Fork 0

Merge branch 'master' of gitorious.org:fg/fgdata

This commit is contained in:
BARANGER Emmanuel 2013-02-08 12:11:33 +01:00
commit 583f40088e
3 changed files with 375 additions and 358 deletions

Translations/pt/menu.xml Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -1,133 +1,149 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!-- FlightGear menu: Portuguese language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Keep untranslated items unmodified (leave the "???"). English original is the
### automatic default.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-13 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<!-- File menu -->
<!-- <file>???</file> --> <!-- English: "File" -->
<!-- <reset>???</reset> --> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<!-- <snap-shot>???</snap-shot> --> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<!-- <snap-shot-dir>???</snap-shot-dir> --> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<!-- <sound-config>???</sound-config> --> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<!-- <exit>???</exit> --> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- View menu -->
<!-- <view>???</view> --> <!-- English: "View" -->
<!-- <display-options>???</display-options> --> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<!-- <view-options>???</view-options> --> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<!-- <cockpit-view-options>???</cockpit-view-options> --> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<!-- <adjust-lod>???</adjust-lod> --> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<!-- <pilot-offset>???</pilot-offset> --> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<!-- <adjust-hud>???</adjust-hud> --> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<!-- <toggle-glide-slope>???</toggle-glide-slope> --> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<!-- <replay>???</replay> --> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<!-- <stereoscopic-options>???</stereoscopic-options> --> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<!-- Location menu -->
<!-- <location>???</location> --> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<!-- <position-on-ground>???</position-on-ground> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" -->
<!-- <position-in-air>???</position-in-air> --> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<!-- <goto-airport>???</goto-airport> --> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
<!-- <random-attitude>???</random-attitude> --> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<!-- <tower-position>???</tower-position> --> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<!-- Autopilot menu -->
<!-- <autopilot>???</autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<!-- <autopilot-settings>???</autopilot-settings> --> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<!-- <route-manager>???</route-manager> --> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<!-- <previous-waypoint>???</previous-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<!-- <next-waypoint>???</next-waypoint> --> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<!-- Environment menu -->
<!-- <environment>???</environment> --> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<!-- <global-weather>???</global-weather> --> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<!-- <time-settings>???</time-settings> --> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<!-- <wildfire-settings>???</wildfire-settings> --> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<!-- <terrasync>???</terrasync> --> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu -->
<!-- <equipment>???</equipment> --> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<!-- <map>???</map> --> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<!-- <stopwatch>???</stopwatch> --> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<!-- <fuel-and-payload>???</fuel-and-payload> --> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<!-- <radio>???</radio> --> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<!-- <gps>???</gps> --> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<!-- <instrument-settings>???</instrument-settings> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<!-- <failure-submenu>???</failure-submenu> --> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<!-- <random-failures>???</random-failures> --> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<!-- <system-failures>???</system-failures> --> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<!-- <instrument-failures>???</instrument-failures> --> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu -->
<!-- <ai>???</ai> --> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<!-- <scenario>???</scenario> --> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<!-- <atc-in-range>???</atc-in-range> --> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<!-- <wingman>???</wingman> --> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<!-- <tanker>???</tanker> --> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<!-- <carrier>???</carrier> --> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<!-- <jetway>???</jetway> --> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<!-- <multiplayer>???</multiplayer> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<!-- <mp-settings>???</mp-settings> --> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<!-- <mp-chat>???</mp-chat> --> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<!-- <mp-chat-menu>???</mp-chat-menu> --> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<!-- <mp-list>???</mp-list> --> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<!-- <mp-carrier>???</mp-carrier> --> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Debug menu -->
<!-- <debug>???</debug> --> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<!-- <reload-gui>???</reload-gui> --> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<!-- <reload-input>???</reload-input> --> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<!-- <reload-hud>???</reload-hud> --> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<!-- <reload-panel>???</reload-panel> --> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<!-- <reload-autopilot>???</reload-autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<!-- <reload-network>???</reload-network> --> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<!-- <reload-model>???</reload-model> --> <!-- English: "Reload Aircraft Model" -->
<!-- <nasal-console>???</nasal-console> --> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<!-- <development-keys>???</development-keys> --> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<!-- <configure-dev-extension>???</configure-dev-extension> --> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<!-- <display-marker>???</display-marker> --> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<!-- <dump-scene-graph>???</dump-scene-graph> --> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<!-- <print-rendering-statistics>???</print-rendering-statistics> --> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<!-- <statistics-display>???</statistics-display> --> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<!-- <performance-monitor>???</performance-monitor> --> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<!-- <property-browser>???</property-browser> --> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<!-- <logging>???</logging> --> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<!-- <local_weather>???</local_weather> --> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<!-- <print-scene-info>???</print-scene-info> --> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<!-- <rendering-buffers>???</rendering-buffers> --> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- <rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> --> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu -->
<!-- <help>???</help> --> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<!-- <help-browser>???</help-browser> --> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<!-- <aircraft-keys>???</aircraft-keys> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<!-- <common-keys>???</common-keys> --> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<!-- <basic-keys>???</basic-keys> --> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<!-- <joystick-info>???</joystick-info> --> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<!-- <tutorial-start>???</tutorial-start> --> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<!-- <menu-about>???</menu-about> --> <!-- English: "About" -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!-- FlightGear menu: Portuguese language resource -->
<!-- ###
### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
### To translate:
### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
### * Keep untranslated items unmodified (leave the "???"). English original is the
### automatic default.
### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
### consecutive "-" characters in comments).
### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-13 for FlightGear 2.8.0
### -->
<!-- File menu -->
<file>Arquivo</file> <!-- English: "File" -->
<reset>Resetar</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" -->
<load-tape>Carregar Fita do Gravador de Voo</load-tape> --> <!-- English: "Load Flight Recorder Tape" -->
<save-tape>Salvar Fita do Gravador de Voo</save-tape> --> <!-- English: "Save Flight Recorder Tape" -->
<snap-shot>Capturar Tela</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " -->
<snap-shot-dir>Diretório da Captura de Tela</snap-shot-dir> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
<sound-config>Configuração do Som</sound-config> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
<exit>Sair</exit> <!-- English: "Quit " -->
<!-- View menu -->
<view>Exibição</view> <!-- English: "View" -->
<toggle-fullscreen>Tela Cheia</toggle-fullscreen> --> <!-- English: "Toggle Fullscreen" -->
<display-options>Opções de Tela</display-options> <!-- English: "Display Options" -->
<rendering-options>Opções de Renderização</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<view-options>Opções das Visões</view-options> <!-- English: "View Options" -->
<cockpit-view-options>Opcões da Visão da Cabine</cockpit-view-options> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
<adjust-lod>Ajustar Nível de Detalhes</adjust-lod> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" -->
<pilot-offset>Ajustar Distância da Visão</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" -->
<adjust-hud>Ajustar Visor Holográfico</adjust-hud> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" -->
<toggle-glide-slope>Exibir Túnel do GlideSlope</toggle-glide-slope> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" -->
<replay>Replay do Voo</replay> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" -->
<stereoscopic-options>Opcoes da Visão Estereoscópica</stereoscopic-options> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" -->
<!-- Location menu -->
<location>Localização</location> <!-- English: "Location" -->
<position-in-air>Posicionar Aviao no Ar</position-in-air> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
<goto-airport>Selecionar Aeroporto</goto-airport> <!-- English: "Select Airport" --> -->
<random-attitude>Altitude Aleatória</random-attitude> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
<tower-position>Posição da Torre</tower-position> <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
<!-- Autopilot menu -->
<autopilot>Piloto Automático</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" -->
<autopilot-settings>Configurações do Piloto Automático</autopilot-settings> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" -->
<route-manager>Gerenciador de Rota</route-manager> <!-- English: "Route Manager" -->
<previous-waypoint>Destino Anterior</previous-waypoint> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" -->
<next-waypoint>Próximo Destino</next-waypoint> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" -->
<!-- Environment menu -->
<environment>Ambiente</environment> <!-- English: "Environment" -->
<global-weather>Clima</global-weather> <!-- English: "Weather" -->
<environment-settings>Configurações de Ambiente</environment-settings> <!-- English: "Environment Settings" -->
<time-settings>Configurações de Hora</time-settings> <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
<wildfire-settings>Configurações de Incêndios</wildfire-settings> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
<terrasync>Download de Cenário</terrasync> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
<!-- Equipment menu -->
<equipment>Equipamento</equipment> <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
<map>Mapa</map> <!-- English: "Map" -->
<stopwatch>Cronômetro</stopwatch> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
<fuel-and-payload>Combustível e Carga</fuel-and-payload> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
<radio>Configurações do Radio</radio> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
<gps>Configurações do GPS</gps> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
<instrument-settings>Configurações de Instrumentos</instrument-settings> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
<failure-submenu>--- Panes ---</failure-submenu> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
<random-failures>Panes Aleatórias</random-failures> <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
<system-failures>Panes do Sistema</system-failures> <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
<instrument-failures>Panes de Instrumentos</instrument-failures> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
<!-- AI menu -->
<ai>IA</ai> <!-- English: "AI" -->
<scenario>Configurações de Tráfego e Cenário</scenario> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" -->
<atc-in-range>Serviços CTA ao Alcance</atc-in-range> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" -->
<wingman>Controles de Voo em Formação</wingman> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" -->
<tanker>Controles do Avião-Tanque</tanker> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" -->
<carrier>Controles do Porta-Aviões</carrier> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" -->
<jetway>Configurações da Ponte de Embarque</jetway> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" -->
<!-- Multiplayer menu -->
<multiplayer>Multijogador</multiplayer> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
<mp-settings>Configurações de Multijogador</mp-settings> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
<mp-chat>Janela de Chat</mp-chat> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
<mp-chat-menu>Menu de Chat</mp-chat-menu> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
<mp-list>Lista de Pilotos</mp-list> <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
<mp-carrier>Seleção de Porta-Aviões Multijogador</mp-carrier> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
<!-- Debug menu -->
<debug>Depuração</debug> <!-- English: "Debug" -->
<!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated
since these options are not useful to end users anyway. -->
<reload-gui>Recarregar Interface Gráfica</reload-gui> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" -->
<reload-input>Recarregar Entrada</reload-input> <!-- English: "Reload Input" -->
<reload-hud>Recarregar HUD (Visor Holográfico)</reload-hud> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" -->
<reload-panel>Recarregar Painel</reload-panel> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" -->
<reload-autopilot>Recarregar Piloto Automático</reload-autopilot> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
<reload-network>Recarregar Rede</reload-network> <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
<reload-model>Recarregar Modelo da Aeronave</reload-model> <!-- English: "Reload Aircraft Model" -->
<reload-materials>Recarregar Materiais</reload-materials> --> <!-- English: "Reload Materials" -->
<reload-scenery>Recarregar Cenário</reload-scenery> <!-- English: "Reload Scenery" -->
<nasal-console>Console Nasal</nasal-console> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
<development-keys>Teclas de Desenvolvimento</development-keys> <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
<configure-dev-extension>Configurar Extensões de Desenvolvimento</configure-dev-extension> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
<display-marker>Exibir Marcador do Tutorial</display-marker> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
<dump-scene-graph>Esvaziar Cena Gráfica</dump-scene-graph> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" -->
<print-rendering-statistics>Imprimir Estatísticas de Renderização</print-rendering-statistics> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
<statistics-display>Alternar Estatísticas na Tela</statistics-display> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
<performance-monitor>Monitorar Performance do Sistema</performance-monitor> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
<property-browser>Propriedades Internas</property-browser>> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
<logging>Relatórios de Log</logging> <!-- English: "Logging" -->
<local_weather>Clima Local (Teste)</local_weather> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
<print-scene-info>Imprimir Info da Cena Visível</print-scene-info> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
<rendering-buffers>Exibir Buffers de Renderização</rendering-buffers> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
<rembrandt-buffers-choice>Selecionar Buffers de Renderização</rembrandt-buffers-choice> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
<!-- Help menu -->
<help>Ajuda</help> <!-- English: "Help" -->
<help-browser>Ajuda (Abre no navegador)</help-browser> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
<doc-browser>Navegador de Documentação</doc-browser> --> <!-- English: "Documentation Browser" -->
<aircraft-keys>Ajuda da Aeronave</aircraft-keys> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
<aircraft-checklists>???</aircraft-checklists> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft Checklists" -->
<common-keys>Teclas Comuns dos Aviões</common-keys> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
<basic-keys>Teclas Básicas do Simulador</basic-keys> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
<joystick-config>Configuração de Joystick</joystick-config> --> <!-- English: "Joystick Configuration" -->
<joystick-info>Informação do Joystick</joystick-info> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
<tutorial-start>Tutoriais</tutorial-start> <!-- English: "Tutorials" -->
<menu-about>Sobre</menu-about> <!-- English: "About" -->
<!-- Aircraft menu (only frequent/common custom menu entries are supported) -->
<select-livery>Selecionar pintura</select-livery> --> <!-- English: "Select livery" --> -->
<show-hide-yokes>Exibir/esconder manche</show-hide-yokes> --> <!-- English: "Show/hide yokes" --> -->
<immatriculation>Matrícula</immatriculation> --> <!-- English: "Immatriculation" --> -->
<pushback>Trator pushback</pushback> --> <!-- English: "Pushback" --> -->
<autostart>Ligar Automático</autostart> --> <!-- English: "Autostart" --> -->
<tiller-steering>Direção do Leme</tiller-steering> --> <!-- English: "Tiller Steering" --> -->

Translations/pt/options.xml Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -21,254 +21,254 @@
### -->
<!-- <usage>???</usage> --> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<!-- <verbose-help>???</verbose-help> --> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<usage>Uso: fgfs [ opcao ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" -->
<verbose-help>Para obter uma lista completa de opcoes use --help --verbose</verbose-help> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" -->
<!-- General options -->
<!-- <general-options>???</general-options> --> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<!-- <help-desc>???</help-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<!-- <verbose-desc>???</verbose-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<!-- <version-desc>???</version-desc> --> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<!-- <fg-root-desc>???</fg-root-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<!-- <fg-scenery-desc n="0">???</fg-scenery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<!-- <fg-scenery-desc n="1">???</fg-scenery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<!-- <fg-aircraft-desc>???</fg-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<!-- <language-desc>???</language-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<!-- <disable-game-mode-desc>???</disable-game-mode-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<!-- <enable-game-mode-desc>???</enable-game-mode-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<!-- <disable-splash-screen-desc>???</disable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<!-- <enable-splash-screen-desc>???</enable-splash-screen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<!-- <restore-defaults-desc>???</restore-defaults-desc> --> <!-- English: "Reset all user settings to their defaults (rendering options etc)" -->
<!-- <disable-save-on-exit>???</disable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<!-- <enable-save-on-exit>???</enable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<!-- <disable-intro-music-desc>???</disable-intro-music-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<!-- <enable-intro-music-desc>???</enable-intro-music-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<!-- <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>???</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<!-- <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">???</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> --> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<!-- <disable-random-objects-desc>???</disable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <enable-random-objects-desc>???</enable-random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<!-- <disable-random-vegetation-desc>???</disable-random-vegetation-desc> --> <!-- English: "Exclude random vegetation objects" -->
<!-- <enable-random-vegetation-desc>???</enable-random-vegetation-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random vegetation objects" -->
<!-- <disable-random-buildings-desc>???</disable-random-buildings-desc> --> <!-- English: "Exclude random buildings objects" -->
<!-- <enable-random-buildings-desc>???</enable-random-buildings-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random buildings objects" -->
<!-- <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<!-- <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<!-- <metar-desc>???</metar-desc> --> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<!-- <random-objects-desc>???</random-objects-desc> --> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-models-desc>???</disable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<!-- <enable-ai-models-desc>???</enable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<!-- <ai-scenario>???</ai-scenario> --> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<!-- <disable-freeze-desc>???</disable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<!-- <enable-freeze-desc>???</enable-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<!-- <disable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<!-- <enable-fuel-freeze-desc>???</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<!-- <disable-clock-freeze-desc>???</disable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<!-- <enable-clock-freeze-desc>???</enable-clock-freeze-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<!-- <control-desc>???</control-desc> --> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<!-- <enable-auto-coordination-desc>???</enable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <disable-auto-coordination-desc>???</disable-auto-coordination-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<!-- <browser-app-desc>???</browser-app-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<!-- <prop-desc>???</prop-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<!-- <config-desc>???</config-desc> --> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<!-- <units-feet-desc>???</units-feet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<!-- <units-meters-desc>???</units-meters-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<general-options>Opcoes Gerais</general-options> <!-- English: "General Options" -->
<help-desc>Exibe as opcoes mais relevantes da linha de comando</help-desc> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" -->
<verbose-desc>Exibe todas as opcoes da linha de comando quando combinado com --help ou -h</verbose-desc> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" -->
<version-desc>Exibe a versao atual do FlightGear</version-desc> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" -->
<fg-root-desc>Especifica a pasta de dados raiz</fg-root-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="0">Especifica o caminho da pasta de cenario(s);</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" -->
<fg-scenery-desc n="1">Por padrao e $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" -->
<fg-aircraft-desc>Especifica o caminho do diretorio de aeronaves adicionais</fg-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" -->
<language-desc>Seleciona o idioma para esta sessao</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" -->
<disable-game-mode-desc>Desativa o modo tela cheia</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" -->
<enable-game-mode-desc>Ativa o modo tela cheia</enable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" -->
<disable-splash-screen-desc>Desativa tela de abertura</disable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" -->
<enable-splash-screen-desc>Ativa tela de abertura</enable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" -->
<restore-defaults-desc>Restaurar todas as configuracoes do usuario para seus padroes (opcoes de renderizacao etc)</restore-defaults-desc> <!-- English: "Reset all user settings to their defaults (rendering options etc)" -->
<disable-save-on-exit>Nao salvar preferencias ao sair do programa</disable-save-on-exit> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" -->
<enable-save-on-exit>Permitir salvar preferencias ao sair do programa</enable-save-on-exit> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" -->
<disable-intro-music-desc>Desativar musica de introducao</disable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" -->
<enable-intro-music-desc>Ativar musica de introducaoo</enable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" -->
<disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Desativar ponteiro adicional do mouse</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Ativar ponteiro adicional do mouse</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" -->
<enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(i.e. para placas do tipo Voodoo tela cheia)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" -->
<disable-random-objects-desc>Excluir objetos aleatorios do cenario</disable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" -->
<enable-random-objects-desc>Adicionar objetos aleatorios do cenario</enable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" -->
<disable-random-vegetation-desc>Excluir objetos aleatorios de vegetacao</disable-random-vegetation-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random vegetation objects" -->
<enable-random-vegetation-desc>Adicionar objetos aleatorios de vegetacao</enable-random-vegetation-desc> <!-- English: "Include random vegetation objects" -->
<disable-random-buildings-desc>Excluir edificios aleatorios</disable-random-buildings-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random buildings objects" -->
<enable-random-buildings-desc>Adicionar edificios aleatorios</enable-random-buildings-desc> --> <!-- English: "Include random buildings objects" -->
<disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Desativar a busca de clima real baseada em METAR</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" -->
<enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>Ativar a busca de clima real baseada em METAR (isto requer uma conexao a Internet)</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" -->
<metar-desc>Passar um METAR para configurar clima estatico</metar-desc> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" -->
<random-objects-desc>(edificios, etc.)</random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" -->
<disable-ai-models-desc>Opcao em desuso (desativa o sistema de trafego interativo)</disable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" -->
<enable-ai-models-desc>Ativar trafego interativo (necessario para multi-jogador, trafego IA e muitas outras animacoes)</enable-ai-models-desc> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" -->
<disable-ai-traffic-desc>Desativar trafego artificial.</disable-ai-traffic-desc> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." -->
<enable-ai-traffic-desc>Ativar trafego artificial.</enable-ai-traffic-desc> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." -->
<disable-ai-scenarios>Desativa todos os cenarios interativos.</disable-ai-scenarios> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." -->
<ai-scenario>Adiciona e habilita um novo cenario. Multiplas opcoes sao permitidas.</ai-scenario> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." -->
<disable-freeze-desc>Comece em um estado de funcionamento</disable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" -->
<enable-freeze-desc>Comece em um estado congelado</enable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" -->
<disable-fuel-freeze-desc>O combustivel e consumido normalmente</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" -->
<enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Quantidade do tanque de combustivel forcada a permanecer constante</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" -->
<disable-clock-freeze-desc>Relogio avanca normalmente</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" -->
<enable-clock-freeze-desc>Nao avanca o relogio</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" -->
<control-desc>Modo de controle primario (joystick, teclado, mouse)</control-desc> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" -->
<enable-auto-coordination-desc>Ativa a auto-coordenacao</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" -->
<disable-auto-coordination-desc>Desativa a auto-coordenacao</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" -->
<browser-app-desc>Especifica o caminho do navegador web</browser-app-desc> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" -->
<prop-desc>Define a propriedade e&lt;nome&gt; para &lt;valor&gt;. O &lt;tipo&gt; pode ser uma cadeia de caracteres (string), duplo (double), flutuante (float), longo (long), inteiro (int), booleano (bool).</prop-desc> <!-- English: "Set property &lt;name&gt; to &lt;value&gt;. &lt;type&gt; can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." -->
<config-desc>Carrega propriedades adicionais do caminho</config-desc> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" -->
<units-feet-desc>Usar pes para distancias</units-feet-desc> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" -->
<units-meters-desc>Usar metros para distancias</units-meters-desc> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" -->
<!-- Features options -->
<!-- <environment-options>???</environment-options> --> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<!-- <features-options>???</features-options> --> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-desc>???</disable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-desc>???</enable-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<!-- <disable-panel-desc>???</disable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <enable-panel-desc>???</enable-panel-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<!-- <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>???</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<!-- <disable-hud-3d-desc>???</disable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- <enable-hud-3d-desc>???</enable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<environment-options>Opcoes de ambiente</environment-options> <!-- English: "Environment Options" -->
<features-options>Caracteristicas</features-options> <!-- English: "Features" -->
<disable-hud-desc>Desativa visor holografico (HUD)</disable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<enable-hud-desc>Ativa visor holografico (HUD)</enable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" -->
<disable-panel-desc>Desativa o painel de instrumentos</disable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" -->
<enable-panel-desc>Ativa o painel de instrumentos</enable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" -->
<disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Desativa o visor holografico (HUD) com anti-serrilhado</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Ativa o visor holografico (HUD) com anti-serrilhado</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" -->
<disable-hud-3d-desc>Desativa o visor holografico (HUD) 3D</disable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" -->
<enable-hud-3d-desc>Ativa o visor holografico (HUD) 3D</enable-hud-3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" -->
<!-- Aircraft options -->
<!-- <aircraft-options>???</aircraft-options> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<!-- <aircraft-desc>???</aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<!-- <show-aircraft-desc>???</show-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<!-- <min-aircraft-status>???</min-aircraft-status> --> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<!-- <vehicle-desc>???</vehicle-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<!-- <livery-desc>???</livery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<aircraft-options>Aeronave</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" -->
<aircraft-desc>Selecionar um perfil de aeronave definido por um &lt;nome&gt;-set.xml de nivel superior</aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<show-aircraft-desc>Exibe uma lista dos tipos de aeronaves disponiveis atualmente</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" -->
<min-aircraft-status>Permite definir um nivel minimo de status (=status de desenvolvimento) para todas as aeronaves listadas</min-aircraft-status> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" -->
<vehicle-desc>Selecionar um perfil de veiculo definido por um &lt;nome&gt;-set.xml de nivel superior</vehicle-desc> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level &lt;name&gt;-set.xml" -->
<livery-desc>Seleciona a pintura da aeronave</livery-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" -->
<!-- Flight Dynamics Model options -->
<!-- <fdm-options>???</fdm-options> --> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="0">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<!-- <fdm-desc n="1">???</fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<!-- <aero-desc>???</aero-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<!-- <model-hz-desc>???</model-hz-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<!-- <speed-desc>???</speed-desc> --> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="0">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<!-- <notrim-desc n="1">???</notrim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="0">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<!-- <trim-desc n="1">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<!-- <on-ground-desc>???</on-ground-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<!-- <in-air-desc>???</in-air-desc> --> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<!-- <wind-desc>???</wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<!-- <random-wind-desc>???</random-wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<!-- <turbulence-desc>???</turbulence-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<!-- <ceiling-desc>???</ceiling-desc> --> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<!-- <aircraft-dir-desc>???</aircraft-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<fdm-options>Modelo de Voo</fdm-options> <!-- English: "Flight Model" -->
<fdm-desc n="0">Seleciona o nucleo dos modelos de dinamica de voo</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" -->
<fdm-desc n="1">Pode ser: jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, ou nulo</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" -->
<aero-desc>Seleciona o modelo da aerodinamica da aeronave para carregar</aero-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" -->
<model-hz-desc>Executar o MDV com esta taxa (interacoes por segundo)</model-hz-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" -->
<speed-desc>Executar o MDV 'n' vezes mais rapido que o tempo real</speed-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" -->
<notrim-desc n="0">NAO tentar compensar o modelo</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" -->
<notrim-desc n="1">(apenas com MDV=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<trim-desc n="0">Compensar o modelo</trim-desc> <!-- English: "Trim the model" -->
<trim-desc n="1">(apenas com MDV=jsbsim)</trim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" -->
<on-ground-desc>Iniciar no nivel do chao (padrao)</on-ground-desc> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" -->
<in-air-desc>iniciar no ar (implicado a usar --altitude)</in-air-desc> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" -->
<wind-desc>Especifica o vento vindo da DIRECAO (graus) e VELOCIDADE (nos)</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" -->
<random-wind-desc>Especifica uma direcao e velocidade do vento aleatoria</random-wind-desc> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" -->
<turbulence-desc>Especifica turbulencias desde 0.0 (calmas) ate 1.0 (severas)</turbulence-desc> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" -->
<ceiling-desc>Criar um teto nublado, opcionalmente, com uma espessura especifica (o padrao e 2000 pes).</ceiling-desc> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." -->
<aircraft-dir-desc>Diretorio das aeronaves relativo ao caminho do executavel</aircraft-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" -->
<!-- <aircraft-model-options>???</aircraft-model-options> --> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<aircraft-model-options>Diretorio dos modelos de aeronaves (APENAS UIUC MDV)</aircraft-model-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" -->
<!-- Position and Orientation options -->
<!-- <position-options>???</position-options> --> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<!-- <airport-desc>???</airport-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<!-- <parking-id-desc>???</parking-id-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<!-- <carrier-desc>???</carrier-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<!-- <parkpos-desc>???</parkpos-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<!-- <vor-desc>???</vor-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<position-options>Posicao e Orientacao Iniciais</position-options> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" -->
<airport-desc>Especifica a posicao inicial relativa ao aeroporto</airport-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" -->
<parking-id-desc>Especifica a posicao de estacionamento de um aeroporto (tambem deve especificar um aeroporto)</parking-id-desc> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" -->
<carrier-desc>Especifica a posicao inicial em um porta-avioes IA</carrier-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" -->
<parkpos-desc>Especifica em que posicao inicia em um porta-avioes IA (precisa especificar o porta-avioes)</parkpos-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" -->
<vor-desc>Especifica a posicao inicial relativa a um VOR</vor-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" -->
<!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" -->
<!-- <ndb-desc>???</ndb-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<ndb-desc>Especifica a posicao inicial relativa a um NDB</ndb-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" -->
<!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" -->
<!-- <fix-desc>???</fix-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<!-- <runway-no-desc>???</runway-no-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<!-- <offset-distance-desc>???</offset-distance-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<!-- <offset-azimuth-desc>???</offset-azimuth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<!-- <lon-desc>???</lon-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<!-- <lat-desc>???</lat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<!-- <altitude-desc>???</altitude-desc> --> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<!-- <heading-desc>???</heading-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<!-- <roll-desc>???</roll-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<!-- <pitch-desc>???</pitch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<!-- <uBody-desc>???</uBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<!-- <vBody-desc>???</vBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<!-- <wBody-desc>???</wBody-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<!-- <vNorth-desc>???</vNorth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<!-- <vEast-desc>???</vEast-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<!-- <vDown-desc>???</vDown-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<!-- <vc-desc>???</vc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<!-- <mach-desc>???</mach-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<!-- <glideslope-desc>???</glideslope-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<!-- <roc-desc>???</roc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<fix-desc>Especifica a posicao inicial relativa a um fixo</fix-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" -->
<runway-no-desc>Especifica o inicio na pista (e necessario escolher um aeroporto)</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" -->
<offset-distance-desc>Especifica a distancia para um ponto de referencia (em milhas estatutarias)</offset-distance-desc> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" -->
<offset-azimuth-desc>Especifica aa direcao para o pontode referencia</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" -->
<lon-desc>Longitude inicial (oeste = -)</lon-desc> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" -->
<lat-desc>Latitude inicial (sul = -)</lat-desc> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" -->
<altitude-desc>Altitude inicial</altitude-desc> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" -->
<heading-desc>Especifica o angulo da direcao (rota) (Psi)</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" -->
<roll-desc>Especifica o angulo de rolagem (Phi)</roll-desc> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" -->
<pitch-desc>Especifica o angulo de inclinacao (Theta)</pitch-desc> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" -->
<uBody-desc>Especifica a velocidade ao longo do eixo X do corpo</uBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" -->
<vBody-desc>Especifica a velocidade ao longo do eixo Y do corpo</vBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" -->
<wBody-desc>Especifica a velocidade ao longo do eixo Z do corpo</wBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" -->
<vNorth-desc>Especifica a velocidade ao longo de um eixo Sul-Norte</vNorth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" -->
<vEast-desc>Especifica a velocidade ao longo de um eixo Oeste-Este</vEast-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" -->
<vDown-desc>Especifica a velocidade ao longo de um eixo vertical</vDown-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" -->
<vc-desc>Especifica a velocidade inicial do vento</vc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" -->
<mach-desc>Especifica o numero MACH inicial</mach-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" -->
<glideslope-desc>Especifica o angulo da trajetoria de voo (pode ser positivo)</glideslope-desc> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" -->
<roc-desc>Especifica a taxa de subida inicial (pode ser negativa)</roc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" -->
<!-- sound options -->
<!-- <audio-options>???</audio-options> --> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<!-- <disable-sound-desc>???</disable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<!-- <enable-sound-desc>???</enable-sound-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<!-- <show-sound-devices-desc>???</show-sound-devices-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<!-- <sound-device-desc>???</sound-device-desc> --> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<audio-options>Opcoes de Audio</audio-options> <!-- English: "Audio Options" -->
<disable-sound-desc>Desativa efeitos sonoros</disable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" -->
<enable-sound-desc>Ativa efeitos sonoros</enable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" -->
<show-sound-devices-desc>Exibe uma lista de dispositivos de audio disponiveis</show-sound-devices-desc> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" -->
<sound-device-desc>Especifica expressamente o dispositivo de audio para usar</sound-device-desc> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" -->
<!-- Rendering options -->
<!-- <rendering-options>???</rendering-options> --> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<!-- <bpp-desc>???</bpp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<!-- <fog-disable-desc>???</fog-disable-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-fastest-desc>???</fog-fastest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <fog-nicest-desc>???</fog-nicest-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<!-- <disable-horizon-effect>???</disable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <enable-horizon-effect>???</enable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<!-- <disable-enhanced-lighting>???</disable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <enable-enhanced-lighting>???</enable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<!-- <disable-distance-attenuation>???</disable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <enable-distance-attenuation>???</enable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<!-- <disable-specular-highlight>???</disable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-specular-highlight>???</enable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds-desc>???</enable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds-desc>???</disable-clouds-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <enable-clouds3d-desc>???</enable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <disable-clouds3d-desc>???</disable-clouds3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<!-- <fov-desc>???</fov-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<!-- <arm-desc>???</arm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<!-- <disable-fullscreen-desc>???</disable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <enable-fullscreen-desc>???</enable-fullscreen-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<!-- <shading-flat-desc>???</shading-flat-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<!-- <shading-smooth-desc>???</shading-smooth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<!-- <disable-skyblend-desc>???</disable-skyblend-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<!-- <enable-skyblend-desc>???</enable-skyblend-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<!-- <disable-textures-desc>???</disable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<!-- <enable-textures-desc>???</enable-textures-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<!-- <texture-filtering-desc>???</texture-filtering-desc> --> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<!-- <disable-wireframe-desc>???</disable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <enable-wireframe-desc>???</enable-wireframe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<!-- <geometry-desc>???</geometry-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<!-- <view-offset-desc>???</view-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<!-- <visibility-desc>???</visibility-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<!-- <visibility-miles-desc>???</visibility-miles-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<rendering-options>Opcoes de Renderizacao</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
<bpp-desc>Especifica os bits por pixel</bpp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" -->
<fog-disable-desc>Desativa nevoeiro/neblina</fog-disable-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" -->
<fog-fastest-desc>Ativar rapido nevoeiro/neblina</fog-fastest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" -->
<fog-nicest-desc>Ativar o melhor nevoeiro/neblina</fog-nicest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" -->
<disable-horizon-effect>Desativa a ilusao do crescimento de corpos celestes perto do horizonte</disable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<enable-horizon-effect>Ativa a ilusao do crescimento de corpos celestes perto do horizonte</enable-horizon-effect> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" -->
<disable-enhanced-lighting>Desativa a iluminacao melhorada das pistas</disable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<enable-enhanced-lighting>Ativa a iluminacao melhorada das pistas</enable-enhanced-lighting> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" -->
<disable-distance-attenuation>Desativa a atenuacao da distancia das luzes da pista</disable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<enable-distance-attenuation>Ativa a atenuacao da distancia das luzes da pista</enable-distance-attenuation> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" -->
<disable-specular-highlight>Desativa a reflexao especular sobre objetos texturizados</disable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<enable-specular-highlight>Ativa a reflexao especular sobre objetos texturizados</enable-specular-highlight> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" -->
<enable-clouds-desc>Ativar as camadas de nuvens 2D (planas)</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<disable-clouds-desc>Desativar as camadas de nuvens 2D (planas)</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" -->
<enable-clouds3d-desc>Ativar as camadas de nuvens 3D (volumetricas)</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<disable-clouds3d-desc>Desativar as camadas de nuvens 3D (volumetricas)</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" -->
<fov-desc>Especifica o campo do angulo de visao</fov-desc> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" -->
<arm-desc>Especificar um multiplicador para a taxa de proporcao.</arm-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." -->
<disable-fullscreen-desc>Desativa o modo tela cheia</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" -->
<enable-fullscreen-desc>Ativa o modo tela cheia</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" -->
<shading-flat-desc>Ativa o sombreamento plano</shading-flat-desc> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" -->
<shading-smooth-desc>Ativa o sombreamento suavizado</shading-smooth-desc> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" -->
<disable-skyblend-desc>Desativa o gradiente do ceu</disable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" -->
<enable-skyblend-desc>Ativa o gradiente do ceu</enable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" -->
<disable-textures-desc>Desativa as texturas</disable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Disable textures" -->
<enable-textures-desc>Ativa as texturas</enable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Enable textures" -->
<materials-file-desc>Especifica o arquivo de materiais utilizados para renderizar o cenario (por padrao: materials.xml)</materials-file-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" -->
<texture-filtering-desc>Filtragem de textura anisotropica: os valores devem ser 1 (padrao),2,4,8 ou 16</texture-filtering-desc> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" -->
<disable-wireframe-desc>Desativa o modo de desenho aramado</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<enable-wireframe-desc>Ativa o modo de desenho aramado</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" -->
<geometry-desc>Especifica a geometria das janelas (640x480, etc)</geometry-desc> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" -->
<view-offset-desc>Especifica a direcao padrao da visao a frente, com um incremento adiante. Os valores validos sao LEFT (esq.), RIGHT (dir.), CENTER (centro), ou um numero especifico em graus</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" -->
<visibility-desc>Especifica a visibilidade inicial</visibility-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" -->
<visibility-miles-desc>Especifica a visibilidade inicial em milhas</visibility-miles-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" -->
<!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." -->
<!-- Hud options -->
<!-- <hud-options>???</hud-options> --> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<!-- <hud-tris-desc>???</hud-tris-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<!-- <hud-culled-desc>???</hud-culled-desc> --> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<hud-options>Opcoes do HUD</hud-options> <!-- English: "Hud Options" -->
<hud-tris-desc>HUD exibe o numero de triangulos renderizados</hud-tris-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" -->
<hud-culled-desc>HUD exibe uma porcentagem dos triangulos perdidos</hud-culled-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" -->
<!-- Time options -->
<!-- <time-options>???</time-options> --> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<!-- <timeofday-desc>???</timeofday-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<!-- <season-desc>???</season-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<!-- <time-offset-desc>???</time-offset-desc> --> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<!-- <time-match-real-desc>???</time-match-real-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<!-- <time-match-local-desc>???</time-match-local-desc> --> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<!-- <start-date-desc>???</start-date-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<time-options>Opcoes de Tempo</time-options> <!-- English: "Time Options" -->
<timeofday-desc>Especifica a hora do dia</timeofday-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" -->
<season-desc>Especifica a estacao inicial</season-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" -->
<time-offset-desc>Adiciona um incremento de tempo</time-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" -->
<time-match-real-desc>Sincronizar hora com a hora do mundo real</time-match-real-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" -->
<time-match-local-desc>Sincronizar hora com a hora local</time-match-local-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" -->
<start-date-desc>Especifica uma data/tempo inicial com respeito a</start-date-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" -->
<!-- Network options -->
<!-- <network-options>???</network-options> --> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<!-- <httpd-desc>???</httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <proxy-desc>???</proxy-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<!-- <telnet-desc>???</telnet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <jpg-httpd-desc>???</jpg-httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<network-options>Opcoes de rede</network-options> <!-- English: "Network Options" -->
<httpd-desc>Ativa o servidor http na porta especificada</httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" -->
<proxy-desc>Especifica qual servidor proxy (e porta) serao utilizados. O nome de usuario e senha sao opcionais e precisam ter codificacao MD5. Esta opcao e util apenas quando utilizada em conjunto com a opcao real-weather-fetch.</proxy-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." -->
<telnet-desc>Ativa o servidor telnet na porta especificada</telnet-desc> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" -->
<jpg-httpd-desc>Ativa captura de tela no servidor http na porta especificada</jpg-httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" -->
<disable-terrasync-desc>Desativa o download/atualizacao automatica de cenarios</disable-terrasync-desc> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<enable-terrasync-desc>Ativa o download/atualizacao automatica de cenarios</enable-terrasync-desc> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" -->
<terrasync-dir-desc>Especifica o diretorio para download de cenarios</terrasync-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" -->
<!-- MultiPlayer options -->
<!-- <multiplayer-options>???</multiplayer-options> --> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<!-- <multiplay-desc>???</multiplay-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<!-- <callsign-desc>???</callsign-desc> --> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<multiplayer-options>Opcoes de Multijugador</multiplayer-options> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" -->
<multiplay-desc>Especifica a configuracao das comunicacoes multipiloto</multiplay-desc> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" -->
<callsign-desc>Atribui um nome unico para um jogador</callsign-desc> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" -->
<!-- Route/Way Point Options -->
<!-- <route-options>???</route-options> --> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<!-- <wp-desc>???</wp-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<!-- <flight-plan-desc>???</flight-plan-desc> --> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<route-options>Opcoes de Rota/Way Point</route-options> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" -->
<wp-desc>Especifica o waypoint para o piloto automatico GC;</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" -->
<flight-plan-desc>Ler todos os waypoints de um arquivo</flight-plan-desc> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" -->
<!-- IO Options -->
<!-- <io-options>???</io-options> --> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<!-- <AV400-desc>???</AV400-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<!-- <AV400Sim-desc>???</AV400Sim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<!-- <atlas-desc>???</atlas-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<!-- <atcsim-desc>???</atcsim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<!-- <garmin-desc>???</garmin-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<!-- <joyclient-desc>???</joyclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<!-- <jsclient-desc>???</jsclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<!-- <native-ctrls-desc>???</native-ctrls-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<!-- <native-fdm-desc>???</native-fdm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<!-- <native-gui-desc>???</native-gui-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<!-- <native-desc>???</native-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<!-- <nmea-desc>???</nmea-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<!-- <generic-desc>???</generic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<!-- <opengc-desc>???</opengc-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<!-- <props-desc>???</props-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<!-- <pve-desc>???</pve-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<!-- <ray-desc>???</ray-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<!-- <rul-desc>???</rul-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<io-options>Opcoes ES</io-options> <!-- English: "IO Options" -->
<AV400-desc>Emite o protocolo Garmin AV400 requerido para utilizar um GPS Garmin 196/296 series</AV400-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" -->
<AV400Sim-desc>Emite um conjunto de caracteres de texto AV400 requeridos para usar um GPS Garmin 400-series no FlightGear</AV400Sim-desc> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" -->
<atlas-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo Atlas</atlas-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" -->
<atcsim-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo ATC sim(atc610x)</atcsim-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" -->
<garmin-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" -->
<joyclient-desc>Abrir conexao para um joystick Agwagon</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" -->
<jsclient-desc>Abrir conexao para um joystick remoto</jsclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" -->
<native-ctrls-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" -->
<native-fdm-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo FG Native FDM</native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" -->
<native-gui-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo FG Native GUI</native-gui-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" -->
<native-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo FG Native</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" -->
<nmea-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo NMEA</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" -->
<generic-desc>Abrir conexao usando uma interface predefinida de comunicacao e um protocolo pre selecionado de comunicacao</generic-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" -->
<opengc-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo OpenGC</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" -->
<props-desc>Abrir conexao usando o gerenciador interativo de propriedades</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" -->
<pve-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo PVE</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" -->
<ray-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" -->
<rul-desc>Abrir conexao usando o protocolo RUL</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" -->
<!-- Avionics Options -->
<!-- <avionics-options>???</avionics-options> --> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<!-- <com1-desc>???</com1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <com2-desc>???</com2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<!-- <nav1-desc>???</nav1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <nav2-desc>???</nav2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<!-- <adf1-desc>???</adf1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <adf2-desc>???</adf2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<!-- <dme-desc>???</dme-desc> --> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<avionics-options>Opciones dos Avionicos</avionics-options> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" -->
<com1-desc>Define a frequencia de radio COM1</com1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" -->
<com2-desc>Define a frequencia de radio COM2</com2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" -->
<nav1-desc>Define a frequencia de radio NAV1, opcionalmente precedida por um radial.</nav1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<nav2-desc>Define a frequencia de radio NAV2, opcionalmente precedida por um radial.</nav2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." -->
<adf1-desc>Define a frequencia de radio ADF1, opcionalmente precedido por uma rotacao de carta.</adf1-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<adf2-desc>Define a frequencia de radio ADF2, opcionalmente precedido por uma rotacao de carta.</adf2-desc> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." -->
<dme-desc>Define como escravo o ADF para uma das radios NAV, ou define sua frequencia interna.</dme-desc> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." -->
<!-- <situation-options>???</situation-options> --> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<!-- <failure-desc>???</failure-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<situation-options>Opcoes de Emergencias</situation-options> <!-- English: "Situation Options" -->
<failure-desc>Falhar o sistema de pitot, vacuo, estatico, ou sistema eletrico (repetir a opcao para multiplas falhas do sistema).</failure-desc> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." -->
<!-- Debugging Options -->
<!-- <debugging-options>???</debugging-options> --> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<!-- <fpe-desc>???</fpe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<!-- <fgviewer-desc>???</fgviewer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<!-- <trace-read-desc>???</trace-read-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<!-- <trace-write-desc>???</trace-write-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<!-- <log-level-desc>???</log-level-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->
<debugging-options>Opcoes de Depuracao</debugging-options> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" -->
<fpe-desc>Abortar ao encontrar uma excecao de ponto flutuante;</fpe-desc> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" -->
<fgviewer-desc>Utilizar um visualizador do modelo, em vez de carregar o simulador inteiro;</fgviewer-desc> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" -->
<trace-read-desc>Traca as leituras de uma propriedade;</trace-read-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" -->
<trace-write-desc>Traca as escritas de uma propriedade;</trace-write-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" -->
<log-level-desc>Especifica que nivel de registro de log utilizar</log-level-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" -->
<log-class-desc>Especifica que classe(s) de registro de log utilizar</log-class-desc> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" -->

Translations/pt/sys.xml Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -22,17 +22,18 @@
<!-- <init>???</init> --> <!-- English: "initializing" -->
<!-- <loading-aircraft-list>???</loading-aircraft-list> --> <!-- English: "loading aircraft list" -->
<!-- <loading-aircraft>???</loading-aircraft> --> <!-- English: "loading aircraft" -->
<!-- <loading-nav-dat>???</loading-nav-dat> --> <!-- English: "loading navigation data" -->
<!-- <init-scenery>???</init-scenery> --> <!-- English: "initializing scenery" -->
<!-- <creating-subsystems>???</creating-subsystems> --> <!-- English: "creating subsystems" -->
<!-- <init-subsystems>???</init-subsystems> --> <!-- English: "initializing subsystems" -->
<!-- <binding-subsystems>???</binding-subsystems> --> <!-- English: "binding subsystems" -->
<!-- <finishing-subsystems>???</finishing-subsystems> --> <!-- English: "finalizing subsystems" -->
<!-- <init-graphics>???</init-graphics> --> <!-- English: "initializing graphics engine" -->
<!-- <loading-scenery>???</loading-scenery> --> <!-- English: "loading scenery" -->
<init>inicializando</init> <!-- English: "initializing" -->
<loading-aircraft-list>carregando lista de aeronaves</loading-aircraft-list> <!-- English: "loading aircraft list" -->
<loading-aircraft>carregando aeronaves</loading-aircraft> <!-- English: "loading aircraft" -->
<loading-nav-dat>carregando dados de navagação</loading-nav-dat> <!-- English: "loading navigation data" -->
<init-scenery>inicializando cenários</init-scenery> <!-- English: "initializing scenery" -->
<creating-subsystems>criando subsistemas</creating-subsystems> <!-- English: "creating subsystems" -->
<init-subsystems>inicializando subsistemas</init-subsystems> <!-- English: "initializing subsystems" -->
<binding-subsystems>ligando subsistemas</binding-subsystems> <!-- English: "binding subsystems" -->
<finishing-subsystems>finalizando subsistemas</finishing-subsystems> <!-- English: "finalizing subsystems" -->
<init-graphics>inicializando o motor gráfico</init-graphics> <!-- English: "initializing graphics engine" -->
<loading-scenery>carregando cenários</loading-scenery> <!-- English: "loading scenery" -->
<finalize-position>finalizando posição</finalize-position> <!-- English: "finalizing position" -->