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add probe class to debug.nas

This commit is contained in:
Henning Stahlke 2019-01-31 12:53:28 +01:00
parent e24206f605
commit 801512bb8c

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@ -63,6 +63,9 @@
# debug.propify(<variable>) ... turn about everything into a props.Node
# debug.Probe class ... base class to collect stats; details below
# debug.Breakpoint class ... conditional backtrace; details below
# CAVE: this file makes extensive use of ANSI color codes. These are
# interpreted by UNIX shells and MS Windows with ANSI.SYS extension
# installed. If the color codes aren't interpreted correctly, then
@ -438,6 +441,156 @@ var isnan = func {
return !!size(err);
# Probe class - collect statistics; controlled via property tree
# Data can be viewed / modified in the prop tree /_debug/nas/probe-<myLabel>/*
# ./enable bool,
# ./reset bool, reset hit counters to 0 and _start_time to now
# ./hits[i] number of hits, by default i=0 -> hits
# secondary counters can be added under the same path
# with addCounter()
# ./time after generateStats() show how long the probe was enabled
# ./hps after generateStats() show avg. hits/second
# ./hitratio after generateStats() if two counters: hits[1]/hits[0]
# == Example ==
# var myProbe = debug.Probe.new("myLabel").enable();
# var cnt2 = myProbe.addCounter(); # create a 2nd counter
# #at the place of interest (e.g. in some loop or class method) insert:
# myProbe.hit(); # count how often this place in the code is hit
# if (condition)
# myProbe.hit(cnt2); # count how often condition is true
# print(myProbe.getHits());
# print(myProbe.getHits(cnt2)/myProbe.getHits()); # print hit ratio
var Probe = {
# label: Used in property path
# prefix: Optional
new: func(label, class = "probe") {
var obj = {
parents: [Probe],
label: "",
hits: [0],
node: nil,
_enableN: nil,
_resetN: nil,
_hitsN: [],
_start_time: 0,
_stop_time: 0,
_timeoutN: nil, # > 0, disable probe after _timeout seconds
_L: [],
if (typeof(label) != "scalar" or typeof(class) != "scalar") {
die("Invalid argument type to Probe.new");
class = globals.string.replace(class, " ", "_");
label = globals.string.replace(label, " ", "_");
obj.label = globals.string.replace(label, "/", "_");
obj.node = props.globals.getNode("/_debug/nas/"~class~"-"~obj.label, 1);
obj._enableN = obj.node.addChild("enable");
setlistener(obj._enableN, func(n) {
if (n.getValue()) obj.enable();
else obj.disable();
}, 0, 0)
obj._resetN = obj.node.addChild("reset");
setlistener(obj._resetN, func(n) {
if (n.getValue()) {
}, 0, 0)
append(obj._hitsN, obj.node.addChild("hits"));
return obj;
reset: func {
forindex (var i; me.hits) {
me.hits[i] = 0;
me._start_time = systime();
# set timeout, next hit() after timeout will disable()
setTimeout: func(seconds) {
if (!isa(me._timeoutN, props.Node))
me._timeoutN = me.node.getNode("timeout", 1);
me._timeoutN.setValue(num(seconds) or 0);
return me;
#enable counting
enable: func {
me._start_time = systime();
return me;
#disable counting, write time and hit/s to property tree
disable: func {
me._stop_time = systime();
return me;
generateStats: func {
if (me._start_time) {
if (me._enableN.getValue())
me._stop_time = systime();
var dt = me._stop_time - me._start_time;
me.node.getNode("time", 1).setValue(dt);
me.node.getNode("hps", 1).setValue(me.hits[0] / dt );
if (size(me.hits) == 2)
me.node.getNode("hitratio",1).setValue(me.hits[1] / me.hits[0] or 1);
getHits: func(counter_id = 0) {
return me.hits[counter_id];
# add secondary counter(s)
# returns counter id
addCounter: func {
append(me._hitsN, me.node.addChild("hits"));
append(me.hits, 0);
return size(me._hitsN) - 1;
# increase counter (if enabled)
# use addCounter() before using counter_id > 0
hit: func(counter_id = 0, callback = nil) {
if (me._enableN.getValue()) {
if (counter_id >= size(me._hitsN)) {
print("debug.Probe.hit(): Invalid counter_id");
return nil;
if (isa(me._timeoutN, props.Node)) {
var timeout = me._timeoutN.getValue();
if (timeout and systime() - me._start_time > timeout) {
return me.disable();
me.hits[counter_id] += 1;
if (typeof(callback) == "func")
return me;
# Breakpoint (BP) - do conditional backtrace (BT) controlled via property tree
# * count how often the BP was hit
# * do only a limited number of BT, avoid flooding the log / console
@ -461,21 +614,13 @@ var Breakpoint = {
# dump_locals: bool passed to backtrace. Dump variables in BT.
new: func(label, dump_locals = 1) {
var obj = {
parents: [Breakpoint],
_tokensN: nil,
parents: [Breakpoint, Probe.new(label, "bp")],
tokens: 0,
_hitsN: nil,
hits: 0,
label: "",
dump_locals: num(dump_locals),
label = globals.string.replace(label, " ", "_");
obj.label = globals.string.replace(label, "/", "_");
var prop_path = "/_debug/nas/bp-"~obj.label~"/";
obj._tokensN = props.globals.getNode(prop_path~"token", 1);
obj._hitsN = props.globals.getNode(prop_path~"hits", 1);
obj._enableN = obj.node.getNode("tokens", 1);
return obj;
@ -485,40 +630,30 @@ var Breakpoint = {
if (num(tokens) == nil) tokens = 1;
if (tokens < 0) tokens = 0;
me.tokens = tokens;
return me;
# set tokens to zero, disables backtrace in hit()
disable: func {
return me;
# get total number of hits (not #backtraces done)
getHits: func {
return me.hits;
# hit the breakpoint, e.g. do backtrace if we have tokens available
hit: func(callback = nil) {
me.hits += 1;
me.tokens = me._tokensN.getValue();
me.hits[0] += 1;
me.tokens = me._enableN.getValue();
if (me.tokens > 0) {
me.tokens -= 1;
if (typeof(callback) == "func") {
callback(me.hits, me.tokens);
callback(me.hits[0], me.tokens);
else {
debug.backtrace(me.label, me.dump_locals, 1);
return me;
# --prop:debug=1 enables debug mode with additional warnings
_setlistener("sim/signals/nasal-dir-initialized", func {