diff --git a/Effects/water.eff b/Effects/water.eff
index 88bacb034..31ee0369a 100644
--- a/Effects/water.eff
+++ b/Effects/water.eff
@@ -298,6 +298,27 @@
+			<texture-unit>
+			<unit>4</unit>
+               			 <image>
+                   		 <use>texture[7]/image</use>
+                		</image>
+				<type>
+					<use>texture[7]/type</use>
+				</type>
+                		<filter>
+                   			 <use>texture[7]/filter</use>
+                		</filter>
+               			<wrap-s>
+                    			<use>texture[7]/wrap-s</use>
+                		</wrap-s>
+                		<wrap-t>
+                    			<use>texture[7]/wrap-t</use>
+                		</wrap-t>
+                		<internal-format>
+                    			<use>texture[7]/internal-format</use>
+                		</internal-format>
+            		</texture-unit>
@@ -402,6 +423,11 @@
 				<value type="int">3</value>
+			<uniform>
+				<name>topo_map</name>
+				<type>sampler-2d</type>
+				<value type="int">4</value>
+			</uniform>
diff --git a/Shaders/water_lightfield.frag b/Shaders/water_lightfield.frag
index 9eb8eb5c0..ff8dd59c6 100644
--- a/Shaders/water_lightfield.frag
+++ b/Shaders/water_lightfield.frag
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ uniform sampler2D water_dudvmap;
 uniform sampler2D sea_foam;
 uniform sampler2D perlin_normalmap;
 uniform sampler2D ice_texture;
+uniform sampler2D topo_map;
 uniform sampler3D Noise;
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ varying vec3 viewerdir;
 varying vec3 lightdir;
 varying vec3 relPos;
 varying vec3 rawPos;
+varying vec2 TopoUV;
 varying float earthShade;
 varying float yprime_alt;
@@ -284,7 +287,7 @@ void main(void)
-        vec3 shadedFogColor = vec3(0.65, 0.67, 0.78);
+    vec3 shadedFogColor = vec3(0.65, 0.67, 0.78);
 	float effective_scattering = min(scattering, cloud_self_shading);
 	float dist = length(relPos);
@@ -298,6 +301,11 @@ void main(void)
 	float noise_2000m = Noise3D(rawPos.xyz,2000.0);
 	float noise_2500m = Noise3D(rawPos.xyz, 2500.0);
+	// get depth map
+	vec4 topoTexel = texture2D(topo_map, TopoUV);
+    float floorMixFactor = smoothstep(0.3, 0.985, topoTexel.a);
+	vec3 floorColour = topoTexel.rgb;
 	mat4 RotationMatrix;
 	// compute direction to viewer
@@ -443,7 +451,17 @@ void main(void)
 	refl.a = 1.0; 
 	refl.g = refl.g * (0.9 + 0.2* noise_2500m);
+	if (ocean_flag ==1) // use depth information
+		{
+		refl.rgb = mix(refl.rgb, 0.65* floorColour, floorMixFactor);
+		refl.rgb = refl.rgb * (0.5 + 0.5 * smoothstep(0.0,0.3,topoTexel.a));
+		}
+	else 
+		{
+		refl.rgb = 1.3 * refl.rgb;
+		}
 	float intensity;
 	// de-saturate for reduced light
 	refl.rgb = mix(refl.rgb,  vec3 (0.248, 0.248, 0.248), 1.0 - smoothstep(0.1, 0.8, ground_scattering)); 
diff --git a/Shaders/water_lightfield.vert b/Shaders/water_lightfield.vert
index 1c014d943..65084d392 100644
--- a/Shaders/water_lightfield.vert
+++ b/Shaders/water_lightfield.vert
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ varying vec4 waterTex2;
 varying vec4 waterTex4;
 varying vec3 relPos;
 varying vec3 rawPos;
+varying vec2 TopoUV;
 varying vec3 viewerdir;
 varying vec3 lightdir;
@@ -36,6 +37,14 @@ uniform int ocean_flag;
 uniform mat4 osg_ViewMatrixInverse;
+// constants for the cartesian to geodetic conversion.
+const float a = 6378137.0;                  //float a = equRad;
+const float squash = 0.9966471893352525192801545;
+const float latAdjust = 0.9999074159800018; //geotiff source for the depth map
+const float lonAdjust = 0.9999537058469516; //actual extents: +-180.008333333333326/+-90.008333333333340
 vec3 specular_light;
 // This is the value used in the skydome scattering shader - use the same here for consistency?
@@ -234,6 +243,46 @@ else // the faster, full-day version without lightfields
+// Geodesy lookup for depth map
+	float e2 = abs(1.0 - squash * squash);
+	float ra2 = 1.0/(a * a);
+	float e4 = e2 * e2;
+	float XXpYY = rawPos.x * rawPos.x + rawPos.y * rawPos.y;
+	float Z = rawPos.z;
+	float sqrtXXpYY = sqrt(XXpYY);
+	float p = XXpYY * ra2;
+	float q = Z*Z*(1.0-e2)*ra2;
+	float r = 1.0/6.0*(p + q - e4);
+	float s = e4 * p * q/(4.0*r*r*r);
+	if ( s >= 2.0 && s <= 0.0)
+		s = 0.0;
+	float t = pow(1.0+s+sqrt(s*2.0+s*s), 1.0/3.0);
+	float u = r + r*t + r/t;
+	float v = sqrt(u*u + e4*q);
+	float w = (e2*u+ e2*v-e2*q)/(2.0*v);
+	float k = sqrt(u+v+w*w)-w;
+	float D = k*sqrtXXpYY/(k+e2);
+	vec2 NormPosXY = normalize(rawPos.xy);
+	vec2 NormPosXZ = normalize(vec2(D, rawPos.z));
+	float signS = sign(rawPos.y);
+	if (-0.00015 <= rawPos.y && rawPos.y<=.00015)
+		signS = 1.0;
+	float signT = sign(rawPos.z);
+	if (-0.0002 <= rawPos.z && rawPos.z<=.0002)
+		signT = 1.0;
+	float cosLon = dot(NormPosXY, vec2(1.0,0.0));
+	float cosLat = dot(abs(NormPosXZ), vec2(1.0,0.0));
+	TopoUV.s = signS * lonAdjust * degrees(acos(cosLon))/180.;
+	TopoUV.t = signT * latAdjust * degrees(acos(cosLat))/90.;
+	TopoUV.s = TopoUV.s * 0.5 + 0.5;
+	TopoUV.t = TopoUV.t * 0.5 + 0.5;
 gl_FrontColor.rgb = specular_light;
 gl_BackColor.rgb = gl_FrontColor.rgb;