From 600544725f7d8d91de19b9299f8c18e69c7772ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: david <david>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 19:38:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added the "FLYING HINTS" section from the 1946 owner's

 Aircraft-yasim/README.j3cub | 193 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 193 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Aircraft-yasim/README.j3cub b/Aircraft-yasim/README.j3cub
index 37b265072..f1f7f26bd 100644
--- a/Aircraft-yasim/README.j3cub
+++ b/Aircraft-yasim/README.j3cub
@@ -1,6 +1,199 @@
+[This information is copied from the 1946 J3C-65 owner's handbook.]
+                             FLYING HINTS
+The Piper Cub Special represents more than 15 years of diligent
+aircraft engineering and manufacturing experience.  Its simplicity of
+design and construction, its low operating and maintenance costs, its
+inherent stability, ruggedness, and its outstanding safety and ease of
+flying, have made it the most popular airplane in aviation history.
+The Piper Cub Special is the time-tested product of millions of hours
+of flying under all conceivable conditions both in the military and in
+peace time.
+There are hints on starting, flying, stopping, and other related
+topics that are important to the owner who wants to conserve his
+airplane -- keep it in maximum airworthy condition -- and enjoy a full
+measure of flying satisfaction.
+First, each pilot should become familiar enough with his Piper Cub
+Special that he can accomplish a satisfactory pre-flight inspection.
+This check is simple and requires only a few minutes.  See Section IX
+for check list.  Daily check of airplane prior to flight should be the
+first in a number of safe flying habits the pilot should acquire.
+(1) Make routine check of gasoline supply.  Visible fuel gauge is
+integral part of gas tank cap; it will not show number of gallons but
+will show proportion of fuel in tank by length of rod which extends
+upward from cap.  A full tank of 12 U.S. gallons will be indicated by
+11 inches of rod extending beyond cap.  Keep gas gauge rod clean and
+smooth with crocus cloth for accuracy and freedom of movement.
+(2) Check oil level in engine sump by removing oil cap and gauge.  Oil
+stick should indicate oil level up to index mark of 4 quarts.
+(3) Check freedom of movement of flight and engine controls.
+(1) Chock wheels, or have occupant who is familiar with controls set
+brakes in cabin.
+(2) Ignition switch OFF.  Verify.
+(3) Set throttle approximately 1/10 open.
+(4) Push fuel shut-off ON.
+(5) Turn propeller through several times.
+(6) Turn ignition switch ON.
+(7) Start engine by pulling propeller through with a snap.
+CAUTION -- Always handle propeller as if switch were "ON."  Stand as
+far in front of propeller as possible.  Use both hands and grasp one
+blad approximately midway from tip.  Do not overgrasp blade.  Do not
+wear long, loose clothing.  Make sure footing is sure to preclude
+possibility of feet slipping.
+(8) If engine does not start, turn switch OFF.  Turn primer knob to
+unlock, pull out, pump three or four times, then reseat primer and
+lock by turning in opposite direction.  In extremely cold weather a
+few strokes of the primer as the engine starts will enable it to keep
+running.  NOTE -- Avoid excessive priming as it causes raw gasoline to
+wash lubricating oil from engine cylinder walls.  Do not prime warm
+(9) Repeat starting procedures 6, 7.
+(10) If engine loads up and refuses to start, turn ignition switch
+"OFF,", open throttle wide and turn propeller through backwards
+several times to unload excessive gas mixture in cylinders.  Then
+close throttle and repeat starting procedure.
+(1) As soon as engine starts, advance throttle slightly to idle at 700
+R.P.M.  Check engine instruments.  If oil pressure gauge does not
+indicate pressure within 30 seconds, stop engine immediately, check
+and correct trouble before any further operation.  Oil temperature
+during operating should not rise above 200� F. and oil pressure should
+not fall below 30 pounds.  With engine warm, idling speed should be
+550-600 R.P.M.
+(2) Rev engine up to 2100 R.P.M. on both magnetos.  Switch to LEFT and
+RIGHT magnetos.  R.P.M. drop should not be over 75 R.P.M.  CAUTION
+--Do not operate engine on either single magneto for more than 30
+seconds at a time, as this tends to foul the non-operating spark plugs
+in the ignition circuit of the magneto that is switched off.
+(1) Never cut switch immediately after landing as this causes engine
+to cool too rapidly.
+(2) Idle engine, especially in high temperature operating conditions,
+for several minutes.  It is advisable to switch to each magneto for 30
+second intervals to allow gradual cooling of engine.  This helps to
+prevent overheating of spark plug insulators and will lessen tendency
+for "after-firing."
+(3) Check for carburetor heat OFF during idling.
+(1) Open throttle to start airplane in motion; then close throttle to
+a setting sufficient to keep airplane rolling.  Do not keep throttle
+advanced so that it is necessary to control taxi speed of airplane
+with brakes.  This causes unnecessary wear and tear on brakes and
+(2) Taxi slowly (speed of a fast walk) controlling direction with
+rudder which is connected to a steerable tail wheel.  Use brakes only
+for positive, precision ground control when necessary.
+(3) Taxi upwind with stick back; downwind with stick foreward.  When
+ground winds are in excess of 15 M.P.H., turn into wind using ailerons
+in direction of turn; apply ailerons away from the turn when turning
+downwind.  This procedure helps to prevent the wind "picking up" a
+wing during windy, gusty conditions.  Always make ground turns slowly.
+(1) For takeoff use full throttle, heading into wind.  Airplane loaded
+will become airborne at approximately 39 M.P.H.  Best climb speed is
+an indicated 55 M.P.H.
+(2) Indicated R.P.M. for cruising speed of 73 M.P.H. is 2150.
+Take-off R.P.M. is 2300.  Do not fly at full throttle over 3 minutes.
+(3) Use CARBURETOR AIR HEAT when engine runs "rough" and tachometer
+shows drop in R.P.M. which may be due to ice forming in carburetor.
+Tachometer should recover to within 50 R.P.M. below normal when using
+carburetor heat.  Push heater to "OFF" position, and if icing
+condition has been cleared, R.P.M. should return to normal.  Continued
+use of carburetor heat will only cause increased fuel consumption and
+loss of power.
+(4) Maximum permissible diving speed is 122 M.P.H.
+(1) Push carburetor heat ON prior to throttling back for glide, or for
+any other flight maneuver.
+(2) Glide between 50-60 M.P.H. depending upon loading of airplane and
+gust conditions.
+NOTE -- "Clear" engine by opening throttle gently, every 200-250 feet
+of descent during a long glide so that engine temperature will be
+Throttle action on the part of the pilot should be smooth and gentle
+at all times.
+(1) After termination of flight, enter flying time in aircraft and
+engine log books.
+(2) Turn ignition and fuel OFF.
+(3) Chcok the wheels of airplane.
+(4) If airplane is not to be flown for some time, it should be
+hangared or tied down.  Use good quality 1/2" - 5/8" diameter rope.
+Secure to lift assist handle at aft end of fuselage; also at upper end
+of both front wing lift struts where they attach to wing.  Make sure
+that rope passes between aileron cable and lift strut.  Mooring ropes,
+when airplane is tied down, should have no slack.
+(5) Lock aileron and elevator controls by wrapping front seat belt
+completely around rear control stick, tighten and buckle.
+(6) Under excessively wind conditions, airplane should be tailed into
+wind for mooring.
+[Here is my older information.]
 These are the only numbers I could find.  They are for a J3 Cub with
 an 85HP engine rather than 65 hp, so some adjustments may be
 necessary.  The source is