Fork 0

Merge branch 'master' of git://gitorious.org/fg/fgdata

This commit is contained in:
BARANGER Emmanuel 2010-06-04 12:39:00 +02:00
commit 4add69ab57
140 changed files with 86209 additions and 120 deletions

Nasal/casdisable.nas Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#disable cas when engines running- otherwise we are overflooded with error messages in the console
call_casdisable = func {
if ( getprop("/rotors/main/rpm")> 80.0)
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas-enabled", 0);
} else {
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas-enabled", 1.0);
#if (RUN2 ==1) {
# setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas-enabled", 0);
# } else {
# setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas-enabled", 1.0);
# }
settimer(call_casdisable, 0.2);
init = func {
settimer(call_casdisable, 0.0);

Nasal/fcs.nas Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
# Flight Control System by Tatsuhiro Nishioka
# $Id: fcs.nas,v 1.11 2008/08/28 02:41:04 tat Exp $
#This one simulates a jaw SAS
var FCSFilter = {
new : func(input_path, output_path) {
var obj = { parents : [FCSFilter],
input_path : input_path,
output_path : output_path };
obj.axis_conv = {'roll' : 'aileron', 'pitch' : 'elevator', 'yaw' : 'rudder' };
obj.body_conv = {'roll' : 'v', 'pitch' : 'u' };
obj.last_body_fps = {'roll' : 0.0, 'pitch' : 0.0 };
obj.last_pos = {'roll' : 0.0, 'pitch' : 0.0, 'yaw' : 0.0};
return obj;
# read input command for a given axis
read : func(axis) {
if (me.input_path == nil or me.input_path == "") {
return getprop("/controls/flight/" ~ me.axis_conv[axis]);
} else {
var value = getprop(me.input_path ~ "/" ~ axis);
value = int(value * 1000) / 1000.0;
# write output command for a given axis
# this will be the output of an next command filter (like SAS)
write : func(axis, value) {
if (me.output_path == nil or me.output_path == '') {
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/" ~ axis, me.limit(value, 1.0));
} else {
setprop(me.output_path ~ "/" ~ axis, me.limit(value, 1.0));
toggleFilterStatus : func(name) {
var messages = ["disengaged", "engaged"];
var path = "/controls/flight/fcs/" ~ name ~ "-enabled";
var status = getprop(path);
setprop(path, 1 - status);
screen.log.write(name ~ " " ~ messages[1 - status]);
getStatus : func(name) {
var path = "/controls/flight/fcs/" ~ name ~ "-enabled";
return getprop(path);
limit : func(value, range) {
if (value > range) {
return range;
} elsif (value < -range) {
return - range;
return value;
max : func(val1, val2) {
return (val1 > val2) ? val1 : val2;
min : func(val1, val2) {
return (val1 > val2) ? val2 : val1;
calcCounterBodyFPS : func(axis, input, offset_deg) {
var position = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-deg");
var body_fps = 0;
var last_body_fps = me.last_body_fps[axis];
var reaction_gain = 0;
var heading = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg");
var wind_speed_fps = getprop("/environment/wind-speed-kt") * 1.6878099;
var wind_direction = getprop("/environment/wind-from-heading-deg");
var wind_direction -= heading;
var rate = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-rate-degps");
var gear_pos = getprop("/gear/gear[0]/compression-norm") + getprop("/gear/gear[1]/compression-norm");
var counter_fps = 0;
var fps_axis = me.body_conv[axis]; # convert from {roll, pitch} to {u, v}
var target_pos = offset_deg;
var brake_deg = 0;
body_fps = getprop("/velocities/" ~ fps_axis ~ "Body-fps");
if (axis == 'roll') {
var wind_fps = math.sin(wind_direction / 180 * math.pi) * wind_speed_fps;
} else {
var wind_fps = math.cos(wind_direction / 180 * math.pi) * wind_speed_fps;
var brake_freq = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-" ~ axis ~ "-brake-freq");
var brake_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-brake-gain-" ~ axis);
body_fps -= wind_fps;
var dfps = body_fps - me.last_body_fps[axis];
var fps_coeff = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-" ~ axis ~ "-coeff");
target_pos -= int(body_fps * 100) / 100 * fps_coeff;
if (axis == 'roll' and gear_pos > 0.0 and position > 0) {
target_pos -= position * gear_pos / 5;
reaction_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-reaction-gain-" ~ axis);
var brake_sensitivity = (axis == 'roll') ? 1 : 1;
if (math.abs(position + rate / brake_freq * brake_sensitivity) > math.abs(target_pos)) {
if (math.abs(dfps) > 1) {
dfps = 1;
var error_deg = target_pos - position;
brake_deg = (error_deg - rate / brake_freq) * math.abs(dfps * 10) * brake_gain;
if (target_pos > 0) {
brake_deg = me.min(brake_deg, 0);
} else {
brake_deg = me.max(brake_deg, 0);
counter_fps = me.limit((target_pos + brake_deg) * reaction_gain, 1.0);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ fps_axis ~ "body-fps", body_fps);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ fps_axis ~ "body-wind-fps", wind_fps);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ axis ~ "-target-deg", target_pos);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ axis ~ "-rate", rate);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-delta-" ~ fps_axis ~ "body-fps", dfps);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ axis ~ "-brake-deg", brake_deg);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/counter-fps-" ~ axis, counter_fps);
me.last_pos[axis] = position;
me.last_body_fps[axis] = body_fps;
return me.limit(counter_fps + input * 0.2, 1.0);
# AFCS : Automatic Flight Control System
var AFCS = {
new : func(input_path, output_path) {
var obj = FCSFilter.new(input_path, output_path);
obj.parents = [FCSFilter, AFCS];
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-hover-enabled", 0);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-brake-gain-pitch", 1.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-brake-gain-roll", 0.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-pitch-brake-freq", 3);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-pitch-coeff", -0.95);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-pitch-offset-deg", 0.9);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-reaction-gain-pitch", -0.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-reaction-gain-roll", 0.3436);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-roll-brake-freq", 8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-roll-coeff", 0.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-roll-offset-deg", -0.8);
return obj;
toggleAutoHover : func() {
toggleAirSpeedLock : func() {
toggleHeadingLock : func() {
toggleAltitudeLock : func() {
# auto hover : locks vBody_fps and uBody_fps regardless of wind speed/direction
autoHover : func(axis, input) {
if (axis == 'yaw') {
return input;
} else {
var offset_deg = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-" ~ axis ~ "-offset-deg");
return me.calcCounterBodyFPS(axis, input, offset_deg);
altitudeLock : func(axis, input) {
# not implemented yet
return input;
headingLock : func(axis, input) {
# not implementet yet
return input;
apply : func(axis) {
var input = me.read(axis);
var hover_status = me.getStatus("auto-hover");
if (hover_status == 0) {
me.write(axis, input);
me.write(axis, me.autoHover(axis, input));
# SAS : Stability Augmentation System - a rate damper
var SAS = {
# new
# initial_gains: hash of initial gains for rate damping
# sensitivities: hash of minimum rates (deg/sec) that enables rate damper
# authority_limit: shows how much SAS can take over control
# 0 means no stability control, 1.0 means SAS fully takes over pilot control
# input_path: is a base path to input axis; nil for using raw input from KB/JS
# output_path: is a base path to output axis; nis for using /controls/flight/fcs
# with input_path / output_path, you can connect SAS, CAS, and more control filters
new : func(initial_gains, sensitivities, authority_limit, input_path, output_path) {
var obj = FCSFilter.new(input_path, output_path);
obj.parents = [FCSFilter, SAS];
obj.authority_limit = authority_limit;
obj.sensitivities = sensitivities;
obj.initial_gains = initial_gains;
props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/sas", 1).setValues(obj.initial_gains);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/sas-enabled", 1);
return obj;
toggleEnable : func() {
# calcGain - get gain for each axis based on air speed and dynamic pressure
# axis: one of 'roll', 'pitch', or 'yaw'
calcGain : func(axis) {
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var initial_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/sas/" ~ axis);
var gain = initial_gain - 0.1 * mach * mach;
if (math.abs(gain) < math.abs(initial_gain) * 0.01 or gain * initial_gain < 0) {
gain = initial_gain * 0.01;
return gain;
calcAuthorityLimit : func() {
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var min_mach = 0.038;
var limit = me.authority_limit;
if (math.abs(mach < min_mach)) {
limit += (min_mach - math.abs(mach)) / min_mach * (1 - me.authority_limit) * 0.95;
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/sas/authority-limit", limit);
return limit;
# apply - apply SAS damper to a given input axis
# axis: one of 'roll', 'pitch', or 'yaw'
apply : func(axis) {
var status = me.getStatus("sas");
var input = me.read(axis);
if (status == 0) {
me.write(axis, input);
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var value = 0;
var rate = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-rate-degps");
var gain = me.calcGain(axis);
var limit = me.calcAuthorityLimit();
if (math.abs(rate) >= me.sensitivities[axis]) {
value = - gain * rate;
if (value > limit) {
value = limit;
} elsif (value < - limit) {
value = - limit;
me.write(axis, value + input);
# CAS : Control Augmentation System - makes your aircraft more meneuverable
var CAS = {
new : func(input_gains, output_gains, sensitivities, input_path, output_path) {
var obj = FCSFilter.new(input_path, output_path);
obj.parents = [FCSFilter, CAS];
obj.sensitivities = sensitivities;
obj.input_gains = input_gains;
obj.output_gains = output_gains;
props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/input", 1).setValues(obj.input_gains);
props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output", 1).setValues(obj.output_gains);
setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", '');
setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", '');
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas-enabled", 1);
return obj;
calcRollRateAdjustment : func {
var position = getprop("/orientation/roll-deg");
return math.abs(math.sin(position / 180 * math.pi)) / 6;
calcSideSlipAdjustment : func {
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var slip = getprop("/orientation/side-slip-deg");
if (mach < 0.015) { # works only if air speed > 10kt
slip = 0;
var anti_slip_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/anti-side-slip-gain");
var roll_deg = getprop("/orientation/roll-deg");
var gain_adjuster = me.min(math.abs(mach) / 0.060, 1) * me.limit(0.2 + math.sqrt(math.abs(roll_deg)/10), 3);
anti_slip_gain *= gain_adjuster;
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas/anti-side-slip", slip * anti_slip_gain);
return slip * anti_slip_gain;
# FIXME: command for CAS is just a temporal one
calcCommand: func (axis, input) {
var output = 0;
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var input_gain = me.calcGain(axis);
var output_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/" ~ axis);
var target_rate = input * input_gain;
var rate = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-rate-degps");
var drate = target_rate - rate;
var locks = {'pitch' : getprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude"),
'roll' : getprop("/autopilot/locks/heading")};
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas/target_" ~ axis ~ "rate", target_rate);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas/delta_" ~ axis, drate);
if (axis == 'roll' or axis == 'pitch') {
if (math.abs(input > 0.7) or locks[axis] != '') {
output = drate * output_gain;
} else {
output = me.calcAttitudeCommand(axis);
if (axis == 'roll' and math.abs(mach) < 0.035) {
# FIXME: I don't know if OH-1 has this one
output += me.calcCounterBodyFPS(axis, input, -0.8);
} elsif (axis == 'yaw') {
output = drate * output_gain + me.calcSideSlipAdjustment();
} else {
output = drate * output_gain;
return output;
toggleEnable : func() {
calcAttitudeCommand : func(axis) {
var input_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/input/attitude-" ~ axis);
var output_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/" ~ axis);
var brake_freq = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/" ~ axis ~ "-brake-freq");
var brake_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/" ~ axis ~ "-brake");
var trim = getprop("/controls/flight/" ~ me.axis_conv[axis] ~ "-trim");
var current_deg = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-deg");
var rate = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-rate-degps");
var target_deg = (me.read(axis) + trim) * input_gain;
var command_deg = 0;
if (target_deg != 0) {
command_deg = (0.094 * math.ln(math.abs(target_deg)) + 0.53) * target_deg;
var error_deg = command_deg - current_deg;
var brake_deg = (error_deg - rate / brake_freq) * math.abs(error_deg) * brake_gain;
if (command_deg > 0) {
brake_deg = me.min(brake_deg, 0);
} else {
brake_deg = me.max(brake_deg, 0);
var monitor_prefix = me.output_path ~ "/" ~ axis;
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-target_deg", target_deg);
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-error_deg", error_deg);
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-brake_deg", brake_deg);
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-deg", current_deg);
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-rate", -rate);
return (error_deg + brake_deg) * output_gain;
# FixMe: gain should be calculated using both speed and dynamic pressure
calcGain : func(axis) {
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var input_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/input/" ~ axis);
var gain = input_gain;
if (axis == 'pitch') {
gain += 0.1 * mach * mach;
} elsif (axis== 'yaw') {
gain *= ((1 - mach) * (1 - mach));
if (gain * input_gain < 0.0 ) {
gain = 0;
return gain;
apply : func(axis) {
var input = me.read(axis);
var status = me.getStatus("cas");
var cas_command = 0;
# FIXME : hmm, a bit nasty. CAS should be enabled even with auto-hover....
if (status == 0 or (me.getStatus("auto-hover") == 1 and axis != 'yaw')) {
me.write(axis, input);
cas_command = me.calcCommand(axis, input);
me.write(axis, cas_command);
# Tail hstab, "stabilator," for stabilize the nose
var Stabilator = {
new : func() {
var obj = { parents : [Stabilator] };
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/stabilator", -1.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator", 1);
# 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160, 170, 180, .....
me.gainTable = [-0.9, -0.8, 0.1, -0.5, 0.0, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, -1.0];
return obj;
toggleManual : func {
var status = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator");
getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator", 1 - status);
apply : func(delta) {
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator", 0);
var value = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/stabilator");
getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/stabilator", value + delta);
calcPosition : func() {
var speed = getprop("/velocities/mach") / 0.001497219; # in knot
var index = int(math.abs(speed) / 10);
if (index >= size(me.gainTable) - 1) {
index = size(me.gainTable) - 2;
var mod = math.mod(int(math.abs(speed)), 10);
var position = me.gainTable[index] * ((10 - mod) / 10) + me.gainTable[index-1] * (mod) / 10;
if (speed < -20) {
position = - position;
return position;
update : func() {
var status = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator");
if (status == 0) {
var gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/stabilator");
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var throttle = getprop("/controls/flight/throttle");
var stabilator_norm = 0;
stabilator_norm = me.calcPosition();
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/stabilator", stabilator_norm);
var TailRotorCollective = {
new : func(minimum=0.10, maximum=1.0, low_limit=0.00011, high_limit=0.0035) {
var obj = FCSFilter.new("/controls/engines/engine[1]", "/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor");
obj.parents = [FCSFilter, TailRotorCollective];
obj.adjuster = 0.0;
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/src-minimum", minimum);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/src-maximum", maximum);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/low-limit", low_limit);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/high-limit", high_limit);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/tail-rotor/error-adjuster-gain", -0.5);
return obj;
update : func() {
var throttle = me.read("throttle");
var pedal_pos_deg = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/yaw");
var cas_input = cas.read('yaw');
var cas_input_gain = cas.calcGain('yaw');
var target_rate = cas_input * cas_input_gain;
var rate = getprop("/orientation/yaw-rate-degps");
var error_rate = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas/delta_yaw");
var error_adjuster_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/tail-rotor/error-adjuster-gain");
var minimum = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/src-minimum");
var maximum = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/src-maximum");
var low_limit = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/low-limit");
var high_limit = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/high-limit");
var output = 0;
var range = maximum - minimum;
if (throttle < minimum) {
output = low_limit;
} elsif (throttle > maximum) {
output = high_limit;
} else {
output = low_limit + (throttle - minimum) / range * (high_limit - low_limit);
# CAS driven tail rotor thrust adjuster
me.adjuster = error_rate * error_adjuster_gain;
me.adjuster = me.limit(me.adjuster, 0.3);
output += me.adjuster;
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/error-rate", error_rate);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/adjuster", me.adjuster);
me.write("throttle", output);
var sas = nil;
var cas = nil;
var afcs = nil;
var stabilator = nil;
var tail = nil;
var count = 0;
var sensitivities = {'roll' : 0.0, 'pitch' : 0.0, 'yaw' : 1.125 };
var sas_initial_gains = {'roll' : 0, 'pitch' : 0, 'yaw' : 0.004 };
var cas_input_gains = {'roll' : 30, 'pitch' : -60, 'yaw' : 30,
'attitude-roll' : 80, 'attitude-pitch' : -80 };
var cas_output_gains = {'roll' : 0.06, 'pitch' : -0.1, 'yaw' : 0.5,
'roll-brake-freq' : 10, 'pitch-brake-freq' : 3,
'roll-brake' : 0.4, 'pitch-brake' : 6,
'anti-side-slip-gain' : -4.5};
var update = func {
count += 1;
# AFCS, CAS, and SAS run at 60Hz
if (math.mod(count, 2) == 0) {
var initialize = func {
cas = CAS.new(cas_input_gains, cas_output_gains, sensitivities, nil, "/controls/flight/fcs/cas");
afcs = AFCS.new("/controls/flight/fcs/cas", "/controls/flight/fcs/afcs");
sas = SAS.new(sas_initial_gains, sensitivities, 3, "/controls/flight/fcs/afcs", "/controls/flight/fcs");
stabilator = Stabilator.new();
tail = TailRotorCollective.new();
setlistener("/rotors/main/cone-deg", update);
_setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", initialize);

Nasal/fcs2.nas Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
# Flight Control System by Tatsuhiro Nishioka
# $Id: fcs.nas,v 1.11 2008/08/28 02:41:04 tat Exp $
#This one simulates a P/R and Jaw SAS
var FCSFilter = {
new : func(input_path, output_path) {
var obj = { parents : [FCSFilter],
input_path : input_path,
output_path : output_path };
obj.axis_conv = {'roll' : 'aileron', 'pitch' : 'elevator', 'yaw' : 'rudder' };
obj.body_conv = {'roll' : 'v', 'pitch' : 'u' };
obj.last_body_fps = {'roll' : 0.0, 'pitch' : 0.0 };
obj.last_pos = {'roll' : 0.0, 'pitch' : 0.0, 'yaw' : 0.0};
return obj;
# read input command for a given axis
read : func(axis) {
if (me.input_path == nil or me.input_path == "") {
return getprop("/controls/flight/" ~ me.axis_conv[axis]);
} else {
var value = getprop(me.input_path ~ "/" ~ axis);
value = int(value * 1000) / 1000.0;
# write output command for a given axis
# this will be the output of an next command filter (like SAS)
write : func(axis, value) {
if (me.output_path == nil or me.output_path == '') {
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/" ~ axis, me.limit(value, 1.0));
} else {
setprop(me.output_path ~ "/" ~ axis, me.limit(value, 1.0));
toggleFilterStatus : func(name) {
var messages = ["disengaged", "engaged"];
var path = "/controls/flight/fcs/" ~ name ~ "-enabled";
var status = getprop(path);
setprop(path, 1 - status);
#screen.log.write(name ~ " " ~ messages[1 - status]);
getStatus : func(name) {
var path = "/controls/flight/fcs/" ~ name ~ "-enabled";
return getprop(path);
limit : func(value, range) {
if (value > range) {
return range;
} elsif (value < -range) {
return - range;
return value;
max : func(val1, val2) {
return (val1 > val2) ? val1 : val2;
min : func(val1, val2) {
return (val1 > val2) ? val2 : val1;
calcCounterBodyFPS : func(axis, input, offset_deg) {
var position = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-deg");
var body_fps = 0;
var last_body_fps = me.last_body_fps[axis];
var reaction_gain = 0;
var heading = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg");
var wind_speed_fps = getprop("/environment/wind-speed-kt") * 1.6878099;
var wind_direction = getprop("/environment/wind-from-heading-deg");
var wind_direction -= heading;
var rate = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-rate-degps");
var gear_pos = getprop("/gear/gear[0]/compression-norm") + getprop("/gear/gear[1]/compression-norm");
var counter_fps = 0;
var fps_axis = me.body_conv[axis]; # convert from {roll, pitch} to {u, v}
var target_pos = offset_deg;
var brake_deg = 0;
body_fps = getprop("/velocities/" ~ fps_axis ~ "Body-fps");
if (axis == 'roll') {
var wind_fps = math.sin(wind_direction / 180 * math.pi) * wind_speed_fps;
} else {
var wind_fps = math.cos(wind_direction / 180 * math.pi) * wind_speed_fps;
var brake_freq = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-" ~ axis ~ "-brake-freq");
var brake_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-brake-gain-" ~ axis);
body_fps -= wind_fps;
var dfps = body_fps - me.last_body_fps[axis];
var fps_coeff = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-" ~ axis ~ "-coeff");
target_pos -= int(body_fps * 100) / 100 * fps_coeff;
if (axis == 'roll' and gear_pos > 0.0 and position > 0) {
target_pos -= position * gear_pos / 5;
reaction_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-reaction-gain-" ~ axis);
var brake_sensitivity = (axis == 'roll') ? 1 : 1;
if (math.abs(position + rate / brake_freq * brake_sensitivity) > math.abs(target_pos)) {
if (math.abs(dfps) > 1) {
dfps = 1;
var error_deg = target_pos - position;
brake_deg = (error_deg - rate / brake_freq) * math.abs(dfps * 10) * brake_gain;
if (target_pos > 0) {
brake_deg = me.min(brake_deg, 0);
} else {
brake_deg = me.max(brake_deg, 0);
counter_fps = me.limit((target_pos + brake_deg) * reaction_gain, 1.0);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ fps_axis ~ "body-fps", body_fps);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ fps_axis ~ "body-wind-fps", wind_fps);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ axis ~ "-target-deg", target_pos);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ axis ~ "-rate", rate);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-delta-" ~ fps_axis ~ "body-fps", dfps);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/ah-" ~ axis ~ "-brake-deg", brake_deg);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/afcs/counter-fps-" ~ axis, counter_fps);
me.last_pos[axis] = position;
me.last_body_fps[axis] = body_fps;
return me.limit(counter_fps + input * 0.2, 1.0);
# AFCS : Automatic Flight Control System
var AFCS = {
new : func(input_path, output_path) {
var obj = FCSFilter.new(input_path, output_path);
obj.parents = [FCSFilter, AFCS];
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-hover-enabled", 0);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-brake-gain-pitch", 1.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-brake-gain-roll", 0.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-pitch-brake-freq", 3);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-pitch-coeff", -0.95);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-pitch-offset-deg", 0.9);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-reaction-gain-pitch", -0.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-reaction-gain-roll", 0.3436);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-roll-brake-freq", 8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-roll-coeff", 0.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-roll-offset-deg", -0.8);
return obj;
toggleAutoHover : func() {
toggleAirSpeedLock : func() {
toggleHeadingLock : func() {
toggleAltitudeLock : func() {
# auto hover : locks vBody_fps and uBody_fps regardless of wind speed/direction
autoHover : func(axis, input) {
if (axis == 'yaw') {
return input;
} else {
var offset_deg = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/afcs/fps-" ~ axis ~ "-offset-deg");
return me.calcCounterBodyFPS(axis, input, offset_deg);
altitudeLock : func(axis, input) {
# not implemented yet
return input;
headingLock : func(axis, input) {
# not implementet yet
return input;
apply : func(axis) {
var input = me.read(axis);
var hover_status = me.getStatus("auto-hover");
if (hover_status == 0) {
me.write(axis, input);
me.write(axis, me.autoHover(axis, input));
# SAS : Stability Augmentation System - a rate damper
var SAS = {
# new
# initial_gains: hash of initial gains for rate damping
# sensitivities: hash of minimum rates (deg/sec) that enables rate damper
# authority_limit: shows how much SAS can take over control
# 0 means no stability control, 1.0 means SAS fully takes over pilot control
# input_path: is a base path to input axis; nil for using raw input from KB/JS
# output_path: is a base path to output axis; nis for using /controls/flight/fcs
# with input_path / output_path, you can connect SAS, CAS, and more control filters
new : func(initial_gains, sensitivities, authority_limit, input_path, output_path) {
var obj = FCSFilter.new(input_path, output_path);
obj.parents = [FCSFilter, SAS];
obj.authority_limit = authority_limit;
obj.sensitivities = sensitivities;
obj.initial_gains = initial_gains;
props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/sas", 1).setValues(obj.initial_gains);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/sas-enabled", 1);
return obj;
toggleEnable : func() {
# calcGain - get gain for each axis based on air speed and dynamic pressure
# axis: one of 'roll', 'pitch', or 'yaw'
calcGain : func(axis) {
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var initial_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/sas/" ~ axis);
var gain = initial_gain - 0.1 * mach * mach;
if (math.abs(gain) < math.abs(initial_gain) * 0.01 or gain * initial_gain < 0) {
gain = initial_gain * 0.01;
return gain;
calcAuthorityLimit : func() {
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var min_mach = 0.038;
var limit = me.authority_limit;
if (math.abs(mach < min_mach)) {
limit += (min_mach - math.abs(mach)) / min_mach * (1 - me.authority_limit) * 0.95;
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/sas/authority-limit", limit);
return limit;
# apply - apply SAS damper to a given input axis
# axis: one of 'roll', 'pitch', or 'yaw'
apply : func(axis) {
var status = me.getStatus("sas");
var input = me.read(axis);
if (status == 0) {
me.write(axis, input);
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var value = 0;
var rate = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-rate-degps");
var gain = me.calcGain(axis);
var limit = me.calcAuthorityLimit();
if (math.abs(rate) >= me.sensitivities[axis]) {
value = - gain * rate;
if (value > limit) {
value = limit;
} elsif (value < - limit) {
value = - limit;
me.write(axis, value + input);
# CAS : Control Augmentation System - makes your aircraft more meneuverable
var CAS = {
new : func(input_gains, output_gains, sensitivities, input_path, output_path) {
var obj = FCSFilter.new(input_path, output_path);
obj.parents = [FCSFilter, CAS];
obj.sensitivities = sensitivities;
obj.input_gains = input_gains;
obj.output_gains = output_gains;
props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/input", 1).setValues(obj.input_gains);
props.globals.getNode("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output", 1).setValues(obj.output_gains);
setprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude", '');
setprop("/autopilot/locks/heading", '');
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas-enabled", 1);
return obj;
calcRollRateAdjustment : func {
var position = getprop("/orientation/roll-deg");
return math.abs(math.sin(position / 180 * math.pi)) / 6;
calcSideSlipAdjustment : func {
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var slip = getprop("/orientation/side-slip-deg");
if (mach < 0.015) { # works only if air speed > 10kt
slip = 0;
var anti_slip_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/anti-side-slip-gain");
var roll_deg = getprop("/orientation/roll-deg");
var gain_adjuster = me.min(math.abs(mach) / 0.060, 1) * me.limit(0.2 + math.sqrt(math.abs(roll_deg)/10), 3);
anti_slip_gain *= gain_adjuster;
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas/anti-side-slip", slip * anti_slip_gain);
return slip * anti_slip_gain;
# FIXME: command for CAS is just a temporal one
calcCommand: func (axis, input) {
var output = 0;
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var input_gain = me.calcGain(axis);
var output_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/" ~ axis);
var target_rate = input * input_gain;
var rate = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-rate-degps");
var drate = target_rate - rate;
var locks = {'pitch' : getprop("/autopilot/locks/altitude"),
'roll' : getprop("/autopilot/locks/heading")};
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas/target_" ~ axis ~ "rate", target_rate);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas/delta_" ~ axis, drate);
if (axis == 'roll' or axis == 'pitch') {
if (math.abs(input > 0.7) or locks[axis] != '') {
output = drate * output_gain;
} else {
output = me.calcAttitudeCommand(axis);
if (axis == 'roll' and math.abs(mach) < 0.035) {
# FIXME: I don't know if OH-1 has this one
output += me.calcCounterBodyFPS(axis, input, -0.8);
} elsif (axis == 'yaw') {
output = drate * output_gain + me.calcSideSlipAdjustment();
} else {
output = drate * output_gain;
return output;
toggleEnable : func() {
calcAttitudeCommand : func(axis) {
var input_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/input/attitude-" ~ axis);
var output_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/" ~ axis);
var brake_freq = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/" ~ axis ~ "-brake-freq");
var brake_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/output/" ~ axis ~ "-brake");
var trim = getprop("/controls/flight/" ~ me.axis_conv[axis] ~ "-trim");
var current_deg = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-deg");
var rate = getprop("/orientation/" ~ axis ~ "-rate-degps");
var target_deg = (me.read(axis) + trim) * input_gain;
var command_deg = 0;
if (target_deg != 0) {
command_deg = (0.094 * math.ln(math.abs(target_deg)) + 0.53) * target_deg;
var error_deg = command_deg - current_deg;
var brake_deg = (error_deg - rate / brake_freq) * math.abs(error_deg) * brake_gain;
if (command_deg > 0) {
brake_deg = me.min(brake_deg, 0);
} else {
brake_deg = me.max(brake_deg, 0);
var monitor_prefix = me.output_path ~ "/" ~ axis;
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-target_deg", target_deg);
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-error_deg", error_deg);
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-brake_deg", brake_deg);
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-deg", current_deg);
setprop(monitor_prefix ~ "-rate", -rate);
return (error_deg + brake_deg) * output_gain;
# FixMe: gain should be calculated using both speed and dynamic pressure
calcGain : func(axis) {
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var input_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/cas/input/" ~ axis);
var gain = input_gain;
if (axis == 'pitch') {
gain += 0.1 * mach * mach;
} elsif (axis== 'yaw') {
gain *= ((1 - mach) * (1 - mach));
if (gain * input_gain < 0.0 ) {
gain = 0;
return gain;
apply : func(axis) {
var input = me.read(axis);
var status = me.getStatus("cas");
var cas_command = 0;
# FIXME : hmm, a bit nasty. CAS should be enabled even with auto-hover....
if (status == 0 or (me.getStatus("auto-hover") == 1 and axis != 'yaw')) {
me.write(axis, input);
cas_command = me.calcCommand(axis, input);
me.write(axis, cas_command);
# Tail hstab, "stabilator," for stabilize the nose
var Stabilator = {
new : func() {
var obj = { parents : [Stabilator] };
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/stabilator", -1.8);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator", 1);
# 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160, 170, 180, .....
me.gainTable = [-0.9, -0.8, 0.1, -0.5, 0.0, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, -1.0];
return obj;
toggleManual : func {
var status = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator");
getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator", 1 - status);
apply : func(delta) {
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator", 0);
var value = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/stabilator");
getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/stabilator", value + delta);
calcPosition : func() {
var speed = getprop("/velocities/mach") / 0.001497219; # in knot
var index = int(math.abs(speed) / 10);
if (index >= size(me.gainTable) - 1) {
index = size(me.gainTable) - 2;
var mod = math.mod(int(math.abs(speed)), 10);
var position = me.gainTable[index] * ((10 - mod) / 10) + me.gainTable[index-1] * (mod) / 10;
if (speed < -20) {
position = - position;
return position;
update : func() {
var status = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/auto-stabilator");
if (status == 0) {
var gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/stabilator");
var mach = getprop("/velocities/mach");
var throttle = getprop("/controls/flight/throttle");
var stabilator_norm = 0;
stabilator_norm = me.calcPosition();
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/stabilator", stabilator_norm);
var TailRotorCollective = {
new : func(minimum=0.10, maximum=1.0, low_limit=0.00011, high_limit=0.0035) {
var obj = FCSFilter.new("/controls/engines/engine[1]", "/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor");
obj.parents = [FCSFilter, TailRotorCollective];
obj.adjuster = 0.0;
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/src-minimum", minimum);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/src-maximum", maximum);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/low-limit", low_limit);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/high-limit", high_limit);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/tail-rotor/error-adjuster-gain", -0.5);
return obj;
update : func() {
var throttle = me.read("throttle");
var pedal_pos_deg = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/yaw");
var cas_input = cas.read('yaw');
var cas_input_gain = cas.calcGain('yaw');
var target_rate = cas_input * cas_input_gain;
var rate = getprop("/orientation/yaw-rate-degps");
var error_rate = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/cas/delta_yaw");
var error_adjuster_gain = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/gains/tail-rotor/error-adjuster-gain");
var minimum = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/src-minimum");
var maximum = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/src-maximum");
var low_limit = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/low-limit");
var high_limit = getprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/high-limit");
var output = 0;
var range = maximum - minimum;
if (throttle < minimum) {
output = low_limit;
} elsif (throttle > maximum) {
output = high_limit;
} else {
output = low_limit + (throttle - minimum) / range * (high_limit - low_limit);
# CAS driven tail rotor thrust adjuster
me.adjuster = error_rate * error_adjuster_gain;
me.adjuster = me.limit(me.adjuster, 0.3);
output += me.adjuster;
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/error-rate", error_rate);
setprop("/controls/flight/fcs/tail-rotor/adjuster", me.adjuster);
me.write("throttle", output);
var sas = nil;
var cas = nil;
var afcs = nil;
var stabilator = nil;
var tail = nil;
var count = 0;
var sensitivities = {'roll' : 0.0, 'pitch' : 0.0, 'yaw' : 1.125 };
var sas_initial_gains = {'roll' : 0.0011, 'pitch' : -0.0042, 'yaw' : 0.004 };
var cas_input_gains = {'roll' : 30, 'pitch' : -60, 'yaw' : 30,
'attitude-roll' : 80, 'attitude-pitch' : -80 };
var cas_output_gains = {'roll' : 0.06, 'pitch' : -0.1, 'yaw' : 0.5,
'roll-brake-freq' : 10, 'pitch-brake-freq' : 3,
'roll-brake' : 0.4, 'pitch-brake' : 6,
'anti-side-slip-gain' : -4.5};
var update = func {
count += 1;
# AFCS, CAS, and SAS run at 60Hz
if (math.mod(count, 2) == 0) {
var initialize = func {
cas = CAS.new(cas_input_gains, cas_output_gains, sensitivities, nil, "/controls/flight/fcs/cas");
afcs = AFCS.new("/controls/flight/fcs/cas", "/controls/flight/fcs/afcs");
sas = SAS.new(sas_initial_gains, sensitivities, 3, "/controls/flight/fcs/afcs", "/controls/flight/fcs");
stabilator = Stabilator.new();
tail = TailRotorCollective.new();
setlistener("/rotors/main/cone-deg", update);
_setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", initialize);

Binary file not shown.


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Ressource/default.tail.jpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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View file

@ -1,120 +1,118 @@
// -*- mode: C; -*-
// Licence: GPL v2
// Author: Vivian Meazza.
#version 120
varying vec4 rawpos;
varying vec4 ecPosition;
varying vec3 VNormal;
varying vec3 Normal;
varying vec4 constantColor;
varying vec3 vViewVec;
varying vec3 reflVec;
varying vec4 Diffuse;
varying vec3 lightDir, halfVector;
varying float alpha, fogCoord;
uniform samplerCube Environment;
uniform sampler2D Rainbow;
uniform sampler2D BaseTex;
uniform sampler2D Fresnel;
uniform sampler2D Map;
uniform sampler3D Noise;
uniform float refl_correction;
uniform float rainbowiness;
uniform float fresneliness;
uniform float noisiness;
uniform float ambient_correction;
uniform float reflect_map;
void main (void)
if (!gl_FrontFacing) discard;
vec3 n, halfV;
float NdotL, NdotHV;
vec4 color = constantColor;
vec4 specular = vec4(0.0);
n = VNormal;
NdotL = max(0.0, dot(n, lightDir));
// calculate the specular light
if (NdotL > 0.0) {
color += Diffuse * NdotL;
halfV = normalize(halfVector);
NdotHV = max(dot(n, halfV), 0.0);
if (gl_FrontMaterial.shininess > 0.0)
specular.rgb = (gl_FrontMaterial.specular.rgb
* gl_LightSource[0].specular.rgb
* pow(NdotHV, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess));
color.a = alpha;
color = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 texel = texture2D(BaseTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
vec4 texelcolor = color * texel + specular;
// calculate the fog factor
float fogCoord = ecPosition.z;
const float LOG2 = 1.442695;
float fogFactor = exp2(-gl_Fog.density * gl_Fog.density * fogCoord * fogCoord * LOG2);
fogFactor = clamp(fogFactor, 0.0, 1.0);
if(gl_Fog.density == 1.0)
vec3 normal = normalize(VNormal);
vec3 viewVec = normalize(vViewVec);
// Map a rainbowish color
float v = dot(viewVec, normal);
vec4 rainbow = texture2D(Rainbow, vec2(v, 0.0));
// Map a fresnel effect
vec4 fresnel = texture2D(Fresnel, vec2(v, 0.0));
// map the refection of the environment
vec4 reflection = textureCube(Environment, reflVec);
// set the user shininess offse
float transparency_offset = clamp(refl_correction, -1.0, 1.0);
float reflFactor = 0.0;
if(reflect_map > 0){
// map the shininess of the object with user input
vec4 map = texture2D(Map, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
//float pam = (map.a * -2) + 1; //reverse map
reflFactor = map.a + transparency_offset;
} else {
// set the reflectivity proportional to shininess with user
// input
reflFactor = (gl_FrontMaterial.shininess / 128) + transparency_offset;
reflFactor = clamp(reflFactor, 0.0, 1.0);
// set ambient adjustment to remove bluiness with user input
float ambient_offset = clamp(ambient_correction, -1.0, 1.0);
vec4 ambient_Correction = vec4(gl_LightSource[0].ambient.rg, gl_LightSource[0].ambient.b * 0.6, 0.5) * ambient_offset ;
ambient_Correction = clamp(ambient_Correction, -1.0, 1.0);
// map noise vectore
vec4 noisevec = texture3D(Noise, rawpos.xyz);
// add fringing fresnel and rainbow effects and modulate by reflection
vec4 reflcolor = mix(reflection, rainbow, rainbowiness * v);
vec4 reflfrescolor = mix(reflcolor, fresnel, fresneliness * v);
vec4 noisecolor = mix(reflfrescolor, noisevec, noisiness);
vec4 raincolor = vec4(noisecolor.rgb, 1.0) * reflFactor;
vec4 mixedcolor = mix(texel, raincolor, reflFactor);
// the final reflection
vec4 reflColor = color * mixedcolor + specular + ambient_Correction ;
reflColor = clamp(reflColor, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = mix(gl_Fog.color, reflColor, fogFactor);
// -*- mode: C; -*-
// Licence: GPL v2
// Author: Vivian Meazza.
#version 120
varying vec4 rawpos;
varying vec4 ecPosition;
varying vec3 VNormal;
varying vec3 Normal;
varying vec4 constantColor;
varying vec3 vViewVec;
varying vec3 reflVec;
varying vec4 Diffuse;
varying vec3 lightDir, halfVector;
varying float alpha, fogCoord;
uniform samplerCube Environment;
uniform sampler2D Rainbow;
uniform sampler2D BaseTex;
uniform sampler2D Fresnel;
uniform sampler2D Map;
uniform sampler3D Noise;
uniform float refl_correction;
uniform float rainbowiness;
uniform float fresneliness;
uniform float noisiness;
uniform float ambient_correction;
uniform float reflect_map;
void main (void)
vec3 n, halfV;
float NdotL, NdotHV;
vec4 color = constantColor;
vec4 specular = vec4(0.0);
n = VNormal;
NdotL = max(0.0, dot(n, lightDir));
// calculate the specular light
if (NdotL > 0.0) {
color += Diffuse * NdotL;
halfV = normalize(halfVector);
NdotHV = max(dot(n, halfV), 0.0);
if (gl_FrontMaterial.shininess > 0.0)
specular.rgb = (gl_FrontMaterial.specular.rgb
* gl_LightSource[0].specular.rgb
* pow(NdotHV, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess));
color.a = alpha;
color = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 texel = texture2D(BaseTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
vec4 texelcolor = color * texel + specular;
// calculate the fog factor
float fogCoord = ecPosition.z;
const float LOG2 = 1.442695;
float fogFactor = exp2(-gl_Fog.density * gl_Fog.density * fogCoord * fogCoord * LOG2);
fogFactor = clamp(fogFactor, 0.0, 1.0);
if(gl_Fog.density == 1.0)
vec3 normal = normalize(VNormal);
vec3 viewVec = normalize(vViewVec);
// Map a rainbowish color
float v = dot(viewVec, normal);
vec4 rainbow = texture2D(Rainbow, vec2(v, 0.0));
// Map a fresnel effect
vec4 fresnel = texture2D(Fresnel, vec2(v, 0.0));
// map the refection of the environment
vec4 reflection = textureCube(Environment, reflVec);
// set the user shininess offse
float transparency_offset = clamp(refl_correction, -1.0, 1.0);
float reflFactor = 0.0;
if(reflect_map > 0){
// map the shininess of the object with user input
vec4 map = texture2D(Map, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
//float pam = (map.a * -2) + 1; //reverse map
reflFactor = map.a + transparency_offset;
} else {
// set the reflectivity proportional to shininess with user
// input
reflFactor = (gl_FrontMaterial.shininess / 128) + transparency_offset;
reflFactor = clamp(reflFactor, 0.0, 1.0);
// set ambient adjustment to remove bluiness with user input
float ambient_offset = clamp(ambient_correction, -1.0, 1.0);
vec4 ambient_Correction = vec4(gl_LightSource[0].ambient.rg, gl_LightSource[0].ambient.b * 0.6, 0.5) * ambient_offset ;
ambient_Correction = clamp(ambient_Correction, -1.0, 1.0);
// map noise vectore
vec4 noisevec = texture3D(Noise, rawpos.xyz);
// add fringing fresnel and rainbow effects and modulate by reflection
vec4 reflcolor = mix(reflection, rainbow, rainbowiness * v);
vec4 reflfrescolor = mix(reflcolor, fresnel, fresneliness * v);
vec4 noisecolor = mix(reflfrescolor, noisevec, noisiness);
vec4 raincolor = vec4(noisecolor.rgb, 1.0) * reflFactor;
vec4 mixedcolor = mix(texel, raincolor, reflFactor);
// the final reflection
vec4 reflColor = color * mixedcolor + specular + ambient_Correction ;
reflColor = clamp(reflColor, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = mix(gl_Fog.color, reflColor, fogFactor);

Sounds/GE-M134.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/HOT.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/R-1535Slow.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/TC1.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/blade_vortex.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/ec135_rotor.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/ec135_rotor_in.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/ec135_rotor_out.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/ec135_shut_ec_in.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/ec_rotor_in.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/ec_rotor_out2.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/fenestron_ec135.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/flight_ec135_out.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/idle_ec135_out.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/rotor_stall.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/sound.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
thanks to the SAR simulation (GPL) for the helicopter sounds,
and the Urban game (LGPL) for the weapon sounds
+x = aft
+y = left
+z = up
<name>650 Hz</name>
<name>2600 Hz</name>
<name>ground contact</name>
<name>ground contact</name>
<name>ground contact</name>
<name>ground contact</name>
<name>ground contact</name>
<name>ground contact</name>
<name>skid sliding1</name>
<name>skid sliding2</name>
<name>skid sliding3</name>
<name>skid sliding4</name>
<name>intense ground contact</name>
<name>close right frontdoor</name>
<name>close left frontdoor</name>
<name>close right backdoor</name>
<name>close left backdoor</name>
<name>close right reardoor</name>
<name>close left reardoor</name>

Sounds/starter_loop.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/starter_start.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/starter_stop.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/strt_ec135_out2.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/warn2600.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Sounds/warn650.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

instrumentation/FDM1.rgb Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 618 KiB

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 85 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.5 KiB

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 68 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Standby Gyro
Syd Adams

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 109 KiB

instrumentation/alt/alt2.ac Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 151 KiB

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
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instrumentation/alt/vsi.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 106 KiB

instrumentation/alt2/alt2.ac Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 151 KiB

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 104 KiB

instrumentation/asi/asi.ac Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

instrumentation/asi/asi.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 78 KiB

instrumentation/asi/asi.xml Normal file
View file

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<ind> 70</ind>
<ind> 80</ind>
<ind> 90</ind>
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<ind> 150</ind>
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$Id: hsi-bk-hi.xml,v 1.1 2007/06/03 14:58:44 mfranz Exp $
This is the Bendix/King KI252 HSI 3d instrument.
Maintainer: Torsten Dreyer
$Log: hsi-bk-hi.xml,v $
Revision 1.1 2007/06/03 14:58:44 mfranz
Heiko SCHULZ: EC135 v0.2
Revision 1.2 2006-11-23 14:27:03 mfranz
Torsten DREYER:
- Added instruments lights for night flights
- Addes flashing strobe effect in clouds at night
- OBS knob on vor2 clickable
- subscale knob on altimeter clickable
- changes on aircraft 3d-model
- Fixed bug in HSI, wrong deflection of glideslope indicator and
transparency issue
- Added Roberto Inzerillo's nice nose gear and animations, new main gear
Revision 1.1 2006-06-01 12:58:33 mfranz
Torsten Dreyer: version 0.3 of the PA34-200T Seneca II (2006.05.30)
<!-- fixme: whould be nicer to have a rotation bound to spin -->
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Syd Adams
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7 0.0206365585327 0.145992994308
9 0.139534652233 0.0253906790167
11 0.338432312012 0.0253906194121
SURF 0x00
mat 1
refs 4
4 0.020636677742 0.851326942444
5 0.45733076334 0.851326525211
15 0.338432490826 0.971928715706
13 0.139534711838 0.971929192543
SURF 0x00
mat 1
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11 0.338432312012 0.0253906194121
9 0.139534652233 0.0253906790167
8 0.139534652233 0.0253909472376
SURF 0x00
mat 1
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13 0.139534711838 0.971929192543
15 0.338432490826 0.971928715706
14 0.338432490826 0.971929192543
SURF 0x00
mat 1
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4 0.020636677742 0.851326942444
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17 0.291848778725 0.714339256287
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mat 1
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5 0.45733076334 0.851326525211
17 0.291848778725 0.714339256287
18 0.291848599911 0.242245286703
SURF 0x00
mat 1
refs 4
7 0.0206365585327 0.145992994308
6 0.457330405712 0.145992904902
18 0.291848599911 0.242245286703
19 0.0811777710915 0.242245346308
SURF 0x00
mat 1
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4 0.020636677742 0.851326942444
7 0.0206365585327 0.145992994308
19 0.0811777710915 0.242245346308
16 0.0811778306961 0.71433955431
kids 0

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Syd Adams
*** requires kfc200.nas to run ***
<!-- Altitude Select -->
<!-- OSG animations
if(getprop("instrumentation/kfc200/vnav")!= 1){

View file

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
#### Bendix-King KFC-200 Flight Director ####
# HDG ...heading hold
# FD ..... flightdirector on/off
# ALT ....altitude arm
# NAV ...VOR / LOC arm
# BC ....LOC back course
# APPR ... LOC / GS arm
#### lnav ####
# 0 = wingleveler
# 1 = heading hold
# 2 = NAV arm
# 3 = NAV cap
# 4 = APPR arm
# 5 = APPR cap
#### vnav ####
# 0 = pitch hold
# 1 = ALT arm
# 2 = ALT cap
# 3 = GS arm
# 4 = GS cap
var L_list=["wing-leveler","dg-heading-hold","dg-heading-hold","nav1-hold","dg-heading-hold","nav1-hold","dg-heading-hold","nav1-hold"];
var V_list=["pitch-hold","pitch-hold","altitude-hold","pitch-hold","gs1-hold"];
var fdprop = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/kfc200",1);
var lnav = 0;
var vnav = 0;
var current_alt=0.0;
var alt_select = 0.0;
var DH = 0;
var HASGS = "/instrumentation/nav/has-gs";
var NAVLOC = "/instrumentation/nav/nav-loc";
var NAVDST = "/instrumentation/nav/nav-dist";
var NAVRNG = "/instrumentation/nav/in-range";
var HDEFL = "/instrumentation/nav/heading-needle-deflection";
var GSDEFL = "/instrumentation/nav/gs-needle-deflection";
var BC = "/instrumentation/nav/back-course-btn";
var HDG = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/locks/heading",1);
var ALT = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/locks/altitude",1);
var SPD = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/locks/speed",1);
var SRVC = 0;
setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func {
DH = getprop("/autopilot/route-manager/min-lock-altitude-agl-ft");
alt_select = 0;
print("KFC-200 ... Check");
setlistener("/instrumentation/kfc200/fd-on", func(fd){
var fdON = fd.getBoolValue();
setlistener("/autopilot/locks/passive-mode", func(ap){
setlistener("/instrumentation/kfc200/serviceable", func(srv){
alt_select = at.getValue();
DH = dh.getValue();
if(SRVC == 0)return;
lnav = ln.getValue();
if(lnav == 4){
setlistener("/instrumentation/kfc200/vnav", func(vn){
if(SRVC == 0)return;
vnav = vn.getValue();
var clear_ap = func {
vnav = 0;
#### PITCH TRIM = 1 degree per second ####
var pitch_trim = func {
var temp_pitch = getprop("autopilot/settings/target-pitch-deg");
var FR =getprop("sim/frame-rate");
if(FR > 0){
var trim = (1/FR) * arg[0];
setprop("autopilot/settings/target-pitch-deg",temp_pitch + trim);
#### ALTITUDE TRIM = 600 fpm ####
var alt_trim = func {
var temp_alt = getprop("autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft");
var FR =getprop("sim/frame-rate");
if(FR > 0){
var trim = (10/FR) * arg[0];
setprop("autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft",temp_alt + trim);
var update_nav = func {
if(SRVC == 1){
var inrange= getprop(NAVRNG);
if(lnav == 2 or lnav == 4){
var DF = getprop(HDEFL);
if(DF > -9 and DF < 9){
setprop("/instrumentation/kfc200/lnav",lnav + 1);
if(lnav ==5){
if(getprop("instrumentation/nav/gs-distance") < 25000){
var GS1 = getprop(GSDEFL);
if( GS1< 1.0 and GS1 > -1.0){vnav = 4;
if(vnav == 1){
var offset = get_altoffset();
if(offset > -990 and offset < 990){
setprop("/instrumentation/kfc200/vnav",vnav + 1);
var get_altoffset = func(){
current_alt = getprop("/instrumentation/altimeter/pressure-alt-ft");
var offset = (current_alt - alt_select);
var alert =0;
if(offset > -1000 and offset < -1000){
if(offset < -300 and offset > 300)alert = 1;
var update = func {
var PT = getprop("instrumentation/kfc200/pitch-trim");
var AT = getprop("instrumentation/kfc200/alt-trim");
if(PT !=0)pitch_trim(PT);
if(getprop("/position/altitude-agl-ft") < DH){
settimer(update, 0);

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