Some changes/additions to debug.nas
Add benchmark_time, rank, and print_rank. Modify benchmark to return/ pass-through the values of the function, appending to a vector if there are multiple executions.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 105 additions and 10 deletions
@ -32,10 +32,25 @@
# debug.isnan() returns 1 if argument is an invalid number (NaN),
# debug.isnan() returns 1 if argument is an invalid number (NaN),
# 0 if it's a valid number, and nil in all other cases
# 0 if it's a valid number, and nil in all other cases
# debug.benchmark(<label:string>, <func> [, <repeat:int>])
# debug.benchmark(<label:string>, <func> [, <repeat:int> [, <output:vector>]])
# ... runs function <repeat> times (default: 1)
# ... runs function <repeat> times (default: nil)
# and prints execution time in seconds,
# and prints total execution time in seconds,
# prefixed with <label>.
# prefixed with <label>, while adding results
# to <output>, or returning the only result
# if <repeat> is nil.
# debug.benchmark_time(<func> [, <repeat:int> [, <output:vector>]])
# ... like debug.benchmark, but returns total
# execution time and does not print anything.
# debug.rank(<list:vector> [, <repeat:int>])
# ... sorts the list of functions based on execution
# time over <repeat> samples (default: 1).
# debug.print_rank(<result:vector>, <names:int>)
# ... prints the <result> of debug.rank with <names>
# (which can be a vector of [name, func] or
# [func, name], or a hash of name:func).
# debug.printerror(<err-vector>) ... prints error vector as set by call()
# debug.printerror(<err-vector>) ... prints error vector as set by call()
@ -285,17 +300,97 @@ var proptrace = func(root = "/", frames = 2) {
# Executes function fn "repeat" times and prints execution time in seconds. Examples:
# Executes function fn "repeat" times and prints execution time in seconds. If repeat
# is an integer and an optional "output" argument is specified, each test's result
# is appended to that vector, then the vector is returned. If repeat is nil, then
# the funciton is run once and the result returned. Otherwise, the result is discarded.
# Examples:
# var test = func { getprop("/sim/aircraft"); }
# var test = func { getprop("/sim/aircraft"); }
# debug.benchmark("test()/1", test, 1000);
# debug.benchmark("test()/1", test, 1000);
# debug.benchmark("test()/2", func setprop("/sim/aircraft", ""), 1000);
# debug.benchmark("test()/2", func setprop("/sim/aircraft", ""), 1000);
var benchmark = func(label, fn, repeat = 1) {
# var results = debug.benchmark("test()", test, 1000, []);
var start = systime();
# print(" Results were:");
# print(" ", debug.string(results));
var benchmark = func(label, fn, repeat = nil, output=nil) {
var start = var end = nil;
if (repeat == nil) {
start = systime();
output = fn();
} elsif (typeof(output) == 'vector') {
start = systime();
for (var i = 0; i < repeat; i += 1)
append(output, fn());
} else {
start = systime();
for (var i = 0; i < repeat; i += 1)
for (var i = 0; i < repeat; i += 1)
print(_bench(sprintf(" %s --> %.6f s ", label, systime() - start)));
end = systime();
print(_bench(sprintf(" %s --> %.6f s ", label, end - start)));
return output;
var benchmark_time = func(fn, repeat = 1, output = nil) {
var start = var end = nil;
if (repeat == nil) {
start = systime();
output = fn();
} elsif (typeof(output) == 'vector') {
start = systime();
for (var i = 0; i < repeat; i += 1)
append(output, fn());
} else {
start = systime();
for (var i = 0; i < repeat; i += 1)
end = systime();
return end - start;
# Executes each function in the list and returns a sorted vector with the fastest
# on top (i.e. first). Each position in the result is a vector of [func, time].
var rank = func(list, repeat = nil) {
var result = [];
foreach (var fn; list) {
var time = benchmark_time(fn, repeat);
append(result, [fn, time]);
return sort(result, func(a,b) a[1] < b[1] ? -1 : a[1] > b[1] ? 1 : 0);
var print_rank = func(label, list, names) {
var _vec = (typeof(names) == 'vector');
print("Test results for "~label);
var first = 1;
var longest = list[-1][1];
foreach (var item; list) {
var (fn, time) = item;
var name = nil;
if (_vec) {
foreach (var l; names) {
if (l[1] == fn) {
name = l[0]; break;
} elsif (l[0] == fn) {
name = l[1]; break;
} else {
foreach (var name; keys(names)) {
if (names[name] == fn) break;
else name = nil;
if (name == nil) die("function not found");
print(" "~name~(first?" (fastest)":"")~" took "~(time*1000)~" ms ("~(time/longest*100)~"%) time");
first = 0;
return list;
Add table
Reference in a new issue