Fork 0

Canvas: Improve API and SVG parser.

- API:
  * Rename setSize to setFontSize
  * Add method getElementById to Group
  * Rename name of element to id to show more prominent
    that it should be unique.
  * Add methods for hide/show elements.
  * Fix: set correct id for cloned elements (parsesvg)
  * Fix: retrieving group with getElementById failed.
  * Parse SVG inkscape:transform-center-[xy]
  * Allow rotation around given point (use values from inkscape
    by default for SVG files)
  * Use breadth-first search instead of depth-first search for
    Element::getElementById (large speedup :))
  * Add more convenience functions for path drawing.
  * Add version check (useful if API files manually copied)

 - SVG:
  * Support <use> element
  * Parse font-size
  * Parse stroke-linecap
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Geymayer 2012-08-02 01:28:56 +02:00
parent 2e3aa2673b
commit 7e641735cb
2 changed files with 459 additions and 110 deletions

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Helper function to create a node with the first available index for the given
# path relative to the given node
var _createNodeWithIndex = func(node, path)
var _createNodeWithIndex = func(node, path, min_index = 0)
# TODO do we need an upper limit? (50000 seems already seems unreachable)
for(var i = 0; i < 50000; i += 1)
for(var i = min_index; i < 50000; i += 1)
var p = path ~ "[" ~ i ~ "]";
if( node.getNode(p) == nil )
@ -53,10 +53,11 @@ var _setColorNodes = func(nodes, color)
var _arg2valarray = func
while ( typeof(arg) == "vector"
and size(arg) == 1 and typeof(arg[0]) == "vector" )
arg = arg[0];
return arg;
var ret = arg;
while ( typeof(ret) == "vector"
and size(ret) == 1 and typeof(ret[0]) == "vector" )
ret = ret[0];
return ret;
# Transform
@ -105,15 +106,30 @@ var Transform = {
return me;
# Set rotation (Optionally around a specified point instead of (0,0))
# setRotation(rot)
# setRotation(rot, cx, cy)
# @note If using with rotation center different to (0,0) don't use
# #setTranslation as it would interfere with the rotation.
setRotation: func(angle)
var center = _arg2valarray(arg);
var s = math.sin(angle);
var c = math.cos(angle);
if( size(center) == 2 )
me.e.setDoubleValue( (-center[0] * c) + (center[1] * s) + center[0] );
me.f.setDoubleValue( (-center[0] * s) - (center[1] * c) + center[1] );
return me;
@ -147,16 +163,31 @@ var Element = {
# @param parent Parent node (In the property tree)
# @param type Type string (Used as node name)
# @param name Name (Should be unique)
new: func(parent, type, name)
# @param id ID/Name (Should be unique)
new: func(parent, type, id)
# arg can contain the node to be used instead of creating a new one
var args = _arg2valarray(arg);
if( size(args) == 1 )
var node = args[0];
if( !isa(node, props.Node) )
return debug.warn("Not a props.Node!");
var node = _createNodeWithIndex(parent, type);
var m = {
parents: [Element],
_node: _createNodeWithIndex(parent, type),
_node: node,
_center: [
if( name != nil )
m._node.getNode("name", 1).setValue(name);
if( id != nil )
m._node.getNode("id", 1).setValue(id);
return m;
@ -165,6 +196,26 @@ var Element = {
set: func(key, value)
me._node.getNode(key, 1).setValue(value);
return me;
setBool: func(key, value)
me._node.getNode(key, 1).setBoolValue(value);
return me;
setDouble: func(key, value)
me._node.getNode(key, 1).setDoubleValue(value);
return me;
setInt: func(key, value)
me._node.getNode(key, 1).setIntValue(value);
return me;
# Trigger an update of the element
# Elements are automatically updated once a frame, with a delay of one frame.
@ -172,45 +223,118 @@ var Element = {
# this method.
update: func()
me._node.getNode("update", 1).setValue(1);
me.setInt("update", 1);
# Hide/Show element
# @param visible Whether the element should be visible
setVisible: func(visible = 1)
me.setBool("visible", visible);
# Hide element (Shortcut for setVisible(0))
hide: func me.setVisible(0),
# Show element (Shortcut for setVisible(1))
show: func me.setVisible(1),
setGeoPosition: func(lat, lon)
me._getTf()._node.getNode("m-geo[4]", 1).setValue("N" ~ lat);
me._getTf()._node.getNode("m-geo[5]", 1).setValue("E" ~ lon);
return me;
# Create a new transformation matrix
# @param vals Default values (Vector of 6 elements)
createTransform: func(vals = nil)
var node = _createNodeWithIndex(me._node, "tf");
var node = _createNodeWithIndex(me._node, "tf", 1); # tf[0] is reserved for
# setRotation
return Transform.new(node, vals);
# Shortcut for setting translation
setTranslation: func me._getTf().setTranslation(arg),
# Shortcut for setting rotation
setRotation: func(rot) me._getTf().setRotation(rot),
setTranslation: func { me._getTf().setTranslation(arg); return me; },
# Set rotation around transformation center (see #setCenter).
# @note This replaces the the existing transformation. For additional scale or
# translation use additional transforms (see #createTransform).
setRotation: func(rot)
if( me['_tf_rot'] == nil )
# always use the first matrix slot to ensure correct rotation
# around transformation center.
me['_tf_rot'] = Transform.new(me._node.getNode("tf[0]", 1));
me._tf_rot.setRotation(rot, me.getCenter());
return me;
# Shortcut for setting scale
setScale: func me._getTf().setScale(arg),
setScale: func { me._getTf().setScale(arg); return me; },
# Shortcut for getting scale
getScale: func me._getTf().getScale(),
# Set the line/text color
# @param color Vector of 3 or 4 values in [0, 1]
setColor: func _setColorNodes(me.color, arg),
setColor: func { _setColorNodes(me.color, arg); return me; },
# Set the fill/background/boundingbox color
# @param color Vector of 3 or 4 values in [0, 1]
setColorFill: func _setColorNodes(me.color_fill, arg),
setColorFill: func { _setColorNodes(me.color_fill, arg); return me; },
getBoundingBox: func()
var bb = me._node.getNode("bounding-box");
var min_x = bb.getNode("min-x").getValue();
if( min_x != nil )
return [ min_x,
bb.getNode("max-y").getValue() ];
return [0, 0, 0, 0];
# Set transformation center (currently only used for rotation)
setCenter: func()
var center = _arg2valarray(arg);
if( size(center) != 2 )
return debug.warn("invalid arg");
if( me._center[0] == nil )
me._center[0] = me._node.getNode("center[0]", 1);
if( me._center[1] == nil )
me._center[1] = me._node.getNode("center[1]", 1);
me._center[0].setDoubleValue(center[0] or 0);
me._center[1].setDoubleValue(center[1] or 0);
return me;
# Get transformation center
getCenter: func()
var bb = me.getBoundingBox();
var center = [0, 0];
if( me._center[0] != nil )
center[0] = me._center[0].getValue() or 0;
if( me._center[1] != nil )
center[1] = me._center[1].getValue() or 0;
if( bb[0] >= bb[2] or bb[1] >= bb[3] )
return center;
return [ 0.5 * (bb[0] + bb[2]) + center[0],
0.5 * (bb[1] + bb[3]) + center[1] ];
# Internal Transform for convenience transform functions
_getTf: func
if( me['_tf'] == nil )
me['_tf'] = me.createTransform();
return me._tf;
# Group
@ -218,13 +342,21 @@ var Element = {
# Class for a group element on a canvas
var Group = {
new: func(parent, name, type = "group")
new: func(parent, id, type = "group")
return { parents: [Group, Element.new(parent, type, name)] };
# special case: if called from #getElementById the third argument is the
# existing node so we need to rearange the variables a bit.
if( typeof(type) != "scalar" )
var arg = [type];
var type = "group";
return { parents: [Group, Element.new(parent, type, id, arg)] };
# Create a child of given type with specified name.
# Create a child of given type with specified id.
# type can be group, text
createChild: func(type, name = nil)
createChild: func(type, id = nil)
var factory = me._element_factories[type];
@ -234,24 +366,62 @@ var Group = {
return nil;
return factory(me._node, name);
return factory(me._node, id);
# Get first child with given id (breadth-first search)
# @note Use with care as it can take several miliseconds (for me eg. ~2ms).
getElementById: func(id)
# TODO can we improve the queue or better port this to C++ or use some kind
# of lookup hash? Searching is really slow now...
var stack = [me._node];
var index = 0;
while( index < size(stack) )
var node = stack[index];
index += 1;
if( node != me._node )
var node_id = node.getNode("id");
if( node_id != nil and node_id.getValue() == id )
return me._element_factories[ node.getName() ]
# use the existing node
foreach(var c; node.getChildren())
# element nodes have type NONE and valid element names (those in the the
# factor list)
if( c.getType() == "NONE"
and me._element_factories[ c.getName() ] != nil )
append(stack, c);
# Remove all children
removeAllChildren: func()
foreach(var type; keys(me._element_factories))
me._node.removeChildren(type, 0);
return me;
# Group
# Map
# ==============================================================================
# Class for a group element on a canvas
# Class for a group element on a canvas with possibly geopgraphic positions
# which automatically get projected according to the specified projection.
var Map = {
new: func(parent, name)
new: func(parent, id)
return { parents: [Map, Group.new(parent, name, "map")] };
return { parents: [Map, Group.new(parent, id, "map", arg)] };
@ -261,10 +431,10 @@ var Map = {
# Class for a text element on a canvas
var Text = {
new: func(parent, name)
new: func(parent, id)
var m = {
parents: [Text, Element.new(parent, "text", name)]
parents: [Text, Element.new(parent, "text", id, arg)]
m.color = _createColorNodes(m._node, "color");
m.color_fill = _createColorNodes(m._node, "color-fill");
@ -274,7 +444,7 @@ var Text = {
setText: func(text)
# add space because osg seems to remove last character if its a space
me._node.getNode("text", 1).setValue(typeof(text) == 'scalar' ? text ~ ' ' : "");
me.set("text", typeof(text) == 'scalar' ? text ~ ' ' : "");
# Set alignment
@ -297,18 +467,18 @@ var Text = {
setAlignment: func(align)
me._node.getNode("alignment", 1).setValue(align);
me.set("alignment", align);
# Set the font size
setSize: func(size, aspect = 1)
setFontSize: func(size, aspect = 1)
me._node.getNode("character-size", 1).setDoubleValue(size);
me._node.getNode("character-aspect-ratio", 1).setDoubleValue(aspect);
me.setDouble("character-size", size);
me.setDouble("character-aspect-ratio", aspect);
# Set font (by name of font file)
setFont: func(name)
me._node.getNode("font", 1).setValue(name);
me.set("font", name);
# Enumeration of values for drawing mode:
TEXT: 1, # The text itself
@ -321,21 +491,16 @@ var Text = {
# eg. my_text.setDrawMode(Text.TEXT + Text.BOUNDINGBOX);
setDrawMode: func(mode)
me._node.getNode("draw-mode", 1).setValue(mode);
me.setInt("draw-mode", mode);
# Set bounding box padding
setPadding: func(pad)
me._node.getNode("padding", 1).setValue(pad);
me.setDouble("padding", pad);
getBoundingBox: func()
setMaxWidth: func(w)
var bb = me._node.getNode("bounding-box");
return [ bb.getChild("min-x").getValue(),
bb.getChild("max-y").getValue() ];
me.setDouble("max-width", w);
@ -370,76 +535,169 @@ var Path = {
VG_SCCWARC_TO: 20, # Note that CC and CCW commands are swapped. This is
VG_SCCWARC_TO_ABS:20, # needed due to the different coordinate systems used.
VG_SCCWARC_TO_REL:21, # In OpenVG values along the y-axis increase from bottom
VG_SCWARC_TO: 18, # to top, whereas in the Canvas system it is flipped.
# Number of coordinates per command
num_coords: {
2: 2, # VG_MOVE_TO
4: 2, # VG_LINE_TO
6: 1, # VG_HLINE_TO
8: 1, # VG_VLINE_TO
10: 4, # VG_QUAD_TO
12: 6, # VG_CUBIC_TO
14: 2, # VG_SQUAD_TO
16: 4, # VG_SCUBIC_TO
18: 5, # VG_SCCWARC_TO
20: 5, # VG_SCWARC_TO
22: 5, # VG_LCCWARC_TO
24: 5 # VG_LCWARC_TO
num_coords: [
2, 2, # VG_MOVE_TO
2, 2, # VG_LINE_TO
1, 1, # VG_HLINE_TO
1, 1, # VG_VLINE_TO
4, 4, # VG_QUAD_TO
6, 6, # VG_CUBIC_TO
2, 2, # VG_SQUAD_TO
4, 4, # VG_SCUBIC_TO
5, 5, # VG_SCWARC_TO
new: func(parent, name)
new: func(parent, id)
var m = {
parents: [Path, Element.new(parent, "path", name)]
parents: [Path, Element.new(parent, "path", id, arg)],
_num_cmds: 0,
_num_coords: 0
m.color = _createColorNodes(m._node, "color");
m.color_fill = _createColorNodes(m._node, "color-fill");
return m;
# Set the path data (commands and coordinates)
setData: func(cmds, coords)
me._node.removeChildren('cmd', 0);
me._node.removeChildren('coord', 0);
me._node.setValues({cmd: cmds, coord: coords});
setDataGeo: func(cmds, coords)
# Remove all existing path data
reset: func
me._node.removeChildren('cmd', 0);
me._node.removeChildren('coord', 0);
me._node.removeChildren('coord-geo', 0);
me._node.setValues({cmd: cmds, 'coord-geo': coords});
me._num_cmds = 0;
me._num_coords = 0;
return me;
# Set the path data (commands and coordinates)
setData: func(cmds, coords)
me._node.setValues({cmd: cmds, coord: coords});
me._num_cmds = size(cmds);
me._num_coords = size(coords);
return me;
setDataGeo: func(cmds, coords)
me._node.setValues({cmd: cmds, 'coord-geo': coords});
me._num_cmds = size(cmds);
me._num_coords = size(coords);
return me;
# Add a path segment
addSegment: func(cmd, coords...)
var coords = _arg2valarray(coords);
var num_coords = me.num_coords[cmd];
if( size(coords) != num_coords )
"Invalid number of arguments (expected " ~ (num_coords + 1) ~ ")"
me.setInt("cmd[" ~ (me._num_cmds += 1) ~ "]", cmd);
for(var i = 0; i < num_coords; i += 1)
me.setDouble("coord[" ~ (me._num_coords += 1) ~ "]", coords[i]);
return me;
# Move path cursor
moveTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_MOVE_TO_ABS, arg),
move: func me.addSegment(me.VG_MOVE_TO_REL, arg),
# Add a line
lineTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_LINE_TO_ABS, arg),
line: func me.addSegment(me.VG_LINE_TO_REL, arg),
# Add a horizontal line
horizTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_HLINE_TO_ABS, arg),
horiz: func me.addSegment(me.VG_HLINE_TO_REL, arg),
# Add a vertical line
vertTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_VLINE_TO_ABS, arg),
vert: func me.addSegment(me.VG_VLINE_TO_REL, arg),
# Add a quadratic Bézier curve
quadTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_QUAD_TO_ABS, arg),
quad: func me.addSegment(me.VG_QUAD_TO_REL, arg),
# Add a cubic Bézier curve
cubicTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_CUBIC_TO_ABS, arg),
cubic: func me.addSegment(me.VG_CUBIC_TO_REL, arg),
# Add a smooth quadratic Bézier curve
quadTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_SQUAD_TO_ABS, arg),
quad: func me.addSegment(me.VG_SQUAD_TO_REL, arg),
# Add a smooth cubic Bézier curve
cubicTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_SCUBIC_TO_ABS, arg),
cubic: func me.addSegment(me.VG_SCUBIC_TO_REL, arg),
# Draw an elliptical arc (shorter counter-clockwise arc)
arcSmallCCWTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_SCCWARC_TO_ABS, arg),
arcSmallCCW: func me.addSegment(me.VG_SCCWARC_TO_REL, arg),
# Draw an elliptical arc (shorter clockwise arc)
arcSmallCWTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_SCWARC_TO_ABS, arg),
arcSmallCW: func me.addSegment(me.VG_SCWARC_TO_REL, arg),
# Draw an elliptical arc (longer counter-clockwise arc)
arcLargeCCWTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_LCCWARC_TO_ABS, arg),
arcLargeCCW: func me.addSegment(me.VG_LCCWARC_TO_REL, arg),
# Draw an elliptical arc (shorter clockwise arc)
arcLargeCWTo: func me.addSegment(me.VG_LCWARC_TO_ABS, arg),
arcLargeCW: func me.addSegment(me.VG_LCWARC_TO_REL, arg),
# Close the path (implicit lineTo to first point of path)
close: func me.addSegment(me.VG_CLOSE_PATH),
setStrokeLineWidth: func(width)
me._node.getNode('stroke-width', 1).setDoubleValue(width);
me.setDouble('stroke-width', width);
setStrokeDashPattern: func(pattern)
# Set stroke linecap
# @param linecap String, "butt", "round" or "square"
# See http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/painting.html#StrokeLinecapProperty for details
setStrokeLineCap: func(linecap)
me.set('stroke-linecap', linecap);
# Set stroke dasharray
# @param pattern Vector, Vector of alternating dash and gap lengths
# [on1, off1, on2, ...]
setStrokeDashArray: func(pattern)
if( typeof(pattern) == 'vector' )
me._node.setValues({'stroke-dasharray': pattern});
debug.warn("setStrokeDashPattern: vector expected!");
debug.warn("setStrokeDashArray: vector expected!");
return me;
# Set the fill color and enable filling this path
# @param color Vector of 3 or 4 values in [0, 1]
setColorFill: func { _setColorNodes(me.color_fill, arg); me.setFill(1); },
# Enable/disable filling this path
setFill: func(fill)
me._node.getNode("fill", 1).setValue(fill);
me.setBool("fill", fill);
@ -476,15 +734,15 @@ var Canvas = {
# Create a new group with the given name
# @param name Option name for the group
createGroup: func(name = nil)
# @param id Optional id/name for the group
createGroup: func(id = nil)
return Group.new(me.texture, name);
return Group.new(me.texture, id);
# Set the background color
# @param color Vector of 3 or 4 values in [0, 1]
setColorBackground: func _setColorNodes(me.color, arg)
setColorBackground: func { _setColorNodes(me.color, arg); return me; }
# Create a new canvas. Pass parameters as hash, eg:
@ -545,3 +803,26 @@ var get = func(name)
color: _createColorNodes(node_canvas, "color-background")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show warnings if API used with too old version of FlightGear without Canvas
# support (Wrapped in anonymous function do not polute the canvas namespace)
(func {
var version_str = getprop("/sim/version/flightgear");
if( string.scanf(version_str, "%u.%u.%u", var fg_version = []) < 1 )
debug.warn("Canvas: Error parsing flightgear version (" ~ version_str ~ ")");
if( fg_version[0] < 2
or (fg_version[0] == 2 and fg_version[1] < 8) )
debug.warn("Canvas: FlightGear version too old (" ~ version_str ~ ")");
"FlightGear v2.8.0 or newer needed for Canvas support!",
{button: {legend: "Ok", binding: {command: "dialog-close"}}}
} })();

View file

@ -1,15 +1,50 @@
# Parse an xml file into a canvas group element
# @param group The canvas.Group instance to append the parsed elements to
# @param path The path of the svg file (absolute or relative to FG_ROOT)
var parsesvg = func(group, path)
# @param group The canvas.Group instance to append the parsed elements to
# @param path The path of the svg file (absolute or relative to FG_ROOT)
# @param options Optional hash of options
var parsesvg = func(group, path, options = nil)
if( !isa(group, Group) )
die("Invalid argument group (type != Group)");
if( options == nil )
options = {};
if( typeof(options) != "hash" )
die("Options need to be of type hash!");
var custom_font_mapper = options['font-mapper'];
var font_mapper = func(family, weight)
if( typeof(custom_font_mapper) == 'func' )
var font = custom_font_mapper(family, weight);
if( font != nil )
return font;
return "LiberationFonts/LiberationMono-Bold.ttf";
var level = 0;
var skip = 0;
var stack = [group];
var close_stack = []; # helper for check tag closing
# lookup table for element ids (for <use> element)
var id_dict = {};
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a new child an push it onto the stack
var pushElement = func(type, id = nil)
append(stack, stack[-1].createChild(type, id));
append(close_stack, level);
if( typeof(id) == 'scalar' and size(id) )
id_dict[ id ] = stack[-1];
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse a transformation (matrix)
@ -261,11 +296,11 @@ var parsesvg = func(group, path)
else if( name == "g" )
append(stack, stack[-1].createChild('group', attr['id']));
pushElement('group', attr['id']);
else if( name == "text" )
append(stack, stack[-1].createChild('text', attr['id']));
pushElement('text', attr['id']);
stack[-1].setTranslation(attr['x'], attr['y']);
# http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/text.html#TextAnchorProperty
@ -280,12 +315,19 @@ var parsesvg = func(group, path)
# TODO vertical align
font_mapper(style["font-family"], style["font-weight"])
var font_size = style["font-size"];
if( font_size != nil )
# eg. font-size: 123px
stack[-1].setFontSize(substr(font_size, 0, size(font_size) - 2));
else if( name == "path" or name == "rect" )
append(stack, stack[-1].createChild('path', attr['id']));
pushElement('path', attr['id']);
var d = attr['d'];
if( name == "rect" )
@ -304,23 +346,46 @@ var parsesvg = func(group, path)
stack[-1].setStrokeLineWidth( w != nil ? w : 1 );
var linecap = style['stroke-linecap'];
if( linecap != nil )
var fill = style['fill'];
if( fill != nil and fill != "none" )
# http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/painting.html#StrokeDasharrayProperty
var dash = style['stroke-dasharray'];
if( dash and size(dash) > 3 )
# at least 2 comma separated values...
stack[-1].setStrokeDashPattern(split(',', dash));
stack[-1].setStrokeDashArray(split(',', dash));
var cx = attr['inkscape:transform-center-x'];
var cy = attr['inkscape:transform-center-y'];
if( cx != nil or cy != nil )
stack[-1].setCenter(cx or 0, -(cy or 0));
else if( name == "tspan" )
else if( name == "use" )
var ref = attr["xlink:href"];
if( ref == nil or size(ref) < 2 or ref[0] != `#` )
return debug.dump("Invalid or missing href", ref);
var el_src = id_dict[ substr(ref, 1) ];
if( el_src == nil )
return print("parsesvg: Reference to unknown element (" ~ ref ~ ")");
# Create new element and copy sub branch from source node
pushElement(el_src._node.getName(), attr['id']);
props.copy(el_src._node, stack[-1]._node);
# copying also overrides the id so we need to set it again
print("parsesvg: skipping unknown element '" ~ name ~ "'");
@ -343,8 +408,11 @@ var parsesvg = func(group, path)
if( name == 'g' or name == 'text' or name == 'path' or name == 'rect' )
if( size(close_stack) and (level + 1) == close_stack[-1] )
# XML parsers element data callback