diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/Effects/window_frost.png b/Aircraft/Generic/Effects/window_frost.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33f257f52
Binary files /dev/null and b/Aircraft/Generic/Effects/window_frost.png differ
diff --git a/Effects/glass.eff b/Effects/glass.eff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce686580f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Effects/glass.eff
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+	<name>Effects/glass</name>
+	<inherits-from>Effects/model-default</inherits-from>
+	<texture n="1">
+		<image>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/window_frost.png</image>
+		<type>2d</type>
+		<filter>linear-mipmap-linear</filter>
+		<wrap-s>repeat</wrap-s>
+		<wrap-t>repeat</wrap-t>
+		<internal-format>normalized</internal-format>
+	</texture>
+	<!-- placeholder for the function texture used for fogging, wiper area,...-->
+	<texture n="2">
+		<type>white</type>
+	</texture>
+	<texture n="3">
+		<type>cubemap</type>
+		<images>
+			<positive-x>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/CubeMaps/fair-sky/fair-sky_px.png</positive-x>
+			<negative-x>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/CubeMaps/fair-sky/fair-sky_nx.png</negative-x>
+			<positive-y>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/CubeMaps/fair-sky/fair-sky_py.png</positive-y>
+			<negative-y>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/CubeMaps/fair-sky/fair-sky_ny.png</negative-y>
+			<positive-z>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/CubeMaps/fair-sky/fair-sky_pz.png</positive-z>
+			<negative-z>Aircraft/Generic/Effects/CubeMaps/fair-sky/fair-sky_nz.png</negative-z>
+		</images>
+		</texture>
+	<!--<glass-tint type="vec4d" n="0"> 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.0</glass-tint>-->
+	<glass-tint type="vec4d" n="0"> 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4</glass-tint>
+	<splash-x><use>/environment/aircraft-effects/splash-vector-x</use></splash-x>
+	<splash-y><use>/environment/aircraft-effects/splash-vector-y</use></splash-y>
+	<splash-z><use>/environment/aircraft-effects/splash-vector-z</use></splash-z>
+	<rnorm><use>/environment/rain-norm</use></rnorm>
+	<gsnorm><use>/environment/aircraft-effects/ground-splash-norm</use></gsnorm>
+	<frost-level><use>/environment/aircraft-effects/frost-level</use></frost-level>
+	<use-reflection type="int">1</use-reflection>
+<technique n="4">
+    <predicate>
+      <and>
+        <property>/sim/rendering/shaders/skydome</property>
+        <or>
+          <less-equal>
+            <value type="float">2.0</value>
+            <glversion/>
+          </less-equal>
+          <and>
+            <extension-supported>GL_ARB_shader_objects</extension-supported>
+            <extension-supported>GL_ARB_shading_language_100</extension-supported>
+            <extension-supported>GL_ARB_vertex_shader</extension-supported>
+            <extension-supported>GL_ARB_fragment_shader</extension-supported>
+          </and>
+        </or>
+      </and>
+    </predicate>
+    <pass>
+      <lighting>true</lighting>
+      <material>
+        <active><use>material/active</use></active>
+        <ambient><use>material/ambient</use></ambient>
+        <diffuse><use>material/diffuse</use></diffuse>
+        <specular><use>material/specular</use></specular>
+        <emissive><use>material/emissive</use></emissive>
+        <shininess><use>material/shininess</use></shininess>
+        <color-mode><use>material/color-mode</use></color-mode>
+      </material>
+      <blend>
+        <active><use>blend/active</use></active>
+        <source><use>blend/source</use></source>
+        <destination><use>blend/destination</use></destination>
+      </blend>
+      <shade-model><use>shade-model</use></shade-model>
+      <cull-face><use>cull-face</use></cull-face>
+	<!--<render-bin>
+		<bin-number>1</bin-number>
+		<bin-name>RenderBin</bin-name>
+	</render-bin>-->
+      <rendering-hint><use>rendering-hint</use></rendering-hint>
+      <texture-unit>
+        <!-- The texture unit is always active because the shaders expect
+             that. -->
+        <unit>0</unit>
+        <!-- If there is a texture, the type in the derived effect
+        will be "2d". -->
+        <type><use>texture[0]/type</use></type>
+        <image><use>texture[0]/image</use></image>
+        <filter><use>texture[0]/filter</use></filter>
+        <wrap-s><use>texture[0]/wrap-s</use></wrap-s>
+        <wrap-t><use>texture[0]/wrap-t</use></wrap-t>
+        <!--
+        <internal-format>
+          <use>texture[0]/internal-format</use>
+        </internal-format>
+        -->
+      </texture-unit>
+      <texture-unit>
+        <unit>1</unit>
+        <type><use>texture[1]/type</use></type>
+        <image><use>texture[1]/image</use></image>
+        <filter><use>texture[1]/filter</use></filter>
+        <wrap-s><use>texture[1]/wrap-s</use></wrap-s>
+        <wrap-t><use>texture[1]/wrap-t</use></wrap-t>
+        <internal-format>
+          <use>texture[1]/internal-format</use>
+        </internal-format>
+      </texture-unit>
+      <texture-unit>
+        <unit>2</unit>
+        <type><use>texture[2]/type</use></type>
+        <image><use>texture[2]/image</use></image>
+        <filter><use>texture[2]/filter</use></filter>
+        <wrap-s><use>texture[2]/wrap-s</use></wrap-s>
+        <wrap-t><use>texture[2]/wrap-t</use></wrap-t>
+        <internal-format>
+          <use>texture[2]/internal-format</use>
+        </internal-format>
+      </texture-unit>
+      <texture-unit>
+	<unit>3</unit>
+	<type><use>texture[3]/type</use></type>
+	<images><use>texture[3]/images</use></images>
+      </texture-unit>
+      <vertex-program-two-side>
+        <use>vertex-program-two-side</use>
+      </vertex-program-two-side>
+      <program>
+        <vertex-shader>Shaders/glass-ALS.vert</vertex-shader>
+        <fragment-shader>Shaders/glass-ALS.frag</fragment-shader>
+        <fragment-shader>Shaders/noise.frag</fragment-shader>
+      </program>
+     <uniform>
+        <name>tint</name>
+        <type>float-vec4</type>
+        <value><use>glass-tint</use></value>
+     </uniform>
+     <uniform>
+        <name>splash_x</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>splash-x</use></value>
+     </uniform>
+     <uniform>
+        <name>splash_y</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>splash-y</use></value>
+     </uniform>
+     <uniform>
+        <name>splash_z</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>splash-z</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>rain_norm</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>rnorm</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>ground_splash_norm</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>gsnorm</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>frost_level</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>frost-level</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>scattering</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>scattering</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+	<name>terminator</name>
+	<type>float</type>
+	<value><use>terminator</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>ground_scattering</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>ground_scattering</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+	<name>terminator</name>
+	<type>float</type>
+	<value><use>terminator</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>overcast</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>overcast</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+     <uniform>
+        <name>eye_alt</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>eye_alt</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>cloud_self_shading</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>cloud_self_shading</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>moonlight</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>moonlight</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>air_pollution</name>
+        <type>float</type>
+        <value><use>air_pollution</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>texture</name>
+        <type>sampler-2d</type>
+        <value type="int">0</value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>frost_texture</name>
+        <type>sampler-2d</type>
+        <value type="int">1</value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>func_texture</name>
+        <type>sampler-2d</type>
+        <value type="int">2</value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+	<name>cube_texture</name>
+        <type>sampler-cube</type>
+	<value type="int">3</value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+	<name>use_reflection</name>
+	<type>int</type>
+	<value><use>use_reflection</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+      <uniform>
+        <name>colorMode</name>
+        <type>int</type>
+        <value><use>material/color-mode-uniform</use></value>
+      </uniform>
+    </pass>
+  </technique>
diff --git a/Environment/environment.xml b/Environment/environment.xml
index 7d0cd67da..d5df729dd 100644
--- a/Environment/environment.xml
+++ b/Environment/environment.xml
@@ -449,4 +449,14 @@
      <clip-distance type="float" userarchive="n">5.0</clip-distance>
+<!-- definitions for environent/aircraft interaction effects -->
+  <aircraft-effects>
+      <splash-vector-x type="float" userarchive="n">0.0</splash-vector-x>
+      <splash-vector-y type="float" userarchive="n">0.1</splash-vector-y>
+      <splash-vector-z type="float" userarchive="n">1.0</splash-vector-z>
+      <frost-level type="float" userarchive="n">0.0</frost-level>
+      <ground-splash-norm type="float" userarchive="n">0.0</ground-splash-norm>
+  </aircraft-effects>
diff --git a/Shaders/glass-ALS.frag b/Shaders/glass-ALS.frag
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4accba8da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Shaders/glass-ALS.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// -*-C++-*-
+varying vec2 rawPos;
+varying vec3 vertPos;
+varying vec3 normal;
+varying vec3 refl_vec;
+varying vec3 light_diffuse;
+varying float splash_angle;
+varying float Mie;
+uniform sampler2D texture;
+uniform sampler2D frost_texture;
+uniform sampler2D func_texture;
+uniform samplerCube cube_texture;
+uniform vec4 tint;
+uniform float rain_norm;
+uniform float ground_splash_norm;
+uniform float frost_level;
+uniform float splash_x;
+uniform float splash_y;
+uniform float splash_z;
+uniform float osg_SimulationTime;
+uniform int use_reflection;
+float DotNoise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength, in float fractionalMaxDotSize, in float dot_density);
+float DropletNoise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength, in float fractionalMaxDotSize, in float dot_density);
+float Noise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength);
+void main()
+vec4 texel;
+vec4 frost_texel;
+//vec4 func_texel;
+texel = texture2D(texture, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
+texel *=gl_Color;
+frost_texel = texture2D(frost_texture, vertPos.xy * 7.0);
+float noise_003m = Noise2D(vertPos.xy, 0.03);
+float noise_0003m = Noise2D(vertPos.xy, 0.003);
+float fth = (1.0-frost_level) * 0.4 + 0.3;
+float fbl = 0.2 * frost_level;
+float frost_factor =  (fbl + (1.0-fbl)* smoothstep(fth,fth+0.2,noise_003m)) * (4.0 + 4.0* Mie);
+float background_frost =  0.5 * smoothstep(0.7,1.0,frost_level);
+frost_texel.rgb = mix(frost_texel.rgb, vec3 (0.5,0.5,0.5), (1.0- smoothstep(0.0,0.02,frost_texel.a)));
+frost_texel.a =max(frost_texel.a, background_frost * (1.0- smoothstep(0.0,0.02,frost_texel.a)));
+frost_texel *=  vec4(light_diffuse.rgb,1.0);
+frost_factor = max(frost_factor, 0.8*background_frost);
+texel.rgb =  mix(texel.rgb, frost_texel.rgb, frost_texel.a * frost_factor * smoothstep(0.0,0.1,frost_level));
+texel.a = max(texel.a, frost_texel.a * frost_level);
+//texel.rgb = mix(texel.rgb, vec3 (1.0,1.0,1.0),  0.4 * smoothstep(0.7,1.0,frost_level) + 0.4*Mie); 
+vec3 splash_vec = vec3 (splash_x, splash_y, splash_z);
+float splash_speed = length(splash_vec);
+float rain_factor = 0.0;
+float rnorm = max(rain_norm, ground_splash_norm);
+if (rnorm > 0.0)
+	{
+	float droplet_size = (0.5 + 0.8 * rnorm) * (1.0 - 0.1 * splash_speed);
+	vec2 rainPos = vec2 (rawPos.x * splash_speed, rawPos.y / splash_speed );
+	rainPos.y = rainPos.y - 0.1 * smoothstep(1.0,2.0, splash_speed) * osg_SimulationTime;
+	if (splash_angle> 0.0)
+	{	
+	// the dynamically impacting raindrops
+	//float time_shape = (1.0 - fract(8.0*osg_SimulationTime / 3.14)) * 1.7;
+	float time_shape = 1.0;
+	float base_rate = 6.0 + 3.0 * rnorm + 4.0 * (splash_speed - 1.0);
+	float base_density = 0.6 * rnorm + 0.4  * (splash_speed -1.0);
+	float time_fact1 = (sin(base_rate*osg_SimulationTime));
+	float time_fact2 = (sin(base_rate*osg_SimulationTime + 1.570));
+	float time_fact3 = (sin(base_rate*osg_SimulationTime + 3.1415));
+	float time_fact4 = (sin(base_rate*osg_SimulationTime + 4.712));
+	time_fact1 = smoothstep(0.0,1.0, time_fact1);
+	time_fact2 = smoothstep(0.0,1.0, time_fact2);
+	time_fact3 = smoothstep(0.0,1.0, time_fact3);
+	time_fact4 = smoothstep(0.0,1.0, time_fact4);
+    	rain_factor += DotNoise2D(rawPos.xy, 0.02 * droplet_size ,0.5, base_density ) * time_fact1;
+    	rain_factor += DotNoise2D(rainPos.xy, 0.03 * droplet_size,0.4, base_density) * time_fact2;
+    	rain_factor += DotNoise2D(rawPos.xy, 0.04 * droplet_size ,0.3, base_density)* time_fact3;
+    	rain_factor += DotNoise2D(rainPos.xy, 0.05 * droplet_size ,0.25, base_density)* time_fact4;
+	}
+	// the static pattern of small droplets created by the splashes
+	float sweep = min(1./splash_speed,1.0);
+	rain_factor += DropletNoise2D(rainPos.xy, 0.02 * droplet_size ,0.5, 0.6* rnorm * sweep);
+	rain_factor += DotNoise2D(rainPos.xy, 0.012 * droplet_size ,0.7, 0.6* rnorm * sweep);
+	}
+rain_factor = smoothstep(0.1,0.2, rain_factor) * (1.0 - smoothstep(0.4,1.0, rain_factor) * (0.2+0.8*noise_0003m));
+vec4 rainColor = vec4 (0.2,0.2, 0.2, 0.6 - 0.3 * smoothstep(1.0,2.0, splash_speed));
+rainColor.rgb *= length(light_diffuse)/1.73;
+// environment reflection
+vec4 reflection = textureCube(cube_texture, refl_vec);
+if (use_reflection ==1)
+	{texel.rgb = mix(texel.rgb, reflection.rgb, 0.5);}
+// glass tint
+vec4 fragColor = texel * tint;
+fragColor = mix(fragColor, rainColor, rain_factor);
+// fogging
+//vec3 fogColor = vec3 (1.0,1.0,1.0);
+//fragColor.rgb = mix(fragColor.rgb, fogColor.rgb, func_texel.r);
+gl_FragColor = fragColor;
+//gl_FragColor = reflection;
diff --git a/Shaders/glass-ALS.vert b/Shaders/glass-ALS.vert
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb3fba500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Shaders/glass-ALS.vert
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// -*-C++-*-
+varying vec2 rawPos;
+varying vec3 vertPos;
+varying vec3 normal;
+varying vec3 light_diffuse;
+varying vec3 refl_vec;
+varying float splash_angle;
+varying float Mie;
+uniform float ground_scattering;
+uniform float hazeLayerAltitude;
+uniform float moonlight;
+uniform float terminator;
+uniform float splash_x;
+uniform float splash_y;
+uniform float splash_z;
+const float EarthRadius = 5800000.0;
+const float terminator_width = 200000.0;
+float light_func (in float x, in float a, in float b, in float c, in float d, in float e)
+//x = x - 0.5;
+// use the asymptotics to shorten computations
+if (x < -15.0) {return 0.0;}
+return e / pow((1.0 + a * exp(-b * (x-c)) ),(1.0/d));
+void main()
+vec3 shadedFogColor = vec3(0.55, 0.67, 0.88);
+vec3 moonLightColor = vec3 (0.095, 0.095, 0.15) * moonlight;
+// geometry for lighting
+vec4 ep = gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
+vec3 relPos = gl_Vertex.xyz - ep.xyz;
+vec3 lightFull = (gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * gl_LightSource[0].position).xyz;
+vec3 lightHorizon = normalize(vec3(lightFull.x,lightFull.y, 0.0));
+float dist = length(relPos);
+float vertex_alt = max(gl_Vertex.z,100.0);
+float scattering = ground_scattering + (1.0 - ground_scattering) * smoothstep(hazeLayerAltitude -100.0, hazeLayerAltitude + 100.0, vertex_alt); 
+float yprime_alt = - sqrt(2.0 * EarthRadius * vertex_alt);
+float earthShade = 0.6 * (1.0 - smoothstep(-terminator_width+ terminator, terminator_width + terminator, yprime_alt)) + 0.4;
+float lightArg = (terminator-yprime_alt)/100000.0;
+// light computation
+vec3 light_ambient;
+light_diffuse.b = light_func(lightArg, 1.330e-05, 0.264, 3.827, 1.08e-05, 1.0);
+light_diffuse.g = light_func(lightArg, 3.931e-06, 0.264, 3.827, 7.93e-06, 1.0);
+light_diffuse.r = light_func(lightArg, 8.305e-06, 0.161, 3.827, 3.04e-05, 1.0);
+light_diffuse = light_diffuse * scattering;
+light_ambient.r = light_func(lightArg, 0.236, 0.253, 1.073, 0.572, 0.33);
+light_ambient.g = light_ambient.r * 0.4/0.33; 
+light_ambient.b = light_ambient.r * 0.5/0.33; 
+float intensity;
+if (earthShade < 0.5)
+	{
+	intensity = length(light_ambient.xyz); 
+	light_ambient.rgb = intensity * normalize(mix(light_ambient.rgb,  shadedFogColor, 1.0 -smoothstep(0.4, 0.8,earthShade) ));
+	light_ambient.rgb = light_ambient.rgb +   moonLightColor *  (1.0 - smoothstep(0.4, 0.5, earthShade));
+	intensity = length(light_diffuse.xyz); 
+	light_diffuse.rgb = intensity * normalize(mix(light_diffuse.rgb,  shadedFogColor, 1.0 -smoothstep(0.4, 0.7,earthShade) ));
+	}
+float MieFactor =   dot(normalize(lightFull), normalize(relPos));
+Mie =  smoothstep(0.9,1.0, MieFactor);
+// get a reflection vector for cube map
+vec4 ecPosition = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;
+normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
+vec4 reflect_eye = vec4(reflect(ecPosition.xyz, normal), 0.0);
+vec3 reflVec_stat = normalize(gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * reflect_eye).xyz;
+refl_vec = reflVec_stat;
+// get a projection plane orthogonal to the splash vector
+vec3 splash_vec = vec3 (splash_x, splash_y, splash_z);
+vec3 corrected_splash = normalize(splash_vec);
+vec3 base_1 = vec3 (-corrected_splash.y, corrected_splash.x, 0.0);
+vec3 base_2 = cross (corrected_splash, base_1);
+base_1 = normalize(base_1);
+base_2 = normalize(base_2);
+rawPos = vec2 (dot(gl_Vertex.xyz, base_1), dot(gl_Vertex.xyz, base_2));
+vertPos = gl_Vertex.xyz;
+splash_angle = dot(gl_Normal, corrected_splash);
+gl_Position = ftransform();
+gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0;
+vec4 diffuse_color = gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse;
+vec4 ambient_color = gl_FrontMaterial.ambient;
+vec4 constant_term = gl_FrontMaterial.emission + ambient_color * vec4 (light_diffuse.rgb + light_ambient.rgb,1.0);
+gl_FrontColor = constant_term;
+gl_BackColor = gl_FrontColor;
diff --git a/Shaders/noise.frag b/Shaders/noise.frag
index b0e4c86d7..60448a0e7 100644
--- a/Shaders/noise.frag
+++ b/Shaders/noise.frag
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 // * Noise3D(in vec3 coord, in float wavelength) is 3d Perlin noise
 // * DotNoise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength, in float fractionalMaxDotSize, in float dDensity)
 //   is sparse dot noise and takes a dot density parameter
+// * DropletNoise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength, in float fractionalMaxDotSize, in float dDensity)
+//   is sparse dot noise modified to look like liquid and takes a dot density parameter
 // * VoronoiNoise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength, in float xrand, in float yrand)
 //   is a function mapping the terrain into random domains, based on Voronoi tiling of a regular grid
 //   distorted with xrand and yrand
@@ -135,6 +137,43 @@ float DotNoise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength, in float fractionalMaxDotSi
 return dotNoise2D(coord.x/wavelength, coord.y/wavelength, fractionalMaxDotSize, dDensity);
+float dropletNoise2D(in float x, in float y, in float fractionalMaxDotSize, in float dDensity)
+    float integer_x    = x - fract(x);
+    float fractional_x = x - integer_x;
+    float integer_y    = y - fract(y);
+    float fractional_y = y - integer_y;
+	if (rand2D(vec2(integer_x+1.0, integer_y +1.0)) > dDensity)
+		{return 0.0;}
+    float xoffset = (rand2D(vec2(integer_x, integer_y)) -0.5);
+    float yoffset = (rand2D(vec2(integer_x+1.0, integer_y)) - 0.5);
+    float dotSize = 0.5 * fractionalMaxDotSize * max(0.25,rand2D(vec2(integer_x, integer_y+1.0)));
+    float x1offset = 2.0 * (rand2D(vec2(integer_x+5.0, integer_y)) -0.5);
+    float y1offset = 2.0 * (rand2D(vec2(integer_x, integer_y + 5.0)) - 0.5);
+    float x2offset = 2.0 * (rand2D(vec2(integer_x-5.0, integer_y)) -0.5);
+    float y2offset = 2.0 * (rand2D(vec2(integer_x-5.0, integer_y -5.0)) - 0.5);
+    float smear = (rand2D(vec2(integer_x + 3.0, integer_y)) -0.5);
+	vec2 truePos = vec2 (0.5 + xoffset * (1.0 - 4.0 * dotSize) , 0.5 + yoffset * (1.0 -4.0 * dotSize));
+	vec2 secondPos = truePos + vec2 (dotSize * x1offset, dotSize * y1offset);
+	vec2 thirdPos = truePos + vec2 (dotSize * x2offset, dotSize * y2offset);
+	float distance = length(truePos - vec2(fractional_x, fractional_y));
+	float dist1 = length(secondPos - vec2(fractional_x, fractional_y));
+	float dist2 = length(thirdPos - vec2(fractional_x, fractional_y));	
+	return clamp(3.0 - smoothstep (0.3 * dotSize, 1.0* dotSize, distance) - smoothstep (0.3 * dotSize, 1.0* dotSize, dist1) - smoothstep ((0.1 + 0.5 * smear) * dotSize, 1.0* dotSize, dist2), 0.0,1.0);
+float DropletNoise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength, in float fractionalMaxDotSize, in float dDensity)
+return dropletNoise2D(coord.x/wavelength, coord.y/wavelength, fractionalMaxDotSize, dDensity);
 float voronoiNoise2D(in float x, in float y, in float xrand, in float yrand)