From 462341de9973924471cb6371c31f4368c81f4a96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: James Turner Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 14:25:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add Slovak translations Contributed by Dusan Kazik --- Translations/sk/FlightGear-Qt.xlf | 938 ++++++++++++++------------- Translations/sk/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf | 742 ++++++++++----------- 2 files changed, 842 insertions(+), 838 deletions(-) diff --git a/Translations/sk/FlightGear-Qt.xlf b/Translations/sk/FlightGear-Qt.xlf index 40648a7d4..9fb407ac4 100644 --- a/Translations/sk/FlightGear-Qt.xlf +++ b/Translations/sk/FlightGear-Qt.xlf @@ -1,2155 +1,2159 @@ - + Install scenery - + Inštalácia scenérie - <html><head/><body><p>The easiest way to automatically install scenery is to use TerraSync. If you prefer to download and install scenery manually, you can use this dialog to extract and install the files in the correct place. (<a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Click here to download scenery</span></a>)</p><p>Files will be extracted and installed to a 'Scenery' folder inside your chosen downloads location (currently %1), after which you can delete the archives if you wish.</p><p>To begin, click 'Next' and select one or more downloaded scenery archives, which have names such as 'w010n40.tar.gz'</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>The easiest way to automatically install scenery is to use TerraSync. If you prefer to download and install scenery manually, you can use this dialog to extract and install the files in the correct place. (<a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Click here to download scenery</span></a>)</p><p>Files will be extracted and installed to a 'Scenery' folder inside your chosen downloads location (currently %1), after which you can delete the archives if you wish.</p><p>To begin, click 'Next' and select one or more downloaded scenery archives, which have names such as 'w010n40.tar.gz'</p></body></html> + Please wait, verifying and extracting scenery... - + Prosím, čakajte. Overuje a rozbaľuje sa scenéria... TextLabel - + - Successfully installed the scenery files to '%1'. This location will be added to the list of additional sceneries to be used. - + Successfully installed the scenery files to '%1'. This location will be added to the list of additional sceneries to be used. + - + Add - + Pridať 18 - + Hangar URL: - + 44 Cancel - + Zrušiť 65 Add hangar - + 77 - Failed to find a hangar description at the URL: '%1'. Check you entered the URL correctly. - + Failed to find a hangar description at the URL: '%1'. Check you entered the URL correctly. + 129 Access to the hangar data was forbidden by the server. Please check the URL you entered, or contact the hangar authors. - + 132 Failed to download from the server due to a network problem. Check your Internet connection is working, and that you entered the correct URL. - + 135 The hangar you requested is for a different version of FlightGear. (This is version %1) - + 138 The requested hangar seems to be invalid (damaged or incomplete). Please contact the hangar authors, or try again later - + 142 Click here to add a new aircraft hangar. (Note this requires an Internet connection) - + 153 Enter a hangar location (URL) to add. - + 161 Retrieving hangar information... - + 169 There was a problem adding the hangar: %1. - + 178 - + Aircraft hangars - + 50 Aircraft hangars are managed collections of aircraft, which can be downloaded, installed and updated inside FlightGear. - + 51 The official FlightGear aircraft hangar is not set up. To add it, click here. - + 78 Additional aircraft folders - + Priečinky s dodatočnými lietadlami 101 To use aircraft you download yourself, FlightGear needs to know the folder(s) containing the aircraft data. - + 102 - Remove the aircraft folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed) - + Remove the aircraft folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed) + 125 No custom aircraft paths are configured. - + Nie sú nastavené žiadne vlastné cesty k lietadlám. 135 Add-on Module folders - + 152 To use Add-on Modules that you download yourself, FlightGear needs to know the folder(s) containing the Add-on Modules. - + 153 - Remove the add-on module folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed) - + Remove the add-on module folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed) + 181 No custom add-on module paths are configured. - + Nie sú nastavené žiadne vlastné cesty k doplnkovým modulom. 206 Additional scenery folders - + Priečinky s dodatočnou scenériou 223 To use scenery you download yourself, FlightGear needs to know the folders containing the scenery data. Adjust the order of the list to control which scenery is used in a region. - + 224 - Remove the scenery folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed) - + Remove the scenery folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed) + 249 No custom scenery paths are configured. - + Nie sú nastavené žiadne vlastné cesty k scenérii. 259 Install add-on scenery - + Inštalovať doplnok scenérie 269 - If you have downloaded scenery manually from the official FlightGear website, you can use this button to extract and install it into a suitable folder. (Scenery downloaded this way should have a file name such as 'w40n020.tar.gz') - + If you have downloaded scenery manually from the official FlightGear website, you can use this button to extract and install it into a suitable folder. (Scenery downloaded this way should have a file name such as 'w40n020.tar.gz') + 292 - + %1 %2 - + %1 %2 18 Remove - + Odstrániť 116 Cancel - + Zrušiť 117 - + %1: %2 - + %1: %2 30 Website - + Webová stránka 138 Support and issue reporting - + Podpora a hlásenie chýb 144 Download - + Prevziať 150 - + Show more - + Zobraziť viac 17 Show less - + Zobraziť menej 25 - + URI: %1 Local path: %2 - + URI: %1 +Miestna cesta: %2 28 - + by %1 - + od %1 107 Website - + Webová stránka 125 Support and issue reporting - + Podpora a hlásenie chýb 131 Wikipedia - + Wikipedia 137 Ratings: - + Hodnotenia: 182 Flight model - + Letecký model 187 Systems - + Systémy 195 Cockpit - + Kabína 208 Exterior - + Exteriér 216 Local file location: %1 - + Umiestnenie miestneho súboru: %1 226 - + Install - + Inštalovať 46 Uninstall - + Odinštalovať 60 195 Update - + Aktualizovať 74 Queued - + Vo fronte 93 Cancel - + Zrušiť 94 111 196 Downloading - + Preberanie 110 Are you sure you want to uninstall this aircraft? - + Naozaj chcete odinštalovať toto lietadlo? 193 - + Install - + Inštalovať 64 - + Installed Aircraft - + Nainštalované lietadlá 45 Favourites - + Obľúbené 55 Browse - + Prehliadať 65 Updates - + Aktualizácie 76 No aircraft updates available right now - + Momentálne nie sú dostupné žiadne aktualizácie lietadiel 187 - + Filter using ratings - + Filtrovať podľa hodnotení 21 Adjust minimum ratings - + Upraviť minimálne hodnotenia 39 Aircraft are rated by the community based on four critiera, on a scale from one to five. The ratings are designed to help make an informed guess how complete and functional an aircraft is. - + Lietadlá sú hodnotené komunitou na základe štyroch kritérií, v stupnici od jedna po päť. Hodnotenia majú slúžiť ako pomôcka na informovanie, na koľko je lietadlo dokončené a funkčné. 78 Minimum flight-model (FDM) rating: - + Minimálne hodnotenie letového modelu (FDM): 87 Minimum systems rating - + Minimálne hodnotenie systémov 93 Minimum cockpit visual rating - + Minimálne hodnotenie vizualizácie kabíny 99 Minimum exterial visual model rating - + Minimálne hodnotenie vizualizácie vonkajšieho modelu 105 - + This hangar is currently disabled due to a problem. Click here to try updating the hangar information from the server. (An Internet connection is required for this) - + 87 Remove - + Odstrániť 127 Cancel - + Zrušiť 128 Remove this hangar? (Downloaded aircraft will be deleted from your computer) - + Odstrániť tento hangár? (Prevzaté lietadlá budú odstránené z vášho počítača) 130 - + Move up - + Presunúť nahor 51 Move down - + Presunúť nadol 51 - + Time & Date - + Čas a dátum 30 Time of day - + Čas dňa 37 Select the time of day used when the simulator starts, or enter a custom date and time. - + Vyberte čas dňa, ktorý sa použije po spustení simulátora, alebo zadajte vlastný dátum a čas. 38 Current time - + Aktuálny čas 40 Dawn - + Úsvit 40 Morning - + Ráno 40 Noon - + Poludnie 40 Afternoon - + Popoludnie 41 Dusk - + Súmrak 41 Evening - + Večer 41 Midnight - + Polnoc 42 Custom time & date - + Vlastný čas a dátum 42 64 Enter a date and time to begin the flight at. By default this is in local time for the chosen starting location - use the option below to request a time in GMT / UTC. - + 66 Custom time is GMT / UTC - + Vlastný čas je GMT / UTC 74 Season - + Obdobie 81 Select if normal (summer) or winter textures are used for the scenery. This does not affect other aspects of the simulation at present, such as icing or weather simulation - + 82 Summer (default) - + Leto (predvolené) 86 Winter - + Zima 86 Weather - + Počasie 113 Advanced weather modelling - + Pokročilé modelovanie počasia 119 Detailed weather simulation based on local terrain and atmospheric simulation. Note that using advanced weather with real-world weather data (METAR) information may not show exactly the conditions recorded, and is not recommended for multi-player flight since the weather simulation is not shared over the network. - + 120 Real-world weather - + Skutočné počasie 130 Download real-world weather from the NOAA servers based on location. - + 131 Weather scenario - + Scenár počasia 139 METAR - + METAR 159 - Enter a custom METAR string, e.g: '%1' - + Enter a custom METAR string, e.g: '%1' + Zadajte vlastný reťazec vo formáte METAR, napr.: '%1' 163 - The entered METAR string doesn't seem to be valid. - + The entered METAR string doesn't seem to be valid. + Zdá sa, že zadaný reťazec vo formáte METAR nie je platný. 164 advanced weather - + pokročilé počasie 231 real-world weather - + skutočné počasie 232 - + Fly with a flight-plan - + Letieť s letovým plánom 46 Load - + Načítať 56 Save - + Uložiť 71 Clear - + Vymazať 76 Aircraft & flight information - + Informácie o lietadle a lete 85 Callsign / Flight No. - + Volacia značka / číslo letu 97 Aircraft type: - + Typ lietadla: 116 Flight rules: - + Pravidlá letu: 138 Flight type: - + Typ letu: 154 Scheduled - + Naplánovaný 155 Non-scheduled - + Nenaplánovaný 156 General aviation - + Bežný let 157 Military - + Vojenský 158 Other - + Iný 159 Wake turbulence category: - + 178 Light - + Svetlý 179 Medium - + Stredná 180 Heavy - + 181 Jumbo - + Jumbo 182 Route - + 190 281 Departure airport: - + Odlet z letiska: 201 Departure time: - + Čas odletu: 225 - The flight-plan departure airport (%1) is different to the initial location (%2). Click here to set the initial location to the flight-plan's airport. - + The flight-plan departure airport (%1) is different to the initial location (%2). Click here to set the initial location to the flight-plan's airport. + 238 Cruise speed: - + 257 Cruise altitude: - + 272 Generate route - + Vygenerovať trasu 301 Using - + 314 High-level (Jet) airways - + 315 Low-level (Victor) airways - + 316 High- & low-level airways - + 317 View route - + Zobraziť trasu 322 Clear route - + Vymazať trasu 331 Destination airport: - + Cieľové letisko: 359 Estimated enroute time: - + 380 Total distance: %1 - + Celková vzdialenosť: %1 395 Alternate airport: - + Alternatívne letisko: 406 Additional information - + Dodatočné informácie 425 Remarks - + 431 - + Switch to grid view - + Prepnúť na zobrazenie mriežky 40 Switch to list view - + Prepnúť na zobrazenie zoznamu 41 - + Summary - + Súhrn 10 33 Aircraft - + Lietadlo 11 34 Location - + Umiestnenie 14 37 Location page disabled due to conflicting user arguments (in Settings) - + 17 Environment - + Prostredie 24 Settings - + Nastavenia 25 Add-ons - + Doplnky 27 Open saved configuration... - + Otvoriť uloženú konfiguráciu... 159 Save configuration as... - + Uložiť konfiguráciu ako... 161 Flight-planning - + Plánovanie letu 164 View command line - + Zobraziť príkazový riadok 166 Select data files location... - + Vybrať umiestnenie súborov s údajmi... 167 Restore default settings... - + Obnoviť predvolené nastavenia... 168 Quit - + Ukončiť 170 - + Location - + Umiestnenie 182 Search for an airport or navaid - + 201 Enter the name, partial name or ident of a navaid or fix, or an airport name or ICAO identifier. Alternatively, enter a latitude & longitude: for example 53.4,-3.4 or 18.4S, 87.23W - + 250 Searching - + Vyhľadáva sa 281 - No results for found search '%1' - + No results for found search '%1' + 301 < Back - + 332 - + Heliport: - + 97 Airport: - + Letisko: 98 Pad - + 116 Runway - + Dráha 116 Active - + Aktívne 126 On final approach - + 180 At - + 197 from the threshold - + 205 Airspeed: - + 224 Tune navigation radio (NAV1) to runway localizer - + 249 Parking - + 276 Available - + Dostupné 286 - + Altitude: - + Nadmorská výška: 28 - + Carrier: %1 - + Dopravca: %1 76 On final approach - + 102 Abeam carrier at 180 degrees - + 129 at - + 153 from the FLOLS (aka the ball) - + 161 Airspeed: - + 180 On deck - + 222 Tune navigation radio (TACAN) to carrier - + 263 - + Position: %1 - + Pozícia: %1 68 Navaid: %1 / %2 - + 74 Airspeed: - + 90 Heading: - + Smer: 112 Offset - + Posun 132 on bearing - + 151 - + - The official FlightGear aircraft hangar is not added, so many standard aircraft will not be available. You can add the hangar now, or hide this message. The offical hangar can always be restored from the 'Add-Ons' page. - + The official FlightGear aircraft hangar is not added, so many standard aircraft will not be available. You can add the hangar now, or hide this message. The offical hangar can always be restored from the 'Add-Ons' page. + 27 Adding hangar - + Pridáva sa hangár 37 Add default hangar - + Pridať predvolený hangár 38 Hide - + Skryť 46 - + Remove - + Odstrániť 115 Cancel - + Zrušiť 116 - + Previous Leg - + 19 Next Leg - + 31 - + - at %1' - + at %1' + 86 - above %1' - + above %1' + 89 - below %1' - + below %1' + 92 - + Search - + Hľadať 11 - + - Enter additional command-line arguments if any are required. See <a href="">here</a> for documentation on possible arguments. <br><b>Warning:</b> values entered here always override other settings; <a href="#view-command-line">click here</a> to view the final set of arguments that will be used - + Enter additional command-line arguments if any are required. See <a href="">here</a> for documentation on possible arguments. <br><b>Warning:</b> values entered here always override other settings; <a href="#view-command-line">click here</a> to view the final set of arguments that will be used + 23 - <b>Warning:</b> specifying <tt>fg-root</tt>, <tt>fg-aircraft</tt>, <tt>fg-scenery</tt> or <tt>fg-home</tt> using this section is not recommended, and may cause problem or prevent the simulator from running. Please use the add-ons page to setup scenery and aircrft directories, and the 'Select data files location' menu item to change the root data directory. - + <b>Warning:</b> specifying <tt>fg-root</tt>, <tt>fg-aircraft</tt>, <tt>fg-scenery</tt> or <tt>fg-home</tt> using this section is not recommended, and may cause problem or prevent the simulator from running. Please use the add-ons page to setup scenery and aircrft directories, and the 'Select data files location' menu item to change the root data directory. + 47 <b>Note:</b> you have entered arguments relating to the startup location below. To prevent problems caused by conflicting settings, the values entered on the location page (for example, airport or altitude) will be ignored. - + 58 - + %1 (default) - + %1 (predvolené) 45 Change - + Zmeniť 60 Use default - + 74 - + Settings - + Nastavenia 49 General - + Všeobecné 76 Start paused - + Spustiť pozastavené 90 Automatically pause the simulator when launching. This is useful when starting in the air. - + Automaticky pozastaví simulátor po spustení. To je užitočné pri začínaní vo vzduchu. 91 Enable auto-coordination - + 100 - When flying with the mouse, or a joystick lacking a rudder axis, it's difficult to manually coordinate aileron and rudder movements during turn. This option automatically commands the rudder to maintain zero slip angle when banking - + When flying with the mouse, or a joystick lacking a rudder axis, it's difficult to manually coordinate aileron and rudder movements during turn. This option automatically commands the rudder to maintain zero slip angle when banking + 101 Show debugging console - + 113 Open a console window showing debug output from the application. - + 114 Multi-player - + Hra s viacerými hráčmi 129 Connect to the multi-player network - + Pripojiť sa k sieti s viacerými hráčmi 144 FlightGear supporters maintain a network of servers to enable global multi-user flight. This requires a moderately fast Internet connection to be usable. Your aircraft will be visible to other users online, and you will see their aircraft. - + 145 Callsign - + 161 Enter a callsign you will use online. This is visible to all users and is how ATC services and other pilots will refer to you. (Maximum of seven characters permitted) - + 162 Server - + Server 177 Select a server close to you for better responsiveness and reduced lag when flying online. - + 179 Custom server - + Vlastný server 218 - Enter a server hostname or IP address, and optionally a port number. (Default port is 5000) For example 'localhost:5001' - + Enter a server hostname or IP address, and optionally a port number. (Default port is 5000) For example 'localhost:5001' + 220 Downloads - + Preberania 268 Download scenery automatically - + Preberať scenériu automaticky 282 FlightGear can automatically download scenery as needed, and check for updates to the scenery. If you disable this option, you will need to download & install scenery using an alternative method. - + Simulátor FlightGear môže automaticky preberať scenériu podľa potreby a kontrolovať jej aktualizácie. Ak zakážete túto voľbu, budete musieť prevziať a nainštalovať scenériu pomocou alternatívneho spôsobu. 283 Download location - + 298 FlightGear stores downloaded files (scenery and aircraft) in this location. Depending on your settings, it may grow to a considerable size (many gigabytes). If you change the download location, files will need to be downloaded again. When changing this setting, FlightGear will restart to use the new location correctly. - + 299 Choose a location to store download files. - + Výber umiestnenia pre prevzaté súbory. 306 View & Window - + 341 Start full-screen - + 355 Start the simulator in full-screen mode. - + 356 Window size - + Veľkosť okna 364 Select the initial size of the window (this has no effect in full-screen mode). - + 365 Custom Size - + Vlastná veľkosť 367 Custom size - + 378 - Enter a custom window size in the form 'WWWWW x HHHHH', for example '1280 x 900' - + Enter a custom window size in the form 'WWWWW x HHHHH', for example '1280 x 900' + Zadajte vlastnú veľkosť okna vo formáte "ŠŠŠŠŠ x VVVVV", napríklad "1280 x 900" 380 Rendering - + Vykresľovanie 400 Rembrandt - + Rembrandt 411 423 anti-aliasing - + 413 Renderer - + Vykresľovač 420 Default - + Predvolený 421 Atmospheric Light Scattering - + 422 The default renderer provides standard visuals with maximum compatibility. - + 429 The ALS renderer uses a sophisticated physical atmospheric model and several other effects to give realistic rendering of large distances. - + 430 Rembrandt is a configurable multi-pass renderer which supports shadow-maps, cinematic effects and more. However, not all aircraft appear correctly and performance will depend greatly on your system hardware. - + 432 Anti-aliasing - + 442 Anti-aliasing is disabled when Rembrandt is enabled. - + 444 Anti-aliasing improves the appearance of high-contrast edges and lines. This is especially noticeable on sloping or diagonal edges. Higher settings can reduce performance. - + 445 Off - + Vypnuté 449 Cache graphics for faster loading - + 462 By converting images used in rendering to an optimised format loading times and memory use can be improved. This will consume some disk space and take initial time while images are converted, but subsequent loads will be faster, and use less memory. - + 463 Additional Settings - + Dodatočné nastavenia 489 - + Fly! - + Letieť! 73 The selected aircraft is not installed or has updates pending - + 76 - + Licenced under the GNU Public License (GPL) - click for more info - + 89 Aircraft: - + Lietadlo: 145 No aircraft selected - + Nie je vybrané žiadne lietadlo 154 State: - + Stav: 230 Default state - + Predvolený stav 232 Location: - + Umiestnenie: 272 <i>set from user arguments (in Settings)</i> - + 279 Settings: - + Nastavenia: 297 - + %1 aircraft have updates available - download and install them now? - + 18 Update all - + Aktualizovať všetky 25 - + Copy to clipboard - + Kopírovať do schránky 20 - + Setup required data files - + TextLabel - + FlightGear version 3.4.5 - + FlightGear verzia 3.4.5 Use built-in data files - + Download - + Prevziať Replace me - + Choose folder... - + Zvoliť priečinok... To use the files included with this copy of FlightGear, click this button - + Pre použitie súborov zahrnutých v tejto kópii simulátora FlightGear, kliknite na toto tlačidlo - To download a compressed archive of the files, click the 'Download' button. Once the download is complete, extract the files to a suitable location and choose the folder using the button above. - + To download a compressed archive of the files, click the 'Download' button. Once the download is complete, extract the files to a suitable location and choose the folder using the button above. + To browse to a downloaded copy of the files on your computer, click this button - + - + Choose aircraft folder - + Výber priečinku s lietadlami 117 - No aircraft found in the folder '%1' - add anyway? - + No aircraft found in the folder '%1' - add anyway? + 141 Choose addon module folder - + 158 - The folder '%1' doesn't appear to contain an addon module - add anyway? - + The folder '%1' doesn't appear to contain an addon module - add anyway? + 177 Added modules should contain at least both of the following files: addon-metadata.xml, addon-main.nas. - + 180 Choose scenery folder - + Výber priečinku so scenériou 208 - The folder '%1' doesn't appear to contain scenery - add anyway? - + The folder '%1' doesn't appear to contain scenery - add anyway? + Zdá sa, že priečinok "%1" neobsahuje scenériu. Má sa napriek tomu pridať? 227 Added scenery should contain at least one of the following folders: Objects, Terrain, Buildings, Roads, Pylons, NavData, Airports. - + 230 - + %1 - %2 - + %1 - %2 92 - + Missing description for: %1 - + Chýba popis pre: %1 296 345 353 Invalid package checksum - + Neplatný kontrolný súčet balíka 624 Download failed - + Preberanie zlyhalo 626 Package could not be extracted - + Balík sa nepodarilo rozbaliť 628 A local file-system error occurred - + Vyskytla sa chyba s miestnym súborovým systémom 630 Package file missing from download server - + Súbor balíka chýba na serveri preberaní 632 Unknown reason - + Neznámy dôvod 635 - + (%1 of %2 aircraft) - + 90 (%1 aircraft) - + 93 - + The catalog data was not found on the server at the expected location (URL) - + 111 The catalog is not compatible with the version of FlightGear - + Katalóg nie je kompatibilný s verziou simulátora FlightGear 114 The catalog server is blocking access from some reason (forbidden) - + 117 disabled due to an internal error - + 120 %1 - %2 - + %1 - %2 123 - + Load a flight-plan - + 498 Save flight-plan - + 508 - + scenery archive name is not correct. - + názov archívu scenérie nie je správny. 82 file does not appear to be a scenery archive. - + 93 unarchiving failed - + 142 Next - + Ďalej 189 Extracting - + Rozbaľuje sa 196 Okay - + OK 209 Choose scenery to install - + Výber scenérie na inštaláciu 247 - Problems occured extracting the archive '%1': %2 - + Problems occured extracting the archive '%1': %2 + Vyskytla sa chyba pri rozbaľovaní archívu "%1": %2 281 Extracting %1 - + Rozbaľuje sa %1 293 - + <p>Options passed on the command line:</p> - + <p>Voľby, ktoré prešli príkazovým riadkom:</p> + 128 <p>Options set in the launcher:</p> - + <p>Voľby nastavené v spúšťači:</p> + 141 (will be skipped due to being specified as an additional argument) - + 158 <p>Options set as additional arguments:</p> - + <p>Voľby nastavené ako dodatočné parametre:</p> + 164 - + Create download folder? - + Vytvoriť priečinok preberaní? 328 The selected location for downloads does not exist. (%1) Create it? - + Vybrané umiestnenie pre preberania neexistuje. (%1) Má sa vytvoriť? 329 Aircraft installation failed - + Inštalácia lietadla zlyhala 741 An error occurred installing the aircraft %1: %2 - + Vyskytla sa chyba pri inštalácii lietadla %1. %2 742 Restore all settings to defaults? - + Obnoviť všetky nastavenia na predvolené hodnoty? 761 Restoring settings to their defaults may affect available add-ons such as scenery or aircraft. - + Obnovenie nastavení na predvolené hodnoty môže ovplyvniť dostupné doplnky, ako je scenéria alebo lietadlá. 762 Restore and restart now - + Obnoviť a reštartovať 763 Currently the built-in data files are being used - + 788 Currently using location: %1 - + Momentálne sa používa umiestnenie: %1 791 Change the data files used by FlightGear? - + 795 FlightGear requires additional files to operate. (Also called the base package, or fg-data) You can restart FlightGear and choose a different data files location, or restore the default setting. %1 - + 796 Restart FlightGear now - + Reštartovať FlightGear teraz 800 Choose a saved configuration - + Výber uloženej konfigurácie 816 Save the current configuration - + Uloženie aktuálnej konfigurácie 826 - + File - + Súbor 43 Open saved configuration... - + Otvoriť uloženú konfiguráciu... 44 Save configuration as... - + Uložiť konfiguráciu ako... 48 Tools - + Nástroje 52 Restore defaults... - + Obnoviť predovlené... 53 Select data files location... - + Vybrať umiestnenie súborov s údajmi... 57 View command-line - + Zobraziť príkazový riadok 61 Problems occurred loading the user interface. This is often due to missing modules on your system. Please report this error to the FlightGear developer list or forum, and take care to mention your system distribution, etc. Please also include the information provided below. - + 118 - + at position %1 - + na pozícii %1 1056 %1nm abeam - + 1063 on %1nm final to - + 1065 on deck at %1 on - + 1067 %1 carrier %2 (%3) - + 1069 No location selected - + Nie je vybrané žiadne umiestnenie 1072 1130 on %1-mile final to active runway - + 1087 on active runway - + na aktívnej dráhe 1089 at an available parking position - + 1092 on %2-mile final to %1 - + 1097 on %1 - + 1099 at parking position %1 - + 1102 %2 (%1): %3 - + 1105 at - + 1107 %1nm %2 of - + 1109 %2 waypoint %1 - + 1121 %4 %1 %2 (%3) - + %4 %1 %2 (%3) 1127 - + No servers available - + Nie sú dostupné žiadne servery 49 Custom server - + Vlastný server 57 %1 - %2 - + %1 - %2 67 - + On approach - + 145 Ready for take-off - + Pripravené na vzlietnutie 147 Parked, cold & dark - + 149 Automatic - + Automatická 151 Cruise - + 153 Ready to taxi - + 155 On approach to a carrier - + 157 Ready for catapult launch - + 159 Select state based on startup position. - + 195 - + Initialising navigation data, this may take several minutes - + Inicializujú sa navigačné údaje. Môže to trvať niekoľko minút. 88 Reading airport data - + Čítajú sa údaje o letisku 111 Loading airports - + Načítavajú sa letiská 115 Loading waypoint data - + Načítavajú sa údaje o cestovných bodoch 119 Loading navigation data - + Načítavajú sa navigačné údaje 123 Loading point-of-interest data - + Načítavajú sa údaje o bodoch zájmu 128 - + FlightGear version %1 - + FlightGear verzia %1 72 Choose FlightGear data folder - + Výber priečinku s údajmi simulátora FlightGear 191 This copy of FlightGear does not include the base data files. Please select a suitable folder containing a previously download set of files. - + 239 - The requested location '%1' does not appear to be a valid set of data files for FlightGear - + The requested location '%1' does not appear to be a valid set of data files for FlightGear + 244 - Detected incompatible version of the data files: version %1 found, but this is FlightGear %2. (At location: '%3') Please install or select a matching set of data files. - + Detected incompatible version of the data files: version %1 found, but this is FlightGear %2. (At location: '%3') Please install or select a matching set of data files. + 250 Please select or download a copy of the FlightGear data files. - + 257 The choosen location (%1) does not appear to contain FlightGear data files. Please try another location. - + 261 The choosen location (%1) contains files for version %2, but this is FlightGear %3. Please update or try another location - + 267 diff --git a/Translations/sk/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf b/Translations/sk/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf index cecc00b42..06d91e803 100644 --- a/Translations/sk/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf +++ b/Translations/sk/FlightGear-nonQt.xlf @@ -1,1493 +1,1493 @@ - + Adjust HUD Properties - + Adjust LOD Ranges - + AI - + Aircraft Center (Experimental) - + Centrum lietadiel (Experimentálne) Aircraft Checklists - + Kontrolné zoznamy lietadla Aircraft Help - + Pomocník pre lietadlo ATC Services in Range - + Autopilot - + Autopilot Autopilot Settings - + Nastavenia autopilota Autostart - + Basic Simulator Keys - + Carrier Controls - + Cockpit View Options - + Voľby zobrazenia kabíny Common Aircraft Keys - + Configure Development Extensions - + Cycle GUI Style - + Debug - + Ladenie Development Keys - + Display Tutorial Marker - + Documentation Browser - + Prehliadač dokumentácie Dump Scene Graph - + Environment - + Prostredie Environment Settings - + Nastavenia prostredia Equipment - + Vybavenie Quit - + Ukončiť --- Failures --- - + --- Zlyhania --- FG1000 MFD - + FG1000 PFD - + FGCom Settings - + File - + Súbor Fuel and Payload - + Weather - + Počasie Select Airport - + Vybrať letisko GPS Settings - + Nastavenia GPS Help - + Pomocník Help (opens in browser) - + Pomocník (otvoriť v prehliadači) Immatriculation - + Technický stav Mouse Configuration - + Nastavenie myši Instrument Failures - + Zlyhania prístrojov Instrument Settings - + Nastavenia prístrojov User-interface Options - + Voľby používateľského rozhrania Jetway Settings - + Joystick Configuration - + Nastavenie pákového ovládača Joystick Information - + Informácie o pákovom ovládači Lag Settings - + Load Flight Recorder Tape - + Načítať pásku z čiernej skrinky Local Weather (Test) - + Miestne počasie (skúšobné) Location - + Umiestnenie Logging - + Zaznamenávanie Map - + Mapa Map (opens in browser) - + Mapa (otvoriť v prehliadači) Map (Canvas) - + Mapa (plátno) About - + O programe MPCarrier Selection - + Chat Dialog - + Dialógové okno rozhovoru Chat Menu - + Ponuka rozhovoru Pilot List - + Zoznam pilotov Multiplayer Settings - + Multiplayer - + Nasal Console - + Nasal REPL Interpreter - + Next Waypoint - + Monitor System Performance - + Adjust View Position - + Position Aircraft In Air - + Previous Waypoint - + Print Rendering Statistics - + Print Visible Scene Info - + Browse Internal Properties - + Pushback - + Radio Settings - + Random Attitude - + Random Failures - + Reload Autopilot - + Reload GUI - + Reload HUD - + Reload Input - + Reload Materials - + Reload Aircraft Model - + Reload Network - + Reload Panel - + Reload Scenery - + Znovu načítať scenériu Select Rendering Buffers - + Hide/Show Rendering Buffers - + Rendering Options - + Voľby vykresľovania Instant Replay - + Reset - + Route Manager - + Save Flight Recorder Tape - + Uložiť pásku z čiernej skrinky Traffic and Scenario Settings - + Select Livery - + Show/hide yokes - + Screenshot - + Screenshot Directory - + Sound Configuration - + Cycle On-Screen Statistics - + Stereoscopic View Options - + Stopwatch - + swift Connection - + System Failures - + Tanker Controls - + Scenery Download - + Tiller Steering - + Time Settings - + Toggle Fullscreen - + Prepnúť na celú obrazovku Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel - + Tower Position - + Tutorials - + Návody View - + Zobraziť View Options - + Voľby zobrazenia Wildfire Settings - + Wingman Controls - + Save Video Configuration - + Uložiť nastavenie videa Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS - + Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear - + Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation. - + Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation. - + Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load - + Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed. - + Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml - + Specify the exact directory to use for the aircraft (normally not required, but may be useful). Interpreted relatively to the current directory. Causes the <path-cache> from autosave_X_Y.xml, as well as --fg-aircraft and the FG_AIRCRAFT environment variable to be bypassed. - + Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY) - + Aircraft - + Lietadlo Specify starting position relative to an airport - + Starting altitude - + Počiatočná nadmorská výška Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio. - + Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x) - + Open connection using the Atlas protocol - + Audio Options - + Voľby zvuku Avionics Options - + Voľby palubných prístrojov Specify the bits per pixel - + Specify path to your web browser - + assign a unique name to a player - + Start on downwind abeam the selected carrier (must also specify a carrier) - + Specify starting position on an AI carrier - + Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft). - + Set the COM1 radio frequency - + Set the COM2 radio frequency - + Load additional properties from path - + Display console (Windows specific) - + Debugging Options - + Voľby ladenia Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem) - + Disable artificial traffic. - + Disable anti-aliased HUD - + Disable auto coordination - + Clock advances normally - + Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers - + Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers - + Disable runway light distance attenuation - + Disable enhanced runway lighting - + Disable FGCom built-in - + Start in a running state - + Fuel is consumed normally - + Disable fullscreen mode - + Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon - + Disable 3D HUD - + Disable Heads Up Display (HUD) - + Disable extra mouse pointer - + Disable instrument panel - + Exclude random buildings objects - + Exclude random scenery objects - + Exclude random vegetation objects - + Disable METAR based real weather fetching - + Disable Rembrandt rendering - + Don't save preferences upon program exit - + Disable sound effects - + Disable specular reflections on textured objects - + Disable splash screen - + Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates - + Disable textures - + Disable wireframe drawing mode - + Slave the DME to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency. - + Base directory to use for aircraft and scenery downloads (the TerraSync scenery directory may be specifically set with --terrasync-dir) - + Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations) - + Enable artificial traffic. - + Enable anti-aliased HUD - + Enable auto coordination - + Do not advance clock - + Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers - + Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers - + Enable runway light distance attenuation - + Enable enhanced runway lighting - + Enable FGCom built-in - + Start in a frozen state - + Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant - + Enable fullscreen mode - + Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon - + Enable 3D HUD - + Enable Heads Up Display (HUD) - + Enable extra mouse pointer - + (i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards) - + Enable instrument panel - + Include random buildings objects - + Include random scenery objects - + Include random vegetation objects - + Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection) - + Enable Rembrandt rendering - + Allow saving preferences at program exit - + Enable sound effects - + Enable specular reflections on textured objects - + Enable splash screen - + Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates - + Enable textures - + Enable wireframe drawing mode - + Environment Options - + Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures). - + Select the core flight dynamics model - + Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null - + Flight Model - + Features - + Funkcie Specify additional aircraft directory path(s) (alternatively, you can use --aircraft-dir to target a specific aircraft in a given directory) - + Specify the root data path - + Specify the scenery path(s); - + Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery - + Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator; - + Specify starting position relative to a fix - + Open connection using the Flarm protocol, which includes NMEA/GPS and traffic reporting messages - + Read all waypoints from a file - + Disable fog/haze - + Enable fastest fog/haze - + Enable nicest fog/haze - + Specify field of view angle - + Abort on encountering a floating point exception; - + Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol - + General Options - + Všeobecné voľby Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol - + Specify window geometry (640x480, etc) - + Specify flight path angle (can be positive) - + Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi) - + Show the most relevant command line options - + Enable http server on the specified address. Specify the port or address:port to bind to. - + Hud displays percentage of triangles culled - + Hud Options - + Hud displays number of triangles rendered - + Start in air (implied when using --altitude) - + IO Options - + Open connection to an Agwagon joystick - + Enable screen shot http server on the specified port (replaced by --httpd) - + Open connection to a remote joystick - + Print a report in JSON format on the standard output, giving information such as the FlightGear version, $FG_ROOT, $FG_HOME, aircraft and scenery paths, etc. - + Select the language for this session - + Starting latitude (south = -) - + Select aircraft livery - + Specify which logging class(es) to use - + Log to directory DIR. The special value 'desktop' causes logging to the desktop (OS-dependent location). This option may be given several times, using a different value each time. Inside the specified directory, the written log file is named FlightGear_YYYY-MM-DD_<num>.log, where <num> takes the values 0, 1, 2, etc. - + Specify which logging level to use - + Starting longitude (west = -) - + Specify initial mach number - + Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: Materials/regions/materials.xml) - + Maximum frame rate in Hz. - + Pass a METAR string to set up static weather (this implies --disable-real-weather-fetch) - + Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft - + Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second) - + Specify multipilot communication settings - + MultiPlayer Options - + Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol - + Open connection using the FG Native protocol - + Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol - + Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol - + Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial. - + Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial. - + Specify starting position relative to an NDB - + Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with --ndb=ID - + Network Options - + Open connection using the NMEA protocol - + Do NOT attempt to trim the model - + (only with fdm=jsbsim) - + Specify heading to reference point - + Specify distance to reference point (statute miles) - + Start at ground level (default) - + Open connection using the OpenGC protocol - + Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport) - + Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier) - + Specify pitch angle (Theta) - + Initial Position and Orientation - + Počiatočná pozícia a orientácia Set property <name> to <value>. <type> can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool. - + Open connection using the interactive property manager - + Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option. - + Open connection using the PVE protocol - + (buildings, etc.) - + (budovy, atď.) Set up random wind direction and speed - + Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol - + Rendering Options - + Voľby vykresľovania Reset all user settings to their defaults (rendering options etc) - + Specify initial climb rate (can be negative) - + Specify roll angle (Phi) - + Route/Way Point Options - + Open connection using the RUL protocol - + Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport) - + Specify the startup season - + Enable flat shading - + Enable smooth shading - + Print a list of the currently available aircraft types - + Show a list of available audio device - + Situation Options - + Voľby situácie Explicitly specify the audio device to use - + Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time - + Specify a starting date/time with respect to - + Enable telnet server on the specified port - + Set target directory for scenery downloads - + Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16 - + Synchronize time with local real-world time - + Synchronize time with real-world time - + Add this time offset - + Time Options - + Voľby času Specify a time of day - + Trace the reads for a property; - + Trace the writes for a property; - + Trim the model - + (only with fdm=jsbsim) - + Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe) - + Specify velocity along the body X axis - + Use feet for distances - + Use meters for distances - + Usage: fgfs [ option ... ] - + Specify velocity along the body Y axis - + Specify velocity along a vertical axis - + Specify velocity along a West-East axis - + Specify velocity along a South-North axis - + Specify initial airspeed - + Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml - + Show all command line options when combined with --help or -h - + For a complete list of options use --help --verbose - + Display the current FlightGear version - + Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees - + Specify initial visibility - + Specify initial visibility in miles - + Specify starting position relative to a VOR - + Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with --vor=ID - + Specify velocity along the body Z axis - + Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots) - + Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot; - + binding subsystems - + Spájanie podsystémov creating subsystems - + Vytváranie podsystémov downloading scenery - + Preberanie scenérie finalizing position - + Dokončovanie pozície finalizing subsystems - + Dokončovanie podsystémov initializing - + Inicializácia initializing graphics engine - + Inicializácia grafického výkonného programu initializing scenery - + Inicializácia scenérie initializing subsystems - + Inicializácia podsystémov loading aircraft - + Načítavanie lietadla loading aircraft list - + Načítavanie zoznamu lietadiel loading navigation data - + Načítavanie navigačných údajov loading scenery - + Načítavanie scenérie loading fixes - + Načítavanie opráv loading airport data - + Načítavanie údajov letiska loading navigation aid data - + Načítavanie údajov navigačnej pomoci loading points of interest - + Načítavanie bodov záujmu reading airport data - + Čítanie údajov letiska Unstable nightly build - some features may be under active development - + Drag while holding the right mouse button to look around - + Ťahaním spolu so stlačeným pravým tlačidlom myši sa obzriete okolo seba Hold [Shift] while looking around to move the view up, down, left or right - + Podržaním klávesu Shift počas obzerania sa, presuniete zobrazenie nahor, nadol, doľava alebo doprava Press a/A to adjust the simulation speed - + Stlačením klávesov a/A upravíte rýchlosť simulácie Press x/X to zoom in and out - + Stlačením klávesov x/X priblížite alebo oddialite pohľad Find frequencies of nearby ATC services from the Radios dialog - + Press v to change your viewpoint, Ctrl-V to return to the cockpit - + Stlačením klávesu v zmeníte pohľad, pomocou Ctrl-V sa vrátite späť do kabíny Press F3 to take a screenshot - + Stlačením klávesu F3 zachytíte snímku obrazovky Join the FlightGear community at - + Pridajte sa ku komunite simulátora FlightGear na adrese Press h to bring up a Heads Up Display - + Show or hide the menu bar by pressing F10 - + Stlačením klávesu F10 zobrazíte alebo skryjete lištu s ponukou Frame-rate too low? - try disabling AI traffic - + Select Environment → Weather to fly in different weather - + Pomocou ponuky Prostredie → Počasie môžete vybrať počasie, v akom budete letieť Press F12 to change the radio frequencies easily - + Stlačením klávesu F12 jednoducho zmeníte rádiové frekvencie Look around by holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse - + Select Multiplayer → Multiplayer Settings to join the shared flight environment - + Can't get the engine started? - see Help → Aircraft Checklists - + Máte problém s naštartovaním motora? - prezrite si ponuku Pomocník → Kontrolné zoznamy lietadla Drag while holding the middle and right mouse buttons to move the viewpoint - + Ťahaním spolu so stlačeným stredným a pravým tlačidlom myši presuniete pohľad Press / to explore the internals of the simulator - + Stlačením klávesu / preskúmate vnútro simulátora Press Tab to move the viewpoint with your mouse and use the scroll wheel to zoom - + Stlačením Tabulátora a pohybom myši presuniete pohľad, kolieskom myši zmeníte priblíženie