Updated Spanish language resource.
Sa7k, muchas gracias!
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 135 additions and 130 deletions
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Keep untranslated items unmodified (leave the "???"). English original is the
### automatic default.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
@ -15,116 +17,117 @@
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-13 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<!-- File menu -->
<file>Archivo</file> <!-- English: "File" -->
<reset>Reset</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<snap-shot>Fotografía</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<!-- <snap-shot-dir>???</snap-shot-dir> --> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<!-- <sound-config>???</sound-config> --> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<snap-shot>Capturar pantalla</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<snap-shot-dir>Directorio capturas</snap-shot-dir> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<sound-config>Configurar sonido</sound-config> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<exit>Salir </exit> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- View menu -->
<view>Visualizar</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<!-- <display-options>???</display-options> --> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<!-- <view-options>???</view-options> --> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<!-- <cockpit-view-options>???</cockpit-view-options> --> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<!-- <adjust-lod>???</adjust-lod> --> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<view>Vista</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<display-options>Opciones visualización</display-options> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<rendering-options>Opciones renderizado</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<view-options>Opciones de vistas</view-options> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<cockpit-view-options>Opciones de vista de cabina</cockpit-view-options> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<adjust-lod>Nivel de detalle</adjust-lod> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<pilot-offset>Posición del piloto</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<!-- <adjust-hud>???</adjust-hud> --> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<!-- <toggle-glide-slope>???</toggle-glide-slope> --> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<!-- <replay>???</replay> --> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<!-- <stereoscopic-options>???</stereoscopic-options> --> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<adjust-hud>Cambiar Propiedades del HUD</adjust-hud> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<toggle-glide-slope>Activar senda de planeo</toggle-glide-slope> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<replay>Replay instantáneo</replay> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<stereoscopic-options>Opciones vista estereoscópica</stereoscopic-options> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<!-- Location menu -->
<!-- <location>???</location> --> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<!-- <position-on-ground>???</position-on-ground> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<!-- <position-in-air>???</position-in-air> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<!-- <goto-airport>???</goto-airport> --> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
<!-- <random-attitude>???</random-attitude> --> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<!-- <tower-position>???</tower-position> --> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<location>Localización</location> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<position-on-ground>Ubicar aeronave en tierra</position-on-ground> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<position-in-air>Ubicar aeronave en vuelo</position-in-air> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<goto-airport>Seleccionar aeropuerto en listado</goto-airport> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
<random-attitude>Dirección al azar</random-attitude> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<tower-position>Posición de la torre</tower-position> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<!-- Autopilot menu -->
<autopilot>Autopiloto</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<!-- <autopilot-settings>???</autopilot-settings> --> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<!-- <route-manager>???</route-manager> --> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<!-- <previous-waypoint>???</previous-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<!-- <next-waypoint>???</next-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<autopilot-settings>Configurar AP</autopilot-settings> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<route-manager>Configurar rutas</route-manager> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<previous-waypoint>Waypoint previo</previous-waypoint> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<next-waypoint>Waypoint siguiente</next-waypoint> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<!-- Environment menu -->
<!-- <environment>???</environment> --> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<!-- <global-weather>???</global-weather> --> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<!-- <time-settings>???</time-settings> --> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<!-- <wildfire-settings>???</wildfire-settings> --> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<!-- <terrasync>???</terrasync> --> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<environment>Ambiente</environment> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<global-weather>Clima</global-weather> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<time-settings>Configurar horario</time-settings> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<wildfire-settings>Configurar incendios</wildfire-settings> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<terrasync>Descargar escenarios</terrasync> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu -->
<!-- <equipment>???</equipment> --> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<!-- <map>???</map> --> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<!-- <stopwatch>???</stopwatch> --> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<!-- <fuel-and-payload>???</fuel-and-payload> --> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<!-- <radio>???</radio> --> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<!-- <gps>???</gps> --> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<!-- <instrument-settings>???</instrument-settings> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<!-- <failure-submenu>???</failure-submenu> --> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<!-- <random-failures>???</random-failures> --> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<!-- <system-failures>???</system-failures> --> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<!-- <instrument-failures>???</instrument-failures> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<equipment>Equipamiento</equipment> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<map>Mapa</map> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<stopwatch>Cronómetro</stopwatch> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<fuel-and-payload>Combustible y cargamento</fuel-and-payload> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<radio>Configurar radio</radio> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<gps>Configurar GPS</gps> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<instrument-settings>Configurar instrumentos</instrument-settings> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<failure-submenu> --- Fallas ---</failure-submenu> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<random-failures>Fallas al azar</random-failures> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<system-failures>Fallas de sistemas</system-failures> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<instrument-failures>Fallas de instrumental</instrument-failures> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu -->
<!-- <ai>???</ai> --> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<!-- <scenario>???</scenario> --> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<!-- <atc-in-range>???</atc-in-range> --> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<!-- <wingman>???</wingman> --> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<!-- <tanker>???</tanker> --> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<!-- <carrier>???</carrier> --> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<!-- <jetway>???</jetway> --> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<ai>IA</ai> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<scenario>Configurar tráfico y escenarios</scenario> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<atc-in-range>Servicios ATC en cercanía</atc-in-range> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<wingman>Controles vuelo en formación</wingman> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<tanker>Controles reabastecimiento en vuelo</tanker> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<carrier>Controles portaaviones</carrier> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<jetway>Configurar manga</jetway> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<!-- <multiplayer>???</multiplayer> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<!-- <mp-settings>???</mp-settings> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<!-- <mp-chat>???</mp-chat> --> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<!-- <mp-chat-menu>???</mp-chat-menu> --> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<!-- <mp-list>???</mp-list> --> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<!-- <mp-carrier>???</mp-carrier> --> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<multiplayer>Multijugador</multiplayer> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<mp-settings>Configuración multijugador</mp-settings> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<mp-chat>Ventana de chat</mp-chat> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<mp-chat-menu>Menú de chat</mp-chat-menu> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<mp-list>Lista de pilotos</mp-list> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<mp-carrier>Selección de portaaviones multijugador</mp-carrier> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Debug menu -->
<!-- <debug>???</debug> --> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<debug>Debug</debug> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<!-- <reload-gui>???</reload-gui> --> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<!-- <reload-input>???</reload-input> --> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<!-- <reload-hud>???</reload-hud> --> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<!-- <reload-panel>???</reload-panel> --> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<!-- <reload-autopilot>???</reload-autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<!-- <reload-network>???</reload-network> --> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<!-- <nasal-console>???</nasal-console> --> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<!-- <development-keys>???</development-keys> --> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<!-- <configure-dev-extension>???</configure-dev-extension> --> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<!-- <display-marker>???</display-marker> --> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<!-- <dump-scene-graph>???</dump-scene-graph> --> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<!-- <print-rendering-statistics>???</print-rendering-statistics> --> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<!-- <statistics-display>???</statistics-display> --> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<!-- <performance-monitor>???</performance-monitor> --> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<!-- <property-browser>???</property-browser> --> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<!-- <logging>???</logging> --> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<!-- <local_weather>???</local_weather> --> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<!-- <print-scene-info>???</print-scene-info> --> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<!-- <rendering-buffers>???</rendering-buffers> --> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- <rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> --> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<reload-gui>Reiniciar interfaz gráfica</reload-gui> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<reload-input>Reiniciar interfaz de control</reload-input> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<reload-hud>Reiniciar HUD</reload-hud> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<reload-panel>Reiniciar panel</reload-panel> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<reload-autopilot>Reiniciar autopiloto</reload-autopilot> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<reload-network>Reiniciar conexión de red</reload-network> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<!-- <reload-model>???</reload-model> --> <!-- English: "Reload Aircraft Model" -->
<nasal-console>Consola nasal</nasal-console> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<development-keys>Teclas de desarrollo</development-keys> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<configure-dev-extension>Configurar extensiones de desarrollo</configure-dev-extension> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<display-marker>Mostrar marcadores de tutorial</display-marker> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<dump-scene-graph>Mostrar datos escena gráfica</dump-scene-graph> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<print-rendering-statistics>Mostrar estadísticas de renderizado</print-rendering-statistics> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<statistics-display>Mostrar estadísticas en pantalla</statistics-display> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<performance-monitor>Monitor de performance del sistema</performance-monitor> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<property-browser>Visor de propiedades internas</property-browser> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<logging>Registro</logging> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<local_weather>Clima local (pruebas)</local_weather> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<print-scene-info>Información escena visible</print-scene-info> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<rendering-buffers>Ocultar/Mostrar buffers de renderizado</rendering-buffers> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<rembrandt-buffers-choice>Seleccionar buffers de renderizado</rembrandt-buffers-choice> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu -->
<help>Ayuda</help> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<!-- <help-browser>???</help-browser> --> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<!-- <aircraft-keys>???</aircraft-keys> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<!-- <common-keys>???</common-keys> --> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<!-- <basic-keys>???</basic-keys> --> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<!-- <joystick-info>???</joystick-info> --> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<!-- <tutorial-start>???</tutorial-start> --> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<!-- <menu-about>???</menu-about> --> <!-- English: "About" -->
<help-browser>Ayuda (abre en el navegador)</help-browser> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<aircraft-keys>Ayuda de aeronave</aircraft-keys> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<common-keys>Teclas comunes a toda aeronave</common-keys> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<basic-keys>Teclas básicas del simulador</basic-keys> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<joystick-info>Información de joystick</joystick-info> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<tutorial-start>Tutoriales</tutorial-start> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<menu-about>Acerca de</menu-about> <!-- English: "About" -->
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Keep untranslated items unmodified (leave the "???"). English original is the
### automatic default.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
@ -15,11 +17,11 @@
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-13 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<usage>Usage: fgfs [ opción ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<usage>Modo de empleo: fgfs [ opción ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<verbose-help>Para una lista completa de opciones use --help --verbose</verbose-help> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<!-- General options -->
@ -30,7 +32,7 @@
<fg-root-desc>Especifica la ruta básica a los datos</fg-root-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="0">Especifica la ruta básica a las escenografías;</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Por defecto falla a $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<!-- <fg-aircraft-desc>???</fg-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<fg-aircraft-desc>Especifica la ruta a directorios de aeronaves adicionales</fg-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<language-desc>Selecciona el idioma para esta sesión</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<disable-game-mode-desc>Desactiva el modo de pantalla completa</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<enable-game-mode-desc>Activa el modo de pantalla completa</enable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
@ -46,14 +48,14 @@
<disable-random-objects-desc>Excluir objetos aleatorios de escenografía</disable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<enable-random-objects-desc>Incluir objetos aleatorios de escenografía</enable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Desactiva la recogida de meteo real basada en METAR</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Activa la recogida de meteo real basada en METAR(esto requiere una conexión abierta a internet)</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Activa la recogida de meteo real basada en METAR (esto requiere una conexión a Internet)</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<metar-desc>Pasar una METAR para establecer una meteo estática</metar-desc> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<random-objects-desc>(edificios, etc.)</random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<disable-ai-models-desc>Desactiva el subsistema de tráfico artificial.</disable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<disable-ai-models-desc>Opción en desuso mantenida por compatibilidad (Desactiva el subsistema de tráfico artificial)</disable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<enable-ai-models-desc>Activa el tráfico artificial.</enable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<disable-ai-traffic-desc>Desactiva el tráfico artificial.</disable-ai-traffic-desc> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<enable-ai-traffic-desc>Activa el tráfico artificial.</enable-ai-traffic-desc> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<disable-ai-scenarios>Desactiva todos los escenarios AI</disable-ai-scenarios> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<ai-scenario>Añade y activa un nuevo escenario. Se permite múltiples opciones.</ai-scenario> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<disable-freeze-desc>Comenzar en un estado arrancado</disable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Comenzar en un estado congelado</enable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
@ -79,15 +81,15 @@
<enable-panel-desc>Activa el panel de instrumentos</enable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Desactiva el HUD sin distorsión (anti-aliased)</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Activa el HUD sin distorsión (anti-aliased)</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<disable-hud-3d-desc>Desactiva el 3D HUD</disable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<enable-hud-3d-desc>Activa el 3D HUD</enable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<disable-hud-3d-desc>Desactiva el HUD 3D</disable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<enable-hud-3d-desc>Activa el HUD 3D</enable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- Aircraft options -->
<aircraft-options>Aeronave</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<aircraft-desc>Selecciona un perfil de aeronave definido por el <nombre>-set.xml de nivel superior</aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml" -->
<show-aircraft-desc>Muestra una lista de los tipos de aeronaves actualmente disponibles</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<min-aircraft-status>Permite que definas un nivel de status mínimo (=estado de desarollo) para todas las aeronaves listadas</min-aircraft-status> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<vehicle-desc>Selecciona un perfill de vehiculo definido por un <nombre>-set.xml de nivel superior</vehicle-desc> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml" -->
<vehicle-desc>Selecciona un perfil de vehículo definido por un <nombre>-set.xml de nivel superior</vehicle-desc> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml" -->
<livery-desc>Selecciona la librea (insignia, emblema) de la aeronave</livery-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
@ -103,7 +105,7 @@
<trim-desc n="1">(solo con fdm=jsbsim)</trim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<on-ground-desc>Comenzar a nivel de tierra (por defecto)</on-ground-desc> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<in-air-desc>Comenzar en el aire (implicado cuando se usa --altitude)</in-air-desc> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<wind-desc>Especifica el viento llagando desde DIRECCION (grados) at VELOCIDAD (nudos)</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<wind-desc>Especifica el viento llegando desde DIRECCION (grados) a VELOCIDAD (nudos)</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<random-wind-desc>Establece vientos de direccion y velocidad aleatorios</random-wind-desc> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<turbulence-desc>Especifica turbulencias desde 0.0 (calmadas) to 1.0 (severas)</turbulence-desc> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<ceiling-desc>Crear un techo encapotado, opcionalmente con un grosor específico (por defecto a los 2000 pies).</ceiling-desc> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
@ -121,14 +123,14 @@
<!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<ndb-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo relativa a un NDB</ndb-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<fix-desc>Especificas la posición de comienzo relativa a un fijo</fix-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<runway-no-desc>Especificastarting runway (must also specify an airport)</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<fix-desc>Especifica la posición de comienzo relativa a un fijo</fix-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<runway-no-desc>Especifica pista inicial (se debe especificar además el aeropuerto)</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<offset-distance-desc>Especifica la distancia al punto de referencia (en millas estatutarias: statute miles)</offset-distance-desc> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<offset-azimuth-desc>Especifica la direccion al punto de referencia</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<lon-desc>Longitud de comienzo (oeste = -)</lon-desc> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<lat-desc>Latitud de comienzo (sur = -)</lat-desc> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<altitude-desc>Altitud de comienzo</altitude-desc> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<heading-desc>Especifica el ángulo de la direccion (giñada) (Psi)</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<heading-desc>Especifica el ángulo de la direccion (guiñada/yaw) (Psi)</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<roll-desc>Especifica el ángulo de alabeo (Phi)</roll-desc> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<pitch-desc>Especifica el ángulo de cabeceo (Theta)</pitch-desc> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<uBody-desc>Especifica la velocidad por el eje X del cuerpo</uBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
@ -150,7 +152,7 @@
<sound-device-desc>Explicitamente especifica el dispositivo de audio a usar</sound-device-desc> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<!-- Rendering options -->
<rendering-options>Opciones de Renderización</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<rendering-options>Opciones de Renderizado</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<bpp-desc>Especifica los bits por pixel</bpp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<fog-disable-desc>Desactiva la niebla/bruma</fog-disable-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<fog-fastest-desc>Activa la mas rápida niebla/bruma</fog-fastest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
@ -177,19 +179,19 @@
<enable-skyblend-desc>Activa el gradiente en el cielo</enable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Desactiva las texturas</disable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Activa las texturas</enable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<materials-file-desc>Especifica el archivo de materiales usado para renderizar el escenario (por defecto: materials.xml)</materials-file-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<texture-filtering-desc>Filtrado Anisotrópico de Textura: los valores deberian ser 1 (defecto),2,4,8 o 16</texture-filtering-desc> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Desactiva el modo de dibujo de esqueletos</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Activa el modo de dibujo de esqueletos</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<geometry-desc>Especifica la geometría de ventanas(640x480, etc)</geometry-desc> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<view-offset-desc>Especifica la dirección por defecto de la vista hacia el frente como un incremento desde delante. Valores válidos son LEFT (izq.), RIGHT (dch.), CENTER (centro), o un n+umero dado de grados</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<view-offset-desc>Especifica la dirección por defecto de la vista hacia el frente como un incremento desde delante. Valores válidos son LEFT (izq.), RIGHT (dch.), CENTER (centro), o un número dado de grados</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<visibility-desc>Especifica la visibilidad inicial</visibility-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Especifica la visibilidad inicial en millas</visibility-miles-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Hud options -->
<hud-options>Opciones del HUD</hud-options> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<hud-tris-desc>El HUD muestra muchos triángulos renderizados</hud-tris-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<hud-tris-desc>El HUD muestra número de triángulos renderizados</hud-tris-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<hud-culled-desc>Hud muestra un porcentaje de los triángulos entresacados</hud-culled-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- Time options -->
@ -204,43 +206,43 @@
<!-- Network options -->
<network-options>Opciones de red</network-options> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<httpd-desc>Activa el servidor http en el puerto especificado</httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<proxy-desc>Especifica qué servidor proxy (y puerto)usar. El usuario y contraseña son pocionales y deberían de estar ya codificados con MD5. Esta opcion solo es útil cuando es usada conjuntamente con la opcion real-weather-fetch.</proxy-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<proxy-desc>Especifica qué servidor proxy (y puerto) usar. El usuario y contraseña son opcionales y deberían de estar ya codificados con MD5. Esta opcion solo es útil cuando es usada conjuntamente con la opcion real-weather-fetch.</proxy-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<telnet-desc>Activa el servidor telnet en el puerto especificado</telnet-desc> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Activa screen shot en el servidor http en el puerto especificado</jpg-httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<disable-terrasync-desc>Desactiva la descarga/actualización automática de escenarios</disable-terrasync-desc> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<enable-terrasync-desc>Activa la descarga/actualización automática de escenarios</enable-terrasync-desc> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<terrasync-dir-desc>Especifica el directorio para descargas de escenarios</terrasync-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<multiplayer-options>Opciones multijugador</multiplayer-options> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<multiplay-desc>Especifica la configuracion de comunicaciónes multipiloto</multiplay-desc> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<multiplay-desc>Especifica la configuración de comunicaciónes multipiloto</multiplay-desc> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<callsign-desc>Asiigna un nombre único a un jugador</callsign-desc> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<route-options>Opciones de Route/Way Point</route-options> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<wp-desc>Especificaa waypoint para el autopiloto GC;</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<wp-desc>Especifica waypoint para el autopiloto GC;</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<flight-plan-desc>Leer todos los waypoints desde un fichero</flight-plan-desc> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<!-- IO Options -->
<io-options>Opciones ES</io-options> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<AV400-desc>Emite el protocolo Garmin AV400 requerido para usar un GPS Garmin 196/296 series</AV400-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<AV400Sim-desc>Emite el conjunto de cadenas AV400 de texto requeridas para usar un GPS Garmin 400-series desde FlightGear</AV400Sim-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<atlas-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo Atlas</atlas-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<atcsim-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo ATC sim(atc610x)</atcsim-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<garmin-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<joyclient-desc>Abrir conexion a un joystick Agwagon</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<jsclient-desc>Abrir conexion a un joystick remoto</jsclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<native-ctrls-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<native-fdm-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native FDM</native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<native-gui-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native GUI</native-gui-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<native-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo FG Native</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<nmea-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo NMEA</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<generic-desc>Abrir conexion usando una interfaz predefinida de comunicación y un protocolo preseleccionado de comunicación</generic-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<opengc-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo OpenGC</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<props-desc>Abrir conexion usando el gestor interactivo de propiedades</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<pve-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo PVE</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocolo Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Abrir conexion usando el protocol RUL</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<atlas-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo Atlas</atlas-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<atcsim-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo ATC sim(atc610x)</atcsim-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<garmin-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<joyclient-desc>Abrir conexión a un joystick Agwagon</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<jsclient-desc>Abrir conexión a un joystick remoto</jsclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<native-ctrls-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<native-fdm-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo FG Native FDM</native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<native-gui-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo FG Native GUI</native-gui-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<native-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo FG Native</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<nmea-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo NMEA</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<generic-desc>Abrir conexión usando una interfaz predefinida de comunicación y un protocolo preseleccionado de comunicación</generic-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<opengc-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo OpenGC</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<props-desc>Abrir conexión usando el gestor interactivo de propiedades</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<pve-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo PVE</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocolo Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Abrir conexión usando el protocol RUL</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<!-- Avionics Options -->
<avionics-options>Opciones de aviónica</avionics-options> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
@ -248,20 +250,20 @@
<com2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de COM2</com2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<nav1-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de NAV1, opcionalmente precedida por un radial.</nav1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<nav2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de NAV2, opcionalmente precedida por un radial.</nav2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<adf1-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de ADF1, opcionalmente precedida por una rotacionde carta.</adf1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<adf2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de ADF2, opcionalmente precedida por una rotacionde carta.</adf2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<adf1-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de ADF1, opcionalmente precedida por una rotación de carta.</adf1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<adf2-desc>Establece la radio frecuencia de ADF2, opcionalmente precedida por una rotación de carta.</adf2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<dme-desc>Esclaviza la ADF a una de las radios NAV, o establece su frecuencia interna.</dme-desc> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<situation-options>Opciones de emergencias</situation-options> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<failure-desc>Fallo del sistema de pitot, estatica, vacío, or electrico (repetir la opción para multiples fallos del sistema).</failure-desc> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<failure-desc>Fallo del sistema de pitot, estática, vacío, o eléctrico (repetir la opción para multiples fallos del sistema).</failure-desc> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options -->
<debugging-options>Opciones de depuración</debugging-options> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<fpe-desc>Abortar al encontrar una excepcion depunto flotante;</fpe-desc> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<fpe-desc>Abortar al encontrar una excepción depunto flotante;</fpe-desc> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<fgviewer-desc>Usar un visor de modelos en vez de cargar todo el simulador;</fgviewer-desc> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<trace-read-desc>Trazar las lecturas para una propiedad;</trace-read-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<trace-write-desc>Trazar las escrituras para una propiedad;</trace-write-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<log-level-desc>Especifica qué nivel de registro usar</log-level-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
<log-class-desc>Especifica qué clase (o clases) de registro usar</log-class-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
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