Fork 0

move dialogs from ufo.nas into dialog XML files

This commit is contained in:
mfranz 2007-02-24 19:48:02 +00:00
parent 2987f9660f
commit 3079726bda
5 changed files with 725 additions and 310 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<label>Adjust model</label>
var self = cmdarg();
<script>ufo.adjust.step("lon", -0.0004)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("lon", -0.00004)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("lon", 0.00004)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("lon", 0.0004)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("lat", -0.0002)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("lat", -0.00002)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("lat", 0.00002)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("lat", 0.0002)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("elev", -10)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("elev", -2)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("elev", 2)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("elev", 10)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("hdg", -36)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("hdg", -6)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("hdg", 6)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("hdg", 36)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("pitch", -36)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("pitch", -6)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("pitch", 6)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("pitch", 36)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("roll", -36)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("roll", -6)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("roll", 6)</script>
<script>ufo.adjust.step("roll", 36)</script>
<label>Heading </label>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<label>Select model</label>
var self = cmdarg();
var list = self.getNode("list", 1);
forindex (var i; ufo.modellist) {
list.getChild("value", i, 1).setValue(ufo.modellist[i]);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>

View file

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
<desc>Show model adjustment dialog</desc>
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
<desc>Show model select dialog</desc>

View file

@ -26,18 +26,29 @@ controls.flapsDown = func(x) {
# library stuff -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var EPSILON = 0.0000001;
var ERAD = 6378138.12; # Earth radius (m)
var D2R = math.pi / 180;
var R2D = 180 / math.pi;
ft2m = func { arg[0] * 0.3048 }
m2ft = func { arg[0] / 0.3048 }
floor = func(v) { v < 0.0 ? -int(-v) - 1 : int(v) }
ceil = func(v) { -floor(-v) }
pow = func(v, w) { math.exp(math.ln(v) * w) }
pow2 = func(e) { e ? 2 * pow2(e - 1) : 1 }
printf = func(_...) { print(call(sprintf, _)) }
var printf = func(_...) { print(call(sprintf, _)) }
var ft2m = func(v) { v * 0.3048 }
var m2ft = func(v) { v / 0.3048 }
var floor = func(v) { v < 0.0 ? -int(-v) - 1 : int(v) }
var ceil = func(v) { -floor(-v) }
var pow = func(v, w) { v < 0 ? nil : v ? math.exp(math.ln(v) * w) : 0 }
var pow2 = func(e) { e ? 2 * pow2(e - 1) : 1 }
var sin = math.sin;
var cos = math.cos;
var atan2 = math.atan2;
var sqrt = math.sqrt;
var asin = func(v) { math.atan2(v, math.sqrt(1 - v * v)) }
var acos = func(v) { math.atan2(math.sqrt(1 - v * v), v) }
var mod = func(v, w) {
var x = v - w * int(v / w);
return x < 0 ? x + abs(w) : x;
@ -60,8 +71,8 @@ xyz2lonlat = func(xyz) {
var x = xyz[0];
var y = xyz[1];
var z = xyz[2];
var lat = math.atan2(z, math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)) * R2D;
var lon = math.atan2(y, x) * R2D;
var lat = atan2(z, sqrt(x * x + y * y)) * R2D;
var lon = atan2(y, x) * R2D;
return [lon, lat];
@ -391,7 +402,7 @@ Model = {
var m = { parents: [Model] };
var models = props.globals.getNode("/models", 1);
for (var i = 0; 42; i += 1) {
for (var i = 0; 1; i += 1) {
if (models.getChild("model", i, 0) == nil) {
m.node = models.getChild("model", i, 1);
@ -575,7 +586,7 @@ ModelMgr = {
return m;
click : func {
if (KbdCtrl.getBoolValue()) {
} elsif (KbdShift.getBoolValue()) {
@ -723,28 +734,6 @@ controls.incElevator = func(step, apstep) {
var lastXYZ = lonlat2xyz([getprop("/position/longitude-deg"), getprop("/position/latitude-deg")]);
var lastElev = 0;
printDistance = func {
# print distance to last cursor coordinates (horizontal distance
# doesn't consider elevation and is rather imprecise)
var lon = getprop("/sim/input/click/longitude-deg");
var lat = getprop("/sim/input/click/latitude-deg");
var elev = getprop("/sim/input/click/elevation-ft");
var newXYZ = lonlat2xyz([lon, lat]);
var hdist = math.sqrt(coord_dist_sq(lastXYZ, newXYZ) * ERAD);
var vdist = ft2m(elev - lastElev);
var s = hdist < 4 ? sprintf("%.1f m HOR, %.1f m VERT", hdist * 1000, vdist)
: sprintf("%.1f km HOR, %.1f m VERT", hdist, vdist);
lastXYZ = newXYZ;
lastElev = elev;
scanDirs = func(csv) {
var list = ["Aircraft/ufo/Models/sign.ac"];
foreach(var dir; split(",", csv)) {
@ -862,27 +851,22 @@ removeSelectedModel = func { modelmgr.remove_selected(); modelmgr.select(); }
# init --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var KbdShift = props.globals.getNode("/devices/status/keyboard/shift");
var KbdCtrl = props.globals.getNode("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl");
var KbdAlt = props.globals.getNode("/devices/status/keyboard/alt");
var modellist = nil;
var adjust = nil;
var modelmgr = nil;
var KbdShift = nil;
var KbdCtrl = nil;
var KbdAlt = nil;
settimer(func {
KbdShift = props.globals.getNode("/devices/status/keyboard/shift");
KbdCtrl = props.globals.getNode("/devices/status/keyboard/ctrl");
KbdAlt = props.globals.getNode("/devices/status/keyboard/alt");
modellist = scanDirs(getprop("/source"));
adjust = Adjust.new("/data");
modelmgr = ModelMgr.new(getprop("/cursor"));
setlistener("/sim/signals/click", func { modelmgr.click() });
#setlistener("/sim/signals/click", printDistance);
if (modelmgr.modelpath != "Aircraft/ufo/Models/cursor.ac") {
}, 1);
@ -892,275 +876,18 @@ settimer(func {
# dialogs -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var status_dialog = gui.Dialog.new("/sim/gui/dialogs/ufo/status/dialog", "Aircraft/ufo/Dialogs/status.xml");
var select_dialog = gui.Dialog.new("/sim/gui/dialogs/ufo/select/dialog", "Aircraft/ufo/Dialogs/select.xml");
var adjust_dialog = gui.Dialog.new("/sim/gui/dialogs/ufo/adjust/dialog", "Aircraft/ufo/Dialogs/adjust.xml");
var dialog = {};
showModelSelectDialog = func {
name = "ufo-model-select-dialog";
if (contains(dialog, name)) {
var title = 'Select Model';
dialog[name] = gui.Widget.new();
dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox");
dialog[name].set("name", name);
dialog[name].set("x", -20);
dialog[name].set("pref-width", 600);
# "window" titlebar
titlebar = dialog[name].addChild("group");
titlebar.set("layout", "hbox");
titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
titlebar.addChild("text").set("label", title);
titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
w = titlebar.addChild("button");
w.set("pref-width", 16);
w.set("pref-height", 16);
w.set("legend", "");
w.set("default", 1);
w.set("keynum", 27);
w.set("border", 1);
w.setBinding("nasal", "ufo.closeModelSelectDialog()");
w = dialog[name].addChild("list");
w.set("halign", "fill");
w.set("pref-height", 300);
w.set("property", "/cursor");
forindex (var i; modellist) {
w.prop().getChild("value", i, 1).setValue(modellist[i]);
w.setBinding("nasal", "ufo.modelmgr.setmodelpath(getprop('/cursor'))");
fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop());
closeModelSelectDialog = func {
var name = "ufo-model-select-dialog";
var dlg = props.Node.new({"dialog-name": name});
fgcommand("dialog-apply", dlg);
fgcommand("dialog-close", dlg);
delete(dialog, name);
showModelAdjustDialog = func {
name = "ufo-cursor-dialog";
if (contains(dialog, name)) {
fgcommand("dialog-close", props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : name }));
delete(dialog, name);
dialog[name] = gui.Widget.new();
dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox");
dialog[name].set("name", name);
dialog[name].set("x", -20);
dialog[name].set("y", -20);
# "window" titlebar
titlebar = dialog[name].addChild("group");
titlebar.set("layout", "hbox");
titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
titlebar.addChild("text").set("label", "Adjust Model");
titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
w = titlebar.addChild("button");
w.set("pref-width", 16);
w.set("pref-height", 16);
w.set("legend", "");
w.set("default", 1);
w.set("keynum", 27);
w.set("border", 1);
w.setBinding("nasal", "delete(ufo.dialog, \"" ~ name ~ "\")");
slider = func(legend, col, coarse, fine) {
group = dialog[name].addChild("group");
group.set("layout", "hbox");
group.set("default-padding", 0);
button = func(leg, step) {
b = group.addChild("button");
b.set("legend", leg);
b.set("pref-width", 22);
b.set("pref-height", 22);
b.set("live", 1);
b.setBinding("nasal", 'ufo.adjust.step("'~legend~'", '~step~')');
return b;
cl = button("<<", -coarse);
fl = button("<", -fine);
s = group.addChild("slider");
s.set("property", adjust.offsetNode(legend).getPath());
s.set("legend", legend);
s.set("pref-width", 250);
s.set("live", 1);
s.set("min", -1 * fine);
s.set("max", 1 * fine);
s.setColor(col[0], col[1], col[2]);
fr = button(">", fine);
cr = button(">>", coarse);
slider("lon", [1.0, 0.6, 0.6], 0.0004, 0.00004);
slider("lat", [0.6, 1.0, 0.6], 0.0002, 0.00002);
slider("elev", [0.6, 0.6, 1.0], 10, 2);
slider("hdg", [1.0, 1.0, 0.6], 36, 6);
slider("pitch", [1.0, 0.6, 1.0], 36, 6);
slider("roll", [0.6, 1.0, 1.0], 36, 6);
g = dialog[name].addChild("group");
g.set("layout", "hbox");
w = g.addChild("text");
w.set("halign", "left");
w.set("label", "Heading ");
w = g.addChild("text");
w.set("halign", "center");
w.set("label", "Sliders");
w = g.addChild("text");
w.set("halign", "right");
w.set("label", "Orientation");
g = dialog[name].addChild("group");
g.set("layout", "hbox");
g.set("default-padding", 2);
var wide = 60;
var narrow = 55;
w = g.addChild("button");
w.set("halign", "right");
w.set("legend", "Reset");
w.set("pref-height", 22);
w.set("pref-width", wide);
w.setBinding("nasal", "ufo.adjust.orient()");
w = g.addChild("button");
w.set("legend", "Sticky");
w.set("one-shot", 0);
w.set("pref-height", 22);
w.set("pref-width", narrow);
w.set("live", 1);
w.set("property", adjust.stk_hdgN.getPath());
g.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
w = g.addChild("button");
w.set("halign", "center");
w.set("legend", "Center");
w.set("pref-height", 22);
w.set("pref-width", wide);
w.setBinding("nasal", "ufo.adjust.center_sliders()");
g.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
w = g.addChild("button");
w.set("legend", "Sticky");
w.set("one-shot", 0);
w.set("pref-height", 22);
w.set("pref-width", narrow);
w.set("live", 1);
w.set("property", adjust.stk_orientN.getPath());
w = g.addChild("button");
w.set("halign", "left");
w.set("legend", "Reset");
w.set("pref-height", 22);
w.set("pref-width", wide);
w.setBinding("nasal", "ufo.adjust.upright()");
fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop());
showStatusDialog = func(v = nil) {
name = "ufo-status-dialog";
var is_open = contains(dialog, name);
if (v == nil) {
return is_open;
} elsif (!v) {
if (is_open) {
fgcommand("dialog-close", props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : name }));
delete(dialog, name);
return 0;
dialog[name] = gui.Widget.new();
dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox");
dialog[name].set("name", name);
dialog[name].set("x", 8);
dialog[name].set("y", 8);
dialog[name].set("pref-width", 300);
dialog[name].set("default-padding", 0);
dialog[name].setColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
# legend input field
w = dialog[name].addChild("input");
w.set("halign", "left");
w.set("pref-width", 300);
w.set("live", 1);
w.set("property", adjust.legendN.getPath());
w.setColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
w.prop().setValues({"color-legend": {red:1, green:1, blue:1, alpha:1}});
w.prop().setValues({"color-background": {red:0, green:0, blue:0, alpha:0}});
w.prop().setValues({"color-highlight": {red:0, green:0, blue:0, alpha:0}});
# current object
g = dialog[name].addChild("group");
g.set("layout", "vbox");
g.set("default-padding", 2);
w = g.addChild("text");
w.set("pref-width", 0);
w.set("halign", "left");
w.set("property", "/sim/model/ufo/status");
w.set("live", 1);
w.setColor(0.6, 1, 0.6, 1);
fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop());
return 1;
var stat_dlg = nil;
var status_restore = nil;
setlistener("/sim/signals/screenshot", func {
if (cmdarg().getBoolValue()) {
stat_dlg = showStatusDialog();
status_restore = status_dialog.is_open();
} else {
status_restore and status_dialog.open();