Fork 0

- load_nasal: better error message if compile() fails

- io.open handler: extract validation to separate function and
- add detached read/write validation listeners
This commit is contained in:
mfranz 2008-07-11 15:37:27 +00:00
parent 86475efa5e
commit 32f1730c6e

View file

@ -47,9 +47,13 @@ var load_nasal = func(file, module = nil) {
var err = [];
printlog("info", "loading ", file, " into namespace ", module);
var code = call(func compile(readfile(file), file), nil, err);
return !print(file ~ ": " ~ err[0]);
if(size(err)) {
(func nil)(); # needed to get correct caller results (?!?)
for(var i = 1; (var c = caller(i)) != nil; i += 1)
err ~= subvec(c, 2, 2);
return 0;
call(bind(code, globals), nil, nil, globals[module], err);
return !size(err);
@ -259,22 +263,30 @@ _setlistener("/sim/signals/nasal-dir-initialized", func {
print("io.open()/WRITE: ", debug.string(write_rules));
var valid = func(path, rules) {
var fpath = string.fixpath(path);
foreach(var d; rules)
if(string.match(fpath, d[0]))
return d[1] ? fpath : nil;
return nil;
var _open = io.open;
io.open = func(path, mode = "rb") {
var rules = write_rules;
if(mode == "r" or mode == "rb" or mode == "br")
rules = read_rules;
var fpath = string.fixpath(path);
foreach(var d; rules) {
if(string.match(fpath, d[0])) {
return _open(fpath, mode);
if(var vpath = valid(path, rules))
return _open(vpath, mode);
die("io.open(): opening file '" ~ path ~ "' denied (unauthorized access)\n ");
# validation listeners for loadxml/savexml (see utils.cxx:fgValidatePath)
var v = props.globals.getNode("/sim/paths/validate", 1);
setlistener(v.getNode("read", 1), func(n) n.setValue(valid(n.getValue(), read_rules) or ""));
setlistener(v.getNode("write", 1), func(n) n.setValue(valid(n.getValue(), write_rules) or ""));