Fork 0

Merge branch 'master' of D:\New Git\fgdata

This commit is contained in:
unknown 2010-06-01 09:30:03 +01:00
commit 1ea2dc4021
26 changed files with 17155 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# Becker AR-3201 transciever
var ar3201 = func {
setprop("instrumentation/comm/serviceable" ,0);
var chan = 0;
setprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/chan", chan);
var ch=[ 0,0,0,0,0 ];
ch[0] = getprop("instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz");
ch[1] = 121.5 ;
ch[2] = 121.5 ;
ch[3] = 121.5 ;
ch[4] = 121.5 ;
setprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/stby", ch[0]);
setprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/dummy", ch[0]);
setprop("instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz", ch[0]);
setlistener("instrumentation/AR-3201/power", func {
if ( getprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/power") == 1 and getprop("instrumentation/comm/serviceable") == 0 )
setprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/starting", 1);
settimer(func {
if (getprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/power") > 0)
setprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/starting", 0);
setprop("instrumentation/comm/serviceable" ,1)
}, 2);
if (getprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/power") == 0)
setprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/starting", 0);
setprop("instrumentation/comm/serviceable" ,0 );
setlistener("instrumentation/AR-3201/dummy", func {
settimer(func {
if ( chan == 0 )
ch[0] = getprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/stby") ;
setprop("instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz" ,ch[0] );
}, 0.02);
setlistener("instrumentation/AR-3201/chan", func {
chan = getprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/chan" );
setprop("instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz", ch[chan] );
setlistener("instrumentation/AR-3201/store", func {
chan = getprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/chan" );
ch[chan] = getprop("instrumentation/AR-3201/stby");
setprop("instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz", ch[chan] );
# Start the transciever ASAP

View file

@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- volume -->
<!-- frequency -->
<!-- power -->
<!-- store -->

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
If you wish to implement the ilec-sc7 on your glider,
You will need to :
* call the ilec-sc7.xml file from your model xml file
* call the ilec-sc7.nas script from your [aircraft-name]-set.xml file
* modify your sound.xml, including the following lines :

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
var debug_enabled = 0;
## helpers
var FT2M=0.30480;
var KT2MPS=1852/3600;
var square=func(x) return x*x;
var get_delta=func (current,previous) {return (current-previous);}
var state = {new:func {return{parents:[state]};},altitude_m:0,airspeed_mps:0,timestamp:0,te_read:0};
var samples = []; setsize(samples, 30);
var te_needle =0;
var update_state = func {
var s = state.new();
return s;
var push30 = func {
var i = 0;
while ( i < 30 ) {
i += 1;
# debug info
var s_dump = func(s) {
print(s.timestamp," ", s.altitude_m, " ", s.airspeed_mps);
var averager = func {
var sum = 0 ;
var i = 0;
while ( i < 29 ) {
samples[i] = samples[i+1]; # shift everything to the "left"
i += 1;
samples[29] = te_needle; # and set last sample to current
i = 0;
while ( i < 30 ) {
sum = sum + samples[i];
i += 1;
var average30 = sum / 30;
if (debug_enabled) print (" average ",average30);
settimer(averager, 1); # update rate
var tvario = {
new: func {return {parents:[tvario]};},
init: func {state.previous=state.new(); state.current=state.new();},
update:func {
if (debug_enabled) print("\nUpdating TEV:");
state.current = update_state();
if (debug_enabled) {
var delta_t = get_delta(state.current.timestamp, state.previous.timestamp);
# TE reading = (h2-h1)/t + (v2^2 - v1^2) / 19.62*t
if (debug_enabled) print("delta_t:",delta_t);
var uncompensated = get_delta(state.current.altitude_m,state.previous.altitude_m) / delta_t;
if (debug_enabled) print(" uncompensated:",uncompensated);
var adjustment = get_delta(square(state.current.airspeed_mps),square(state.previous.airspeed_mps)) / (19.62 * delta_t);
if (debug_enabled) print(" adjustment:",adjustment,"\n");
var te_reading = uncompensated + adjustment;
if (debug_enabled) print (" te_reading:",te_reading);
te_needle = getprop("/instrumentation/ilec-sc7/te-reading-mps");
var filter = 0.01 + 0.02 * getprop("/instrumentation/ilec-sc7/sensitivity");
te_needle = te_needle * (1-filter) + filter * te_reading;
state.previous = state.current; # save current state for next call
settimer(func me.update(), 1/20); # update rate
var tv = tvario.new();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry><ind> -5</ind><dep>-119.713</dep></entry>
<entry><ind> 0.0</ind><dep> 0.0</dep></entry>
<entry><ind> 5</ind><dep>119.7135</dep></entry>
<!-- mc cready -->
<name>increase mc-cready</name>
<name>decrease mc-cready</name>
<!-- volume -->
<name>increase audio volume</name>
<name>decrease audio volume</name>
<!-- audio switch -->
<!-- mode switch -->
<!-- sensitivity switch -->
<!-- digits -->

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Altimeter -->
<name>increase calibrate fine</name>
<name>decrease calibrate fine</name>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
From the source for slip_skid_ball.cxx, the number returned is (-z_accel/y_accel)*10.
For small theta, theta~=tan(theta) when theta is in radians. So the angle of a "ball"
undergoing z_accel and y_accel hung on the end of a string makes with the verticle
will be approximately -z_accel/y_accel radians. Converting to degrees, multiply by
180/pi=57.29, or 5.729 times the returned value. Edited by Dave Perry, 2/26/06.
<z-m>0.25</z-m> <!-- Makes the radius of curvature for the glass tube ~10 inches -->

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<name>3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator</name>
<name>3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator for Notebooks</name>
<debug-events type="bool">false</debug-events>