diff --git a/Nasal/canvas/gui.nas b/Nasal/canvas/gui.nas
index 9ba19a7ed..9d7c7906d 100644
--- a/Nasal/canvas/gui.nas
+++ b/Nasal/canvas/gui.nas
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ loadWidget("TabWidget");
 # standard dialogs
 var style = DefaultStyle.new("AmbianceClassic", "Humanity");
 var WindowButton = {
diff --git a/Nasal/canvas/gui/dialogs/WidgetsFactoryDialog.nas b/Nasal/canvas/gui/dialogs/WidgetsFactoryDialog.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..605ecc8df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasal/canvas/gui/dialogs/WidgetsFactoryDialog.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+var WidgetsFactoryDialog = {
+	new: func {
+		var m = {
+			parents: [WidgetsFactoryDialog, canvas.Window.new([500, 500], "dialog")]
+		};
+		m.setBool("resize", 1);
+		m.root = m.getCanvas(1)
+						.set("background", style.getColor("bg_color"))
+						.createGroup();
+		m.vbox = VBoxLayout.new();
+		vbox.setContentsMargin(10);
+		m.setLayout(vbox);
+		m.tabs = gui.widgets.TabWidget.new(m.root, style, {});
+		m.vbox.addItem(m.tabs);
+		m.tab_1 = VBoxLayout.new();
+		m.tabs.addTab("tab-1", "Tab 1", m.tab_1);
+		m.label = gui.widgets.Label.new(m.root, style, {})
+						.setText("A label")
+						.setBackground("#ff0000");
+		m.tab_1.addItem(m.label);
+		m.checkbox_left = gui.widgets.CheckBox.new(m.root, style, {"label-position": "left"})
+						.setText("Checkbox with text on the left side");
+		m.tab_1.addItem(m.checkbox_left);
+		m.checkbox_right = gui.widgets.CheckBox.new(m.root, style, {"label-position": "right"})
+						.setText("Checkbox with text on the right side")
+		m.tab_1.addItem(m.checkbox_right);
+		m.property_checkbox = gui.widgets.PropertyCheckBox.new(props.globals.getNode("/controls/lighting/nav-lights"), m.root, style, {})
+						.setText("Nav lights");
+		m.tab_1.addItem(m.property_checkbox);
+		m.tab_2 = VBoxLayout.new();
+		m.tabs.addTab("tab-2", "Tab 2", m.tab_2);
+		m.button = gui.widgets.Button.new(m.root, style, {})
+						.setText("A button")
+						.listen("clicked", func {
+							var s = InputDialog.getText("You clicked the button …", "Enter some text:");
+							MessageBox.information("You clicked the button …", "… and entered '" ~ s ~ "' !");
+						});
+		m.tab_2.addItem(m.button);
+		m.image = gui.widgets.Label.new(m.root, style, {})
+						.setImage("Textures/Splash1.png");
+		m.tab_2.addItem(m.image);
+		m.checkable_button = gui.widgets.Button.new(m.root, style, {})
+						.setCheckable(1)
+						.setChecked(0)
+						.setText("Checkable button")
+						.listen("toggled", func (e) {
+							m.image.setVisible(int(e.detail.checked));
+						});
+		m.table.addItem(m.checkable_button);
+		return m;
+	},
+	del: func {
+		me.property_checkbox.del();
+	}
diff --git a/gui/dialogs/devel-extensions.xml b/gui/dialogs/devel-extensions.xml
index e36d48acb..2b799e0ed 100644
--- a/gui/dialogs/devel-extensions.xml
+++ b/gui/dialogs/devel-extensions.xml
@@ -245,6 +245,13 @@
+        <button>
+            <legend>Canvas widgets factory</legend>
+            <binding>
+                <command>nasal</command>
+                <script>canvas.WidgetsFactoryDialog.new();</script>
+            </binding>
+        </button>