diff --git a/Nasal/lead_target.nas b/Nasal/lead_target.nas
deleted file mode 100644
index 318c6baad..000000000
--- a/Nasal/lead_target.nas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-# This is a script that controls a target aircraft for various target/tracking
-# tasks.
-# print("Target Lead script loading ...");
-# script defaults (configurable if you like)
-default_update_period = 0.05;
-default_goal_range_nm = 0.2;
-default_target_root = "/ai/models/aircraft[0]";
-default_target_task = "straight";
-# master enable switch
-lead_target_enable = 0;
-# update period
-update_period = default_update_period;
-# goal range to acheive when following target
-goal_range_nm = 0;
-# Target property tree root
-target_root = "";
-# Target task (straight, turns, pitch, both)
-target_task = default_target_task;
-base_alt = 3000;
-tgt_alt = base_alt;
-tgt_hdg = 20;
-tgt_pitch = 0;
-tgt_roll = 0;
-tgt_speed = 280;
-tgt_lat_mode = "roll";
-tgt_lon_mode = "alt";
-next_turn = 0;
-next_pitch = 0;
-last_time = 0;
-# Calculate new lon/lat given starting lon/lat, and offset radial, and
-# distance.  NOTE: starting point is specifed in radians, distance is
-# specified in meters (and converted internally to radians)
-# ... assumes a spherical world.
-# @param orig lon specified in polar coordinates
-# @param orig lat specified in polar coordinates
-# @param course offset radial
-# @param dist offset distance
-# @return destination point in polar coordinates
-# define some global constants
-SG_METER_TO_NM = 0.0005399568034557235;
-SG_NM_TO_RAD   = 0.00029088820866572159;
-SG_EPSILON     = 0.0000001;
-SGD_PI         = 3.14159265358979323846;
-SGD_2PI        = 6.28318530717958647692;
-SGDTR          = SGD_PI / 180.0;
-fmod = func(x, y) { x - y * int(x/y) }
-asin = func(y) { math.atan2(y, math.sqrt(1-y*y)) }
-CalcGClonlat = func( lon_rad, lat_rad, hdg_rad, dist_m ) {
-    result = [0, 0];
-    # sanity check
-    while ( hdg_rad < 0 ) { hdg_rad += SGD_2PI; }
-    while ( hdg_rad >= SGD_2PI ) { hdg_rad -= SGD_2PI; }
-    print("lon = ", lon_rad, " lat = ", lat_rad, " hdg = ", hdg_rad, " dist = ",
-          dist_m);
-    # lat=asin(sin(lat1)*cos(d)+cos(lat1)*sin(d)*cos(tc))
-    # IF (cos(lat)=0)
-    #   lon=lon1      // endpoint a pole
-    # ELSE
-    #   lon=mod(lon1-asin(sin(tc)*sin(d)/cos(lat))+pi,2*pi)-pi
-    # ENDIF
-    dist_rad = dist_m * SG_METER_TO_NM * SG_NM_TO_RAD;
-    result[1] = asin( math.sin(lat_rad) * math.cos(dist_rad) +
-                      math.cos(lat_rad) * math.sin(dist_rad) *
-                      math.cos(hdg_rad) );
-    if ( math.cos(result[1]) < SG_EPSILON ) {
-        result[0] = lon_rad;      # endpoint a pole
-    } else {
-        result[0] = 
-            fmod(lon_rad - asin( (math.sin(hdg_rad) *
-                                 math.sin(dist_rad)) /
-                                 math.cos(result[1]) )
-                      + SGD_PI, SGD_2PI) - SGD_PI;
-    }
-    print("new lon = ", result[0], " new lat = ", result[1]);
-    return result;
-# Initialize target tracking
-LeadTargetInit = func {
-    # seed the random number generator with time
-    srand();
-    lead_target_enable = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/enable");
-    if ( lead_target_enable == nil ) {
-        lead_target_enable = 0;
-        setprop("/autopilot/lead-target/enable", lead_target_enable);
-    }
-    target_task = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/task");
-    if ( target_task == nil ) {
-        target_task = default_target_task;
-        setprop("/autopilot/lead-target/task", target_task);
-    }
-    update_period = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/update-period");
-    if ( update_period == nil ) {
-        update_period = default_update_period;
-        setprop("/autopilot/lead-target/update-period", update_period);
-    }
-    goal_range_nm = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/goal-range-nm");
-    if ( goal_range_nm == nil ) {
-        goal_range_nm = default_goal_range_nm;
-        setprop("/autopilot/lead-target/goal-range-nm", goal_range_nm);
-    }
-    target_root = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/target-root");
-    if ( target_root == nil ) {
-        target_root = default_target_root;
-        setprop("/autopilot/lead-target/target-root", target_root);
-    }
-settimer(LeadTargetInit, 0);
-# update target task
-do_target_task = func {
-    time = getprop("/sim/time/elapsed-sec");
-    dt = time - last_time;
-    last_time = time;
-    target_task = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/task");
-    if ( target_task == "straight" ) {
-        tgt_lat_mode = "roll";
-        tgt_lon_mode = "alt";
-        tgt_roll = 0;
-        tgt_alt = base_alt;
-    } else {
-        if ( target_task == "turns" ) {
-            next_turn -= dt;
-            if ( next_turn < 0 ) {
-                if ( tgt_roll > 0 ) {
-                    # new roll 
-                    tgt_roll = -30.0;
-                } else {
-                    # new roll 
-                    tgt_roll = 30.0;
-                }
-                # next turn in 15 seconds
-                next_turn = 15.0;
-                # roll to zero if tgt_speed < 50 so we don't spin in mid air
-                if ( tgt_speed < 50 ) { tgt_roll = 0; }
-            }
-            tgt_lat_mode = "roll";
-        } elsif ( target_task == "turns-rand" or target_task == "both-rand" ) {
-            next_turn -= dt;
-            if ( next_turn < 0 ) {
-                if ( tgt_roll > 0 ) {
-                    # new roll between [-45 - -15]
-                    tgt_roll = -45.0 + rand() * 30.0;
-                } else {
-                    # new roll between [15 - 45]
-                    tgt_roll = rand() * 30.0 + 15.0;
-                }
-                # next turn between 5 - 15 seconds
-                next_turn = rand() * 10.0 + 5.0;
-                # roll to zero if tgt_speed < 50 so we don't spin in mid air
-                if ( tgt_speed < 50 ) { tgt_roll = 0; }
-            }
-            tgt_lat_mode = "roll";
-        }
-        if ( target_task == "pitch" or target_task == "both" ) {
-            next_pitch -= dt;
-            if ( next_pitch < 0 ) {
-                if ( tgt_alt > base_alt ) {
-                    # new alt base - 1000
-                    tgt_alt = base_alt - 1000.0;
-                } else {
-                    # new alt base + 1000
-                    tgt_alt = base_alt + 1000.0;
-                }
-                # next pitch in 15 seconds
-                next_pitch = 15.0;
-                # ??? (fixme?)
-                # pitch to zero if tgt_speed < 50 so we don't porpoise in
-                # mid air
-                # if ( tgt_speed < 50 ) { tgt_pitch = 0; }
-            }
-            tgt_lon_mode = "alt";
-        } elsif ( target_task == "pitch-rand" or target_task == "both-rand" ) {
-            next_pitch -= dt;
-            if ( next_pitch < 0 ) {
-                if ( tgt_alt > base_alt ) {
-                    # new alt between [2000 - 2500]
-                    tgt_alt = base_alt - 1000.0 + rand() * 500.0;
-                } else {
-                    # new alt between [3500 - 4000]
-                    tgt_alt = base_alt + 500.0 + rand() * 500.0;
-                }
-                # next pitch between 5 - 15 seconds
-                next_pitch = rand() * 10.0 + 5.0;
-                print("--> alt = ", tgt_alt, " next in ", next_pitch, " secs");
-                # ??? (fixme?)
-                # pitch to zero if tgt_speed < 50 so we don't porpoise in
-                # mid air
-                # if ( tgt_speed < 50 ) { tgt_pitch = 0; }
-            }
-            tgt_lon_mode = "alt";
-        } elsif ( target_task == "lazy-eights" ) {
-            tgt_lat_mode = "roll";
-            tgt_lon_mode = "alt";
-            next_turn -= dt;
-            if ( next_turn < 0 ) {
-		next_turn = 32.0;
-	    }
-	    if ( next_turn > 16.0 ) {
-		# rolling right
-		tgt_roll = 30.0;
-	    } else {
-		# rolling left
-		tgt_roll = -30.0;
-	    }
-	    # roll to zero if tgt_speed < 50 so we don't spin in mid air
-	    if ( tgt_speed < 50 ) { tgt_roll = 0; }
-	    if ( next_turn > 24.0 ) {
-		# climbing
-		tgt_alt = base_alt + 1000.0;
-	    } elsif ( next_turn > 16.0 ) {
-		# decending to original altitude
-		tgt_alt = base_alt;
-	    } elsif ( next_turn > 8.0 ) {
-		# climbing
-		tgt_alt = base_alt + 1000.0;
-	    } else {
-		# decending to original altitude
-		tgt_alt = base_alt;
-	    }
-	}
-        # fixed altitude if in turns mode
-        if ( target_task == "turns" or target_task == "turns-rand" ) {
-            tgt_lon_mode = "alt";
-            tgt_alt = base_alt;
-        }
-        # zero roll if in pitch mode
-        if ( target_task == "pitch" or target_task == "pitch-rand" ) {
-            tgt_lat_mode = "roll";
-            tgt_roll = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    tgt_lat_prop = sprintf("%s/controls/flight/lateral-mode",
-                           target_root );
-    setprop(tgt_lat_prop, tgt_lat_mode);
-    tgt_lon_prop = sprintf("%s/controls/flight/longitude-mode",
-                           target_root );
-    setprop(tgt_lon_prop, tgt_lon_mode);
-    if ( tgt_lat_mode == "roll" ) {
-        tgt_roll_prop = sprintf("%s/controls/flight/target-roll", target_root );
-        setprop(tgt_roll_prop, tgt_roll);
-    } else {
-        tgt_hdg_prop = sprintf("%s/controls/flight/target-hdg", target_root );
-        setprop(tgt_hdg_prop, tgt_hdg);
-    }
-    if ( tgt_lon_mode == "alt" ) {
-        tgt_alt_prop = sprintf("%s/controls/flight/target-alt", target_root );
-        setprop(tgt_alt_prop, tgt_alt);
-    } else {
-        tgt_pitch_prop = sprintf("%s/controls/flight/target-pitch",
-                                 target_root );
-        setprop(tgt_pitch_prop, tgt_pitch);
-    }
-# reset target aircraft position and heading relative to the "ownship".
-reset_target_aircraft = func {
-    print("Reseting target aircraft position");
-    my_lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");
-    my_lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
-    my_alt = getprop("/position/altitude-ft");
-    my_hdg = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg");
-    my_spd = getprop("/velocities/airspeed-kt");
-    result = CalcGClonlat( my_lon*SGDTR, my_lat*SGDTR, -my_hdg*SGDTR,
-                           0.5/SG_METER_TO_NM );
-    target_root = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/target-root");
-    target_prop = sprintf("%s/position/longitude-deg", target_root );
-    setprop(target_prop, result[0]/SGDTR);
-    target_prop = sprintf("%s/position/latitude-deg", target_root );
-    setprop(target_prop, result[1]/SGDTR);
-    target_prop = sprintf("%s/position/altitude-ft", target_root );
-    setprop(target_prop, my_alt);
-    target_prop = sprintf("%s/orientation/true-heading-deg", target_root );
-    setprop(target_prop, my_hdg);
-    target_prop = sprintf("%s/velocities/true-airspeed-kt", target_root );
-    setprop(target_prop, my_spd);
-    base_alt = my_alt;
-# If enabled, update our AP target values based on the target range,
-# bearing, and speed
-LeadTargetUpdate = func {
-    lead_target_enable = props.globals.getNode("/autopilot/lead-target/enable");
-    update_period = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/update-period");
-    if ( lead_target_enable.getBoolValue() ) {
-        # refresh user configurable values
-        goal_range_nm = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/goal-range-nm");
-        target_root = getprop("/autopilot/lead-target/target-root");
-        # force radar debug-mode on (forced radar calculations even if
-        # no radar instrument and ai aircraft are out of range
-        setprop("/instrumentation/radar/debug-mode", 1);
-        # update target task
-        do_target_task();
-        my_hdg = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg");
-        alt = getprop("/position/altitude-ft");
-        if ( alt == nil ) { alt = 0; }
-        speed = getprop("/velocities/airspeed-kt");
-        if ( speed == nil ) { speed = 0; }
-        range_prop = sprintf("%s/radar/range-nm", target_root );
-        range = getprop(range_prop);
-        if ( range == nil ) {
-            print("bad property path: ", range_prop);
-            return;
-        }
-        if ( range > 3.0 ) {
-            # if range is greater than threshold, then reset the target
-            # aircraft back in range/view.
-            reset_target_aircraft();
-        }
-        h_offset_prop = sprintf("%s/radar/h-offset", target_root );
-        h_offset = getprop(h_offset_prop);
-        if ( h_offset == nil ) {
-            print("bad property path: ", h_offset_prop);
-            return;
-        }
-        if ( h_offset > -90 and h_offset < 90 ) {
-            # in front of us
-            range_error = goal_range_nm - range;
-        } else {
-            # behind us
-            range_error = goal_range_nm + range;
-        }
-        if ( range_error < 0 ) {
-            # slow the target down
-            tgt_speed = speed + range_error * 300.0;
-        } else {
-            # speed the target up agressively
-            tgt_speed = speed + range_error * 2000.0;
-        }
-        if ( tgt_speed < 0 ) { tgt_speed = 0; }
-        # print("speed = ", speed, " range err = ", range_error,
-        #       " target spd = ", tgt_speed);
-        speed_prop = sprintf("%s/controls/flight/target-spd", target_root );
-        setprop( speed_prop, tgt_speed );
-    }
-    # last thing to do before we return from this function
-    registerTimer();
-select_task_dialog = func {
-    dialog.load();  # load every time?
-    dialog.open();
-var dialog = nil;
-settimer(func {
-    dialog = gui.Dialog.new("/sim/gui/dialogs/NTPS/config/dialog", "gui/dialogs/NTPS_target_task.xml");
-}, 0);
-# timer handling to cause our update function to be called periodially
-registerTimer = func {
-    settimer(LeadTargetUpdate, update_period );