diff --git a/Aircraft/README.xmlsound b/Aircraft/README.xmlsound
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aaba239a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/README.xmlsound
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+	This is the event seperator. The text inside the brackets
+	can be anything. But since the text shows up in the property
+	tree it is adviced to give it a meaningfull name like;
+	crank, engine, rumble, gear, squeal, flap, wind, stall or click.
+	The value can be defined multiple times, thus anything which is
+	related may have the same name.
+  <name>
+	This defines the name of the event. This name is used internally
+	and, although it can me defined multiple times, should have a
+	unique value unless you realy know what you're doing.
+	Defining it multiple times could lead to unexpected behaviour.
+  <path>
+	This defined th path to the sound file. The path is relative to the
+	FlightGear root directory but could be specified absolue.
+  <property>
+	Define which property triggers the event, and reffers to a node
+	in the FlightGear property tree.
+	The value is converted to an integer value (anything less than 0.5 is
+	is considered to be 0) and handled if it were a boolean value
+	(0 = false, anything else = true).
+	The triger depends on the value of <type>.
+  <type>
+	This specifies how the event is triggered.
+	There are multiple options:
+	level: 		events are active if the value is true.
+			this is the default behaviour.
+	inverted:	events are active if the value is false.
+	flipflop:	events are triggered on state changes.
+			this is only usefull for samples which are played
+			once.
+  <mode>
+	This defines how the sample should be played:
+	once:		the sample is played once.
+			this is the default.
+	looped:		the sample plays continuesly,
+			until the event turns false.
+  <volume> / <pitch>
+	Defines the following subsection.
+    <property>
+	Defins which property supplies the value for the calculation.
+	The value is treatened as a floating point number.
+    <type>
+	lin:		lineair handling of the property value.
+			this is the default.
+	ln:		convert the property value to a natural logarithmic
+			value before scaling it.
+	log:		convert the property value to a true logarithmic
+			value before scaling it.
+    <scale>(**)
+	Defines the multiplication factor for the property value.
+	A special condition is when scale is defined as a negative
+	value. In this case the result of |<scale>| * <property) will be
+	subtracted from <default>
+    <default>
+	The initial value for this sound. This value is also used as an
+	offset value for calulating the end result.
+    <min>
+	Minimum allowed value.
+	This is usefull if sounds start to sound funny. Anything lower
+	will be converted to 0.
+    <max>
+	Maximum allowed value.
+	This is usefull if sounds gets to loud. Anything higher will be
+	truncated to this value.
+Calculations are made the following way:
+if (scale < 0)
+   value = default - abs(scale) * function(property)
+   value = default + scale * function(property)
+where function can be one of {none, log, log10}.