0.0" dihedral="0.0" camber="0">
-  <stall aoa="18" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-7.0" y="2.5" z="-0.9" taper="0.7" effectiveness="2"
-       length="2.8" chord="2.0" sweep="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-7.0" y="-2.5" z="-0.9" taper="0.7" effectiveness="2"
-       length="2.8" chord="2.0" sweep="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<!-- Engines and tanks -->
-<jet x="-3.8" y="-1.5" z="1.0" mass="1000" thrust="9065">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<jet x="-3.8" y="1.5" z="1.0" mass="1000" thrust="9065">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<tank x="-0.5" y="-1.5" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
-<tank x="-0.5" y="1.5" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
-<tank x="-0.5" y="0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="6700"/>
-<!-- Ferry Tanks -->
-<tank x="-0.5" y="1.29" z="-0.7" jet="true" capacity="4032"/>
-<tank x="-0.5" y="0" z="-0.7" jet="true" capacity="4032"/>
-<tank x="-0.5" y="-1.29" z="-0.7" jet="true" capacity="4032"/>
-<!-- Undercarriage -->
-<!-- nose -->
-<gear x="5.1" y="0.4" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.7">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear/position-norm"/>
-<!-- left main -->
-<gear x="-1.0" y="2.5" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- right main -->
-<gear x="-1.0" y="-2.5" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- Canopy -->
-<gear x="5.4" y="0.0" z="1.4" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
-<!-- Ballast -->
-<ballast x="4.5" y="0" z="1.0" mass="2000"/> <!-- Armored cockpit -->
-<ballast x="4.0" y="0" z="-1.0" mass="4000"/> <!-- Gun -->
-<ballast x="3.0" y="0" z="0.0" mass="1000"/> <!-- avionics -->
-<!-- Ferry Tanks -->
-<fuselage ax="1.1" ay="0.0" az="-1.2" bx="-2.9" by="0.0" bz="-1.2"
-          width="0.8"/>
-<fuselage ax="1.1" ay="1.29" az="-1.2" bx="-2.9" by="1.29" bz="-1.2"
-          width="0.8"/>
-<fuselage ax="1.1" ay="-1.29" az="-1.2" bx="-2.9" by="-1.29" bz="-1.2"
-          width="0.8"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/a10wl-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/a10wl-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f41ba73e..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/a10wl-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-<!--  A10 yasim config.  This is a hack and not an authentic
-      representation of the aircraft.  Having said that, the
-      numbers, where I could find them, roughly match those of
-      the original aircraft.
-      Lee Elliott. leee-fgfs@spatial.freeserve.co.uk
-<airplane mass="45860">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="110" aoa="8">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="380" alt="0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="-3.5" y="0.0" z="1.2"/>
-<fuselage ax="0" ay="0" az="0" bx="-16.26" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="1.4"/>
-<!-- Left Engine -->
-<fuselage ax="-10" ay="1.50" az="1" bx="-13.5" by="1.50" bz="0.8"
-          width="1.5"/>
-<!-- Right Engine -->
-<fuselage ax="-10" ay="-1.50" az="1" bx="-13.5" by="-1.50" bz="0.8"
-          width="1.5"/>
-<wing x="-8.8" y="0.5" z="-0.5" taper="0.6" incidence="-1.0"
-      length="8.3" chord="3.1" sweep="0.0" dihedral="3.0" camber="0.006">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="6" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.04" end="0.51" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <spoiler start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="0.1" drag="20.0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="SPOILER"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-      prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-speed control="SPOILER" transition-time="0.5"/>
-<hstab x="-15.5" y="0.4" z="0.4" taper="0.0" effectiveness="3"
-       length="2.5" chord="2" sweep="0.0" dihedral="0.0" camber="0">
-  <stall aoa="18" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-15.0" y="2.5" z="-0.9" taper="0.7" effectiveness="2"
-       length="2.8" chord="2.0" sweep="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-15.0" y="-2.5" z="-0.9" taper="0.7" effectiveness="2"
-       length="2.8" chord="2.0" sweep="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<!-- Engines and tanks -->
-<jet x="-11.8" y="-1.5" z="1.0" mass="1000" thrust="9065">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<jet x="-11.8" y="1.5" z="1.0" mass="1000" thrust="9065">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<tank x="-8.5" y="-1.5" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
-<tank x="-8.5" y="1.5" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
-<tank x="-8.5" y="0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="6700"/>
-<!-- Undercarriage -->
-<!-- nose -->
-<gear x="-2.9" y="0.4" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.8">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear/position-norm"/>
-<!-- left main -->
-<gear x="-9.0" y="2.5" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- right main -->
-<gear x="-9.0" y="-2.5" z="-2.8" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- Canopy -->
-<gear x="-2.6" y="0.0" z="1.4" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
-<!-- Ballast -->
-<ballast x="-3.5" y="0" z="1.0" mass="2000"/> <!-- C/pit + Pilot -->
-<ballast x="-4.0" y="0" z="-1.0" mass="4000"/> <!-- Gun -->
-<ballast x="-5.0" y="0" z="0.0" mass="1000"/> <!-- avionics -->
-<!-- Weapons load -->
-<!-- AGM65 x 16 objects and ballast (Left to Right) -->
-<!-- Positioned just ahead of the aircraft CG (x) - y and z locs approximate -->
-<!-- Left Wing Outer AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="4.71" az="-0.47" bx="-10.15" by="4.71" bz="-0.35" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="4.71" z="-0.41" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Left Wing Mid Cluster Outer AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="3.89" az="-0.53" bx="-10.15" by="3.89" bz="-0.41" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="3.89" z="-0.47" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Left Wing Mid Cluster Mid AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="3.59" az="-0.96" bx="-10.15" by="3.59" bz="-0.84" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="3.89" z="-0.90" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Left Wing Mid Cluster Inner AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="3.21" az="-0.59" bx="-10.15" by="3.21" bz="-0.47" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="3.21" z="-0.53" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Left Wing Inner Cluster Outer AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="1.97" az="-0.65" bx="-10.15" by="1.97" bz="-0.53" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="1.97" z="-0.59" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Left Wing Inner Cluster Mid AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="1.63" az="-1.05" bx="-10.15" by="1.63" bz="-0.93" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="1.63" z="-0.99" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Left Wing Inner Cluster Inner AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="1.29" az="-0.65" bx="-10.15" by="1.29" bz="-0.53" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="1.29" z="-0.59" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Left Fuselage AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="0.53" az="-0.70" bx="-10.15" by="0.53" bz="-0.58" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="0.53" z="-0.64" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Right Wing Outer AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="-4.71" az="-0.47" bx="-10.15" by="-4.71" bz="-0.35" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="-4.71" z="-0.41" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Right Wing Mid Cluster Outer AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="-3.89" az="-0.53" bx="-10.15" by="-3.89" bz="-0.41" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="-3.89" z="-0.47" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Right Wing Mid Cluster Mid AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="-3.59" az="-0.96" bx="-10.15" by="-3.59" bz="-0.84" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="-3.89" z="-0.90" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Right Wing Mid Cluster Inner AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="-3.21" az="-0.59" bx="-10.15" by="-3.21" bz="-0.47" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="-3.21" z="-0.53" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Right Wing Inner Cluster Outer AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="-1.97" az="-0.65" bx="-10.15" by="-1.97" bz="-0.53" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="-1.97" z="-0.59" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Right Wing Inner Cluster Mid AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="-1.63" az="-1.05" bx="-10.15" by="-1.63" bz="-0.93" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="-1.63" z="-0.99" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Right Wing Inner Cluster Inner AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="-1.29" az="-0.65" bx="-10.15" by="-1.29" bz="-0.53" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="-1.29" z="-0.59" mass="485"/>
-<!-- Right Fuselage AGM65 -->
-<fuselage ax="-7.65" ay="-0.53" az="-0.70" bx="-10.15" by="-0.53" bz="-0.58" width="0.35"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="-0.53" z="-0.64" mass="485"/>
-<!-- AIM9 x 2 objects and ballast (guessed) - (Left to Right) -->
-<!-- Positioned ahead of the aircraft CG (x) - y and z locs approximate -->
-<!-- Left Wing AIM9 -->
-<fuselage ax="-6.9" ay="5.76" az="-0.27" bx="-9.9" by="5.76" bz="-0.15" width="0.13"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="5.76" z="-0.21" mass="200"/>
-<!-- Right Wing AIM9 -->
-<fuselage ax="-6.9" ay="-5.76" az="-0.27" bx="-9.9" by="-5.76" bz="-0.15" width="0.13"/>
-<ballast x="-8.9" y="-5.76" z="-0.21" mass="200"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/a4.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/a4.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9701aeb40..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/a4.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-<airplane mass="9853">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="130" aoa="13.5">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.2"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration.  This number is for an A-4F (595mph/FL340) -->
-<cruise speed="585" alt="34000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.8"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="2.71" y="0.0" z="0.67"/>
-<fuselage ax="5.61" ay="0" az="-0.66" bx="-6.59" by="0" bz=".64"
-          width="2.0" taper="0.5" midpoint="0.3"/>
-<wing x="-0.79" y=".55" z="-0.33" taper=".186"
-      length="4.04" chord="3.95" sweep="28" dihedral="0" camber="0.02">
-  <stall aoa="27" width="10" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.0" end="0.5" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.5" end="1.0" lift="1.2" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/> 
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/> 
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-<hstab x="-5.4" y="0" z="1.05" taper=".3" effectiveness="1.99"
-       length="2.02" chord="2.02" sweep="26">
-  <stall aoa="27" width="10" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.6" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-5.4" y="0" z="1.05" taper=".176"
-       length="2.57" chord="3.11" sweep="28" effectiveness="1.5">
-  <stall aoa="27" width="10" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.15" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"
-		  min="1" max="-1"/>
-<!-- P&W J52-P-6A turbojet, 8500 lbs sea level thrust -->
-<jet x="0.61" y="0" z="0.11" mass="1800" thrust="8500" n1-max="106"
-     exhaust-speed="2000">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-<!-- nose -->
-<gear x="3.32" y="0" z="-2.26" retract-time="7" compression=".96">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"
-                 src0="-1" src1="1" dst0="-0.9" dst1="0.9"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<!-- left main -->
-<gear x="-1.39" y="1.19" z="-1.89" retract-time="7" compression=".78"
-      damp="2">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-speed control="BRAKE" transition-time="2"/>
-<!-- right main -->
-<gear x="-1.39" y="-1.19" z="-1.89" retract-time="7" compression=".78"
-      damp="2">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-speed control="BRAKE" transition-time="2"/>
-<!-- A4-M had 800 gallons of in-fuselage fuel capacity in three tanks,
-     one in each wing and one behind the cockpit. TA-4F had "only" 100
-     gallons in the fuselage due to the second seat, so the wings must
-     have 0-350 gallons each.  Call the tanks 260/280/260 gallons, and
-     use 6.72 lbs/gal for Jet-A fuel. BUT: this is an A-4E, which had
-     770 gallons.  Figure that the extra 30 all went into an expanded
-     center tank underneath the new "hump" in the fuselage. -->
-<tank x="0.11" y="0" z="0.17" jet="true" capacity="1678"/>
-<tank x="-0.39" y="1" z="-0.33" jet="true" capacity="1750"/>
-<tank x="-0.39" y="-1" z="-0.33" jet="true" capacity="1750"/>
-<ballast x="4.11" y="0" z="0.67" mass="450"/> <!-- cockpit -->
-<ballast x="2.61" y="0" z="0.67" mass="450"/> <!-- cockpit -->
-<!-- The early A-4's had five pylons.  One 3500lbs center for a tank,
-     two inboard pylons holding 2250lbs, and two 1000lbs outboard
-     pylons. -->
-<weight x="-0.39" y="0" z="-1.33" size="1.5" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/a4/weights/center-lbs"/>
-<weight x="-0.79" y="2" z="-1.33" size="1" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/a4/weights/left-inboard-lbs"/>
-<weight x="-0.79" y="-2" z="-1.33" size="1" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/a4/weights/right-inboard-lbs"/>
-<weight x="-1.39" y="3" z="-1.33" size="1" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/a4/weights/left-outboard-lbs"/>
-<weight x="-1.39" y="-3" z="-1.33" size="1" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/a4/weights/right-outboard-lbs"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/b52-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/b52-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 7b8675d02..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/b52-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-<!--  B52-F yasim config.
-B-52F with full fuel load, no weapon load.
-This config cannot be regarded as an accurate representation
-of a B-52F.  I've used the real numbers, where I've been able
-to find them, but a lot of this config is semi-educated
-guesswork.  I think all the bits are in the right places but
-many of the numbers were obtained either by measuring a h/c
-of the 3-view I used as a template for modelling or by reading
-them out of my 3d modeller.
-The B52s had all moving tailplanes (9 deg up & 4 deg down) and
-these cannot be represented correctly using yasim at the moment,
-so in that respect this config is definitely a hack.
-Lee Elliott. leee-fgfs@spatial.freeserve.co.uk
-<airplane mass="173599">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
- <approach speed="100" aoa="1.0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[2]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[3]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[4]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[5]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[6]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[7]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[2]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[3]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[4]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[5]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[6]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[7]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
- </approach>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<!-- I found the following performance figures
-     638 mph (554 kt) @ 21000 ft
-     570 mph (495 kt) @ 46500 ft
-     523 mph (454 kt) cruising speed (no alt specified)
-     The service ceiling at combat weight (291570 lbs) is 46700 ft and I
-     assume that's at the cruise speed (454 kt)
-     I've not been able to get a solution that solves using 495 kt @ 46500 ft
-     and using the figure of 554 kt @ 21000 ft results in the a/c not being
-     able to climb nearly high enough so the numbers specified are currently
-     the best compromise I've found so far.
- <cruise speed="554" alt="21000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.6"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.6"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[2]/throttle" value="0.6"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[3]/throttle" value="0.6"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[4]/throttle" value="0.6"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[5]/throttle" value="0.6"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[6]/throttle" value="0.6"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[7]/throttle" value="0.6"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[2]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[3]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[4]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[5]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[6]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[7]/afterburner" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
- </cruise>
- <cockpit x="-2.2" y="0.0" z="2.0"/>
- <fuselage ax="0" ay="0" az="0" bx="-49.05" by="0" bz=".64"
-          width="3.2" taper="0.5" midpoint="0.3"/>
-<!-- Wing incidence was set at 6 degrees because the tandem u/c meant
-     that the aircraft couldn't rotate in the conventional fashion.  I
-     found lots of references to the sweep angle of 35 degrees but
-     none of them stated the chord point for it i.e. leading edge or
-     quarter-chord.  As yasim uses mid-chord I've subtracted 0.5 degree
-     as a fudge factor.
-     Yasim also only allows for one [real] flap entry per wing so I've
-     used a single spane but reduced it's length by the width of the
-     aileron, which I've located outboard of the flaps.
- <wing x="-16.0" y="1.6" z="1.2" taper="0.4" incidence="6"
-      length="31.1" chord="10.0" sweep="34.5" dihedral="-1.0" camber="0.16">
-  <stall aoa="18.0" width="3" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.0" end="0.62" lift="1.45" drag="2.2"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.62" end="0.7" lift="1.3" drag="1.3"/>
-  <spoiler start="0.5" end="0.75" lift="0.0" drag="1.8"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="SPOILER"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="left" prop="/surface-positions/left-flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left" prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="left" prop="/surface-positions/left-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="45"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP1" transition-time="0.5"/>
-  <control-speed control="SPOILER" transition-time="0.5"/>
- </wing>
-<!-- The hstab/elevators are nearly deltas ao I've given them a high
-     stall AoA figure.
- <hstab x="-41.5" y="1.0" z="0.8" taper="0.25" effectiveness="1.0"
-       length="7.5" chord="7.5" sweep="40.0" dihedral="0.0" camber="0.01">
-  <stall aoa="25.0" width="3" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.4"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="0.5"/>
- </hstab>
- <vstab x="-41.5" y="0" z="2.0" taper="0.4"
-       length="8.5" chord="7.5" sweep="35.0">
-  <stall aoa="20.0" width="3" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.15" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
- </vstab>
-<!-- Engine entries -->
-<!-- I've used the dry thrust rating of the J57-P-43WA turbojet (11200 lb)
-     here instead of the wet-thrust (13500 lb).  This will make take offs a
-     little more sluggish but is about equivilent of a B-52B with wet-thrust.
-     This model is a little heavier though.
-     I couldn't find a weight for the engines and have guessed at 4000lb
-<!-- Left wing engines -->
-<!-- Left Outer Left -->
- <jet x="-23.0" y="20.0" z="-1.0" mass="4000" tsfc="0.7" thrust="11200" afterburner="13500">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Left Outer Right -->
- <jet x="-23.0" y="18.0" z="-1.0" mass="4000" tsfc="0.7" thrust="11200" afterburner="13500">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Left Inner Left -->
- <jet x="-15.0" y="12.0" z="-1.0" mass="4000" tsfc="0.7" thrust="11200" afterburner="13500">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[2]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Left Inner Right -->
- <jet x="-15.0" y="10.0" z="-1.0" mass="4000" tsfc="0.7" thrust="11200" afterburner="13500">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[3]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Right wing engines -->
-<!-- Right Inner Left -->
- <jet x="-15.0" y="-10.0" z="-1.0" mass="4000" tsfc="0.7" thrust="11200" afterburner="13500">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[4]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Right Inner Right -->
- <jet x="-15.0" y="-12.0" z="-1.0" mass="4000" tsfc="0.7" thrust="11200" afterburner="13500">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[5]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Right Outer Left -->
- <jet x="-23.0" y="-18.0" z="-1.0" mass="4000" tsfc="0.7" thrust="11200" afterburner="13500">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[6]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Right Outer Right -->
- <jet x="-23.0" y="-20.0" z="-1.0" mass="4000" tsfc="0.7" thrust="11200" afterburner="13500">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[7]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Landing Gear -->
-<!-- Front Left -->
- <gear x="-13.2" y="2.0" z="-2.9" retract-time="7" compression="1.0">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[0]/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[0]/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-speed control="BRAKE" transition-time="0.7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Front Right -->
- <gear x="-13.2" y="-2.0" z="-2.9" retract-time="7" compression="1.0">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[1]/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[1]/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-speed control="BRAKE" transition-time="0.7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Rear Left -->
- <gear x="-28.0" y="2.0" z="-2.9" retract-time="7" compression="1.0">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[2]/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[2]/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-speed control="BRAKE" transition-time="0.7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Rear Right -->
- <gear x="-28.0" y="-2.0" z="-2.9" retract-time="7" compression="1.0">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[3]/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[3]/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-speed control="BRAKE" transition-time="0.7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[3]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Left Wing -->
- <gear x="-31.0" y="23.0" z="-2.0" retract-time="5" compression="2.5">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[4]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Right Wing -->
- <gear x="-31.0" y="-23.0" z="-2.0" retract-time="5" compression="2.5">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[5]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Fuel tanks -->
-<!-- Total fuel for the F model was 41553 gal incl the external tanks
-     There are a total of ten internal tanks, three located in the wings
-     and four along the top of the fuselage above the bomb bay.  I don't
-     know what percentage was held in the wings vs. the fuselage but I'm
-     guessing that more was held in the fuselage tank than half of the
-     wing tank total.
-     There are also two external wing tanks holding 3000 gal each.
-     fgfs seems to convert gal to lbs using a ratio of 1:6 giving a total
-     of 249318 lb of fuel, of which 18000 lb are in each external tank.
-     That leaves 213318 of fuel to be distributed in the wings and
-     fuselage.
- <tank x="-20.0" y="10.0" z="2.0" capacity="70000"/>
- <tank x="-20.0" y="-10.0" z="2.0" capacity="70000"/>
- <tank x="-20.0" y="0.0" z="2.3" capacity="73318"/>
- <tank x="-30.0" y="28.0" z="1.5" capacity="18000"/>
- <tank x="-30.0" y="-28.0" z="1.5" capacity="18000"/>
-<!-- This is to level the aircraft on the ground
-<ballast x="-4.0" y="0" z="0" mass="20000"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/c172.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/c172.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b6dda405..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/c172.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-<airplane mass="1950">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="47" aoa="16">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.3"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="123" alt="0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-<cockpit x="-1.88" y=".33" z="0.6"/>
-<fuselage ax="-.17" ay="0" az="-.51" bx="-7.16" by="0" bz=".17"
-          width="1.5" taper="0.2" midpoint="0.3"/>
-<wing x="-2.47" y=".51" z=".68" taper=".78"
-      length="5.37" chord="1.54" sweep="0" dihedral="1" camber="0.1">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="6" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end=".38" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start=".78" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="6"/>
-<hstab x="-7.16" y="0.08" z=".17" taper=".63" effectiveness="2"
-       length="1.71" chord="1.36" sweep="0">
-  <stall aoa="18" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.7" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-7.16" y="0" z=".17" taper=".5"
-       length="1.71" chord="1.54" sweep="20">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"
-		  min="1" max="-1"/>
-<propeller radius="1.0"
-	   cruise-speed="86" cruise-rpm="2200"
-           cruise-alt="10000" cruise-power="99"
-           takeoff-power="140.8" takeoff-rpm="2200"
-           eng-power="160" eng-rpm="2500"
-           x="-.6" y="0" z="0" mass="400" moment="8">
-  <actionpt x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/starter" control="STARTER"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos" control="MAGNETOS"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" control="MIXTURE"/>
-<gear x="-1" y="0" z="-1.5" compression=".4"> <!-- nose -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER"
-                 src0="-1.0" src1="1.0"
-                 dst0="-0.1" dst1="0.1"/>
-<gear x="-2.82" y="1.15" z="-1.36" compression=".3"> <!-- left main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-<gear x="-2.82" y="-1.15" z="-1.36" compression=".3"> <!-- left main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-<tank x="-2.47" y="1.36" z=".68" capacity="75"/> 
-<tank x="-2.47" y="-1.36" z=".68" capacity="75"/> 
-<ballast x="-2.0" y=".33" z="0" mass="180"/> <!-- pilot -->
-<ballast x="-2.0" y="-.33" z="0" mass="180"/> <!-- passenger -->
-<ballast x="-1.0" y="-.33" z="0" mass="200"/> <!-- cockpit -->
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/c310.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/c310.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7899393e5..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/c310.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-<airplane mass="3903">
-<approach speed="70" aoa="16">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/propeller-pitch" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<cruise speed="223" alt="20000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/propeller-pitch" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="-2.78" y="0.26" z="0.95"/>
-<fuselage ax="0.00"  ay="0" az="0" bx="-9.50" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="1.5" taper="0" midpoint="0.4"/>
-<wing x="-3.65" y="0.62" z="-0.18" length ="4.68" chord ="1.68"
-      sweep="0" dihedral="5" taper="0.8" camber="0.1">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end=".5" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start=".55" end=".94" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-<hstab x="-8.33" y="0.22" z="0.07" length ="2.34" chord ="1.24"
-       sweep="0" dihedral="0" taper="0.6">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.68" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-8.26" y="0.00" z="0.26" length ="2.16" chord ="1.61"
-       sweep="36" taper="0.5">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<!-- Late model 310's had 50 gallon tip tanks, and 31.5 gallon wing
-     tanks.  Some also had nacelle tanks, but those aren't modeled
-     here -->
-<tank x="-3.62" y="5.30" z="0.44" capacity="300"/>
-<tank x="-3.62" y="1.02" z="-0.15" capacity="189"/>
-<tank x="-3.62" y="-1.02" z="-0.15" capacity="189"/>
-<tank x="-3.62" y="-5.30" z="0.44" capacity="300"/>
-<gear x="0.00" y="0.00" z="-1.35" compression=".5" retract-time="7">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
-<gear x="-4.02" y="1.32" z="-1.35" compression=".5" retract-time="7">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="6.2"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-<gear x="-4.02" y="-1.32" z="-1.35" compression=".5" retract-time="7">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="6"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-<propeller x="-2.56" y="1.83" z="0.07"
-           mass="800" moment="12" radius="1.0"
-           eng-power="285" eng-rpm="2700"
-           turbo-mul="2" wastegate-mp="40"
-           cruise-power="157" cruise-speed="195"
-           cruise-rpm="2100" cruise-alt="20000"
-           min-rpm="1600" max-rpm="2700">
-  <actionpt x="-1.53" y="1.83" z="0.07"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/starter" control="STARTER"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos" control="MAGNETOS"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" control="MIXTURE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" control="ADVANCE"/>
-<propeller x="-2.56" y="-1.83" z="0.07"
-           mass="800" moment="12" radius="1.0"
-           eng-power="285" eng-rpm="2700"
-           turbo-mul="2" wastegate-mp="40"
-           cruise-power="157" cruise-speed="195"
-           cruise-rpm="2100" cruise-alt="20000"
-           min-rpm="1600" max-rpm="2700">
-  <actionpt x="-1.53" y="-1.83" z="0.07"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/starter" control="STARTER"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/magnetos" control="MAGNETOS"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/mixture" control="MIXTURE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/propeller-pitch" control="ADVANCE"/>
-<ballast x="-2.78" y="0.26" z="0.0" mass="180"/> <!-- pilot -->
-<ballast x="-2.2" y="0" z="0.0" mass="240"/>    <!-- cockpit -->
-<weight x="-4.24" y="0" z="0" mass-prop="/yasim/c310/passenger-lbs"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/dc3.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/dc3.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 220fcec0b..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/dc3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-<airplane mass="16865">
-<approach speed="58" aoa="13">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.4"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/propeller-pitch" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<cruise speed="180" alt="23200">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/propeller-pitch" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/boost" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/boost" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="-1.63" y="0.41" z="0.76"/>
-<fuselage ax="0" ay="0" az="0" bx="-19.75" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="2" taper="0.5" midpoint="0.25"/>
-<wing x="-7.02" y="1.09" z="-0.95" length="11.58" camber="0.1"
-      chord="4.77" taper=".286" sweep="19" dihedral="4" twist="-3">
-  <stall aoa="14" width="6" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.04" end="0.38" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.38" end="0.97" lift="1.2" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-<hstab x="-18.12" y="0.41" z="0.27" length="3.5" effectiveness="1.2"
-       chord="3" taper=".545" sweep="15">
-  <stall aoa="18" width="3" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0" effectiveness="0.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-18.12" y="0" z="0.95" length="2.72" effectiveness="1.25"
-       chord="3.95" taper=".462" sweep="2">
-  <stall aoa="14" width="3" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" effectiveness="2.0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-<propeller x="-4.09" y="2.52" z="-0.95"
-           mass="2000" moment="35" radius="1.4"
-           eng-power="1200" eng-rpm="2700"
-           turbo-mul="1.5"
-           cruise-power="660" cruise-speed="195"
-           cruise-rpm="2100" cruise-alt="20000"
-           min-rpm="1600" max-rpm="2700">
-  <actionpt x="-2.45" y="2.52" z="-0.95"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/starter" control="STARTER"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos" control="MAGNETOS"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" control="MIXTURE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" control="ADVANCE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/boost" control="BOOST"/>
-<propeller x="-4.09" y="-2.52" z="-0.95"
-           mass="2000" moment="-35" radius="1.4"
-           eng-power="1200" eng-rpm="2700"
-           turbo-mul="1.5"
-           cruise-power="660" cruise-speed="195"
-           cruise-rpm="2100" cruise-alt="20000"
-           min-rpm="1600" max-rpm="2700">
-  <actionpt x="-2.45" y="-2.52" z="-0.95"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/starter" control="STARTER"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/magnetos" control="MAGNETOS"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/mixture" control="MIXTURE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/propeller-pitch" control="ADVANCE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/boost" control="BOOST"/>
-<!-- Tail wheel; has castering selectable by a wheel lock -->
-<gear x="-17.3" y="0" z="-0.9" compression="0.2">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/tailwheel-lock" control="CASTERING"/>
-<gear x="-6.08" y="2.52" z="-3.49" compression="1" retract-time="7" spring="2">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-<gear x="-6.08" y="-2.52" z="-3.49" compression="1" retract-time="7" spring="2">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- From the type certificate: "Fuel capacity: 822 gals. (4 tanks in
-     center section wing: 2 main including fuel system 210 gals. each
-     (+48) and 2 aux. 201 gals. each (+83.5)" -->
-<tank x="-7.02" y="0" z="-0.95" capacity="4932"/>
-<ballast x="-18.0" y="0.0" z="0.6" mass="-2400"/> <!-- move CG forward -->
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/harrier.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/harrier.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b873279f..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/harrier.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-<!-- The Harrier has a zillion variants.  Where possible, the numbers
-     here are based on the Sea Harrier FRS.Mk.1, the initial version
-     for the Royal Navy of Falklands fame. -->
-<airplane mass="14052">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="160" aoa="8">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.2"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="716" alt="39000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="-3.15" y="0.00" z="1.48"/>
-<fuselage ax="0.00" ay="0.00" az="0.00"
-          bx="-15.57" by="0.00" bz="1.11"
-          width="1.6" taper="0.1" midpoint="0.3"/>
-<wing x="-7.32" y="0.46" z="0.93" length="3.71" chord="3.15"
-      taper=".294" sweep="28" dihedral="-11" camber="0.05">
-  <stall aoa="21" width="8" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.11" end="0.56" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.56" end="0.91" lift="1.2" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-<hstab x="-12.23" y="0.00" z="0.93" length="2.04" chord="1.48"
-       taper=".313" sweep="24.5" dihedral="-12">
-  <stall aoa="20" width="7" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.7" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-12.51" y="0.00" z="1.20" length="2.78" chord="2.41"
-       taper=".308" sweep="23.5">
-  <stall aoa="20" width="7" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.12" end="0.88" lift="1.2" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"
-		  min="1" max="-1"/>
-<jet x="-6.12" y="0" z="0.56" mass="3000" thrust="21500" rotate="-99">
-  <actionpt x="-7.452" y="0" z="0.671"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" control="VECTOR"
-                 src0="0" src1="1" dst0="1" dst1="0"/>
-<!-- Harriers have little "reactor" jets to change the aircraft's
-     orientation during hover.  I've been unable to find a good
-     reference for where these are, exactly.  I've chosen to put the
-     pitch and yaw jets in the tail, and the roll jets point down from
-     the wingtips.  This makes logical sense, but I'd be pleased if
-     anyone can find better info. -->
-<!-- tail jets: left yaw, right yaw and pitch down -->
-<thruster x="-15" y="0" z="1" vx="0" vy="1" vz="0" thrust="200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="0" src1="1" dst0="0" dst1="1"/>
-  <control-input axis="/orientation/yaw-rate-degps" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="-5" src1="0" dst0="0.3" dst1="0"/>
-<thruster x="-15" y="0" z="1" vx="0" vy="-1" vz="0" thrust="200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="-1" src1="0" dst0="1" dst1="0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/orientation/yaw-rate-degps" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="0" src1="5" dst0="0" dst1="0.3"/>
-<thruster x="-15" y="0" z="1" vx="0" vy="0" vz="1" thrust="200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="0" src1="1" dst0="0" dst1="1"/>
-  <control-input axis="/orientation/pitch-rate-degps" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="0" src1="2" dst0="0" dst1="0.3"/>
-<!-- wingtip jets for roll  -->
-<thruster x="-9.2" y="3.34" z="0" vx="0" vy="0" vz="1" thrust="200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="0" src1="1" dst0="0" dst1="1"/>
-  <control-input axis="/orientation/roll-rate-degps" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="-2" src1="0" dst0="0.3" dst1="0"/>
-<thruster x="-9.2" y="3.34" z="0" vx="0" vy="0" vz="-1" thrust="200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="-1" src1="0" dst0="1" dst1="0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/orientation/roll-rate-degps" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="0" src1="2" dst0="0" dst1="0.3"/>
-<thruster x="-9.2" y="-3.34" z="0" vx="0" vy="0" vz="1" thrust="200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="-1" src1="0" dst0="1" dst1="0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/orientation/roll-rate-degps" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="0" src1="2" dst0="0" dst1="0.3"/>
-<thruster x="-9.2" y="-3.34" z="0" vx="0" vy="0" vz="-1" thrust="200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="0" src1="1" dst0="0" dst1="1"/>
-  <control-input axis="/orientation/roll-rate-degps" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="-2" src1="0" dst0="0.3" dst1="0"/>
-<!-- nose jet for pitch up -->
-<thruster x="0" y="0" z="0" vx="0" vy="0" vz="1" thrust="200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="-1" src1="0" dst0="1" dst1="0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/orientation/pitch-rate-degps" control="THROTTLE"
-           src0="-2" src1="0" dst0="0.3" dst1="0"/>
-<!-- Forward main -->
-<gear x="-4.91" y="0.00" z="-2.0" compression="0.75">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<!-- Rear main -->
-<gear x="-8.25" y="0.00" z="-1.5" compression="0.25">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<!-- Wingtip gear -->
-<gear x="-8.90" y="3.24"  z="-1.41" compression="0.25" castering="1">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<gear x="-8.90" y="-3.24" z="-1.41" compression="0.25" castering="1">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[3]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-<!-- This capacity is right, but I'm not sure what the tank
-     configuration of a FRS.Mk.1 is.  Just put it all at the wing
-     root. -->
-<tank x="-7.32" y="0" z="0.5" jet="true" capacity="5049"/>
-<ballast x="-2" y="0" z="0" mass="600"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/j22-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/j22-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fe05a2095..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/j22-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-<!-- I took these data from the book "Sodobna letala in helikopterji"
-     (Jelko Kacin, 1986). About the aerodynamics, it is mostly a guess
-     work. I took a base model from Douglas A-4, and modified it for J-22.
-<!-- The empy aircraft mass is 5720 kg (12613 lbs), max fuel mass is about
-     2950 kg (6505 lbs), max aircraft weight is 11300 kg (24917 lbs)
-     accordingly to the sources
-<airplane mass="12613">         <!-- clean weight without fuel -->
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="130" aoa="6.5">
- <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.15"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.15"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="540" alt="55000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="1"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<cockpit x="4.089" y="0.0" z="0.920"/>
-<!-- Fuselage -->
-<fuselage ax="7.718" ay="0.0" az="-0.300"
-          bx="-5.518" by="0.0" bz="0.0"
-          width="1" taper="0.5" midpoint="0.55"/>
-<wing x="0.548" y="0.740" z="0.349" taper="0.286" incidence="0.25" idrag="1.3"
-      length="5.72" chord="4.25" sweep="37.44" dihedral="0" camber="0.01" twist="-2.37">
-  <stall aoa="27" width="10" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.0" end="0.5" lift="1.2" drag="1.3"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.5" end="1.0" lift="1.2" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/> 
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/> 
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="FLAP1" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/left-flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/right-flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left" prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="2"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP1" transition-time="0.5"/>
-<!-- Back wings -->
-<hstab x="-4.44" y="0.689" z="-0.176" length="2.02" chord="4"
-       taper="0.11" sweep="0" dihedral="40" camber="0.01" effectiveness="1.85">
-  <stall aoa="24" width="2" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.25" drag="1.4"/>
- <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="0.8"/>
- </hstab>
-<hstab x="-4.44" y="0.689" z="-0.176" taper="0.3" effectiveness="1.85"
-       length="2.02" chord="2.02" sweep="0">
-  <stall aoa="27" width="10" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="left" prop="/surface-positions/left-elevator-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-elevator-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="0.5"/>
-<!-- Vertical stabilizator -->
-<vstab x="4.0" y="0" z="0.57" taper="0.176"
-       length="3.13" chord="2.7" sweep="53.7" effectiveness="1.5">
-  <stall aoa="27" width="10" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.15" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"
-		  min="1" max="-1"/>
-<!-- Viper Mk-632-41 R with 17,5 kN (22,5 kN w/ afterburner) thrust -->
-<!-- I couldn't find a figure for the mass so it's guess work.
- <jet x="-3.689" y="0.321" z="-0.072" mass="1900" thrust="3934" afterburner="5057">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
- <jet x="-3.689" y="-0.321" z="-0.072" mass="1900" thrust="3934" afterburner="5057">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Nose -->
- <gear x="5.481" y="0.00" z="-1.880" compression="0.7" spring="2.0">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="STEER" prop="/gear/gear[0]/steering-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="5"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Left main -->
- <gear x="0.219" y="1.150" z="-1.879" compression="0.6" spring="1.5">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="5"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Right main -->
- <gear x="0.219" y="-1.150" z="-1.879" compression="0.6" spring="1.5">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="5"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Canopy -->
- <gear x="4.1" y="0.0" z="1.05" retract-time="6" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="6"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- The capacities of seperated fuel tanks are a guess work-->
-<!-- Fuselage tank (behind the cockpit) -->
- <tank x="2.738" y="0" z="0.282" jet="true" capacity="1805"/>
-<!-- Left wing tank -->
- <tank x="-0.357" y="1.377" z="0.310" jet="true" capacity="2400"/>
-<!-- Right wing tank -->
- <tank x="-0.357" y="-1.377" z="0.310" jet="true" capacity="2400"/>
-<!-- J-22 has five pylons. One 1770 lbs center for a tank,
-     and 4 1105 lbs pylons on the wings
-<weight x="2.201" y="0" z="-0.975" size="1" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/j22/weights/center-lbs"/>
-<weight x="0.649" y="2.137" z="-0.001" size="1" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/j22/weights/left-inboard-lbs"/>
-<weight x="0.649" y="-2.137" z="-0.001" size="1" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/j22/weights/right-inboard-lbs"/>
-<weight x="-0.222" y="3.272" z="-0.072" size="1" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/j22/weights/left-outboard-lbs"/>
-<weight x="-0.222" y="-3.272" z="-0.072" size="1" 
-        mass-prop="/yasim/j22/weights/right-outboard-lbs"/>
-<!-- Some ballast stuff to reach correctly placed center of gravity point -->
-<!-- Avionics -->
- <ballast x="5.413" y="0" z="-0.16" mass="2000"/>
-<!-- Cockpit and radar -->
- <ballast x="5.171" y="0" z="0.207" mass="2500"/>
-<!-- Pilot -->
- <ballast x="4.312" y="0" z="0" mass="200"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/j3cub.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/j3cub.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 37ebad7a4..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/j3cub.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-YASim aerodynamic model for a Piper J3 Cub.
-Started 2002-08-15 by David Megginson.
-This aerodynamic model is based on three-views, unauthoritative
-performance data, and wild guesses.  These sites provided particularly
-useful information or were simply fun to visit:
-Performance data:
-  http://www.marss.com/cub.htm
-Weight and balance:
-  http://www.danford.net/balance.htm
-  http://www.fiddlersgreen.net/aircraft/private/j3cub/j3cub_info/j3_info.htm
-Useless but fun free paper model:
-  http://www.fiddlersgreen.net/aircraft/private/j3cub/j3cub.htm
-Useless but fun 1945 Piper Cub ad from FLYING:
-  http://www.fiddlersgreen.net/aircraft/private/j3cub/j3cub_info/piperad.jpg
-The reference datum for measurements is the leading edge of the wing,
-since it is what the weight-and-balance site above uses.
-  680lb empty weight.
- -->
-<!-- FIXME: this includes the engine; is that correct? -->
-<airplane mass="680">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="20" aoa="15">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="64" alt="0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.75"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="0.75"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" value="0.1"/>
-<!-- pilot's eyepoint -->
-<cockpit x="-0.23" y="0" z="-0.30"/>
-<fuselage ax="1.37" ay="0" az="-0.71" bx="-4.81" by="0" bz="-0.65"
-          width="0.71" taper="0.16" midpoint="0.17"/>
-  I treat it as a perfectly rectangular wing for now.  Note that
-  the dihedral is exaggerated to simulate hull-interference effects
-  on a high-wing aircraft; once YASim models that properly, the
-  angle should be reduced to something like 2 degrees.
-  Note that the J3 Cub has no flaps.  With a stall speed of 25kt, who
-  needs them?  From what I've read, the ailerons add lots of drag.
-<wing x="-0.80" y="0.42" z="0.0" taper="1.0" incidence="2" twist="-3"
-      length="4.87" chord="1.60" sweep="0" dihedral="5" camber="0.1">
-  <stall aoa="18" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start=".31" end="0.85" lift="1.5" drag="1.4"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP0" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP0" split="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-<hstab x="-4.87" y="0.05" z="-0.42" taper="0.8" effectiveness="1.24"
-       length="1.49" chord="1.13" sweep="0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.4" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<!-- rudder has to be able to counteract aileron drag -->
-<vstab x="-4.87" y="0" z="-0.65" taper="0.38" effectiveness="2.0"
-       length="1.31" chord="1.37" sweep="0" incidence="1.5">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="2.0" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"
-		  min="1" max="-1"/>
-<!-- FIXME: engine mass (just a guess; it's a small engine) -->
-<!-- Assume 75% power at 8000ft -->
-<propeller radius="0.90"
-	   cruise-speed="70" cruise-rpm="2150"
-           cruise-alt="8000" cruise-power="49"
-           takeoff-power="55" takeoff-rpm="2300"
-           eng-power="65" eng-rpm="2500"
-           x="0.71" y="0" z="-0.65" mass="150" moment="4">
-  <actionpt x="1.31" y="0" z="-0.65"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/starter" control="STARTER"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos" control="MAGNETOS"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" control="MIXTURE"/>
-<gear x="-5.17" y="0" z="-0.71" compression="0.1">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER"
-                 src0="-1.0" src1="1.0"
-                 dst0="0.5" dst1="-0.5"/>
-<gear x="0" y="0.95" z="-1.96" compression="0.01"> <!-- left main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-<gear x="0" y="-0.95" z="-1.96" compression="0.01"> <!-- right main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-<!-- There's just one 12-gallon tank, right behind the engine (!!!) -->
-<tank x="-0.45" y="0" z="-0.89" capacity="72"/> 
-  Note the tandem seating; the x values (arms) come from the
-  weight-and-balance page cited at the start.
-<ballast x="-4.0" y="0" z="-0.70" mass="-75"/>
-<!-- pilot -->
-<weight x="-0.91" y="0" z="-0.70" mass-prop="/yasim/j3cub/pilot-lb"/>
-<!-- passenger -->
-<weight x="-0.23" y="0" z="-0.70" mass-prop="/yasim/j3cub/passenger-lb"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/p51d.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/p51d.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 48bd1a4aa..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/p51d.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-YASim aerodynamic model for a P-51D mustang
-Started 2003-04-24 by Jim Wilson
-This aerodynamic model is based on three-views, unauthoritative
-performance data, and wild guesses.  These sites provided particularly
-useful information or were simply fun to visit:
-Performance data:
-Weight and balance:
-(Note: I have local copies if this url becomes un-available)
-The reference datum for measurements is the nose.
-<!-- Weight of everything but fuel  (7010 empty) -->
-<airplane mass="7190">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="87" aoa="13">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.2"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="380" alt="25000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.00"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.00"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/boost" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
-<!-- pilot's eyepoint -->
-<cockpit x="-4.495" y="0" z="0.689"/>
-<fuselage ax="0.0" ay="0.0" az="0.0" bx="-9.9" by="0.0" bz="0.0"
-          width="0.94" taper="0.38"/>
-stall aoa not available
-flap drag not available
-<wing x="-3.96" y="0.55" z="-0.60" taper="0.466" incidence="0"
-      length="5.16" chord="2.845" sweep="-3.5" dihedral="5" camber="0.1">
-  <stall aoa="14" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.024" end="0.543" lift="1.2" drag="1.8"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.543" end="0.94.5" lift="1.3" drag="1.4"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-<hstab x="-8.62" y="0.18" z="0.34" taper="0.639" effectiveness="3.5"
-       length="1.834" chord="1.256" sweep="0" incidence="2">
-  <stall aoa="15" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.0" end="1.8" lift="1.65" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<!-- rudder has to be able to counteract aileron drag -->
-<vstab x="-9.30" y="0" z="-0.37" taper="0.432" effectiveness="3.5"
-       length="1.971" chord="2.65" sweep="25"  incidence="-0.58">
-  <stall aoa="15" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" square="true" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"
-		  min="1" max="-1"/>
-<!-- moment calculated using formula submitted by Donald Simon:
-      MOI = # of Blades * (8.2*(10^-5))*(D^5), slug-ft^2
-      then converted to kg-m^2 and finally square root to kg-m for torque value -->
-<!-- wastegate setting should not apply.  set here so that calculations would approximate.
-      YASim doesn't model gear supercharger.  Have read various figures (turbo-mul) 4.0 to 5.8 for 
-      running the second stage blower.  Fixing this would probably give more reasonable 
-      performance at lower altitude -->
-<!-- cruise-rpm roughly estimated from documented gear ratio of 0.479 -->
-<propeller   x="-0.75" y="0" z="0"
-           radius="1.75" 
-           mass="1690" moment="94.5"
-           eng-power="1590" eng-rpm="3000"
-           turbo-mul="4.0" wastegate-mp="61"
-           cruise-alt="21400" cruise-power="1370"
-           cruise-speed="380" cruise-rpm="2900"
-           manual-pitch="true" >
-  <actionpt x="-1.25" y="0" z="0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/starter" control="STARTER"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos" control="MAGNETOS"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" control="MIXTURE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" control="PROPPITCH"
-                 src0="0" src1="1" dst0="0.40" dst1="0.82"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/boost" control="BOOST"/>
-<!-- Tail wheel -->
-<!-- tail wheel "steerable" in p-51d (in stick back locked position it actually should be limited to 6deg +/-) -->
-<gear x="-7.90" y="0" z="-0.96" compression="0.2">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true" 
-                 src0="-1.0" src1="1.0"
-                 dst0="0.5" dst1="-0.5"/>
- <!-- left main -->
-<gear x="-2.79" y="1.81" z="-2.20" compression="0.4" spring="0.7" damp="3.0">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="6"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
- <!-- right main -->
-<gear x="-2.79" y="-1.81" z="-2.20" compression="0.4" spring="0.7" damp="3.0">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="6"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-<!-- Guess on wing tank positions -->
-<tank x="-3.50" y="1.0" z="-0.61" capacity="726"/> 
-<tank x="-3.50" y="-1.0" z="-0.61" capacity="726"/> 
-<tank x="-6.50" y="0" z="0" capacity="671"/> 
-<!-- pilot -->
-<ballast x="-4.495" y="0" z="0.689" mass="180"/>
-<!-- armament -->
-<!--  Had too much weight I think...disable until stall speed fixed
-<ballast x="-3.20" y="0.7" z="-0.60" mass="800"/> 
-<ballast x="-3.20" y="-0.7" z="-0.60" mass="800"/> 
-<!-- prop -->
-<ballast x="0.1" y="0" z="0.0" mass="200"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/pa28-161.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/pa28-161.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b49d4056..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/pa28-161.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-<airplane mass="1480">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<approach speed="45" aoa="14">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<cruise speed="123" alt="7000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" value="0.7"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-<cockpit x="-2.5" y=".33" z="0.6"/>
-<fuselage ax="0.5" ay="0" az="0" bx="-7.75" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="1.5" taper="0.2" midpoint="0.3"/>
-<wing x="-2.75" y="0.6" z="-0.75" taper="0.65" incidence="2" twist="-2"
-      length="4.5" chord="1.65" sweep="0" dihedral="5" camber="0.1">
-  <stall aoa="18" width="2.0" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="0.5" lift="1.5" drag="1.5"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.5" end="1.0" lift="1.2" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-<hstab x="-6.5" y="0.00" z=".15" taper="1.0" effectiveness="2" incidence="-1"
-       length="1.9" chord="0.9" sweep="0">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.65" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-<vstab x="-6.25" y="0" z=".3" taper=".5"
-       length="1.2" chord="1.2" sweep="10">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="4" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.3" drag="1.1"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder-trim" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"
-		  min="1" max="-1"/>
-<propeller radius="1.0"
-	   cruise-speed="125" cruise-rpm="2665"
-           cruise-alt="8000" cruise-power="120"
-           takeoff-power="140.8" takeoff-rpm="2200"
-           eng-power="160" eng-rpm="2800"
-           x="-1" y="0" z="0" mass="400" moment="8">
-  <actionpt x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/starter" control="STARTER"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos" control="MAGNETOS"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture" control="MIXTURE"/>
-<gear x="-1" y="0" z="-1.3" compression=".05"> <!-- nose -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER"
-                 src0="-1.0" src1="1.0"
-                 dst0="-0.1" dst1="0.1"/>
-<gear x="-2.8" y="1.5" z="-1.3" compression=".05"> <!-- left main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-<gear x="-2.8" y="-1.5" z="-1.3" compression=".05"> <!-- left main -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE" split="true"/>
-<tank x="-2.5" y="1.5" z="-0.25" capacity="144"/> 
-<tank x="-2.5" y="-1.5" z="-0.25" capacity="144"/> 
-<ballast x="-2.0" y="0" z="0" mass="400"/> <!-- cockpit -->
-<weight x="-2.5" y=".33" z="0" mass-prop="/yasim/pa28/pilot-lb"/>
-<weight x="-2.5" y="-.33" z="0" mass-prop="/yasim/pa28/copilot-lb"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/seahawk-WV908-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/seahawk-WV908-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 7473d4cbe..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/seahawk-WV908-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-<!--  Hawker Sea Hawk yasim config.  This is a hack and not an
-      authentic representation of the aircraft.  Having said
-      that, the numbers, where I could find them, roughly match
-      those of the original aircraft.
-      Lee Elliott. leee-fgfs@spatial.freeserve.co.uk
-<airplane mass="9720">
-<!-- Approach configuration.
-     I couldn't find any approach data but I think that the way
-     the aircraft sits tail down on it's u/c indicates that it
-     must land at a fairly shallow AoA to avoid hitting tail
-     first.  The speed is a guess.
-     I could see no sign or mention of spoilers or airbrakes in any
-     of the docs or pictures I found.
- <approach speed="110" aoa="4">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
- </approach>
-<!-- Cruise configuration.
-     Max speed at sea level is 599 mph = 521 knots.  The same source
-     also quoted 587 mph at 'altitude'.
- <cruise speed="521" alt="0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
- </cruise>
- <cockpit x="3.0" y="0.0" z="0.7"/>
- <fuselage ax="5.10" ay="0" az="0" bx="5.88" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="1.3"/>
-<!-- The wing length is from tips to fuselage, including intakes.
-     The aileron figures are probably too low but the roll rate seemed
-     too high otherwise.
- <wing x="0.1" y="0.65" z="0.0" taper="0.5" incidence="0.0"
-      length="5.3" chord="3.0" sweep="-3.0" dihedral="3.0" camber="0.006">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="3" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.1" end="0.4" lift="1.4" drag="1.6"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.4" end="0.95" lift="1.05" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left" prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-spoiler-pos-norm"/> -->
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP1" transition-time="0.5"/>
- </wing>
- <hstab x="-5.2" y="0.10" z="0.76" taper="0.3" effectiveness="1.6"
-       length="1.7" chord="1.2" sweep="0.0" dihedral="0.0" camber="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="0.5"/>
- </hstab>
- <vstab x="-5.2" y="0.0" z="0.2" taper="0.8"
-       length="1.4" chord="1.8" sweep="10.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.15" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="0.5"/>
- </vstab>
-<!-- Engines and tanks.
-     1 x Roll-Royce Nene 103.  I've no idea how much it actually
-     weighs.
- <jet x="0.3" y="0.0" z="0.0" mass="1000" thrust="5200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Fuel tanks in front, behind and above (saddle tank - actually feeds into
-     tank two in real life) the engine. -->
- <tank x="1.4" y="0.0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
- <tank x="-1.3" y="0.0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
- <tank x="0.5" y="0.0" z="0.5" jet="true" capacity="1200"/>
-<!-- Undercarriage -->
-<!-- Front -->
- <gear x="4.0" y="0.0" z="-1.53" compression="0.7" spring="1.0">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="STEER" prop="/gear/gear[0]/steering-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Left Main -->
- <gear x="-0.09" y="1.4" z="-1.34" compression="0.7" spring="1.8">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Right Main -->
- <gear x="-0.09" y="-1.4" z="-1.34" compression="0.7" spring="1.8">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[2]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Canopy -->
- <gear x="3.0" y="0.0" z="0.6" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="10"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/canopy/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Ballast -->
- <ballast x="3.0" y="0" z="1.0" mass="1200"/> <!-- C/pit + Pilot -->
- <ballast x="3.5" y="0" z="-0.5" mass="1000"/> <!-- Gun -->
- <ballast x="2.0" y="0" z="0.0" mass="1000"/> <!-- trim ballast -->
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/seahawk-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/seahawk-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 35dc96fdf..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/seahawk-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-<!--  Hawker Sea Hawk yasim config.  This is a hack and not an
-      authentic representation of the aircraft.  Having said
-      that, the numbers, where I could find them, roughly match
-      those of the original aircraft.
-      Lee Elliott. leee-fgfs@spatial.freeserve.co.uk
-<airplane mass="9720">
-<!-- Approach configuration.
-     I couldn't find any approach data but I think that the way
-     the aircraft sits tail down on it's u/c indicates that it
-     must land at a fairly shallow AoA to avoid hitting tail
-     first.  The speed is a guess.
-     I could see no sign or mention of spoilers or airbrakes in any
-     of the docs or pictures I found.
- <approach speed="110" aoa="7">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
- </approach>
-<!-- Cruise configuration.
-     Max speed at sea level is 599 mph = 521 knots.  The same source
-     also quoted 587 mph at 'altitude'.
- <cruise speed="521" alt="0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
- </cruise>
- <cockpit x="3.0" y="0.0" z="0.7"/>
- <fuselage ax="5.10" ay="0" az="0" bx="5.88" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="1.3"/>
-<!-- The wing length is from tips to fuselage, including intakes.
-     The aileron figures are probably too low but the roll rate seemed
-     too high otherwise.
- <wing x="0.1" y="0.65" z="0.0" taper="0.5" incidence="0.0"
-      length="5.3" chord="3.0" sweep="-3.0" dihedral="3.0" camber="0.006">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="3" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.1" end="0.4" lift="1.4" drag="1.6"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.4" end="0.95" lift="1.05" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-      prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-spoiler-pos-norm"/> -->
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
- </wing>
- <hstab x="-5.2" y="0.10" z="0.76" taper="0.3" effectiveness="1.6"
-       length="1.7" chord="1.2" sweep="0.0" dihedral="0.0" camber="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
- </hstab>
- <vstab x="-5.2" y="0.0" z="0.2" taper="0.8"
-       length="1.4" chord="1.8" sweep="10.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.15" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
- </vstab>
-<!-- Engines and tanks.
-     1 x Roll-Royce Nene 103.  I've no idea how much it actually
-     weighs.
- <jet x="0.3" y="0.0" z="0.0" mass="1000" thrust="5200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Fuel tanks in front, behind and above (saddle tank - actually feeds into
-     tank two in real life) the engine. -->
- <tank x="1.4" y="0.0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
- <tank x="-1.3" y="0.0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2000"/>
- <tank x="0.5" y="0.0" z="0.5" jet="true" capacity="1200"/>
-<!-- Undercarriage -->
-<!-- nose -->
- <gear x="4.0" y="0.0" z="-1.39" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- left main -->
- <gear x="0.08" y="1.4" z="-1.3" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- right main -->
- <gear x="0.08" y="-1.4" z="-1.3" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Canopy -->
- <gear x="3.0" y="0.0" z="0.6" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="10"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Ballast -->
- <ballast x="3.0" y="0" z="1.0" mass="1200"/> <!-- C/pit + Pilot -->
- <ballast x="3.5" y="0" z="-0.5" mass="1000"/> <!-- Gun -->
- <ballast x="2.0" y="0" z="0.0" mass="1000"/> <!-- trim ballast -->
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/seahawkpair-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/seahawkpair-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 21da1aaf0..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/seahawkpair-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-<!--  Hawker Sea Hawk yasim config.  This is a hack and not an
-      authentic representation of the aircraft.  Having said
-      that, the numbers, where I could find them, roughly match
-      those of the original aircraft.
-      Lee Elliott. leee-fgfs@spatial.freeserve.co.uk
-<airplane mass="9720">
-<!-- Approach configuration.
-     I couldn't find any approach data but I think that the way
-     the aircraft sits tail down on it's u/c indicates that it
-     must land at a fairly shallow AoA to avoid hitting tail
-     first.  The speed is a guess.
-     I could see no sign or mention of spoilers or airbrakes in any
-     of the docs or pictures I found.
- <approach speed="110" aoa="7">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.5"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
- </approach>
-<!-- Cruise configuration.
-     Max speed at sea level is 599 mph = 521 knots.  The same source
-     also quoted 587 mph at 'altitude'.
- <cruise speed="521" alt="0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
- </cruise>
- <cockpit x="3.0" y="0.0" z="0.7"/>
- <fuselage ax="5.10" ay="0" az="0" bx="5.88" by="0" bz="0"
-          width="1.3"/>
-<!-- The wing length is from tips to fuselage, including intakes.
-     The aileron figures are probably too low but the roll rate seemed
-     too high otherwise.
- <wing x="0.1" y="0.65" z="0.0" taper="0.5" incidence="0.0"
-      length="5.3" chord="3.0" sweep="-3.0" dihedral="3.0" camber="0.006">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="3" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.1" end="0.4" lift="1.4" drag="1.6"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.4" end="0.95" lift="1.05" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-      prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-spoiler-pos-norm"/> -->
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
- </wing>
- <hstab x="-5.2" y="0.10" z="0.76" taper="0.3" effectiveness="1.6"
-       length="1.7" chord="1.2" sweep="0.0" dihedral="0.0" camber="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="17" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.5" drag="1.2"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
- </hstab>
- <vstab x="-5.2" y="0.0" z="0.2" taper="0.8"
-       length="1.4" chord="1.8" sweep="10.0">
-  <stall aoa="16" width="5" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.15" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
- </vstab>
-<!-- Engines and tanks.
-     1 x Roll-Royce Nene 103.  I've no idea how much it actually
-     weighs.
- <jet x="0.3" y="0.0" z="0.0" mass="1000" thrust="5200">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Fuel tanks in front of and behind the engine.
- <tank x="1.4" y="0.0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2600"/>
- <tank x="-1.3" y="0.0" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="2600"/>
-<!-- Undercarriage -->
-<!-- nose -->
- <gear x="4.0" y="0.0" z="-1.39" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- left main -->
- <gear x="0.08" y="1.4" z="-1.3" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- right main -->
- <gear x="0.08" y="-1.4" z="-1.3" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Canopy -->
- <gear x="3.0" y="0.0" z="0.6" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="10"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Wingman -->
- <gear x="3.0" y="0.0" z="0.6" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/autoflight/wingman" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="10"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/wingman/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Ballast -->
- <ballast x="3.0" y="0" z="1.0" mass="1200"/> <!-- C/pit + Pilot -->
- <ballast x="3.5" y="0" z="-0.5" mass="1000"/> <!-- Gun -->
- <ballast x="2.0" y="0" z="0.0" mass="1000"/> <!-- trim ballast -->
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/tsr2-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/tsr2-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 706d4656a..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/tsr2-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-<!--  TSR2 yasim config.  This is a hack and not an authentic
-      representation of the aircraft.  Having said that, the
-      numbers, where I could find them, roughly match those of
-      the original aircraft.  Lee Elliott.
-      The ailerons are a hack on this fdm - the real aircraft
-      use all moving tail planes for roll and this model had a
-      very high roll rate so they've been made relatively
-      ineffective and in the model/anim file the aileron surface
-      positions actually operate on the tailplanes.
- <airplane mass="54750">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
- <approach speed="130" aoa="10.0">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.2"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.2"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/spoiler" value="0.2"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
- </approach>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
-<!-- <cruise speed="840" alt="1000"> -->
- <cruise speed="1197" alt="35000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" value="1.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
- </cruise>
- <cockpit x="8.5" y="0.0" z="1.0"/>
- <fuselage ax="13.0" ay="0" az="0" bx="-14.13" by="0" bz=".64"
-          width="2.0" taper="0.5" midpoint="0.3"/>
- <wing x="-3.0" y="1.5" z="1.7" taper="0.25"
-      length="5.0" chord="6.0" sweep="50" dihedral="-1.0" camber="0.003">
-  <stall aoa="35.0" width="3" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.0" end="0.9" lift="1.4" drag="1.2"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.0" end="0.4" lift="1.05" drag="1.2"/>
-  <spoiler start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="0.0" drag="20.0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="SPOILER"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
-      prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
-      prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="left"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/left-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SPOILER" side="right"
-		  prop="/surface-positions/right-spoiler-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP1" transition-time="0.5"/>
-  <control-speed control="SPOILER" transition-time="0.5"/>
- </wing>
- <hstab x="-10.0" y="1.0" z="0.5" taper=".2" effectiveness="2.0"
-       length="3.0" chord="4.0" sweep="55" dihedral="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="35.0" width="3" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.4" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="0.5"/>
- </hstab>
- <vstab x="-10.0" y="0" z="1.38" taper=".176" effectiveness="1.0"
-       length="4.5" chord="4.0" sweep="50">
-  <stall aoa="28.0" width="3" peak="1.5"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.15" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
- </vstab>
-<!-- nose -->
- <gear x="3.0" y="0" z="-2.0" retract-time="7" compression="0.8">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- left main -->
- <gear x="-4.0" y="2.5" z="-2.0" retract-time="7" compression="0.8">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- right main -->
- <gear x="-4.0" y="-2.5" z="-2.0" retract-time="7" compression="0.8">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Canopy -->
- <gear x="3.0" y="0.0" z="0.6" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="10"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
- <jet x="-8.0" y="-1.0" z="0.4" mass="4000" thrust="16600" afterburner="30600">
-<!-- <jet x="-22.0" y="-1.0" z=".44" mass="4000" thrust="30600"> -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
- <jet x="-8.0" y="1.0" z="0.4" mass="4000" thrust="16600" afterburner="30600">
-<!-- <jet x="-22.0" y="1.0" z=".44" mass="4000" thrust="30600"> -->
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
- <tank x="-2.0" y="0.0" z="0.5" jet="true" capacity="13000"/>
- <tank x="-3.0" y="2.5" z="1.7" jet="true" capacity="11000"/>
- <tank x="-3.0" y="-2.5" z="1.7" jet="true" capacity="11000"/>
- <ballast x="8.5" y="0" z="0" mass="3000"/> <!-- Cockpit -->
- <ballast x="4.0" y="0" z="0" mass="3000"/> <!-- avionics -->
- <ballast x="-6.0" y="0" z="0" mass="100"/> <!-- Trim ballast -->
diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/yf23-yasim.xml b/Aircraft-yasim/yf23-yasim.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index afa0fc137..000000000
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/yf23-yasim.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-<!-- There weren't many YF23s - just the two prototypes - and I
-     couldn't find much 'hard' information so a lot of this fdm is
-     guess work (GW).
-<!-- Max take off wieght is 64000lb but I imagine that this
-     includes some weapons so I'm allocating 8000lb to his and
-     subtracting it from the max wieght.
-     I got a figure of 24000lb for the fuel load from a web site.
-     this seems rather high to me but until I can get a better
-     figure it'll have to do.
-<airplane mass="32000">
-<!-- Approach configuration -->
-<!-- From GW & photos -->
- <approach speed="130" aoa="5">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.15"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.15"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/slats" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
- </approach>
-<!-- Cruise configuration -->
- <cruise speed="600" alt="55000">
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.9"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.9"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/flight/slats" value="0"/>
-  <control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
- </cruise>
- <cockpit x="5.70" y="0.00" z="1.26"/>
-<!-- Fuselage entries for the fuselage proper and the two
-     engine housings.
-<!-- Fuselage -->
- <fuselage ax="10.00" ay="0.00" az="0.00"
-          bx="-2.00" by="0.00" bz="0.00"
-          width="1.6" taper="0.5" midpoint="0.5"/>
-<!-- Left engine housing -->
- <fuselage ax="-2.00" ay="1.80" az="0.00"
-          bx="-8.00" by="1.20" bz="0.60"
-          width="1.2" taper="0" midpoint="0.3"/>
-<!-- Right engine housing -->
- <fuselage ax="-2.00" ay="-1.80" az="0.00"
-          bx="-8.00" by="-1.20" bz="0.60"
-          width="1.2" taper="0" midpoint="0.3"/>
-<!-- Lots of guesswork here -->
- <wing x="-2.00" y="0.00" z="0.25" length="6.66" chord="12.00" taper="0.08"
-       sweep="0" dihedral="0" camber="0.001" incidence="0.0" idrag="1.6">
-  <stall aoa="25" width="3" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.36" end="0.63" lift="1.3" drag="1.8"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.63" end="0.89" lift="1.2" drag="1.8"/>
-  <slat start="0.36" end="0.89" aoa="6" drag="1.3"/>
-<!-- Shortened wing that starts outboard of the engine intakes.
- <wing x="-2.00" y="2.40" z="0.25" length="4.2" chord="8.1"
-      taper="0.19" sweep="0" dihedral="0" camber="0.0" incidence="0.0">
-  <stall aoa="35" width="2" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0.0" end="0.42" lift="1.5" drag="1.6"/>
-  <flap1 start="0.42" end="0.833" lift="1.05" drag="1.3"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/slats" control="SLAT"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP1" split="true" invert="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/spoilers" control="FLAP1" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/left-flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/right-flap-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="left" prop="/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP1" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SLAT" side="left" prop="/surface-positions/left-slat-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="SLAT" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-slat-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="2"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP1" transition-time="0.5"/>
-  <control-speed control="SLAT" transition-time="0.5"/>
- </wing>
- <hstab x="-8.70" y="2.40" z="0.36" length="3.30" chord="5.10"
-       taper="0.11" sweep="0" dihedral="40" camber="0.01" effectiveness="2">
-  <stall aoa="24" width="2" peak="1.3"/>
-  <flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.25" drag="1.4"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="FLAP0" split="true" square="false" invert="true"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="left" prop="/surface-positions/left-elevator-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="FLAP0" side="right" prop="/surface-positions/right-elevator-pos-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="0.5"/>
- </hstab>
-<!-- I couldn't find a figure for the mass so it's guess work.
- <jet x="-6.26" y="1.20" z="0.60" mass="3000" thrust="24500" afterburner="35000">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
- <jet x="-6.26" y="-1.20" z="0.60" mass="3000" thrust="24500" afterburner="35000">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
- </jet>
-<!-- Front -->
- <gear x="5.25" y="0.00" z="-2.25" compression="0.65" spring="2.5">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[0]/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-output control="STEER" prop="/gear/gear[0]/steering-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="4"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Left main -->
- <gear x="-2.20" y="1.92" z="-2.9" compression="2.0" spring="2.5">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[1]/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="4"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Right main -->
- <gear x="-2.20" y="-1.92" z="-2.9" compression="2.0" spring="2.5">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear[2]/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="4"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- Canopy -->
- <gear x="4.1" y="0.0" z="1.05" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
-  <control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
-  <control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="10"/>
-  <control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
- </gear>
-<!-- The locations and capcities are guesswork. -->
-<!-- Fuselage tank -->
- <tank x="1.5" y="0" z="0.68" jet="true" capacity="8000"/>
-<!-- Left wing tank -->
- <tank x="-1.40" y="2" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="8000"/>
-<!-- Right wing tank -->
- <tank x="-1.40" y="-2" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="8000"/>
-<!-- Avionics -->
- <ballast x="4" y="0" z="0.6" mass="3000"/>
-<!-- Cockpit and radar -->
- <ballast x="7" y="0" z="0.2" mass="1500"/>
-<!-- Pilot -->
- <ballast x="5.8" y="0" z="0.6" mass="200"/>
-<!-- Trim ballast -->
- <ballast x="6" y="0" z="0.0" mass="2000"/>
diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-3d-jsbsim-set.xml b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-3d-jsbsim-set.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe227d1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-3d-jsbsim-set.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+JSBSim Cessna 172P with 3D cockpit.
+Started October 23 2001 by John Check, fgpanels@rockfish.net
+<PropertyList include="c172p-jsbsim-base.xml">
+ <sim>
+  <description>Cessna 172P (JSBSim, 3D cockpit)</description>
+  <!-- hide the 2D panel -->
+  <panel>
+   <visibility archive="y">false</visibility>
+  </panel>
+  <!-- position the pilot viewpoint and angle -->
+  <view>
+   <internal archive="y">true</internal>
+   <config>
+     <x-offset-m archive="y">-0.18</x-offset-m>
+     <y-offset-m archive="y">0.30</y-offset-m>
+     <z-offset-m archive="y">0.36</z-offset-m>
+     <pitch-offset-deg>-12</pitch-offset-deg>
+   </config>
+  </view>
+ </sim>
diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-3d-set.xml b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-3d-set.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc820a0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-3d-set.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<PropertyList include="c172p-3d-jsbsim-set.xml">
+ <sim>
+  <description>Alias for c172p-3d-jsbsim.</description>
+ </sim>
diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-base.xml b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-base.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7169736d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-base.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+Common configuration for all C172P aircraft.
+<PropertyList include="../c172/c172-base.xml">
+ <sim>
+  <model>
+   <path archive="y">Aircraft/c172p/Models/c172p.xml</path>
+  </model>
+ </sim>
+ <autopilot>
+   <config>
+     <min-climb-speed-kt type="float">70.0</min-climb-speed-kt>
+     <best-climb-speed-kt type="float">75.0</best-climb-speed-kt>
+     <target-climb-rate-fpm type="float">500.0</target-climb-rate-fpm>
+     <target-descent-rate-fpm type="float">1000.0</target-descent-rate-fpm>
+     <elevator-adj-factor type="float">4000.0</elevator-adj-factor>
+     <integral-contribution type="float">0.01</integral-contribution>
+     <zero-pitch-throttle type="float">0.45</zero-pitch-throttle>
+     <zero-pitch-trim-full-throttle type="float">0.14</zero-pitch-trim-full-throttle>
+   </config>
+ </autopilot>
+ <consumables>
+  <fuel>
+   <tank n="0">
+    <level-gal_us>20</level-gal_us>
+   </tank>
+   <tank n="1">
+    <level-gal_us>20</level-gal_us>
+   </tank>
+  </fuel>
+ </consumables>
diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-jsbsim-base.xml b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-jsbsim-base.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad8e57383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-jsbsim-base.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+Common configuration for JSBSim C172P aircraft.
+<PropertyList include="c172p-base.xml">
+ <sim>
+  <flight-model archive="y">jsb</flight-model>
+  <aero archive="y">c172p</aero>
+ </sim>
+ <!-- trim for level cruise -->
+ <controls>
+  <flight>
+   <aileron-trim>0.027</aileron-trim>
+   <rudder-trim>0.0</rudder-trim>
+  </flight>
+ </controls>
diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-jsbsim-set.xml b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-jsbsim-set.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..860291cef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-jsbsim-set.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+JSBSim Cessna 172P with 2D panel.
+Started October 23 2001 by John Check, fgpanels@rockfish.net
+<PropertyList include="c172p-jsbsim-base.xml">
+ <sim>
+  <description>Cessna 172P (JSBSim, 2D panel).</description>
+  <!-- Use a 2D instrument panel -->
+  <panel>
+   <path>Aircraft/c172/Panels/c172-vfr-panel.xml</path>
+   <visibility archive="y">true</visibility>
+  </panel>
+  <panel_2>
+   <path>Aircraft/c172/Panels/c172-trans-mini-panel.xml</path>
+  </panel_2>
+  <!-- Look down a bit over the top of the panel -->
+  <view>
+   <config>
+     <pitch-offset-deg>-8</pitch-offset-deg>
+   </config>
+  </view>
+ </sim>
diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-set.xml b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-set.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..95cf781a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-set.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<PropertyList include="c172p-jsbsim-set.xml">
+ <sim>
+  <description>Alias for c172p-jsbsim.</description>
+ </sim>
diff --git a/Aircraft/ufo/ufo-set.xml b/Aircraft/ufo/ufo-set.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c70b3b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/ufo/ufo-set.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+Cessna 172 simulation config. This files ties together all the components
+used by FGFS to represent the C172. Components include the flight data 
+model, instrument panel, and external 3D model.
+3D models can be downloaded from http://home.t-online.de/home/Wolfram.Kuss/
+October 23 2001 John Check, fgpanels@rockfish.net
+ <sim>
+  <description>UFO from the 'White Project' of the UNESCO</description>
+  <flight-model>ufo</flight-model>
+  <sound>
+   <audible>true</audible>
+   <path>Aircraft/ufo/ufo-sound.xml</path>
+  </sound>
+  <panel>
+   <visibility>false</visibility>
+  </panel>
+  <model>
+   <path>Aircraft/ufo/Models/ufo.xml</path>
+  </model>
+ </sim>