diff --git a/Nasal/canvas/map/GPS.lcontroller b/Nasal/canvas/map/GPS.lcontroller
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe49ef7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasal/canvas/map/GPS.lcontroller
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# See: http://wiki.flightgear.org/MapStructure
+# GPS line.  Displays GPS leg information
+# Class things:
+var name = 'GPS';
+var parents = [SymbolLayer.Controller];
+var __self__ = caller(0)[0];
+SymbolLayer.Controller.add(name, __self__);
+SymbolLayer.add(name, {
+	parents: [MultiSymbolLayer],
+	type: name, # Symbol type
+	df_controller: __self__, # controller to use by default -- this one
+	df_options: { # default configuration options
+		from_node : "/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[0]",
+		to_node : "/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]",
+		trigger_node1 : "/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/longitude-deg",
+		trigger_node2 : "/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/latitude-deg",
+		trigger_node3 : "/instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/altitude-ft",
+	}
+var new = func(layer) {
+	var m = {
+		parents: [__self__],
+		layer: layer,
+		map: layer.map,
+		listeners: [],
+		last_result: [],
+	};
+	layer.searcher._equals = func(l,r) 0; # TODO: create model objects instead?
+	append(m.listeners, setlistener(layer.options.trigger_node1, func m.layer.update(), 0, 0));
+	append(m.listeners, setlistener(layer.options.trigger_node2, func m.layer.update(), 0, 0));
+	append(m.listeners, setlistener(layer.options.trigger_node3, func m.layer.update(), 0, 0));
+	m.addVisibilityListener();
+	return m;
+var del = func() {
+	foreach (var l; me.listeners)
+		removelistener(l);
+var searchCmd = func() {
+	var coords = [];
+	var from = props.globals.getNode(me.layer.options.from_node);
+	var to = props.globals.getNode(me.layer.options.to_node);
+	# Perform various checks for valid data.  Unfortunately to avoid either
+	# having continual triggering every frame as the property values are updated
+	# (though not changed), we need to trigger this on any changes to the waypoint.
+	# In an initial case, not all the properties may have been initialized yet.
+	if ((from == nil) or (to == nil)) return [];
+	if (to.getNode("valid").getBoolValue() == 0) return [];
+	if (to.getValue("longitude-deg") == nil) return [];
+	if (to.getValue("latitude-deg") == nil) return [];
+	# Nil altitude is valid - set to 0.
+	# if (to.getValue("altitude-ft") == nil) return [];
+	append(coords, {lon: from.getValue("longitude-deg"),
+	                lat: from.getValue("latitude-deg"),
+									alt: from.getValue("altitude-ft") });
+	append(coords, {lon: to.getValue("longitude-deg"),
+	                lat: to.getValue("latitude-deg"),
+									alt: to.getValue("altitude-ft") or 0.0});
+	var lines = [];
+	append(lines, {
+		id: to.getNode("name", 1).getValue(),
+		type: "gps",
+		path: coords,
+		equals: func(o){
+			return (me.path == o.path and me.type == o.type);
+		}
+	});
+	return lines;
diff --git a/Nasal/canvas/map/GPS.symbol b/Nasal/canvas/map/GPS.symbol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..740f9b7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasal/canvas/map/GPS.symbol
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# See: http://wiki.flightgear.org/MapStructure
+# GPS line.  Displays GPS leg information
+# Class things:
+var name = 'GPS';
+var parents = [LineSymbol];
+var __self__ = caller(0)[0];
+LineSymbol.makeinstance( name, __self__ );
+SymbolLayer.get(name).df_style = { # style to use by default
+	line_width: 5,
+	color: [1,0,1],
+	line_dash: []
+var getLineStyle = func(property, df_val){
+	var type = nil;
+	if(typeof(me.model) == 'hash'){
+		type = me.model.type;
+	}
+	if(type != nil and type != 'current'){
+		var base_prop = property;
+		property = property~'_'~type;
+		me.getStyle(property, me.getStyle(base_prop, df_val));
+	} else {
+		me.getStyle(property, df_val);
+	}
+var setRouteStyle = func{
+	var df_style = SymbolLayer.get(name).df_style;
+	var dash = me.getLineStyle('line_dash', []);
+	var color = me.getLineStyle('color', df_style.color);
+	var line_width = me.getLineStyle('line_width', df_style.line_width);
+	me.element.setColor(color).setStrokeLineWidth(line_width);
+	if(typeof(dash) == 'vector')
+		me.element.setStrokeDashArray(dash);
+var init = func {
+	me.setRouteStyle();