diff --git a/Nasal/canvas/api.nas b/Nasal/canvas/api.nas
index 2c864a850..5e0511eba 100644
--- a/Nasal/canvas/api.nas
+++ b/Nasal/canvas/api.nas
@@ -319,16 +319,25 @@ var Group = {
# type can be group, text
createChild: func(type, id = nil)
- var factory = me._element_factories[type];
+ var factory = me._getFactory(type);
if( factory == nil )
- {
- debug.dump("canvas.Group.createChild(): unknown type (" ~ type ~ ")");
return nil;
- }
return factory([me._node, type], id);
+ # Create multiple children of given type
+ createChildren: func(type, count)
+ {
+ var factory = me._getFactory(type);
+ if( factory == nil )
+ return [];
+ var nodes = me._node.addChildren(type, count, 0, 0);
+ for(var i = 0; i < count; i += 1)
+ nodes[i] = factory(nodes[i], nil); # TODO id. Maybe -?
+ return nodes;
+ },
# Get a vector of all child elements
getChildren: func()
@@ -386,6 +395,15 @@ var Group = {
# Create element from existing node
return me._element_factories[ node.getName() ](node, nil);
+ },
+ _getFactory: func(type)
+ {
+ var factory = me._element_factories[type];
+ if( factory == nil )
+ debug.dump("canvas.Group.createChild(): unknown type (" ~ type ~ ")");
+ return factory;
diff --git a/Nasal/canvas/map/taxiways.draw b/Nasal/canvas/map/taxiways.draw
index 0980c064c..6cfaf337f 100644
--- a/Nasal/canvas/map/taxiways.draw
+++ b/Nasal/canvas/map/taxiways.draw
@@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
var draw_taxiways = func(group, apt, lod) { # TODO: the LOD arg isn't stricly needed here,
# the layer is a conventional canvas group, so it can access its map
# parent and just read the "range" property to do LOD handling
- group.set("z-index",-100); # HACK: we need to encapsulate this
+ group.set("z-index",-100) # HACK: we need to encapsulate this
+ .set("stroke", "none");
# var group = group.createChild("group", "apt-"~apt.id); #FIXME: we don't need to use two nested groups for each taxiway - performance?
# group = group.createChild("group", "taxiways");
# print("drawing taxiways for:", apt.id);
# Taxiways drawn first so the runways and parking positions end up on top.
- foreach(var taxi; apt.taxiways)
- {
- var clr = SURFACECOLORS[taxi.surface];
- if (clr == nil) { clr = SURFACECOLORS[0]};
- var icon_taxi =
- group.createChild("path", "taxi")
- .setStrokeLineWidth(0)
- .setColor(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b)
- .setColorFill(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b);
+ # Preallocate all paths at once to gain some speed
+ var taxi_paths = group.createChildren("path", size(apt.taxiways));
+ var i = 0;
+ foreach(var taxi; apt.taxiways)
+ {
+ var clr = SURFACECOLORS[taxi.surface];
+ if (clr == nil) { clr = SURFACECOLORS[0]};
- var txi = Runway.new(taxi);
- var beg1 = txi.pointOffCenterline(0, 0.5 * taxi.width);
- var beg2 = txi.pointOffCenterline(0, -0.5 * taxi.width);
- var end1 = txi.pointOffCenterline(taxi.length, 0.5 * taxi.width);
- var end2 = txi.pointOffCenterline(taxi.length, -0.5 * taxi.width);
+ var txi = Runway.new(taxi);
+ var beg1 = txi.pointOffCenterline(0, 0.5 * taxi.width);
+ var beg2 = txi.pointOffCenterline(0, -0.5 * taxi.width);
+ var end1 = txi.pointOffCenterline(taxi.length, 0.5 * taxi.width);
+ var end2 = txi.pointOffCenterline(taxi.length, -0.5 * taxi.width);
- icon_taxi.setDataGeo
- (
- [ canvas.Path.VG_MOVE_TO,
- canvas.Path.VG_LINE_TO,
- canvas.Path.VG_LINE_TO,
- canvas.Path.VG_LINE_TO,
- canvas.Path.VG_CLOSE_PATH ],
- [ beg1[0], beg1[1],
- beg2[0], beg2[1],
- end2[0], end2[1],
- end1[0], end1[1] ]
- );
- }
+ taxi_paths[i].setColorFill(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b)
+ .setDataGeo
+ (
+ [ canvas.Path.VG_MOVE_TO,
+ canvas.Path.VG_LINE_TO,
+ canvas.Path.VG_LINE_TO,
+ canvas.Path.VG_LINE_TO,
+ canvas.Path.VG_CLOSE_PATH ],
+ [ beg1[0], beg1[1],
+ beg2[0], beg2[1],
+ end2[0], end2[1],
+ end1[0], end1[1] ]
+ );
+ i += 1;
+ }
diff --git a/Nasal/props.nas b/Nasal/props.nas
index 5c8aea147..da8531f75 100644
--- a/Nasal/props.nas
+++ b/Nasal/props.nas
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ var Node = {
getChild : func wrap(_getChild(me._g, arg)),
getChildren : func wrap(_getChildren(me._g, arg)),
addChild : func wrap(_addChild(me._g, arg)),
+ addChildren : func wrap(_addChildren(me._g, arg)),
removeChild : func wrap(_removeChild(me._g, arg)),
removeChildren : func wrap(_removeChildren(me._g, arg)),
getAliasTarget : func wrap(_getAliasTarget(me._g, arg)),