diff --git a/Docs/README.checklists b/Docs/README.checklists
index 9ad0a8f8d..9c7f500fa 100644
--- a/Docs/README.checklists
+++ b/Docs/README.checklists
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
-You can create one or more checklist for an aircraft under /sim/checklists.
+You can create one or more checklist for an aircraft under /sim/checklists. These
+are intended to mimic the checklists of aircraft themselves, and can be found under
+the Help->Checklists menu within the simulator.
+Tutorials are automatically generated from checklists on startup.
 Each checklist is defined as a property tree under /sim/checklists/checklist[n] 
 with the following tags
@@ -9,15 +13,20 @@ with the following tags
 <page>        - Zero or more pages for the checklist containing:
  <item>       - One or more checklist items containing:
   <name>      - name of the checklist item (e.g. Carb Heat), to appear on the left
-  <value>     - One or more values for the checklist item, to appear on the right hand side
+  <value>     - One or more values for the checklist item, to appear on the right 
+                hand side
   <marker>    - A tutorial marker (displayed when the user presses the ? button)
-                This can be easily placed using the Help->Display Tutorial Marker. Contains
-                x-m, y-m, z-m and scale tag.
-  <condition> - Option standard FlightGear condition node that evaluates when the
+                This can be easily placed using the Help->Display Tutorial Marker. 
+                Contains x-m, y-m, z-m and scale tag.
+  <condition> - Optional standard FlightGear condition node that evaluates when the
                 checklist item has been completed.
+	<binding>   - Zero or more bindings to execute the checklist item.  Allows the user 
+	              to have their virtual co-pilot perform the action if they select the 
+	              ">" button next to the checklist item.
-The <page> tag may be omitted for single-page checklists, with the <item> tags immediately
-under the <checklist[n]> node.                
+The <page> tag may be omitted for single-page checklists, with the <item> tags 
+immediately under the <checklist[n]> node.                
 See the c172p for an example of this in action (Aircraft/c172p/c172-checklists.xml).