diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/kap140.nas b/Aircraft/Generic/kap140.nas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea068d9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/kap140.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,1695 @@
+# Bendix/King KAP140 Autopilot System
+# Tries to behave like the Bendix/King KAP140 autopilot
+# two axis w/altitude preselect.
+# One would also need the autopilot configuration file
+# KAP140.xml and the panel instrument configuration file
+# Written by Roy Vegard Ovesen
+# "Power-check" edits by Dave Perry
+# Properties
+locks = "/autopilot/KAP140/locks";
+settings = "/autopilot/KAP140/settings";
+annunciators = "/autopilot/KAP140/annunciators";
+internal = "/autopilot/internal";
+# locks
+propLocks = props.globals.getNode(locks, 1);
+lockAltHold   = propLocks.getNode("alt-hold", 1);
+lockAprHold   = propLocks.getNode("apr-hold", 1);
+lockGsHold    = propLocks.getNode("gs-hold", 1);
+lockHdgHold   = propLocks.getNode("hdg-hold", 1);
+lockNavHold   = propLocks.getNode("nav-hold", 1);
+lockRevHold   = propLocks.getNode("rev-hold", 1);
+lockRollAxis  = propLocks.getNode("roll-axis", 1);
+lockRollMode  = propLocks.getNode("roll-mode", 1);
+lockPitchAxis = propLocks.getNode("pitch-axis", 1);
+lockPitchMode = propLocks.getNode("pitch-mode", 1);
+lockRollArm   = propLocks.getNode("roll-arm", 1);
+lockPitchArm  = propLocks.getNode("pitch-arm", 1);
+rollModes     = { "OFF" : 0, "ROL" : 1, "HDG" : 2, "NAV" : 3, "REV" : 4, "APR" : 5 };
+pitchModes    = { "OFF" : 0, "VS" : 1, "ALT" : 2, "GS" : 3 };
+rollArmModes  = { "OFF" : 0, "NAV" : 1, "APR" : 2, "REV" : 3 };
+pitchArmModes = { "OFF" : 0, "ALT" : 1, "GS" : 2 };
+# settings
+propSettings = props.globals.getNode(settings, 1);
+settingTargetAltPressure    = propSettings.getNode("target-alt-pressure", 1);
+settingTargetInterceptAngle = propSettings.getNode("target-intercept-angle", 1);
+settingTargetPressureRate   = propSettings.getNode("target-pressure-rate", 1);
+settingTargetTurnRate       = propSettings.getNode("target-turn-rate", 1);
+settingTargetAltFt          = propSettings.getNode("target-alt-ft", 1);
+settingBaroSettingInhg      = propSettings.getNode("baro-setting-inhg", 1);
+settingBaroSettingHpa       = propSettings.getNode("baro-setting-hpa", 1);
+propAnnunciators = props.globals.getNode(annunciators, 1);
+annunciatorRol          = propAnnunciators.getNode("rol", 1);
+annunciatorHdg          = propAnnunciators.getNode("hdg", 1);
+annunciatorNav          = propAnnunciators.getNode("nav", 1);
+annunciatorNavArm       = propAnnunciators.getNode("nav-arm", 1);
+annunciatorApr          = propAnnunciators.getNode("apr", 1);
+annunciatorAprArm       = propAnnunciators.getNode("apr-arm", 1);
+annunciatorRev          = propAnnunciators.getNode("rev", 1);
+annunciatorRevArm       = propAnnunciators.getNode("rev-arm", 1);
+annunciatorVs           = propAnnunciators.getNode("vs", 1);
+annunciatorVsNumber     = propAnnunciators.getNode("vs-number", 1);
+annunciatorFpm          = propAnnunciators.getNode("fpm", 1);
+annunciatorAlt          = propAnnunciators.getNode("alt", 1);
+annunciatorAltArm       = propAnnunciators.getNode("alt-arm", 1);
+annunciatorAltNumber    = propAnnunciators.getNode("alt-number", 1);
+annunciatorAltAlert     = propAnnunciators.getNode("alt-alert", 1);
+annunciatorApr          = propAnnunciators.getNode("apr", 1);
+annunciatorGs           = propAnnunciators.getNode("gs", 1);
+annunciatorGsArm        = propAnnunciators.getNode("gs-arm", 1);
+annunciatorPtUp         = propAnnunciators.getNode("pt-up", 1);
+annunciatorPtDn         = propAnnunciators.getNode("pt-dn", 1);
+annunciatorBsHpaNumber  = propAnnunciators.getNode("bs-hpa-number", 1);
+annunciatorBsInhgNumber = propAnnunciators.getNode("bs-inhg-number", 1);
+annunciatorAp           = propAnnunciators.getNode("ap", 1);
+annunciatorBeep         = propAnnunciators.getNode("beep", 1);
+navRadio = "/instrumentation/nav";
+encoder =  "/instrumentation/encoder";
+staticPort = "/systems/static";
+annunciator = annunciatorAp;
+annunciatorState = 0;
+flashInterval = 0.0;
+flashCount = 0.0;
+flashTimer = -1.0;
+pressureUnits = { "inHg" : 0, "hPa" : 1 };
+baroSettingUnit = pressureUnits["inHg"];
+baroSettingInhg = 29.92;
+baroSettingHpa = baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389;
+baroSettingAdjusting = 0;
+baroButtonDown = 0;
+baroTimerRunning = 0;
+altPreselect = 0;
+altButtonTimerRunning = 0;
+altButtonTimerIgnore = 0;
+altAlertOn = 0;
+altCaptured = 0;
+valueTest = 0;
+lastValue = 0;
+newValue = 0;
+minVoltageLimit = 8.0;
+flasher = func {
+  flashTimer = -1.0;
+  annunciator = arg[0];
+  flashInterval = arg[1];
+  flashCount = arg[2] + 1;
+  annunciatorState = arg[3];
+  flashTimer = 0.0;
+  flashAnnunciator();
+flashAnnunciator = func {
+  #print(annunciator.getName());
+  #print("FI:", flashInterval);
+  #print("FC:", flashCount);
+  #print("FT:", flashTimer);
+  ##
+  # If flashTimer is set to -1 then flashing is aborted
+  if (flashTimer < -0.5)
+  {
+    ##print ("flash abort ", annunciator);
+    annunciator.setBoolValue(0);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (flashTimer < flashCount)
+  {
+    #flashTimer = flashTimer + 1.0;
+    if (annunciator.getValue() == 1)
+    {
+      annunciator.setBoolValue(0);
+      settimer(flashAnnunciator, flashInterval / 2.0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      flashTimer = flashTimer + 1.0;
+      annunciator.setBoolValue(1);
+      settimer(flashAnnunciator, flashInterval);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    flashTimer = -1.0;
+    annunciator.setBoolValue(annunciatorState);
+  }
+ptCheck = func {
+  ##print("pitch trim check");
+  if (lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["OFF"])
+  {
+    annunciatorPtUp.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorPtDn.setBoolValue(0);
+    return;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    elevatorControl = getprop("/controls/flight/elevator");
+    ##print(elevatorControl);
+    # Flash the pitch trim up annunciator
+    if (elevatorControl < -0.01)
+    {
+      if (annunciatorPtUp.getValue() == 0)
+      {
+        annunciatorPtUp.setBoolValue(1);
+      }
+      elsif (annunciatorPtUp.getValue() == 1)
+      {
+        annunciatorPtUp.setBoolValue(0);
+      }
+    }
+    # Flash the pitch trim down annunciator
+    elsif (elevatorControl > 0.01)
+    {
+      if (annunciatorPtDn.getValue() == 0)
+      {
+        annunciatorPtDn.setBoolValue(1);
+      }
+      elsif (annunciatorPtDn.getValue() == 1)
+      {
+        annunciatorPtDn.setBoolValue(0);
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      annunciatorPtUp.setBoolValue(0);
+      annunciatorPtDn.setBoolValue(0);
+    }
+  }
+  settimer(ptCheck, 0.5);
+apInit = func {
+  ##print("ap init");
+  ##
+  # Initialises the autopilot.
+  ##
+  lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0);
+  lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+  lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+  lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0);
+  lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+  lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+  lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(0);
+  lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["OFF"]);
+  lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(0);
+  lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["OFF"]);
+  lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+  lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]);
+#  Reset the memory for power down or power up
+  altPreselect = 0;
+  baroSettingInhg = 29.92;
+  settingBaroSettingInhg.setDoubleValue(baroSettingInhg);
+  settingBaroSettingHpa.setDoubleValue(baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389);
+  settingTargetAltFt.setDoubleValue(altPreselect);
+  settingTargetAltPressure.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  settingTargetInterceptAngle.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  settingTargetTurnRate.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorHdg.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorNav.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorRev.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorVs.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorFpm.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorAlt.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorGs.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorGsArm.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorPtUp.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorPtDn.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorBsHpaNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorBsInhgNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorAp.setBoolValue(0);
+  annunciatorBeep.setBoolValue(0);
+#  settimer(altAlert, 5.0);
+apPower = func {
+## Monitor autopilot power
+## Call apInit if the power is too low
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) {
+    newValue = 0;
+  } else {
+    newValue = 1;
+  }
+  valueTest = newValue - lastValue;
+#  print("v_test = ", v_test);
+  if (valueTest > 0.5){
+    # autopilot just powered up
+    print("power up");
+    apInit();
+    altAlert();
+  } elsif (valueTest < -0.5) {
+    # autopilot just lost power
+    print("power lost");
+    apInit();
+    annunciatorAltAlert.setBoolValue(0);
+    # note: all button and knobs disabled in functions below
+  }
+  lastValue = newValue;
+  settimer(apPower, 0.5);
+apButton = func {
+  ##print("apButton");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  ##
+  # Engages the autopilot in Wings level mode (ROL) and Vertical speed hold
+  # mode (VS).
+  ##
+  if (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["OFF"] and
+      lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["OFF"])
+  {
+    flashTimer = -1.0;
+    lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["ROL"]);
+    lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["VS"]);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+    lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]);
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorVs.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+    settingTargetTurnRate.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+    ptCheck();
+    pressureRate = getprop(internal, "pressure-rate");
+    #print(pressureRate);
+    fpm = -pressureRate * 58000;
+    #print(fpm);
+    if (fpm > 0.0)
+    {
+      fpm = int(fpm/100 + 0.5) * 100;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      fpm = int(fpm/100 - 0.5) * 100;
+    }
+    #print(fpm);
+    settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(-fpm / 58000);
+    if (altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+    {
+      settimer(altButtonTimer, 3.0);
+      altButtonTimerRunning = 1;
+      altButtonTimerIgnore = 0;
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    }
+  }
+  ##
+  # Disengages all modes.
+  ##
+  elsif (lockRollMode.getValue() != rollModes["OFF"] and
+         lockPitchMode.getValue() != pitchModes["OFF"])
+  {
+    flashTimer = -1.0;
+    lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["OFF"]);
+    lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["OFF"]);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+    lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]);
+    settingTargetAltPressure.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+    settingTargetInterceptAngle.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+    settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+    settingTargetTurnRate.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorHdg.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorNav.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRev.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorVs.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAlt.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGs.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGsArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorPtUp.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorPtDn.setBoolValue(0);
+    flasher(annunciatorAp, 1.0, 5, 0);
+  }
+hdgButton = func {
+  ##print("hdgButton");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  ##
+  # Engages the heading mode (HDG) and vertical speed hold mode (VS). The
+  # commanded vertical speed is set to the vertical speed present at button
+  # press.
+  ##
+  if (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["OFF"] and
+      lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["OFF"])
+  {
+    flashTimer = -1.0;
+    lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["HDG"]);
+    lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["VS"]);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+    lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]);
+    annunciatorHdg.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorAlt.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGs.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorNav.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorVs.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+    settingTargetInterceptAngle.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+    ptCheck();
+    pressureRate = getprop(internal, "pressure-rate");
+    fpm = -pressureRate * 58000;
+    #print(fpm);
+    if (fpm > 0.0)
+    {
+      fpm = int(fpm/100 + 0.5) * 100;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      fpm = int(fpm/100 - 0.5) * 100;
+    }
+    #print(fpm);
+    settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(-fpm / 58000);
+    if (altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+    {
+      settimer(altButtonTimer, 3.0);
+      altButtonTimerRunning = 1;
+      altButtonTimerIgnore = 0;
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    }
+  }
+  ##
+  # Switch from ROL to HDG mode, but don't change pitch mode.
+  ##
+  elsif (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["ROL"])
+  {
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["HDG"]);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+    annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGs.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorHdg.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorNav.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRev.setBoolValue(0);
+    settingTargetInterceptAngle.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  }
+  ##
+  # Switch to HDG mode, but don't change pitch mode.
+  ##
+  elsif ( (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["NAV"] or
+         lockRollArm.getValue() == rollArmModes["NAV"] or
+         lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["REV"] or
+         lockRollArm.getValue() == rollArmModes["REV"]) and
+         flashTimer < -0.5)
+  {
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["HDG"]);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+    annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGs.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorHdg.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorNav.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRev.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    settingTargetInterceptAngle.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  }
+  ##
+  # If we already are in HDG mode switch to ROL mode. Again don't touch pitch
+  # mode.
+  ##
+  elsif (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["HDG"])
+  {
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["ROL"]);
+    annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGs.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorHdg.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorNav.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(1);
+    settingTargetTurnRate.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  }
+  ##
+  # If we are in APR mode we also have to change pitch mode.
+  # TODO: Should we switch to VS or ALT mode? (currently VS)
+  ##
+  elsif ( (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["APR"] or
+         lockRollArm.getValue() == rollArmModes["APR"] or
+         lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["GS"] or
+         lockPitchArm.getValue() == pitchArmModes["GS"]) and
+         flashTimer < -0.5)
+  {
+    lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["HDG"]);
+    lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["VS"]);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+    lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]);
+    annunciatorAlt.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorHdg.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorNav.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGs.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGsArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorVs.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+    settingTargetInterceptAngle.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+    pressureRate = getprop(internal, "pressure-rate");
+    #print(pressureRate);
+    fpm = -pressureRate * 58000;
+    #print(fpm);
+    if (fpm > 0.0)
+    {
+      fpm = int(fpm/100 + 0.5) * 100;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      fpm = int(fpm/100 - 0.5) * 100;
+    }
+    #print(fpm);
+    settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(-fpm / 58000);
+    if (altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+    {
+      settimer(altButtonTimer, 3.0);
+      altButtonTimerRunning = 1;
+      altButtonTimerIgnore = 0;
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    }
+  }
+navButton = func {
+  ##print("navButton");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  ##
+  # If we are in HDG mode we switch to the 45 degree angle intercept NAV mode
+  ##
+  if (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["HDG"])
+  {
+    flasher(annunciatorHdg, 0.5, 8, 0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["NAV"]);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["NAV"]);
+    annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    navArmFromHdg();
+  }
+  ##
+  # If we are in ROL mode we switch to the all angle intercept NAV mode.
+  ##
+  elsif (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["ROL"])
+  {
+    flasher(annunciatorHdg, 0.5, 8, 0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["NAV"]);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["NAV"]);
+    annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    navArmFromRol();
+  }
+  ##
+  # TODO:
+  # NAV mode can only be armed if we are in HDG or ROL mode.
+  # Can anyone verify that this is correct?
+  ##
+navArmFromHdg = func
+  ##
+  # Abort the NAV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
+  # else than NAV-ARM.
+  ##
+  if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["NAV"])
+  {
+    annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    return;
+  }
+  #annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(1);
+  ##
+  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
+  ##
+  if (flashTimer > -0.5)
+  {
+    #print("flashing...");
+    settimer(navArmFromHdg, 2.5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # Activate the nav-hold controller and check the needle deviation.
+  ##
+  lockNavHold.setBoolValue(1);
+  deviation = getprop(navRadio, "heading-needle-deflection");
+  ##
+  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
+  ##
+  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
+  {
+    #print("deviation");
+    settimer(navArmFromHdg, 5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the NAV-ARM annunciator
+  # and show the NAV annunciator. End of NAV-ARM sequence.
+  ##
+  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
+  {
+    #print("capture");
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+    annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorNav.setBoolValue(1);
+  }
+navArmFromRol = func
+  ##
+  # Abort the NAV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
+  # else than NAV-ARM.
+  ##
+  if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["NAV"])
+  {
+    annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
+  ##
+  #annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(1);
+  if (flashTimer > -0.5)
+  {
+    #print("flashing...");
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    settimer(navArmFromRol, 2.5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # Turn the ROL annunciator back on and activate the ROL mode.
+  ##
+  annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(1);
+  lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+  settingTargetTurnRate.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  deviation = getprop(navRadio, "heading-needle-deflection");
+  ##
+  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
+  ##
+  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
+  {
+    #print("deviation");
+    settimer(navArmFromRol, 5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the NAV-ARM annunciator
+  # and show the NAV annunciator. End of NAV-ARM sequence.
+  ##
+  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
+  {
+    #print("capture");
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorNavArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorNav.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["NAV"]);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+  }
+aprButton = func {
+  ##print("aprButton");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  ##
+  # If we are in HDG mode we switch to the 45 degree intercept angle APR mode
+  ##
+  if (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["HDG"])
+  {
+    flasher(annunciatorHdg, 0.5, 8, 0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["APR"]);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["APR"]);
+    annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    aprArmFromHdg();
+  }
+  elsif (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["ROL"])
+  {
+    flasher(annunciatorHdg, 0.5, 8, 0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["APR"]);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["APR"]);
+    annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    aprArmFromRol();
+  }
+aprArmFromHdg = func
+  ##
+  # Abort the APR-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
+  # else than APR-ARM.
+  ##
+  if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["APR"])
+  {
+    annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    return;
+  }
+  #annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(1);
+  ##
+  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
+  ##
+  if (flashTimer > -0.5)
+  {
+    #print("flashing...");
+    settimer(aprArmFromHdg, 2.5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # Activate the apr-hold controller and check the needle deviation.
+  ##
+  lockAprHold.setBoolValue(1);
+  deviation = getprop(navRadio, "heading-needle-deflection");
+  ##
+  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
+  ##
+  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
+  {
+    #print("deviation");
+    settimer(aprArmFromHdg, 5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the APR-ARM annunciator
+  # and show the APR annunciator. End of APR-ARM sequence. Start the GS-ARM
+  # sequence.
+  ##
+  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
+  {
+    #print("capture");
+    annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["GS"]);
+    gsArm();
+  }
+aprArmFromRol = func
+  ##
+  # Abort the APR-ARM mode if something has changed the roll mode to something
+  # else than APR-ARM.
+  ##
+  if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["APR"])
+  {
+    annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    return;
+  }
+  #annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(1);
+  ##
+  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
+  ##
+  if (flashTimer > -0.5)
+  {
+    #print("flashing...");
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    settimer(aprArmFromRol, 2.5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # Turn the ROL annunciator back on and activate the ROL mode.
+  ##
+  annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(1);
+  lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+  settingTargetTurnRate.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  deviation = getprop(navRadio, "heading-needle-deflection");
+  ##
+  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
+  ##
+  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
+  {
+    #print("deviation");
+    settimer(aprArmFromRol, 5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the APR-ARM annunciator
+  # and show the APR annunciator. End of APR-ARM sequence. Start the GS-ARM
+  # sequence.
+  ##
+  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
+  {
+    #print("capture");
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAprArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorApr.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["APR"]);
+    lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["GS"]);
+    gsArm();
+  }
+gsArm = func {
+  ##
+  # Abort the GS-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
+  # else than GS-ARM.
+  ##
+  if (lockPitchArm.getValue() != pitchArmModes["GS"])
+  {
+    annunciatorGsArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    return;
+  }
+  annunciatorGsArm.setBoolValue(1);
+  deviation = getprop(navRadio, "gs-needle-deflection");
+  ##
+  # If the deflection is more than 1 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
+  ##
+  if (abs(deviation) > 1.0)
+  {
+    #print("deviation");
+    settimer(gsArm, 5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # If the deviation is less than 1 degrees turn off the GS-ARM annunciator
+  # and show the GS annunciator. Activate the GS pitch mode.
+  ##
+  elsif (abs(deviation) < 1.1)
+  {
+    #print("capture");
+    annunciatorAlt.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorVs.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGsArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorGs.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["GS"]);
+    lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]);
+  }
+revButton = func {
+  ##print("revButton");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  ##
+  # If we are in HDG mode we switch to the 45 degree intercept angle REV mode
+  ##
+  if (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["HDG"])
+  {
+    flasher(annunciatorHdg, 0.5, 8, 0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["REV"]);
+    annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    revArmFromHdg();
+  }
+  elsif (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["ROL"])
+  {
+    flasher(annunciatorHdg, 0.5, 8, 0);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["REV"]);
+    annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    revArmFromRol();
+  }
+revArmFromHdg = func
+  ##
+  # Abort the REV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
+  # else than REV-ARM.
+  ##
+  if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["REV"])
+  {
+    annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    return;
+  }
+  #annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(1);
+  ##
+  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
+  ##
+  if (flashTimer > -0.5)
+  {
+    #print("flashing...");
+    settimer(revArmFromHdg, 2.5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # Activate the rev-hold controller and check the needle deviation.
+  ##
+  lockRevHold.setBoolValue(1);
+  deviation = getprop(navRadio, "heading-needle-deflection");
+  ##
+  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
+  ##
+  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
+  {
+    #print("deviation");
+    settimer(revArmFromHdg, 5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the REV-ARM annunciator
+  # and show the REV annunciator. End of REV-ARM sequence.
+  ##
+  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
+  {
+    #print("capture");
+    annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRev.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRev.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["REV"]);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+  }
+revArmFromRol = func
+  ##
+  # Abort the REV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
+  # else than REV-ARM.
+  ##
+  if (lockRollArm.getValue() != rollArmModes["REV"])
+  {
+    annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    return;
+  }
+  #annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(1);
+  ##
+  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
+  ##
+  if (flashTimer > -0.5)
+  {
+    #print("flashing...");
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    settimer(revArmFromRol, 2.5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # Turn the ROL annunciator back on and activate the ROL mode.
+  ##
+  annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(1);
+  lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+  settingTargetTurnRate.setDoubleValue(0.0);
+  deviation = getprop(navRadio, "heading-needle-deflection");
+  ##
+  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
+  ##
+  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
+  {
+    #print("deviation");
+    settimer(revArmFromRol, 5);
+    return;
+  }
+  ##
+  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the REV-ARM annunciator
+  # and show the REV annunciator. End of REV-ARM sequence.
+  ##
+  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
+  {
+    #print("capture");
+    annunciatorRol.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRevArm.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorRev.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockAprHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockGsHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRevHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockHdgHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockNavHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockRollAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockRollMode.setIntValue(rollModes["REV"]);
+    lockRollArm.setIntValue(rollArmModes["OFF"]);
+  }
+altButtonTimer = func {
+  #print("alt button timer");
+  #print(altButtonTimerIgnore);
+  if (altButtonTimerIgnore == 0)
+  {
+      annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+      altButtonTimerRunning = 0;
+  }
+  elsif (altButtonTimerIgnore > 0)
+  {
+      altButtonTimerIgnore = altButtonTimerIgnore - 1;
+  }
+altButton = func {
+  ##print("altButton");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  if (lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["ALT"])
+  {
+    if (altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+    {
+      settimer(altButtonTimer, 3.0);
+      altButtonTimerRunning = 1;
+      altButtonTimerIgnore = 0;
+    }
+    lockAltHold.setBoolValue(0);
+    lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["VS"]);
+    annunciatorAlt.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorVs.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+    pressureRate = getprop(internal, "pressure-rate");
+    fpm = -pressureRate * 58000;
+    #print(fpm);
+    if (fpm > 0.0)
+    {
+      fpm = int(fpm/100 + 0.5) * 100;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      fpm = int(fpm/100 - 0.5) * 100;
+    }
+    #print(fpm);
+    settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(-fpm / 58000);
+  }
+  elsif (lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["VS"])
+  {
+    lockAltHold.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+    lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["ALT"]);
+    annunciatorAlt.setBoolValue(1);
+    annunciatorVs.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+    altPressure = getprop(staticPort, "pressure-inhg");
+    altFt = (baroSettingInhg - altPressure) / 0.00103;
+    if (altFt > 0.0)
+    {
+      altFt = int(altFt/20 + 0.5) * 20;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      altFt = int(altFt/20 - 0.5) * 20;
+    }
+    #print(altFt);
+    altPressure = baroSettingInhg - altFt * 0.00103;
+    settingTargetAltPressure.setDoubleValue(altPressure);
+  }
+downButton = func {
+  ##print("downButton");#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  if (baroTimerRunning == 0)
+  {
+    if (lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["VS"])
+    {
+      if (altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+      {
+        settimer(altButtonTimer, 3.0);
+        altButtonTimerRunning = 1;
+        altButtonTimerIgnore = 0;
+      }
+      elsif (altButtonTimerRunning == 1)
+      {
+          settimer(altButtonTimer, 3.0);
+          altButtonTimerIgnore = altButtonTimerIgnore + 1;
+      }
+      targetVS = getprop(settings, "target-pressure-rate");
+      settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(targetVS +
+                                               0.0017241379310345);
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+      annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+    }
+    elsif (lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["ALT"])
+    {
+      targetPressure = getprop(settings, "target-alt-pressure");
+      settingTargetAltPressure.setDoubleValue(targetPressure + 0.0206);
+    }
+  }
+upButton = func {
+  ##print("upButton");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  if (baroTimerRunning == 0)
+  {
+    if (lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["VS"])
+    {
+      if (altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+      {
+        settimer(altButtonTimer, 3.0);
+        altButtonTimerRunning = 1;
+        altButtonTimerIgnore = 0;
+      }
+      elsif (altButtonTimerRunning == 1)
+      {
+          settimer(altButtonTimer, 3.0);
+          altButtonTimerIgnore = altButtonTimerIgnore + 1;
+      }
+      targetVS = getprop(settings, "target-pressure-rate");
+      settingTargetPressureRate.setDoubleValue(targetVS -
+                                               0.0017241379310345);
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+      annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+    }
+    elsif (lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["ALT"])
+    {
+      targetPressure = getprop(settings, "target-alt-pressure");
+      settingTargetAltPressure.setDoubleValue(targetPressure - 0.0206);
+    }
+  }
+armButton = func {
+  #print("arm button");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  pitchArm = lockPitchArm.getValue();
+  if (pitchArm == pitchArmModes["OFF"])
+  {
+    lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["ALT"]);
+    annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(1);
+  }
+  elsif (pitchArm == pitchArmModes["ALT"])
+  {
+    lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]);
+    annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(0);
+  }
+baroButtonTimer = func {
+  #print("baro button timer");
+  baroTimerRunning = 0;
+  if (baroButtonDown == 1)
+  {
+    baroSettingUnit = !baroSettingUnit;
+    baroButtonDown = 0;
+    baroButtonPress();
+  }
+  elsif (baroButtonDown == 0 and
+         baroSettingAdjusting == 0)
+  {
+    annunciatorBsHpaNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorBsInhgNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+  }
+  elsif (baroSettingAdjusting == 1)
+  {
+    baroTimerRunning = 1;
+    baroSettingAdjusting = 0;
+    settimer(baroButtonTimer, 3.0);
+  }
+baroButtonPress = func {
+  #print("baro putton press");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  if (baroButtonDown == 0 and
+      baroTimerRunning == 0 and
+      altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+  {
+    baroButtonDown = 1;
+    baroTimerRunning = 1;
+    settimer(baroButtonTimer, 3.0);
+    annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    if (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["inHg"])
+    {
+      settingBaroSettingInhg.setDoubleValue(baroSettingInhg);
+      annunciatorBsInhgNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+      annunciatorBsHpaNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    }
+    elsif (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["hPa"])
+    {
+      settingBaroSettingHpa.setDoubleValue(
+              baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389);
+      annunciatorBsHpaNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+      annunciatorBsInhgNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+    }
+  }
+baroButtonRelease = func {
+  #print("baro button release");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  baroButtonDown = 0;
+pow = func {
+  #print(arg[0],arg[1]);
+  return math.exp(arg[1]*math.ln(arg[0]));
+pressureToHeight = func {
+  p0 = arg[1];    # [Pa]
+  p = arg[0];     # [Pa]
+  t0 = 288.15;    # [K]
+  LR = -0.0065;    # [K/m]
+  g = -9.80665;    # [m/s²]
+  Rd = 287.05307; # [J/kg K]
+  z = -(t0/LR) * (1.0-pow((p/p0),((Rd*LR)/g)));
+  return z;
+heightToPressure = func {
+  p0 = arg[1];    # [Pa]
+  z = arg[0];     # [m]
+  t0 = 288.15;    # [K]
+  LR = -0.0065;    # [K/m]
+  g = -9.80665;    # [m/s²]
+  Rd = 287.05307; # [J/kg K]
+  p = p0 * pow(((t0+LR*z)/t0),(g/(Rd*LR)));
+  return p;
+hPartial = func {
+  p0 = arg[1];    # Units of p0 must match units of delta p
+  p = arg[0];     # Units of p must match units of delta p
+  t0 = 288.15;    # [K]
+  LR = -0.0065;    # [K/m]
+  g = -9.80665;    # [m/s²]
+  Rd = 287.05307; # [J/kg K]
+  gamma = (Rd*LR)/g;
+  z = -(t0/LR)*gamma*pow((p/p0),gamma)/p0;
+  return z;
+altAlert = func {
+  #print("alt alert");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  pressureAltitude = getprop(encoder, "pressure-alt-ft");
+  altPressure = getprop(staticPort, "pressure-inhg");
+  hPartStat = hPartial(altPressure, 29.92) / 0.3048006;
+  altFt = pressureAltitude + hPartStat * (baroSettingInhg - 29.92);
+  altDifference = abs(altPreselect - altFt);
+  #print(altDifference);
+  if (altDifference > 1000)
+  {
+    annunciatorAltAlert.setBoolValue(0);
+  }
+  elsif (altDifference < 1000 and
+         altCaptured == 0)
+  {
+    if (flashTimer < -0.5) {
+      annunciatorAltAlert.setBoolValue(1); }
+    if (altDifference < 200)
+    {
+      if (flashTimer < -0.5) {
+        annunciatorAltAlert.setBoolValue(0); }
+      if (altDifference < 20)
+      {
+        #print("altCapture()");
+        altCaptured = 1;
+        if (lockPitchArm.getValue() == pitchArmModes["ALT"])
+        {
+          lockAltHold.setBoolValue(1);
+          lockPitchAxis.setBoolValue(1);
+          lockPitchMode.setIntValue(pitchModes["ALT"]);
+          lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["OFF"]);
+          annunciatorAlt.setBoolValue(1);
+          annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(0);
+          annunciatorVs.setBoolValue(0);
+          annunciatorVsNumber.setBoolValue(0);
+          annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+          #altPressure = baroSettingInhg - altPreselect * 0.00103;
+          #altPressure = heightToPressure(altPreselect*0.3048006,
+          #                                baroSettingInhg*3386.389)/3386.389;
+          altPressure = getprop(staticPort, "pressure-inhg");
+          settingTargetAltPressure.setDoubleValue(altPressure);
+        }
+        flasher(annunciatorAltAlert, 1.0, 0, 0);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  elsif (altDifference < 1000 and
+         altCaptured == 1)
+  {
+    if (altDifference > 200)
+    {
+      flasher(annunciatorAltAlert, 1.0, 5, 1);
+      altCaptured = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  settimer(altAlert, 2.0);
+knobSmallUp = func {
+  #print("knob small up");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  if (baroTimerRunning == 1)
+  {
+    baroSettingAdjusting = 1;
+    if (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["inHg"])
+    {
+      baroSettingInhg = baroSettingInhg + 0.01;
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389;
+      settingBaroSettingInhg.setDoubleValue(baroSettingInhg);
+    }
+    elsif (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["hPa"])
+    {
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389;
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingHpa + 0.001;
+      baroSettingInhg = baroSettingHpa / 0.03386389;
+      settingBaroSettingHpa.setDoubleValue(baroSettingHpa);
+    }
+  }
+  elsif (baroTimerRunning == 0 and
+         altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+  {
+    altCaptured = 0;
+    altPreselect = altPreselect + 20;
+    settingTargetAltFt.setDoubleValue(altPreselect);
+    if (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["OFF"] and
+        lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["OFF"])
+    {
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+      if (altAlertOn == 0)
+      {
+        altAlertOn = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    elsif (lockPitchArm.getValue() == pitchArmModes["OFF"])
+    {
+      lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["ALT"]);
+      annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    }
+  }
+knobLargeUp = func {
+  #print("knob large up");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  if (baroTimerRunning == 1)
+  {
+    baroSettingAdjusting = 1;
+    if (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["inHg"])
+    {
+      baroSettingInhg = baroSettingInhg + 1.0;
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389;
+      settingBaroSettingInhg.setDoubleValue(baroSettingInhg);
+    }
+    elsif (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["hPa"])
+    {
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389;
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingHpa + 0.1;
+      baroSettingInhg = baroSettingHpa / 0.03386389;
+      settingBaroSettingHpa.setDoubleValue(baroSettingHpa);
+    }
+  }
+  elsif (baroTimerRunning == 0 and
+         altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+  {
+    altCaptured = 0;
+    altPreselect = altPreselect + 100;
+    settingTargetAltFt.setDoubleValue(altPreselect);
+    if (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["OFF"] and
+        lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["OFF"])
+    {
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+      if (altAlertOn == 0)
+      {
+        altAlertOn = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    elsif (lockPitchArm.getValue() == pitchArmModes["OFF"])
+    {
+      lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["ALT"]);
+      annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    }
+  }
+knobSmallDown = func {
+  #print("knob small down");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  if (baroTimerRunning == 1)
+  {
+    baroSettingAdjusting = 1;
+    if (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["inHg"])
+    {
+      baroSettingInhg = baroSettingInhg - 0.01;
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389;
+      settingBaroSettingInhg.setDoubleValue(baroSettingInhg);
+    }
+    elsif (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["hPa"])
+    {
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389;
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingHpa - 0.001;
+      baroSettingInhg = baroSettingHpa / 0.03386389;
+      settingBaroSettingHpa.setDoubleValue(baroSettingHpa);
+    }
+  }
+  elsif (baroTimerRunning == 0 and
+         altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+  {
+    altCaptured = 0;
+    altPreselect = altPreselect - 20;
+    settingTargetAltFt.setDoubleValue(altPreselect);
+    if (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["OFF"] and
+        lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["OFF"])
+    {
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+      if (altAlertOn == 0)
+      {
+        altAlertOn = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    elsif (lockPitchArm.getValue() == pitchArmModes["OFF"])
+    {
+      lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["ALT"]);
+      annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    }
+  }
+knobLargeDown = func {
+  #print("knob large down");
+#  Disable button if too little power
+  if (getprop(power) < minVoltageLimit) { return; }
+  if (baroTimerRunning == 1)
+  {
+    baroSettingAdjusting = 1;
+    if (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["inHg"])
+    {
+      baroSettingInhg = baroSettingInhg - 1.0;
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389;
+      settingBaroSettingInhg.setDoubleValue(baroSettingInhg);
+    }
+    elsif (baroSettingUnit == pressureUnits["hPa"])
+    {
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingInhg * 0.03386389;
+      baroSettingHpa = baroSettingHpa - 0.1;
+      baroSettingInhg = baroSettingHpa / 0.03386389;
+      settingBaroSettingHpa.setDoubleValue(baroSettingHpa);
+    }
+  }
+  elsif (baroTimerRunning == 0 and
+         altButtonTimerRunning == 0)
+  {
+    altCaptured = 0;
+    altPreselect = altPreselect - 100;
+    settingTargetAltFt.setDoubleValue(altPreselect);
+    if (lockRollMode.getValue() == rollModes["OFF"] and
+        lockPitchMode.getValue() == pitchModes["OFF"])
+    {
+      annunciatorAltNumber.setBoolValue(1);
+      if (altAlertOn == 0)
+      {
+        altAlertOn = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    elsif (lockPitchArm.getValue() == pitchArmModes["OFF"])
+    {
+      lockPitchArm.setIntValue(pitchArmModes["ALT"]);
+      annunciatorAltArm.setBoolValue(1);
+    }
+  }
+var L = setlistener(power, func {
+  apPower();
+  removelistener(L);
diff --git a/Aircraft/Generic/limits.nas b/Aircraft/Generic/limits.nas
index 78a472063..7cb872680 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Generic/limits.nas
+++ b/Aircraft/Generic/limits.nas
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 # limits/max-positive-g
 # limits/max-negative-g (must be defined in max-positive-g defined)
-# You can defined multiple max-flap-extension-speed entries, for max extension
+# You can define multiple max-flap-extension-speed entries for max extension
 # speeds for different flap settings.
 checkFlaps = func {
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments/KAP140TwoAxis.xml b/Aircraft/Instruments/KAP140TwoAxis.xml
index ca85a0ef8..a5889d836 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Instruments/KAP140TwoAxis.xml
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments/KAP140TwoAxis.xml
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.ap_button();
+      kap140.apButton();
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.hdg_button();
+      kap140.hdgButton();
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.nav_button();
+      kap140.navButton();
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.apr_button();
+      kap140.aprButton();
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.alt_button();
+      kap140.altButton();
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.rev_button();
+      kap140.revButton();
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.dn_button();
+      kap140.downButton();
@@ -609,11 +609,11 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.up_button();
+      kap140.upButton();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments/KAP140TwoAxisAlt.xml b/Aircraft/Instruments/KAP140TwoAxisAlt.xml
index f77468842..195408c2b 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Instruments/KAP140TwoAxisAlt.xml
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments/KAP140TwoAxisAlt.xml
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 KAP140 Two Axis with Altitude Preselect autopilot instrument.
-Started 2004 by Roy Vegard Ovesen, rvovesen@tiscali.no.
+Started 2004 by Roy Vegard Ovesen.
 This is an instrument configuration file for the open-source flight
 simulator FlightGear (www.flightgear.org).  The file is an XML-encoded
@@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ click.  Actions always modify the values of properties, either by
 adjusting them, toggling them, or swaping them with other
 properties' values.
@@ -51,7 +49,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -80,7 +78,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -138,7 +136,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -167,7 +165,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -196,7 +194,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -225,7 +223,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -254,7 +252,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -283,7 +281,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -312,7 +310,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -341,7 +339,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -370,7 +368,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -406,7 +404,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -435,7 +433,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -464,7 +462,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -500,7 +498,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -529,7 +527,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -558,7 +556,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -587,7 +585,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -617,7 +615,7 @@ properties' values.
-      <value>on</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -648,7 +646,7 @@ properties' values.
-      <value>on</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -678,7 +676,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -714,7 +712,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -743,7 +741,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -779,7 +777,7 @@ properties' values.
-     <value>on</value>
+     <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -819,7 +817,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.ap_button();
+      kap140.apButton();
@@ -834,7 +832,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.hdg_button();
+      kap140.hdgButton();
@@ -849,7 +847,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.nav_button();
+      kap140.navButton();
@@ -864,7 +862,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.apr_button();
+      kap140.aprButton();
@@ -879,7 +877,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.alt_button();
+      kap140.altButton();
@@ -894,7 +892,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.rev_button();
+      kap140.revButton();
@@ -909,7 +907,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.dn_button();
+      kap140.downButton();
@@ -924,7 +922,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.up_button();
+      kap140.upButton();
@@ -939,7 +937,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.arm_button();
+      kap140.armButton();
@@ -955,14 +953,14 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.baro_button_press();
+      kap140.baroButtonPress();
-       kap140.baro_button_release();
+       kap140.baroButtonRelease();
@@ -978,7 +976,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.knob_s_up();
+      kap140.knobSmallUp();
@@ -993,7 +991,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.knob_l_up();
+      kap140.knobLargeUp();
@@ -1008,7 +1006,7 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.knob_s_dn();
+      kap140.knobSmallDown();
@@ -1023,11 +1021,11 @@ properties' values.
-      kap140.knob_l_dn();
+      kap140.knobLargeDown();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Aircraft/Instruments/fuel-c172s.xml b/Aircraft/Instruments/fuel-c172s.xml
index b8770be70..5d22790b5 100644
--- a/Aircraft/Instruments/fuel-c172s.xml
+++ b/Aircraft/Instruments/fuel-c172s.xml
@@ -207,4 +207,4 @@ Feb 7 2003
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/Systems/KAP140.xml b/Aircraft/c172p/Systems/KAP140.xml
index 7e9611f91..8e545329c 100644
--- a/Aircraft/c172p/Systems/KAP140.xml
+++ b/Aircraft/c172p/Systems/KAP140.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <!-- KAP 140 Autopilot Configuration -->
 <!-- Each component is evaluated in the order specified.  You can make up -->
 <!-- property names to pass the result of one component on to a subsequent -->
 <!-- component. -->
   <!-- =============================================================== -->
@@ -20,7 +16,7 @@
-      <value>nav</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -50,7 +46,7 @@
-      <value>apr</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -80,7 +76,7 @@
-      <value>rev</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -112,10 +108,10 @@
-      <value>hdg</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
-      <prop>/autopilot/internal/heading-bug-error-deg</prop> -->
+      <prop>/autopilot/internal/heading-bug-error-deg</prop> --&gt;
 <!--      <prop>/instrumentation/gps/true-bug-error-deg</prop> -->
@@ -144,7 +140,7 @@
-      <value>trn</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -178,7 +174,7 @@
-      <value>alt</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -208,7 +204,7 @@
-      <value>gs</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
@@ -247,7 +243,7 @@
-      <value>vs</value>
+      <value type="bool">true</value>
diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-set.xml b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-set.xml
index 328bff87f..33a29534f 100644
--- a/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-set.xml
+++ b/Aircraft/c172p/c172p-set.xml
@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ Started October 23 2001 by John Check, fgpanels@rockfish.net
     <tumble-flag archive="y" type="bool">true</tumble-flag>
+  <encoder>
+   <serviceable type="bool">true</serviceable>
+  </encoder>
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ Started October 23 2001 by John Check, fgpanels@rockfish.net
-   <file>Aircraft/c172p/kap140.nas</file>
+   <file>Aircraft/Generic/kap140.nas</file>
diff --git a/Aircraft/c172p/kap140.nas b/Aircraft/c172p/kap140.nas
deleted file mode 100644
index 89cf894a3..000000000
--- a/Aircraft/c172p/kap140.nas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1520 +0,0 @@
-# Bendix/King KAP140 Autopilot System
-Locks = "/autopilot/KAP140/locks";
-Settings = "/autopilot/KAP140/settings";
-Annunciators = "/autopilot/KAP140/annunciators";
-Internal = "/autopilot/internal";
-annunciator = "";
-annunciator_state = "";
-flash_interval = 0.0;
-flash_count = 0.0;
-flash_timer = -1.0;
-# baro setting unit: 0=inHg, 1=hPa
-baro_setting_unit = 0;
-baro_setting = 29.92;
-baro_setting_hpa = 1.013;
-baro_setting_adjusting = 0;
-baro_button_down = 0;
-baro_timer_running = 0;
-alt_preselect = 0;
-alt_button_timer_running = 0;
-alt_button_timer_ignore = 0;
-alt_alert_on = 0;
-alt_captured = 0;
-old_alt_number_state = ["off", 0];
-old_vs_number_state = ["off", 0];
-flasher = func {
-  flash_timer = -1.0;
-  annunciator = arg[0];
-  flash_interval = arg[1];
-  flash_count = arg[2] + 1;
-  annunciator_state = arg[3];
-  flash_timer = 0.0;
-  flash_annunciator();
-flash_annunciator = func {
-  ##print(annunciator);
-  ##print(flash_interval);
-  ##print(flash_count);
-  ##
-  # If flash_timer is set to -1 then flashing is aborted
-  if (flash_timer < -0.5)
-  {
-    ##print ("flash abort ", annunciator);
-    setprop(Annunciators, annunciator, "off");
-    return;
-  }
-  if (flash_timer < flash_count)
-  {
-    #flash_timer = flash_timer + 1.0;
-    if (getprop(Annunciators, annunciator) == "on")
-    {
-      setprop(Annunciators, annunciator, "off");
-      settimer(flash_annunciator, flash_interval / 2.0);
-    }
-    else
-    #elsif (getprop(Annunciators, annunciator) == "off")
-    {
-      flash_timer = flash_timer + 1.0;
-      setprop(Annunciators, annunciator, "on");
-      settimer(flash_annunciator, flash_interval);
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    flash_timer = -1.0;
-    setprop(Annunciators, annunciator, annunciator_state);
-  }
-pt_check = func {
-  ##print("pitch trim check");
-  if (getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "off")
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "pt-up", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "pt-dn", "off");
-    return;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    elevator_control = getprop("/controls/flight/elevator");
-    ##print(elevator_control);
-    # Flash the pitch trim up annunciator
-    if (elevator_control < -0.01)
-    {
-      if (getprop(Annunciators, "pt-up") == "off")
-      {
-        setprop(Annunciators, "pt-up", "on");
-      }
-      elsif (getprop(Annunciators, "pt-up") == "on")
-      {
-        setprop(Annunciators, "pt-up", "off");
-      }
-    }
-    # Flash the pitch trim down annunciator
-    elsif (elevator_control > 0.01)
-    {
-      if (getprop(Annunciators, "pt-dn") == "off")
-      {
-        setprop(Annunciators, "pt-dn", "on");
-      }
-      elsif (getprop(Annunciators, "pt-dn") == "on")
-      {
-        setprop(Annunciators, "pt-dn", "off");
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      setprop(Annunciators, "pt-up", "off");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "pt-dn", "off");
-    }
-  }
-  settimer(pt_check, 0.5);
-ap_init = func {
-  ##print("ap init");
-  ##
-  # Initialises the autopilot.
-  ##
-  setprop(Locks, "alt-hold", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "pitch-axis", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "pitch-mode", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-  setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "off");
-  setprop(Settings, "target-alt-pressure", 0.0);
-  setprop(Settings, "target-intercept-angle", 0.0);
-  setprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate", 0.0);
-  setprop(Settings, "target-turn-rate", 0.0);
-  setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "hdg", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "nav", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "rev", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "rev-arm", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "vs", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "fpm", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "alt", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "gs", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "gs-arm", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "pt-up", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "pt-dn", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "bs-hpa-number", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "bs-inhg-number", "off");
-  setprop(Annunciators, "ap", "off");
-ap_button = func {
-  ##print("ap_button");
-  ##
-  # Engages the autopilot in Wings level mode (ROL) and Vertical speed hold
-  # mode (VS).
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "off" and
-      getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "off")
-  {
-    flash_timer = -1.0;
-    setprop(Locks, "alt-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "rol");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-axis", "vs");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-mode", "vs");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "on");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs", "on");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "on");
-    setprop(Settings, "target-turn-rate", 0.0);
-    pt_check();
-    pressure_rate = getprop(Internal, "pressure-rate");
-    #print(pressure_rate);
-    fpm = -pressure_rate * 58000;
-    #print(fpm);
-    if (fpm > 0.0)
-    {
-      fpm = int(fpm/100 + 0.5) * 100;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      fpm = int(fpm/100 - 0.5) * 100;
-    }
-    #print(fpm);
-    setprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate", -fpm / 58000);
-    if (alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-    {
-      settimer(alt_button_timer, 3.0);
-      alt_button_timer_running = 1;
-      alt_button_timer_ignore = 0;
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "off");
-    }
-  }
-  ##
-  # Disengages all modes.
-  ##
-  elsif (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") != "off" and
-         getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") != "off")
-  {
-    flash_timer = -1.0;
-    setprop(Locks, "alt-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-axis", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-mode", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Settings, "target-alt-pressure", 0.0);
-    setprop(Settings, "target-intercept-angle", 0.0);
-    setprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate", 0.0);
-    setprop(Settings, "target-turn-rate", 0.0);
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "hdg", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "pt-up", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "pt-dn", "off");
-    flasher("ap", 1.0, 5, "off");
-  }
-hdg_button = func {
-  ##print("hdg_button");
-  ##
-  # Engages the heading mode (HDG) and vertical speed hold mode (VS). The
-  # commanded vertical speed is set to the vertical speed present at button
-  # press.
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "off" and
-      getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "off")
-  {
-    flash_timer = -1.0;
-    setprop(Locks, "alt-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-axis", "vs");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-mode", "vs");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "hdg", "on");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs", "on");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "on");
-    setprop(Settings, "target-intercept-angle", 0.0);
-    pt_check();
-    pressure_rate = getprop(Internal, "pressure-rate");
-    fpm = -pressure_rate * 58000;
-    #print(fpm);
-    if (fpm > 0.0)
-    {
-      fpm = int(fpm/100 + 0.5) * 100;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      fpm = int(fpm/100 - 0.5) * 100;
-    }
-    #print(fpm);
-    setprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate", -fpm / 58000);
-    if (alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-    {
-      settimer(alt_button_timer, 3.0);
-      alt_button_timer_running = 1;
-      alt_button_timer_ignore = 0;
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "off");
-    }
-  }
-  ##
-  # Switch from ROL to HDG mode, but don't change pitch mode.
-  ##
-  elsif (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "rol")
-  {
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "hdg", "on");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev", "off");
-    setprop(Settings, "target-intercept-angle", 0.0);
-  }
-  ##
-  # Switch to HDG mode, but don't change pitch mode.
-  ##
-  elsif ( (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "nav" or
-	 getprop(Locks, "roll-arm") == "nav-arm" or
-         getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "rev" or
-         getprop(Locks, "roll-arm") == "rev-arm") and
-         flash_timer < -0.5)
-  {
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "hdg", "on");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Settings, "target-intercept-angle", 0.0);
-  }
-  ##
-  # If we already are in HDG mode switch to ROL mode. Again don't touch pitch
-  # mode.
-  ##
-  elsif (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "hdg")
-  {
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "rol");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "hdg", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "on");
-    setprop(Settings, "target-turn-rate", 0.0);
-  }
-  ##
-  # If we are in APR mode we also have to change pitch mode.
-  # TODO: Should we switch to VS or ALT mode? (currently VS)
-  ##
-  elsif ( (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "apr" or
-         getprop(Locks, "roll-arm") == "apr-arm" or
-         getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "gs" or
-         getprop(Locks, "pitch-arm") == "gs-arm") and
-         flash_timer < -0.5)
-  {
-    setprop(Locks, "alt-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-axis", "vs");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-mode", "vs");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "hdg", "on");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs", "on");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "on");
-    setprop(Settings, "target-intercept-angle", 0.0);
-    pressure_rate = getprop(Internal, "pressure-rate");
-    #print(pressure_rate);
-    fpm = -pressure_rate * 58000;
-    #print(fpm);
-    if (fpm > 0.0)
-    {
-      fpm = int(fpm/100 + 0.5) * 100;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      fpm = int(fpm/100 - 0.5) * 100;
-    }
-    #print(fpm);
-    setprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate", -fpm / 58000);
-    if (alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-    {
-      settimer(alt_button_timer, 3.0);
-      alt_button_timer_running = 1;
-      alt_button_timer_ignore = 0;
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "off");
-    }
-  }
-nav_button = func {
-  ##print("nav_button");
-  ##
-  # If we are in HDG mode we switch to the 45 degree angle intercept NAV mode
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "hdg")
-  {
-    flasher("hdg", 0.5, 8, "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "nav-arm");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "nav");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "on");
-    nav_arm_from_hdg();
-  }
-  ##
-  # If we are in ROL mode we switch to the all angle intercept NAV mode.
-  ##
-  elsif (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "rol")
-  {
-    flasher("hdg", 0.5, 8, "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "nav-arm");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "nav");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "on");
-    nav_arm_from_rol();
-  }
-  ##
-  # TODO:
-  # NAV mode can only be armed if we are in HDG or ROL mode.
-  # Can anyone verify that this is correct?
-  ##
-nav_arm_from_hdg = func
-  ##
-  # Abort the NAV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
-  # else than NAV-ARM.
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-arm") != "nav-arm")
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "off");
-    return;
-  }
-  #setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "on");
-  ##
-  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
-  ##
-  if (flash_timer > -0.5)
-  {
-    #print("flashing...");
-    settimer(nav_arm_from_hdg, 2.5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # Activate the nav-hold controller and check the needle deviation.
-  ##
-  setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "nav");
-  deviation = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/heading-needle-deflection");
-  ##
-  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
-  ##
-  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
-  {
-    #print("deviation");
-    settimer(nav_arm_from_hdg, 5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the NAV-ARM annunciator
-  # and show the NAV annunciator. End of NAV-ARM sequence.
-  ##
-  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
-  {
-    #print("capture");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav", "on");
-  }
-nav_arm_from_rol = func
-  ##
-  # Abort the NAV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
-  # else than NAV-ARM.
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-arm") != "nav-arm")
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "off");
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
-  ##
-  #setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "on");
-  if (flash_timer > -0.5)
-  {
-    #print("flashing...");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-    settimer(nav_arm_from_rol, 2.5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # Turn the ROL annunciator back on and activate the ROL mode.
-  ##
-  setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "on");
-  setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-  setprop(Settings, "target-turn-rate", 0.0);
-  deviation = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/heading-needle-deflection");
-  ##
-  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
-  ##
-  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
-  {
-    #print("deviation");
-    settimer(nav_arm_from_rol, 5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the NAV-ARM annunciator
-  # and show the NAV annunciator. End of NAV-ARM sequence.
-  ##
-  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
-  {
-    #print("capture");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "nav", "on");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "nav");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "nav");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-  }
-apr_button = func {
-  ##print("apr_button");
-  ##
-  # If we are in HDG mode we switch to the 45 degree intercept angle APR mode
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "hdg")
-  {
-    flasher("hdg", 0.5, 8, "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "apr");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "apr-arm");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "apr");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "on");
-    apr_arm_from_hdg();
-  }
-  elsif (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "rol")
-  {
-    flasher("hdg", 0.5, 8, "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "apr-arm");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "apr");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "on");
-    apr_arm_from_rol();
-  }
-apr_arm_from_hdg = func
-  ##
-  # Abort the APR-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
-  # else than APR-ARM.
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-arm") != "apr-arm")
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "off");
-    return;
-  }
-  #setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "on");
-  ##
-  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
-  ##
-  if (flash_timer > -0.5)
-  {
-    #print("flashing...");
-    settimer(apr_arm_from_hdg, 2.5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # Activate the apr-hold controller and check the needle deviation.
-  ##
-  setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "apr");
-  deviation = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/heading-needle-deflection");
-  ##
-  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
-  ##
-  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
-  {
-    #print("deviation");
-    settimer(apr_arm_from_hdg, 5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the APR-ARM annunciator
-  # and show the APR annunciator. End of APR-ARM sequence. Start the GS-ARM
-  # sequence.
-  ##
-  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
-  {
-    #print("capture");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "on");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "gs-arm");
-    gs_arm();
-  }
-apr_arm_from_rol = func
-  ##
-  # Abort the APR-ARM mode if something has changed the roll mode to something
-  # else than APR-ARM.
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-arm") != "apr-arm")
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "off");
-    return;
-  }
-  #setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "on");
-  ##
-  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
-  ##
-  if (flash_timer > -0.5)
-  {
-    #print("flashing...");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-    settimer(apr_arm_from_rol, 2.5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # Turn the ROL annunciator back on and activate the ROL mode.
-  ##
-  setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "on");
-  setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-  setprop(Settings, "target-turn-rate", 0.0);
-  deviation = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/heading-needle-deflection");
-  ##
-  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
-  ##
-  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
-  {
-    #print("deviation");
-    settimer(apr_arm_from_rol, 5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the APR-ARM annunciator
-  # and show the APR annunciator. End of APR-ARM sequence. Start the GS-ARM
-  # sequence.
-  ##
-  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
-  {
-    #print("capture");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "apr", "on");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "apr");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "apr");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "gs-arm");
-    gs_arm();
-  }
-gs_arm = func {
-  ##
-  # Abort the GS-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
-  # else than GS-ARM.
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "pitch-arm") != "gs-arm")
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs-arm", "off");
-    return;
-  }
-  setprop(Annunciators, "gs-arm", "on");
-  deviation = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/gs-needle-deflection");
-  ##
-  # If the deflection is more than 1 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
-  ##
-  if (abs(deviation) > 1.0)
-  {
-    #print("deviation");
-    settimer(gs_arm, 5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # If the deviation is less than 1 degrees turn off the GS-ARM annunciator
-  # and show the GS annunciator. Activate the GS pitch mode.
-  ##
-  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
-  {
-    #print("capture");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "gs", "on");
-    setprop(Locks, "alt-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "gs");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-mode", "gs");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "off");
-  }
-rev_button = func {
-  ##print("rev_button");
-  ##
-  # If we are in HDG mode we switch to the 45 degree intercept angle REV mode
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "hdg")
-  {
-    flasher("hdg", 0.5, 8, "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "rev-arm");
-    rev_arm_from_hdg();
-  }
-  elsif (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "rol")
-  {
-    flasher("hdg", 0.5, 8, "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "rev-arm");
-    rev_arm_from_rol();
-  }
-rev_arm_from_hdg = func
-  ##
-  # Abort the REV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
-  # else than REV-ARM.
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-arm") != "rev-arm")
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev-arm", "off");
-    return;
-  }
-  #setprop(Annunciators, "rev-arm", "on");
-  ##
-  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
-  ##
-  if (flash_timer > -0.5)
-  {
-    #print("flashing...");
-    settimer(rev_arm_from_hdg, 2.5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # Activate the rev-hold controller and check the needle deviation.
-  ##
-  setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "rev");
-  deviation = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/heading-needle-deflection");
-  ##
-  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
-  ##
-  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
-  {
-    #print("deviation");
-    settimer(rev_arm_from_hdg, 5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the REV-ARM annunciator
-  # and show the REV annunciator. End of REV-ARM sequence.
-  ##
-  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
-  {
-    #print("capture");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev", "on");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-  }
-rev_arm_from_rol = func
-  ##
-  # Abort the REV-ARM mode if something has changed the arm mode to something
-  # else than REV-ARM.
-  ##
-  if (getprop(Locks, "roll-arm") != "rev-arm")
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev-arm", "off");
-    return;
-  }
-  #setprop(Annunciators, "rev-arm", "on");
-  ##
-  # Wait for the HDG annunciator flashing to finish.
-  ##
-  if (flash_timer > -0.5)
-  {
-    #print("flashing...");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-    settimer(rev_arm_from_rol, 2.5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # Turn the ROL annunciator back on and activate the ROL mode.
-  ##
-  setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "on");
-  setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-  setprop(Settings, "target-turn-rate", 0.0);
-  deviation = getprop("/instrumentation/nav/heading-needle-deflection");
-  ##
-  # If the deflection is more than 3 degrees wait 5 seconds and check again.
-  ##
-  if (abs(deviation) > 3.0)
-  {
-    #print("deviation");
-    settimer(rev_arm_from_rol, 5);
-    return;
-  }
-  ##
-  # If the deviation is less than 3 degrees turn of the REV-ARM annunciator
-  # and show the REV annunciator. End of REV-ARM sequence.
-  ##
-  elsif (abs(deviation) < 3.1)
-  {
-    #print("capture");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rol", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "rev", "on");
-    setprop(Locks, "apr-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "gs-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "rev-hold", "rev");
-    setprop(Locks, "hdg-hold", "hdg");
-    setprop(Locks, "nav-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-axis", "trn");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-mode", "rev");
-    setprop(Locks, "roll-arm", "off");
-  }
-alt_button_timer = func {
-  #print("alt button timer");
-  #print(alt_button_timer_ignore);
-  if (alt_button_timer_ignore == 0)
-  {
-      setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "off");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "on");
-      alt_button_timer_running = 0;
-  }
-  elsif (alt_button_timer_ignore > 0)
-  {
-      alt_button_timer_ignore = alt_button_timer_ignore - 1;
-  }
-alt_button = func {
-  ##print("alt_button");
-  if (getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "alt")
-  {
-    if (alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-    {
-      settimer(alt_button_timer, 3.0);
-      alt_button_timer_running = 1;
-      alt_button_timer_ignore = 0;
-    }
-    setprop(Locks, "alt-hold", "off");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-axis", "vs");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-mode", "vs");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs", "on");    
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "on");
-    pressure_rate = getprop(Internal, "pressure-rate");
-    fpm = -pressure_rate * 58000;
-    #print(fpm);
-    if (fpm > 0.0)
-    {
-      fpm = int(fpm/100 + 0.5) * 100;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      fpm = int(fpm/100 - 0.5) * 100;
-    }
-    #print(fpm);
-    setprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate", -fpm / 58000);
-  }
-  elsif (getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "vs")
-  {
-    setprop(Locks, "alt-hold", "alt");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-axis", "vs");
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-mode", "alt");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt", "on");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "on");
-    alt_pressure = getprop("/systems/static/pressure-inhg");
-    alt_ft = (baro_setting - alt_pressure) / 0.00103;
-    if (alt_ft > 0.0)
-    {
-      alt_ft = int(alt_ft/20 + 0.5) * 20;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      alt_ft = int(alt_ft/20 - 0.5) * 20;
-    }
-    #print(alt_ft);
-    alt_pressure = baro_setting - alt_ft * 0.00103;
-    setprop(Settings, "target-alt-pressure", alt_pressure);
-  }
-dn_button = func {
-  ##print("dn_button");
-  if (baro_timer_running == 0)
-  {
-    if (getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "vs")
-    {
-      if (alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-      {
-        settimer(alt_button_timer, 3.0);
-        alt_button_timer_running = 1;
-        alt_button_timer_ignore = 0;
-      }
-      elsif (alt_button_timer_running == 1)
-      {
-          settimer(alt_button_timer, 3.0);
-          alt_button_timer_ignore = alt_button_timer_ignore + 1;
-      }
-      Target_VS = getprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate");
-      setprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate", Target_VS +
-              0.0017241379310345);
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "off");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "on");
-    }
-    elsif (getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "alt")
-    {
-      Target_Pressure = getprop(Settings, "target-alt-pressure");
-      setprop(Settings, "target-alt-pressure", Target_Pressure + 0.0206);
-    }
-  }
-up_button = func {
-  ##print("up_button");
-  if (baro_timer_running == 0)
-  {
-    if (getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "vs")
-    {
-      if (alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-      {
-        settimer(alt_button_timer, 3.0);
-        alt_button_timer_running = 1;
-        alt_button_timer_ignore = 0;
-      }
-      elsif (alt_button_timer_running == 1)
-      {
-          settimer(alt_button_timer, 3.0);
-          alt_button_timer_ignore = alt_button_timer_ignore + 1;
-      }
-      Target_VS = getprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate");
-      setprop(Settings, "target-pressure-rate", Target_VS -
-              0.0017241379310345);
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "off");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "on");
-    }
-    elsif (getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "alt")
-    {
-      Target_Pressure = getprop(Settings, "target-alt-pressure");
-      setprop(Settings, "target-alt-pressure", Target_Pressure - 0.0206);
-    }
-  }
-arm_button = func {
-  #print("arm button");
-  pitch_arm = getprop(Locks, "pitch-arm");
-  if (pitch_arm == "off")
-  {
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "alt-arm");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "on");
-  }
-  elsif (pitch_arm == "alt-arm")
-  {
-    setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "off");
-  }
-baro_button_timer = func {
-  #print("baro button timer");
-  baro_timer_running = 0;
-  if (baro_button_down == 1)
-  {
-    baro_setting_unit = !baro_setting_unit;
-    baro_button_down = 0;
-    baro_button_press();
-  }
-  elsif (baro_button_down == 0 and
-         baro_setting_adjusting == 0)
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "bs-hpa-number", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "bs-inhg-number", "off");
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "on");
-  }
-  elsif (baro_setting_adjusting == 1)
-  {
-    baro_timer_running = 1;
-    baro_setting_adjusting = 0;
-    settimer(baro_button_timer, 3.0);
-  }
-baro_button_press = func {
-  #print("baro putton press");
-  if (baro_button_down == 0 and
-      baro_timer_running == 0 and
-      alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-  {
-    baro_button_down = 1;
-    baro_timer_running = 1;
-    settimer(baro_button_timer, 3.0);
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "off");
-    if (baro_setting_unit == 0)
-    {
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-inhg", baro_setting);
-      setprop(Annunciators, "bs-inhg-number", "on");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "bs-hpa-number", "off");
-    }
-    elsif (baro_setting_unit == 1)
-    {
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-hpa",
-              baro_setting * 0.03386389);
-      setprop(Annunciators, "bs-hpa-number", "on");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "bs-inhg-number", "off");
-    }
-  }
-baro_button_release = func {
-  #print("baro button release");
-  baro_button_down = 0;
-pow = func {
-  #print(arg[0],arg[1]);
-  return math.exp(arg[1]*math.ln(arg[0]));
-pressureToHeight = func {
-  p0 = arg[1];    # [Pa]
-  p = arg[0];     # [Pa]
-  t0 = 288.15;    # [K]
-  LR = -0.0065;    # [K/m]
-  g = -9.80665;    # [m/s²]
-  Rd = 287.05307; # [J/kg K]
-  z = -(t0/LR) * (1.0-pow((p/p0),((Rd*LR)/g)));
-  return z;
-heightToPressure = func {
-  p0 = arg[1];    # [Pa]
-  z = arg[0];     # [m]
-  t0 = 288.15;    # [K]
-  LR = -0.0065;    # [K/m]
-  g = -9.80665;    # [m/s²]
-  Rd = 287.05307; # [J/kg K]
-  p = p0 * pow(((t0+LR*z)/t0),(g/(Rd*LR)));
-  return p;
-alt_alert = func {
-  #print("alt alert");
-  alt_pressure = getprop("/systems/static/pressure-inhg");
-  alt_m = pressureToHeight(alt_pressure*3386.389, 
-                           baro_setting*3386.389);
-  #print(alt_m);
-  alt_ft = alt_m / 0.3048006;
-  #print(alt_ft);
-  alt_difference = abs(alt_preselect - alt_ft);
-  #print(alt_difference);
-  if (alt_difference > 1000)
-  {
-    setprop(Annunciators, "alt-alert", "off");
-  }
-  elsif (alt_difference < 1000 and
-         alt_captured == 0)
-  {
-    if (flash_timer < -0.5) {
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-alert", "on"); }
-    if (alt_difference < 200)
-    {
-      if (flash_timer < -0.5) {
-        setprop(Annunciators, "alt-alert", "off"); }
-      if (alt_difference < 20)
-      {
-        #print("alt_capture()");
-        alt_captured = 1;
-        if (getprop(Locks, "pitch-arm") == "alt-arm")
-        {
-          setprop(Locks, "alt-hold", "alt");
-          setprop(Locks, "pitch-axis", "vs");
-          setprop(Locks, "pitch-mode", "alt");
-          setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "off");
-          setprop(Annunciators, "alt", "on");
-          setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "off");
-          setprop(Annunciators, "vs", "off");
-          setprop(Annunciators, "vs-number", "off");
-          setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "on");
-          #alt_pressure = baro_setting - alt_preselect * 0.00103;
-          alt_pressure = heightToPressure(alt_preselect*0.3048006,
-                                          baro_setting*3386.389)/3386.389;
-          setprop(Settings, "target-alt-pressure", alt_pressure);
-        }
-        flasher("alt-alert", 1.0, 0, "off");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  elsif (alt_difference < 1000 and
-         alt_captured == 1)
-  {
-    if (alt_difference > 200)
-    {
-      flasher("alt-alert", 1.0, 5, "on");
-      alt_captured = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  settimer(alt_alert, 2.0);
-knob_s_up = func {
-  #print("knob small up");
-  if (baro_timer_running == 1)
-  {
-    baro_setting_adjusting = 1;
-    if (baro_setting_unit == 0)
-    {
-      baro_setting = baro_setting + 0.01;
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting * 0.03386389;
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-inhg", baro_setting);
-    }
-    elsif (baro_setting_unit == 1)
-    {
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting * 0.03386389;
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting_hpa + 0.001;
-      baro_setting = baro_setting_hpa / 0.03386389;
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-hpa", baro_setting_hpa);
-    }
-  }
-  elsif (baro_timer_running == 0 and
-         alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-  {
-    alt_captured = 0;
-    alt_preselect = alt_preselect + 20;
-    setprop(Settings, "target-alt-ft", alt_preselect);
-    if (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "off" and
-        getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "off")
-    {
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "on");
-      if (alt_alert_on == 0)
-      {
-        alt_alert_on = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    elsif (getprop(Locks, "pitch-arm") == "off")
-    {
-      setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "alt-arm");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "on");
-    }
-  }
-knob_l_up = func {
-  #print("knob large up");
-  if (baro_timer_running == 1)
-  {
-    baro_setting_adjusting = 1;
-    if (baro_setting_unit == 0)
-    {
-      baro_setting = baro_setting + 1.0;
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting * 0.03386389;
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-inhg", baro_setting);
-    }
-    elsif (baro_setting_unit == 1)
-    {
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting * 0.03386389;
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting_hpa + 0.1;
-      baro_setting = baro_setting_hpa / 0.03386389;
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-hpa", baro_setting_hpa);
-    }
-  }
-  elsif (baro_timer_running == 0 and
-         alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-  {
-    alt_captured = 0;
-    alt_preselect = alt_preselect + 100;
-    setprop(Settings, "target-alt-ft", alt_preselect);
-    if (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "off" and
-        getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "off")
-    {
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "on");
-      if (alt_alert_on == 0)
-      {
-        alt_alert_on = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    elsif (getprop(Locks, "pitch-arm") == "off")
-    {
-      setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "alt-arm");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "on");
-    }
-  }
-knob_s_dn = func {
-  #print("knob small down");
-  if (baro_timer_running == 1)
-  {
-    baro_setting_adjusting = 1;
-    if (baro_setting_unit == 0)
-    {
-      baro_setting = baro_setting - 0.01;
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting * 0.03386389;
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-inhg", baro_setting);
-    }
-    elsif (baro_setting_unit == 1)
-    {
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting * 0.03386389;
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting_hpa - 0.001;
-      baro_setting = baro_setting_hpa / 0.03386389;
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-hpa", baro_setting_hpa);
-    }
-  }
-  elsif (baro_timer_running == 0 and
-         alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-  {
-    alt_captured = 0;
-    alt_preselect = alt_preselect - 20;
-    setprop(Settings, "target-alt-ft", alt_preselect);
-    if (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "off" and
-        getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "off")
-    {
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "on");
-      if (alt_alert_on == 0)
-      {
-        alt_alert_on = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    elsif (getprop(Locks, "pitch-arm") == "off")
-    {
-      setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "alt-arm");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "on");
-    }
-  }
-knob_l_dn = func {
-  #print("knob large down");
-  if (baro_timer_running == 1)
-  {
-    baro_setting_adjusting = 1;
-    if (baro_setting_unit == 0)
-    {
-      baro_setting = baro_setting - 1.0;
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting * 0.03386389;
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-inhg", baro_setting);
-    }
-    elsif (baro_setting_unit == 1)
-    {
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting * 0.03386389;
-      baro_setting_hpa = baro_setting_hpa - 0.1;
-      baro_setting = baro_setting_hpa / 0.03386389;
-      setprop(Settings, "baro-setting-hpa", baro_setting_hpa);
-    }
-  }
-  elsif (baro_timer_running == 0 and
-         alt_button_timer_running == 0)
-  {
-    alt_captured = 0;
-    alt_preselect = alt_preselect - 100;
-    setprop(Settings, "target-alt-ft", alt_preselect);
-    if (getprop(Locks, "roll-mode") == "off" and
-        getprop(Locks, "pitch-mode") == "off")
-    {
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-number", "on");
-      if (alt_alert_on == 0)
-      {
-        alt_alert_on = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    elsif (getprop(Locks, "pitch-arm") == "off")
-    {
-      setprop(Locks, "pitch-arm", "alt-arm");
-      setprop(Annunciators, "alt-arm", "on");
-    }
-  }