Stuart Buchanan:
Add chat menu
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 695 additions and 54 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
[ at the start of the <name> tag indicates that the text will not be added to the message.
Special characters (in place of proper substitutions)
! - airport direction
^ - airport distance
% - aircraft type (First word from /sim/description
# - Callsign
$ - Current Altitude
* - Airport ID
( - current runway
<name>* Traffic, # lining up for departure runway (.</name>
<name>* Traffic, # taking off runway (.</name>
<name>* Traffic, # overhead, joining for runway (.</name>
<name>* Traffic, # crosswind, runway (.</name>
<name>* Traffic, # downwind, runway (.</name>
<name>* Traffic, # base leg, runway (.</name>
<name>* Traffic, # final, runway (.</name>
<name>* Traffic, # going around.</name>
<name>* Traffic, runway vacated.</name>
<name>* Ground, #, request taxi instructions for departure.</name>
<name>* Ground, # request departure information.</name>
<name>* Ground, # request startup.</name>
<name>* Ground, # request pushback.</name>
<name>* Ground, # request taxi.</name>
<name>#, ready for departure.</name>
<name>Line up #.</name>
<name>Cleared for take-off #.</name>
<name># runway vacated.</name>
<name>* Tower, ^ miles ! altitude $ feet request joining instructions.</name>
<name>* Tower, ^ miles ! altitude $ feet request straight in approach runway (.</name>
<name># crosswind.</name>
<name># downwind</name>
<name>touch and go.</name>
<name>full stop.</name>
<name># base.</name>
<name># final.</name>
<name># long final.</name>
<name># going around.</name>
<name>* Approach, # inbound from the !, IFR ^ miles at $ feet.</name>
<name>* Approach, # inbound from the !, VFR ^ miles at $ feet.</name>
<name>* Approach, request Radar Information Service.</name>
<name>Form up on my wing.</name>
<name>Break left.</name>
<name>Break right.</name>
@ -10,36 +10,53 @@
var messages = {};
var messages = {};
check_messages = func
var check_messages = func
var mp = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer");
var mp = props.globals.getNode("/ai/models").getChildren("multiplayer");
var lseen = {};
foreach (i; mp)
foreach (i; mp)
var lmsg = getprop(i.getPath() ~ "/sim/multiplay/chat");
var lmsg = getprop(i.getPath() ~ "/sim/multiplay/chat");
var lcallsign = getprop(i.getPath() ~ "/callsign");
var lcallsign = getprop(i.getPath() ~ "/callsign");
var lvalid = getprop(i.getPath() ~ "/valid");
if ((lmsg != nil) and (lmsg != "") and (lcallsign != nil) and (lcallsign != ""))
if ((lvalid) and
(lmsg != nil) and
(lmsg != "") and
(lcallsign != nil) and
(lcallsign != ""))
#print("Call Sign: " ~ lcallsign);
#print("Call Sign: " ~ lcallsign);
#print("lmsg: " ~ lmsg);
#print("lmsg: " ~ lmsg);
#print("Freq: " ~ ltransmitfreq);
#print("Freq: " ~ ltransmitfreq);
if ((! contains(messages, lcallsign)) or (lmsg != messages[lcallsign]))
if (! contains(lseen, lcallsign))
# Indicate we've seen this message.
# Indicate that we've seen this callsign. This handles the case
# where we have two aircraft with the same callsign in the MP
# session.
lseen[lcallsign] = 1;
if ((! contains(messages, lcallsign)) or
(! streq(lmsg, messages[lcallsign])))
# Save the message so we don't repeat it.
messages[lcallsign] = lmsg;
messages[lcallsign] = lmsg;
# Display the message.
echo_message(lmsg, lcallsign);
echo_message(lmsg, lcallsign);
# Check for new messages every couple of seconds.
# Check for new messages every couple of seconds.
settimer(check_messages, 3);
settimer(check_messages, 3);
echo_message = func(msg, callsign)
var echo_message = func(msg, callsign)
if (callsign != nil)
if (callsign != nil)
@ -50,11 +67,11 @@ echo_message = func(msg, callsign)
if ((ldisplay != nil) and (ldisplay == "1"))
if ((ldisplay != nil) and (ldisplay == "1"))
# Only display the message to screen if configured.
# Only display the message to screen if configured.
setprop("/sim/messages/ai-plane", msg);
setprop("/sim/messages/ai-plane", msg);
# Add the chat to the chat history.
# Add the chat to the chat history.
var lchat = getprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-history");
var lchat = getprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-history");
if (lchat == nil)
if (lchat == nil)
@ -72,14 +89,79 @@ echo_message = func(msg, callsign)
settimer(func {
settimer(func {
# Call-back to ensure we see our own messages.
# Call-back to ensure we see our own messages.
setlistener("/sim/multiplay/chat", func(n) { echo_message(n.getValue(), getprop("/sim/multiplay/callsign")); });
setlistener("/sim/multiplay/chat", func(n) { echo_message(n.getValue(), getprop("/sim/multiplay/callsign")); });
# check for new messages
# check for new messages
}, 1);
}, 1);
# Message composition function, activated using the - key.
var prefix = "Chat Message:";
var input = "";
var kbdlistener = nil;
var compose_message = func(msg = "")
input = prefix ~ msg;
gui.popupTip(input, 1000000);
kbdlistener = setlistener("/devices/status/keyboard/event", func (event) {
var key = event.getNode("key");
# Only check the key when pressed.
if (!event.getNode("pressed").getValue())
if (handle_key(key.getValue()))
key.setValue(0); # drop key event
var handle_key = func(key)
if (key == `\n` or key == `\r`)
# CR/LF -> send the message
# Trim off the prefix
input = substr(input, size(prefix));
# Send the message and switch off the listener.
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat", input);
return 1;
elsif (key == 8)
# backspace -> remove a character
if (size(input) > size(prefix))
input = substr(input, 0, size(input) - 1);
gui.popupTip(input, 1000000);
return 1;
elsif (key == 27)
# escape -> cancel
return 1;
elsif ((key > 31) and (key < 128))
# Normal character - add it to the input
input ~= chr(key);
gui.popupTip(input, 1000000);
return 1;
# Unknown character - pass through
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<label>0. Back</label>
<label>1. Edit</label>
var text = "";
var topNode = "/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/config";
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry", "1");
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry[1]", "2");
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry[2]", "3");
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry[3]", "4");
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry[4]", "5");
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry[5]", "6");
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry[6]", "7");
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry[7]", "8");
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry[8]", "9");
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu/entry[9]", "0");
# Get the conversation tree.
var entryNodes = props.globals.getNode("/sim/multiplay/chat-menu").getChildren("entry");
var pos = props.globals.getNode(topNode);
# Get various substitution values.
var callsign = getprop("/sim/multiplay/callsign");
# Simple rounding of altitude to 100 ft.
var altitude = int(getprop("/position/altitude-ft")/100) * 100;
var type = getprop("/sim/description");
if (type != "")
# Get the first word of the description, which will (hopefully) be
# something appropriate, such as "Cessna", "Boeing".
type = split(" ", type)[0];
# Get the nearest airport.
var airport = airportinfo();
# Get the complement of each runway to create a full set.
foreach (var rwy; keys(airport.runways)) {
if (!string.isdigit(rwy[0]))
var number = math.mod(num(substr(rwy, 0, 2)) + 18, 36);
var side = substr(rwy, 2, 1);
var comp = sprintf("%02d%s", number, side == "R" ? "L" : side == "L" ? "R" : side);
var r = airport.runways[rwy];
airport.runways[comp] = { lat:, lon: r.lon, length: r.length,
width: r.width, heading: math.mod(r.heading + 180, 360),
threshold1: r.threshold2,
# Determine the active runway.
var wind_speed = getprop("/environment/wind-speed-kt");
var wind_from = wind_speed ? getprop("/environment/wind-from-heading-deg") : 270;
var max = -1;
var active_runway = "";
foreach (var r; keys(airport.runways)) {
var curr = airport.runways[r];
var wind = wind_from - curr.heading;
while (wind >= 180) wind -= 360;
while (wind < -180) wind += 360;
var deviation = math.abs(wind) + 1e-20;
var v = (0.01 * curr.length + 0.01 * curr.width) / deviation;
if (v > max) {
max = v;
active_runway = r;
# Find our distance and cardinal direction to the airport.
var directions = split(",", "North,North East,East,South East,South,South West,West,North West");
var loc = geo.aircraft_position();
var airportloc =;
airportloc.set_latlon(, airport.lon, airport.elevation);
# We want the course _from_ the airport to the aircraft - for reporting ".. approaching from the SW"
var airport_course = airportloc.course_to(loc);
var airport_distance = int((airportloc.distance_to(loc) / 1609) + 0.5);
# Get an index into our array of directions.
var dir = int(math.mod((airport_course + 22.5), 360) / 45);
var airport_direction = directions[dir];
# Now launch the keyboard listener.
var kbdevent = setlistener("/devices/status/keyboard/event", func (event) {
# Only check the key when pressed.
if (!event.getNode("pressed").getValue())
var key = event.getNode("key");
if (handle_key(key.getValue()))
key.setValue(0); # drop key event
var handle_key = func (key) {
# We only handle keys 0-9 and Esc
if (key == 27)
# escape -> cancel
fgcommand("dialog-close",{"dialog-name": "chat-menu"}));
return 1;
if ((key < `0`) or (key > `9`))
# pass the event back.
return 0;
if (key == `0`)
# Go back one level.
text = "";
if (pos.getName() != "config")
# Build up the chat string again.
pos = pos.getParent();
var p = pos;
while ((p.getName() != "config") and
(p.getChild("name").getValue() != nil))
var t = string.trim(p.getChild("name").getValue());
# Entries that begin with "[" are silent.
if (t[0] != `[`)
text = t ~ " " ~ text;
p = p.getParent();
if (key == `1`)
# Go to edit mode using the inline editor.
fgcommand("dialog-close",{"dialog-name": "chat-menu"}));
if ((key > `1`) and (key <= `9`))
# Select the appropriate new node and update.
# The index starts from position 2.
var i = key - `2`;
if (i > (size(pos.getChildren("menu")) -1))
# Drop out if the user has entered a too large value.
return 0;
var t = entryNodes[i].getValue();
t = string.trim(substr(t, 3, size(t) -3));
# Entries that begin with "[" are silent.
if (t[0] != `[`)
text = text ~ " " ~ t;
pos = pos.getChildren("menu")[i];
if (size(pos.getChildren("menu")) == 0)
# We've come to the end of the tree - send the message and close
setprop("/sim/multiplay/chat", text);
fgcommand("dialog-close",{"dialog-name": "chat-menu"}));
# We've got more tree to traverse.
# If we got here, we consumed the event
return 1;
# Substitute simple values into the string.
# The values we handle are
# % - Type (first word of /sim/description)
# # - callsign
# $ - altitude
# * - airport ID.
# & - course from airport to aircraft - "North West"
# ! - distance from aircraft to airport in miles.
var subvals = func (str) {
var t = "";
for (var p = 0; p < size(str); p += 1)
if (str[p] == `!`) t ~= airport_direction;
elsif (str[p] == `^`) t ~= airport_distance;
elsif (str[p] == `(`) t ~= active_runway;
elsif (str[p] == `*`) t ~=;
elsif (str[p] == `%`) t ~= type;
elsif (str[p] == `#`) t ~= callsign;
elsif (str[p] == `$`) t ~= altitude;
else t ~= chr(str[p]);
return t;
var updateDialog = func {
var children = pos.getChildren("menu");
var i = 0;
foreach(var c; children)
var p = i + 2;
var txt = p ~ ': ' ~ subvals(c.getChild("name").getValue());
if (i < 9)
i = i + 1;
# Set the rest of the dialog to blank.
while (i <= 9)
i = i + 1;
# Write the popup.
gui.popupTip(text, 1000000);
# Start by updating the dialog.
@ -161,7 +161,13 @@
<label>Chat Menu</label>
+ <command>dialog-show</command>
@ -352,6 +352,16 @@ top down before the key bindings are parsed.
<key n="45">
<repeatable type="bool">false</repeatable>
<desc>Compose Chat</desc>
<key n="46">
<key n="46">
<desc>Right brake</desc>
<desc>Right brake</desc>
@ -773,6 +783,16 @@ top down before the key bindings are parsed.
<key n="95">
<repeatable type="bool">false</repeatable>
<desc>Compose Chat</desc>
<key n="97">
<key n="97">
<desc>Increase speed-up.</desc>
<desc>Increase speed-up.</desc>
@ -472,6 +472,7 @@ Started September 2000 by David Megginson,
<chat type="string">Hello</chat>
<chat type="string">Hello</chat>
<transmission-freq-hz type="string">118500000</transmission-freq-hz>
<transmission-freq-hz type="string">118500000</transmission-freq-hz>
<chat-display type="bool" userarchive="y">true</chat-display>
<chat-display type="bool" userarchive="y">true</chat-display>
<chat-menu include="ATC/chat-menu-entries.xml"/>
Add table
Reference in a new issue