From 4b35c579b684d23627a5da06f3fd1cd8e27812a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ThorstenB <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2017 15:18:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Updated German translation

 Translations/de/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf | 18 +++++-----
 Translations/de/menu.xml             | 49 ++++++++++++++++++----------
 Translations/de/sys.xml              | 11 ++++++-
 Translations/de/tips.xml             | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Translations/de/tips.xml

diff --git a/Translations/de/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf b/Translations/de/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf
index 4daa851c5..06e246f6c 100644
--- a/Translations/de/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf
+++ b/Translations/de/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf
@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:2" translate="yes">
           <source>Press a/A to adjust the simulation speed</source>
-          <target />
+          <target>Tasten a/A drücken, um die Simulationsgeschwindigkeit anzupassen</target>
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:3" translate="yes">
           <source>Press x/X to zoom in and out</source>
@@ -1411,11 +1411,11 @@
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:5" translate="yes">
           <source>Press v to change your viewpoint, Ctrl-V to return to the cockpit</source>
-          <target />
+          <target>Taste v drücken, um die Perspektive zu wechseln. Strg-V kehrt ins Cockpit zurück</target>
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:6" translate="yes">
           <source>Press F3 to take a screenshot</source>
-          <target />
+          <target>Drücke F3, um ein Bildschirmfoto zu erstellen</target>
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:7" translate="yes">
           <source>Join the FlightGear community at</source>
@@ -1427,15 +1427,15 @@
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:9" translate="yes">
           <source>Show or hide the menu bar by pressing F10</source>
-          <target />
+          <target>Mit F10 die Menüzeile ein-/ausblenden</target>
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:10" translate="yes">
           <source>Frame-rate too low? - try disabling AI traffic</source>
-          <target />
+          <target>Ruckelt die Simulation? Versuche es mal, den KI Verkehr abzuschalten</target>
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:11" translate="yes">
           <source>Select Environment → Weather to fly in different weather</source>
-          <target />
+          <target>Wählte Umgebung → Wetter, um in verschiedenen Wetterlagen zu fliegen</target>
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:12" translate="yes">
           <source>Press F12 to change the radio frequencies easily</source>
@@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:15" translate="yes">
           <source>Can't get the engine started? - see Help → Aircraft Checklists</source>
-          <target />
+          <target>Probleme den Motor zu starten? Siehe Hilfe → Aircraft Checklists</target>
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:16" translate="yes">
           <source>Drag while holding the middle and right mouse buttons to move the viewpoint</source>
@@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:17" translate="yes">
           <source>Press / to explore the internals of the simulator</source>
-          <target />
+          <target>Drücke die Taste "/", um die Internas des Simulators zu erkunden</target>
         <trans-unit approved="no" id="tips/tip:18" translate="yes">
           <source>Press Tab to move the viewpoint with your mouse and use the scroll wheel to zoom</source>
@@ -1468,4 +1468,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Translations/de/menu.xml b/Translations/de/menu.xml
index 9d55a108c..56a0085c2 100644
--- a/Translations/de/menu.xml
+++ b/Translations/de/menu.xml
@@ -17,20 +17,27 @@
 ###    * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
 ###      consecutive "-" characters in comments).
-### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-13 for FlightGear 2.8.0
+### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2017-November-26 for FlightGear 2017.4.0
 ### -->
 	<!-- File menu -->
 	<file>Datei</file>   <!-- English: "File" -->
 	<reset>Flug zur�cksetzen</reset>   <!-- English: "Reset" -->
-	<snap-shot>Bildschirmfoto</snap-shot>   <!-- English: "Screenshot  " -->
+	<load-tape>Flugaufzeichnung laden</load-tape>  <!-- English: "Load Flight Recorder Tape" -->
+	<save-tape>Flugaufzeichnung speichern</save-tape>   <!-- English: "Save Flight Recorder Tape" -->
+	<snap-shot>Bildschirmfoto</snap-shot>   <!-- English: "Screenshot" -->
 	<snap-shot-dir>Fotoverzeichnis festlegen</snap-shot-dir>   <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" -->
 	<sound-config>Sound-Konfiguration</sound-config>   <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" -->
-	<exit>Beenden</exit>   <!-- English: "Quit          " -->
+	<input-config>Maus-Konfiguration</input-config>   <!-- English: "Mouse Configuration" -->
+	<joystick-config>Joystick-Konfiguration</joystick-config>   <!-- English: "Joystick Configuration" -->
+	<terrasync>Herunterladen der Szenerie</terrasync>   <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
+<!-- 	<aircraft-center>???</aircraft-center> -->   <!-- English: "Aircraft Center (Experimental)" -->
+	<exit>Beenden</exit>   <!-- English: "Quit" -->
 	<!-- View menu -->
 	<view>Ansicht</view>   <!-- English: "View" -->
+	<toggle-fullscreen>Vollbild umschalten</toggle-fullscreen>   <!-- English: "Toggle Fullscreen" -->
 	<rendering-options>Grafikoptionen</rendering-options>   <!-- English: "Rendering Options" -->
 	<view-options>Sichtoptionen</view-options>   <!-- English: "View Options" -->
 	<cockpit-view-options>Cockpitoptionen</cockpit-view-options>   <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" -->
@@ -44,7 +51,7 @@
 	<!-- Location menu -->
 	<location>Ort</location>   <!-- English: "Location" -->
 	<position-in-air>Flugzeug positionieren (in der Luft)</position-in-air>   <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" -->
-	<goto-airport>Flughafenauswahl</goto-airport>   <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" -->
+	<goto-airport>Flughafenauswahl</goto-airport>   <!-- English: "Select Airport" -->
 	<random-attitude>Zuf�llige Fluglage</random-attitude>   <!-- English: "Random Attitude" -->
 	<tower-position>Towerposition festlegen</tower-position>   <!-- English: "Tower Position" -->
@@ -58,21 +65,21 @@
 	<!-- Environment menu -->
 	<environment>Umgebung</environment>   <!-- English: "Environment" -->
 	<global-weather>Wetter</global-weather>   <!-- English: "Weather" -->
+	<environment-settings>Umgebungseinstellungen</environment-settings>  <!-- English: "Environment Settings" -->
 	<time-settings>Zeit</time-settings>   <!-- English: "Time Settings" -->
 	<wildfire-settings>Fl�chenbrand</wildfire-settings>   <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" -->
-	<terrasync>Download von Szenerie</terrasync>   <!-- English: "Scenery Download" -->
 	<!-- Equipment menu -->
 	<equipment>Ausr�stung</equipment>   <!-- English: "Equipment" -->
 	<map>Karte</map>   <!-- English: "Map" -->
-	<map-canvas>Karte (Canvas)</map-canvas>
-	<map-browser>Karte (Im Browser)</map-browser>
+	<map-canvas>Karte (Canvas)</map-canvas>   <!-- English: "Map (Canvas)" -->
+	<map-browser>Karte (im Browser)</map-browser>   <!-- English: "Map (opens in browser)" -->
 	<stopwatch>Stoppuhr</stopwatch>   <!-- English: "Stopwatch" -->
 	<fuel-and-payload>Treibstoff und Ladung</fuel-and-payload>   <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" -->
 	<radio>Funkfrequenzen</radio>   <!-- English: "Radio Settings" -->
 	<gps>GPS Konfiguration</gps>   <!-- English: "GPS Settings" -->
 	<instrument-settings>Instrumente</instrument-settings>   <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" -->
-	<failure-submenu>--- Fehler ---</failure-submenu>   <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" -->
+	<failure-submenu>--- Fehler ---</failure-submenu>   <!-- English: "-_- Failures -_-" -->
 	<random-failures>Zuf�llige Fehler</random-failures>   <!-- English: "Random Failures" -->
 	<system-failures>Systemfehler</system-failures>   <!-- English: "System Failures" -->
 	<instrument-failures>Instrumentenfehler</instrument-failures>   <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" -->
@@ -89,10 +96,12 @@
 	<!-- Multiplayer menu -->
 	<multiplayer>Multiplayer</multiplayer>   <!-- English: "Multiplayer" -->
 	<mp-settings>Multiplayer Konfiguration</mp-settings>   <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" -->
+	<fgcom-settings>FGCom Konfiguration</fgcom-settings>   <!-- English: "FGCom Settings" -->
 	<mp-chat>MP Chat</mp-chat>   <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" -->
 	<mp-chat-menu>MP Chat Men�</mp-chat-menu>   <!-- English: "Chat Menu" -->
 	<mp-list>Pilotenliste</mp-list>   <!-- English: "Pilot List" -->
 	<mp-carrier>Auswahl MP Flugzeugtr�ger</mp-carrier>   <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" -->
+	<lag-adjust>MP Verz�gerung</lag-adjust>   <!-- English: "Lag Settings" -->
 	<!-- Debug menu -->
 	<debug>Entwickler</debug>   <!-- English: "Debug" -->
@@ -105,7 +114,10 @@
 <!-- 	<reload-autopilot>???</reload-autopilot> -->   <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" -->
 <!-- 	<reload-network>???</reload-network> -->   <!-- English: "Reload Network" -->
 <!-- 	<reload-model>???</reload-model> -->   <!-- English: "Reload Aircraft Model" -->
+<!-- 	<reload-materials>???</reload-materials> -->   <!-- English: "Reload Materials" -->
+<!-- 	<reload-scenery>???</reload-scenery> -->   <!-- English: "Reload Scenery" -->
 <!-- 	<nasal-console>???</nasal-console> -->   <!-- English: "Nasal Console" -->
+<!-- 	<nasal-repl-interpreter>???</nasal-repl-interpreter> -->   <!-- English: "Nasal REPL Interpreter" -->
 <!-- 	<development-keys>???</development-keys> -->   <!-- English: "Development Keys" -->
 <!-- 	<configure-dev-extension>???</configure-dev-extension> -->   <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" -->
 <!-- 	<display-marker>???</display-marker> -->   <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" -->
@@ -113,19 +125,22 @@
 <!-- 	<print-rendering-statistics>???</print-rendering-statistics> -->   <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" -->
 <!-- 	<statistics-display>???</statistics-display> -->   <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" -->
 <!-- 	<performance-monitor>???</performance-monitor> -->   <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" -->
+<!-- 	<write-video-config>???</write-video-config> -->   <!-- English: "Save Video Configuration" -->
 <!-- 	<property-browser>???</property-browser> -->   <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" -->
+<!-- 	<fg1000>???</fg1000> -->   <!-- English: "FG1000 MFD" -->
 <!-- 	<logging>???</logging> -->   <!-- English: "Logging" -->
 <!-- 	<local_weather>???</local_weather> -->   <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" -->
 <!-- 	<print-scene-info>???</print-scene-info> -->   <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" -->
 <!-- 	<rendering-buffers>???</rendering-buffers> -->   <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" -->
 <!-- 	<rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> -->   <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" -->
+<!-- 	<interface-config>???</interface-config> -->   <!-- English: "User-interface options" -->
 	<!-- Help menu -->
 	<help>Hilfe</help>   <!-- English: "Help" -->
-	<help-browser>Hilfe (im Browser)</help-browser>   <!-- English: "Help  (opens in browser)" -->
-	<doc-browser>Erweiterte Dokumentation</doc-browser> <!-- English: "Documentation Browser" -->
+	<help-browser>Hilfe (im Browser)</help-browser>   <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" -->
+	<doc-browser>Erweiterte Dokumentation</doc-browser>   <!-- English: "Documentation Browser" -->
 	<aircraft-keys>Flugzeug Hilfe</aircraft-keys>   <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" -->
-	<aircraft-checklists>Flugzeug Checklisten</aircraft-checklists> <!-- English: "Aircraft Checklists" -->
+	<aircraft-checklists>Flugzeug Checklisten</aircraft-checklists>   <!-- English: "Aircraft Checklists" -->
 	<common-keys>Tastenbelegung (Flugzeugsteuerung)</common-keys>   <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" -->
 	<basic-keys>Tastenbelegung (allgemein)</basic-keys>   <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" -->
 	<joystick-info>Joystick Informationen</joystick-info>   <!-- English: "Joystick Information" -->
@@ -133,11 +148,11 @@
 	<menu-about>�ber FlightGear</menu-about>   <!-- English: "About" -->
 	<!-- Aircraft menu (only frequent/common custom menu entries are supported) -->
-	<select-livery>Lackierung ausw�hlen</select-livery>
-	<show-hide-yokes>Steuerhorn aus-/einblenden</show-hide-yokes>
-	<immatriculation>Luftfahrzeugkennzeichen</immatriculation>
-	<pushback>Flugzeugschlepper</pushback>
-	<autostart>Autostart</autostart>
-	<tiller-steering>Bugradsteuerung</tiller-steering>
+	<select-livery>Lackierung ausw�hlen</select-livery>   <!-- English: "Select livery" -->
+	<show-hide-yokes>Steuerhorn aus-/einblenden</show-hide-yokes>   <!-- English: "Show/hide yokes" -->
+	<immatriculation>Luftfahrzeugkennzeichen</immatriculation>   <!-- English: "Immatriculation" -->
+	<pushback>Flugzeugschlepper</pushback>   <!-- English: "Pushback" -->
+	<autostart>Autostart</autostart>   <!-- English: "Autostart" -->
+	<tiller-steering>Bugradsteuerung</tiller-steering>   <!-- English: "Tiller Steering" -->
diff --git a/Translations/de/sys.xml b/Translations/de/sys.xml
index f110f7e14..4189419b8 100644
--- a/Translations/de/sys.xml
+++ b/Translations/de/sys.xml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ###    * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
 ###      consecutive "-" characters in comments).
-### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-September-21 for FlightGear 2.9.0
+### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2017-November-26 for FlightGear 2017.4.0
 ### -->
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
 		<loading-aircraft-list>Lade Flugzeugliste</loading-aircraft-list>   <!-- English: "loading aircraft list" -->
 		<loading-aircraft>Lade Flugzeug</loading-aircraft>   <!-- English: "loading aircraft" -->
 		<loading-nav-dat>Lade Navigationsdaten</loading-nav-dat>   <!-- English: "loading navigation data" -->
+		<navdata-reading-apt-dat-files>Lese Flughäfen</navdata-reading-apt-dat-files>   <!-- English: "reading airport data" -->
+		<navdata-loading-airports>Lade Flughäfen</navdata-loading-airports>   <!-- English: "loading airport data" -->
+		<navdata-navaids>Lade Navigationsdaten</navdata-navaids>   <!-- English: "loading navigation aid data" -->
+		<navdata-fixes>Lade Navigationsdaten</navdata-fixes>   <!-- English: "loading fixes" -->
+		<navdata-pois>Lade Navigationsdaten</navdata-pois>   <!-- English: "loading points of interest" -->
 		<init-scenery>Initialisiere Szenerie</init-scenery>   <!-- English: "initializing scenery" -->
 		<creating-subsystems>Erzeuge Subsysteme</creating-subsystems>   <!-- English: "creating subsystems" -->
 		<init-subsystems>Initialisiere Subsysteme</init-subsystems>   <!-- English: "initializing subsystems" -->
@@ -33,6 +38,10 @@
 		<finishing-subsystems>Finalisiere Subsysteme</finishing-subsystems>   <!-- English: "finalizing subsystems" -->
 		<init-graphics>Initialisiere Grafik</init-graphics>   <!-- English: "initializing graphics engine" -->
 		<loading-scenery>Lade Szenerie</loading-scenery>   <!-- English: "loading scenery" -->
+		<downloading-scenery>Herunterladen der Szenerie</downloading-scenery>   <!-- English: "downloading scenery" -->
+		<finalize-position>Vorbereiten der Ausgansposition</finalize-position>   <!-- English: "finalizing position" -->
+		<unstable-warning>Entwicklerversion: kann instabile/unfertige Features enthalten!</unstable-warning>   <!-- English: "Unstable nightly build - some features may be under active development" -->
diff --git a/Translations/de/tips.xml b/Translations/de/tips.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e0fa3830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Translations/de/tips.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<!-- ###
+### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource.
+### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file.
+### To translate:
+###    * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation.
+###    * Keep untranslated items unmodified (leave the "???"). English original is the
+###      automatic default.
+###    * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations.
+###    * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)',
+###      so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon
+###      (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes).
+###    * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow
+###      consecutive "-" characters in comments).
+### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2017-November-26 for FlightGear 2017.4.0
+### -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="0">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Drag while holding the right mouse button to look around" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="1">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Hold [Shift] while looking around to move the view up, down, left or right" -->
+	<tip n="2">Tasten a/A drücken, um die Simulationsgeschwindigkeit anzupassen</tip>  <!-- English: "Press a/A to adjust the simulation speed" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="3">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Press x/X to zoom in and out" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="4">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Find frequencies of nearby ATC services from the Radios dialog" -->
+	<tip n="5">Taste v drücken, um die Perspektive zu wechseln. Strg-V kehrt ins Cockpit zurück</tip>  <!-- English: "Press v to change your viewpoint, Ctrl-V to return to the cockpit" -->
+	<tip n="6">Drücke F3, um ein Bildschirmfoto zu erstellen</tip>  <!-- English: "Press F3 to take a screenshot" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="7">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Join the FlightGear community at" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="8">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Press h to bring up a Heads Up Display" -->
+	<tip n="9">Drücke F10, um die Menüzeile ein-/auszublenden</tip>  <!-- English: "Show or hide the menu bar by pressing F10" -->
+ 	<tip n="10">Ruckelt die Simulation? Versuche z.B. den KI Verkehr abzuschalten</tip>   <!-- English: "Frame-rate too low? - try disabling AI traffic" -->
+	<tip n="11">Wähle Umgebung → Wetter, um in verschiedenen Wetterlagen zu fliegen</tip>  <!-- English: "Select Environment → Weather to fly in different weather" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="12">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Press F12 to change the radio frequencies easily" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="13">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Look around by holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="14">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Select Multiplayer → Multiplayer Settings to join the shared flight environment" -->
+	<tip n="15">Probleme den Motor zu starten? Siehe Hilfe → Aircraft Checklists</tip>  <!-- English: "Can't get the engine started? - see Help → Aircraft Checklists" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="16">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Drag while holding the middle and right mouse buttons to move the viewpoint" -->
+	<tip n="17">Drücke "/", um Internas des Simulators zu erkunden</tip>  <!-- English: "Press / to explore the internals of the simulator" -->
+<!-- 	<tip n="18">???</tip> -->   <!-- English: "Press Tab to move the viewpoint with your mouse and use the scroll wheel to zoom" -->