diff --git a/Materials/regions/caribbean-farm-buildings.xml b/Materials/regions/caribbean-farm-buildings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7212b5e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Materials/regions/caribbean-farm-buildings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ 5000
diff --git a/Materials/regions/caribbean.xml b/Materials/regions/caribbean.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14e9ed7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Materials/regions/caribbean.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ position/longitude-deg
+ -85.0
+ position/longitude-deg
+ -40.0
+ position/latitude-deg
+ 11.0
+ position/latitude-deg
+ 25
+ Textures/buildings-caribbean.png
+ Textures/buildings-caribbean-lightmap.png
+ 1
+ 2
+ 20.0
+ 8.0
+ 20.0
+ 1
+ 3
+ Trees/tropical-summer.png
+ 8
+ 25.0
+ 15.0
diff --git a/Materials/regions/european.xml b/Materials/regions/european.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a7b6a4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Materials/regions/european.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ position/longitude-deg
+ -20.0
+ position/longitude-deg
+ 40.0
+ position/latitude-deg
+ 35.0
+ Textures/buildings.png
+ Textures/buildings-lightmap.png
diff --git a/Materials/regions/hawaii.xml b/Materials/regions/hawaii.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d1c798bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Materials/regions/hawaii.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ position/longitude-deg
+ -179.0
+ position/longitude-deg
+ -154.0
+ position/latitude-deg
+ 18.8
+ position/latitude-deg
+ 28.5
+ Textures/buildings-caribbean.png
+ Textures/buildings-caribbean-lightmap.png
+ 1
+ 2
+ 20.0
+ 8.0
+ 20.0
+ 1
+ 3
diff --git a/Materials/regions/materials.xml b/Materials/regions/materials.xml
index 7b334c211..14fdf8953 100644
--- a/Materials/regions/materials.xml
+++ b/Materials/regions/materials.xml
@@ -617,122 +617,171 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- Landmass
- SomeSort
- Island
- Default
- Effects/landmass-nowood
- Terrain/forest1a.png
- Terrain/forest1b.png
- Terrain/forest1c.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 10000000.0
- 4000.0
- Trees/coniferous-summer.png
- 8
- 25.0
- 15.0
- 1
- 1
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- EvergreenBroadCover
- EvergreenForest
- Effects/forest
- Terrain/forest1a.png
- Terrain/forest1b.png
- Terrain/forest1c.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 10000000.0
- 4000.0
- Trees/coniferous-summer.png
- 8
- 25.0
- 18.0
- 1
- 1
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- Effects/forest
- DeciduousBroadCover
- DeciduousForest
- Bog
- Heath
- Terrain/deciduous-hires.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 10000000.0
- 4000.0
- Trees/deciduous-summer.png
- 8
- 25.0
- 15.0
- 1
- 0.85
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -179.0
- position/longitude-deg
- -154.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 18.8
- position/latitude-deg
- 28.5
+ EvergreenBroadCover
+ Terrain/rainforest-hawaii.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 5000000.0
+ 4000.0
+ 1
+ 0.95
+ Town
+ SubUrban
+ Terrain/town-europe.png
+ Terrain/town-europe.mask.png
+ 1024
+ 1024
+ 100000.0
+ 0.05
+ 0.05
+ 0.02
+ 1.0
+ 500.0
+ 0.9
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 5000.0
+ BuiltUpCover
+ Urban
+ Effects/urban
+ Terrain/city1.png
+ Terrain/city1-relief-light.png
+ Terrain/city2.png
+ Terrain/city2-relief-light.png
+ Terrain/city1.mask.png
+ Terrain/city2.mask.png
+ 1000
+ 1000
+ 100000.0
+ 0.05
+ 0.05
+ 0.02
+ 1.0
+ 0.7
+ 0.3
+ 0.0
+ 500.0
+ 5000.0
+ GolfCourse
+ Terrain/golfcourse1.png
+ Terrain/golfcourse1.mask.png
+ 800
+ 800
+ 2000000.0
+ 0.9
+ 0.95
+ 0.9
+ 1.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.12
+ 0.1
+ 1.0
+ 1.2
+ 1
+ 0.7
+ 0.1
+ 0.3
+ 1e30
+ 1000.0
+ Effects/crop
+ DryCropPastureCover
+ DryCrop
+ MixedCropPastureCover
+ MixedCrop
+ ComplexCrop
+ Terrain/mixedcrop-caribbean.png
+ Terrain/mixedcrop4.mask.png
+ 0.0
+ 0.9
+ 0.0
+ 1.0
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 2000000.0
+ 1
+ 0.9
+ 0.1
+ 0.7
+ 1e30
+ 1000.0
+ GrassCover
+ BareTundraCover
+ MixedTundraCover
+ Cemetery
+ Effects/landmass-nowood
+ Terrain/grass-caribbean.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 4000000.0
+ 0.93
+ 0.95
+ 0.93
+ 1.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.12
+ 0.1
+ 1.0
+ 1.2
+ 1
+ 0.7
+ 0.1
+ 0.15
+ 1e30
+ Effects/forest
+ MixedForestCover
+ MixedForest
+ RainForest
+ EvergreenBroadCover
@@ -747,108 +796,7 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- Effects/forest
- MixedForestCover
- MixedForest
- RainForest
- Terrain/mixedforest-hires.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 5000000.0
- 4000.0
- Trees/mixed-summer.png
- 8
- 25.0
- 15.0
- 1
- 0.95
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- Effects/forest
- EvergreenNeedleCover
- WoodedTundraCover
- Terrain/dec_evergreen-hires.png
- 1000
- 1000
- 10000000.0
- 4000.0
- Trees/coniferous-summer.png
- 8
- 20.0
- 15.0
- 1
- 1
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- Effects/forest
- DeciduousNeedleCover
- Terrain/dec_evergreen-hires.png
- 1000
- 1000
- 10000000.0
- 4000.0
- Trees/coniferous-summer.png
- 8
- 15.0
- 8.0
- 1
- 1
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -179.0
- position/longitude-deg
- -154.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 18.8
- position/latitude-deg
- 28.5
@@ -860,31 +808,7 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- Sand
- Terrain/sand4.png
- Terrain/sand5.png
- Terrain/sand6.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 10000000.0
- 2.5
- 0.1
- 0.7
- 0.1
@@ -945,36 +869,8 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -179.0
- position/longitude-deg
- -154.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 18.8
- position/latitude-deg
- 28.5
@@ -1008,6 +904,549 @@
+ Town
+ SubUrban
+ Terrain/town-europe.png
+ Terrain/town-europe.mask.png
+ 1024
+ 1024
+ 100000.0
+ 0.05
+ 0.05
+ 0.02
+ 1.0
+ 500.0
+ 0.9
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 5000.0
+ Trees/tropical-summer.png
+ 8
+ 25.0
+ 15.0
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ position/longitude-deg
+ -160.0
+ position/longitude-deg
+ -157.5
+ position/latitude-deg
+ 18.8
+ position/latitude-deg
+ 28.5
+ GrassCover
+ BareTundraCover
+ MixedTundraCover
+ Cemetery
+ Effects/landmass-nowood
+ Terrain/tundra-hawaii-green.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 4000000.0
+ 0.93
+ 0.95
+ 0.93
+ 1.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.12
+ 0.1
+ 1.0
+ 1.2
+ 1
+ 0.7
+ 0.1
+ 0.15
+ 1e30
+ GrassCover
+ BareTundraCover
+ MixedTundraCover
+ Cemetery
+ Effects/landmass-nowood
+ Terrain/tundra-hawaii.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 4000000.0
+ 0.93
+ 0.95
+ 0.93
+ 1.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.12
+ 0.1
+ 1.0
+ 1.2
+ 1
+ 0.7
+ 0.1
+ 0.15
+ 1e30
+ Effects/crop
+ MixedCropPastureCover
+ MixedCrop
+ ComplexCrop
+ Terrain/rice1.png
+ Terrain/rice1.mask.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 2000000.0
+ 1
+ 0.9
+ 0.1
+ 0.7
+ 1e30
+ 10000.0
+ Trees/mixed-summer.png
+ 8
+ 20.0
+ 12.0
+ Effects/cropgrass
+ CropGrassCover
+ CropGrass
+ Grassland
+ Terrain/cropgrass-hires.png
+ Terrain/cropgrass-hires.mask.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 2000000.0
+ 0.93
+ 0.95
+ 0.93
+ 1.0
+ 0.1
+ 0.12
+ 0.1
+ 1.0
+ 1.2
+ 1
+ 0.7
+ 0.1
+ 0.3
+ 1e30
+ 5000.0
+ Trees/mixed-summer.png
+ 8
+ 20.0
+ 12.0
+ BuiltUpCover
+ Urban
+ Terrain/18th_century_city.png
+ Terrain/18th_century_city.mask.png
+ 1000
+ 1000
+ 100000.0
+ 0.05
+ 0.05
+ 0.02
+ 1.0
+ 500.0
+ 0.4
+ 3
+ 30.0
+ 10.0
+ 30.0
+ 0.6
+ 0.2
+ 250000.0
+ Trees/deciduous-summer.png
+ 8
+ 15.0
+ 10.0
+ Town
+ SubUrban
+ Terrain/town-europe.png
+ Terrain/town-europe.mask.png
+ 1024
+ 1024
+ 100000.0
+ 0.05
+ 0.05
+ 0.02
+ 1.0
+ 500.0
+ 0.9
+ 0.1
+ 0.0
+ 4
+ 1000.0
+ Trees/deciduous-summer.png
+ 8
+ 15.0
+ 10.0
+ Marsh
+ Littoral
+ FloodLand
+ SaltMarsh
+ HerbWetlandCover
+ WoodedWetlandCover
+ Terrain/marsh2a.png
+ Terrain/marsh3a.png
+ Terrain/marsh4a.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 1
+ 40000000.0
+ 0.8
+ 0.3
+ 0.2
+ 1e30
+ Effects/crop
+ MixedCropPastureCover
+ MixedCrop
+ ComplexCrop
+ Terrain/irrcrop-europe.png
+ Terrain/irrcrop-europe.mask.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 2000000.0
+ 1
+ 0.9
+ 0.1
+ 0.7
+ 1e30
+ 5000.0
+ Trees/mixed-summer.png
+ 8
+ 20.0
+ 12.0
+ Effects/crop
+ IrrCropPastureCover
+ IrrCrop
+ Orchard
+ Olives
+ Vineyard
+ Rice
+ Terrain/irrcrop-europe.png
+ Terrain/irrcrop-europe.mask.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 2000000.0
+ 1
+ 0.9
+ 0.3
+ 0.6
+ 1e30
+ 5000.0
+ Trees/mixed-summer.png
+ 8
+ 20.0
+ 12.0
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ position/longitude-deg
+ 60.0
+ position/longitude-deg
+ 180.0
+ position/latitude-deg
+ -15.0
+ position/latitude-deg
+ 45.0
+ Effects/crop
+ IrrCropPastureCover
+ IrrCrop
+ Orchard
+ Olives
+ Vineyard
+ Rice
+ Terrain/rice1.png
+ Terrain/rice1.mask.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 2000000.0
+ 1
+ 0.9
+ 0.3
+ 0.6
+ 1e30
+ 10000.0
+ Trees/mixed-summer.png
+ 8
+ 20.0
+ 12.0
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ Landmass
+ SomeSort
+ Island
+ Default
+ Effects/landmass-nowood
+ Terrain/forest1a.png
+ Terrain/forest1b.png
+ Terrain/forest1c.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 10000000.0
+ 4000.0
+ Trees/coniferous-summer.png
+ 8
+ 25.0
+ 15.0
+ 1
+ 1
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ Effects/forest
+ DeciduousBroadCover
+ DeciduousForest
+ Bog
+ Heath
+ Terrain/deciduous-hires.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 10000000.0
+ 4000.0
+ Trees/deciduous-summer.png
+ 8
+ 25.0
+ 15.0
+ 1
+ 0.85
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ Effects/forest
+ MixedForestCover
+ MixedForest
+ RainForest
+ Terrain/mixedforest-hires.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 5000000.0
+ 4000.0
+ Trees/mixed-summer.png
+ 8
+ 25.0
+ 15.0
+ 1
+ 0.95
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ EvergreenBroadCover
+ EvergreenForest
+ Effects/forest
+ Terrain/forest1a.png
+ Terrain/forest1b.png
+ Terrain/forest1c.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 10000000.0
+ 4000.0
+ Trees/coniferous-summer.png
+ 8
+ 25.0
+ 18.0
+ 1
+ 1
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ Effects/forest
+ EvergreenNeedleCover
+ WoodedTundraCover
+ Terrain/dec_evergreen-hires.png
+ 1000
+ 1000
+ 10000000.0
+ 4000.0
+ Trees/coniferous-summer.png
+ 8
+ 20.0
+ 15.0
+ 1
+ 1
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ Effects/forest
+ DeciduousNeedleCover
+ Terrain/dec_evergreen-hires.png
+ 1000
+ 1000
+ 10000000.0
+ 4000.0
+ Trees/coniferous-summer.png
+ 8
+ 15.0
+ 8.0
+ 1
+ 1
+ sim/startup/season
+ summer
+ Sand
+ Terrain/sand4.png
+ Terrain/sand5.png
+ Terrain/sand6.png
+ 2000
+ 2000
+ 10000000.0
+ 2.5
+ 0.1
+ 0.7
+ 0.1
@@ -1057,63 +1496,7 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -20.0
- position/longitude-deg
- 40.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 35.0
- BuiltUpCover
- Urban
- Terrain/18th_century_city.png
- Terrain/18th_century_city.mask.png
- 1000
- 1000
- 100000.0
- 0.05
- 0.05
- 0.02
- 1.0
- 500.0
- 0.4
- 3
- 30.0
- 10.0
- 30.0
- 0.6
- 0.2
- 250000.0
- Trees/deciduous-summer.png
- 8
- 15.0
- 10.0
@@ -1186,119 +1569,7 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -179.0
- position/longitude-deg
- -154.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 18.8
- position/latitude-deg
- 28.5
- Town
- SubUrban
- Terrain/town-europe.png
- Terrain/town-europe.mask.png
- 1024
- 1024
- 100000.0
- 0.05
- 0.05
- 0.02
- 1.0
- 500.0
- 0.9
- 0.1
- 0.0
- 4
- 5000.0
- Trees/mixed-summer.png
- 8
- 25.0
- 15.0
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -20.0
- position/longitude-deg
- 40.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 35.0
- Town
- SubUrban
- Terrain/town-europe.png
- Terrain/town-europe.mask.png
- 1024
- 1024
- 100000.0
- 0.05
- 0.05
- 0.02
- 1.0
- 500.0
- 0.9
- 0.1
- 0.0
- 4
- 1000.0
- Trees/deciduous-summer.png
- 8
- 15.0
- 10.0
@@ -1421,51 +1692,6 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -20.0
- position/longitude-deg
- 40.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 35.0
- Marsh
- Littoral
- FloodLand
- SaltMarsh
- HerbWetlandCover
- WoodedWetlandCover
- Terrain/marsh2a.png
- Terrain/marsh3a.png
- Terrain/marsh4a.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 1
- 40000000.0
- 0.8
- 0.3
- 0.2
- 1e30
@@ -1492,125 +1718,6 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -160.0
- position/longitude-deg
- -157.5
- position/latitude-deg
- 18.8
- position/latitude-deg
- 28.5
- GrassCover
- BareTundraCover
- MixedTundraCover
- Cemetery
- Effects/landmass-nowood
- Terrain/tundra-hawaii-green.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 4000000.0
- 0.93
- 0.95
- 0.93
- 1.0
- 0.1
- 0.12
- 0.1
- 1.0
- 1.2
- 1
- 0.7
- 0.1
- 0.15
- 1e30
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -179.0
- position/longitude-deg
- -154.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 18.8
- position/latitude-deg
- 28.5
- GrassCover
- BareTundraCover
- MixedTundraCover
- Cemetery
- Effects/landmass-nowood
- Terrain/tundra-hawaii.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 4000000.0
- 0.93
- 0.95
- 0.93
- 1.0
- 0.1
- 0.12
- 0.1
- 1.0
- 1.2
- 1
- 0.7
- 0.1
- 0.15
- 1e30
@@ -1739,111 +1846,7 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -20.0
- position/longitude-deg
- 40.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 35.0
- Effects/crop
- MixedCropPastureCover
- MixedCrop
- ComplexCrop
- Terrain/irrcrop-europe.png
- Terrain/irrcrop-europe.mask.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 2000000.0
- 1
- 0.9
- 0.1
- 0.7
- 1e30
- 5000.0
- Trees/mixed-summer.png
- 8
- 20.0
- 12.0
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -179.0
- position/longitude-deg
- -154.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 18.8
- position/latitude-deg
- 28.5
- Effects/crop
- MixedCropPastureCover
- MixedCrop
- ComplexCrop
- Terrain/rice1.png
- Terrain/rice1.mask.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 2000000.0
- 1
- 0.9
- 0.1
- 0.7
- 1e30
- 10000.0
- Trees/mixed-summer.png
- 8
- 20.0
- 12.0
@@ -1878,122 +1881,7 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- 60.0
- position/longitude-deg
- 180.0
- position/latitude-deg
- -15.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 45.0
- Effects/crop
- IrrCropPastureCover
- IrrCrop
- Orchard
- Olives
- Vineyard
- Rice
- Terrain/rice1.png
- Terrain/rice1.mask.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 2000000.0
- 1
- 0.9
- 0.3
- 0.6
- 1e30
- 10000.0
- Trees/mixed-summer.png
- 8
- 20.0
- 12.0
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -20.0
- position/longitude-deg
- 40.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 35.0
- Effects/crop
- IrrCropPastureCover
- IrrCrop
- Orchard
- Olives
- Vineyard
- Rice
- Terrain/irrcrop-europe.png
- Terrain/irrcrop-europe.mask.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 2000000.0
- 1
- 0.9
- 0.3
- 0.6
- 1e30
- 5000.0
- Trees/mixed-summer.png
- 8
- 20.0
- 12.0
@@ -2093,69 +1981,8 @@
- sim/startup/season
- summer
- position/longitude-deg
- -20.0
- position/longitude-deg
- 40.0
- position/latitude-deg
- 35.0
- Effects/cropgrass
- CropGrassCover
- CropGrass
- Grassland
- Terrain/cropgrass-hires.png
- Terrain/cropgrass-hires.mask.png
- 2000
- 2000
- 2000000.0
- 0.93
- 0.95
- 0.93
- 1.0
- 0.1
- 0.12
- 0.1
- 1.0
- 1.2
- 1
- 0.7
- 0.1
- 0.3
- 1e30
- 5000.0
- Trees/mixed-summer.png
- 8
- 20.0
- 12.0
@@ -2267,9 +2094,11 @@
@@ -3032,18 +2861,18 @@
diff --git a/Shaders/runway.frag b/Shaders/runway.frag
index fad9defd9..ca7b5ab00 100644
--- a/Shaders/runway.frag
+++ b/Shaders/runway.frag
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ uniform int fogType;
vec3 fog_Func(vec3 color, int type);
-vec3 fog_Func(vec3 color, int type);
void main (void)
//vec3 halfV;
diff --git a/Shaders/sunlight-nofiltering.frag b/Shaders/sunlight-nofiltering.frag
index 38260c786..af9d0699e 100644
--- a/Shaders/sunlight-nofiltering.frag
+++ b/Shaders/sunlight-nofiltering.frag
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ uniform sampler2D spec_emis_tex;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadow_tex;
uniform vec4 fg_SunDiffuseColor;
uniform vec4 fg_SunSpecularColor;
+uniform vec4 fg_SunAmbientColor;
uniform vec3 fg_SunDirection;
uniform vec3 fg_Planes;
uniform int fg_ShadowNumber;
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ void main() {
float matID = texture2D( color_tex, coords ).a * 255.0;
- if (matID == 255.0)
+ if (matID >= 254.0)
Idiff += Ispec * spec_emis.x;
gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(vec3(0.0), Idiff + Ispec, shadow) + Iemis, 1.0);
diff --git a/Shaders/sunlight-noshadow.frag b/Shaders/sunlight-noshadow.frag
index 8b670f5a4..2045b0f1c 100644
--- a/Shaders/sunlight-noshadow.frag
+++ b/Shaders/sunlight-noshadow.frag
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void main() {
float matID = texture2D( color_tex, coords ).a * 255.0;
- if (matID == 255.0)
+ if (matID >= 254.0)
Idiff += Ispec * spec_emis.x;
gl_FragColor = vec4(Idiff + Ispec + Iemis, 1.0);
diff --git a/Textures/Terrain/grass-caribbean.png b/Textures/Terrain/grass-caribbean.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69b50203c
Binary files /dev/null and b/Textures/Terrain/grass-caribbean.png differ
diff --git a/Textures/Terrain/mixedcrop-caribbean.png b/Textures/Terrain/mixedcrop-caribbean.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c7adb2e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/Textures/Terrain/mixedcrop-caribbean.png differ
diff --git a/Textures/Terrain/rainforest-hawaii.png b/Textures/Terrain/rainforest-hawaii.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9a37ff75
Binary files /dev/null and b/Textures/Terrain/rainforest-hawaii.png differ
diff --git a/Textures/buildings-caribbean-lightmap.png b/Textures/buildings-caribbean-lightmap.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07cb944bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/Textures/buildings-caribbean-lightmap.png differ
diff --git a/Textures/buildings-caribbean.png b/Textures/buildings-caribbean.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1dda3d90
Binary files /dev/null and b/Textures/buildings-caribbean.png differ
diff --git a/Translations/en/menu.xml b/Translations/en/menu.xml
index 6e1d6be1f..8f797bb7d 100644
--- a/Translations/en/menu.xml
+++ b/Translations/en/menu.xml
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
Reload Autopilot
Reload Network
Reload Aircraft Model
+ Reload Materials
+ Reload Scenery
Nasal Console
Development Keys
Configure Development Extensions
diff --git a/gui/dialogs/rendering.xml b/gui/dialogs/rendering.xml
index f6218e2b2..904d6d200 100644
--- a/gui/dialogs/rendering.xml
+++ b/gui/dialogs/rendering.xml
@@ -247,6 +247,19 @@
+ random-buildings
+ /sim/rendering/random-buildings
+ dialog-apply
+ random-buildings
+ 3
+ 0
+ left
@@ -257,7 +270,7 @@
- 3
+ 4
@@ -269,7 +282,7 @@
- 3
+ 4
@@ -277,7 +290,7 @@
- 3
+ 4
@@ -290,7 +303,7 @@
- 3
+ 4
@@ -301,50 +314,6 @@
- 4
- 0
- left
- random-buildings
- /sim/rendering/random-buildings
- dialog-apply
- random-buildings
- 4
- 1
- /sim/rendering/random-buildings
- 4
- 2
- building-density
- 0
- 5.0
- 0.1
- /sim/rendering/building-density
- dialog-apply
- building-density
- 4
- 3
- %.1f
- true
- /sim/rendering/building-density
- /sim/rendering/random-buildings