- New chronometer.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 1298 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Time offset adjustable with bottom left button, LMB change minutes, MMB change
The time offset will be saved between two Flightgear sessions.
At start the second hand is locked on zero. Click on the upper right button
starts the second hand and a chronometer minutes hand. Click again on the
upper right button stops the chronometer. Click again resets the chronometer
to zero.
Setting up :
- Include the model in your model file.
- Declare chronograph.nas in your foo-set.xml file. Write something like:
- Open chronograph.nas and uncomment chrono_loop() and the following settimer()
if update_chrono() has to be launched standalone.
Otherwise launch foo_chronograph.update_chrono() from a centralized loop which
will save some CPU cycles.
See chronograph.nas line 48.
That's it.
* LMB Left Mouse Button, MMB midle mouse button.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,995 @@
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MATERIAL "ac3dmat1" rgb 0 0 0 amb 0 0 0 emis 0 0 0 spec 0 0 0 shi 0 trans 1
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# Chronograph #############
# One button elapsed counter
var chrono_onoff = props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/clock/chronometer-on",1);
var reset_state = props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/clock/reset-state",1);
var elapsed_sec = props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/clock/elapsed-sec", 1);
var indicated_sec = props.globals.getNode("instrumentation/clock/indicated-sec");
chrono_onoff.setBoolValue( 0 );
reset_state.setBoolValue( 1 );
elapsed_sec.setValue( 0 );
var offset = 0;
var click = func {
var on = chrono_onoff.getBoolValue();
var reset = reset_state.getBoolValue();
if ( ! on ) {
if ( ! reset ) {
# Had been former started and stoped, now, has to be reset.
offset = 0;
elapsed_sec.setValue( 0 );
reset_state.setBoolValue( 1 );
} else {
# Is not started but allready reset, start it.
chrono_onoff.setBoolValue( 1 );
reset_state.setBoolValue( 0 );
offset = indicated_sec.getValue();
} else {
# Stop it.
chrono_onoff.setBoolValue( 0 );
reset_state.setBoolValue( 0 );
var update_chrono = func {
var on = chrono_onoff.getBoolValue();
if ( on ) {
var i_sec = indicated_sec.getValue();
var e_sec = i_sec - offset;
elapsed_sec.setValue( e_sec );
# Comment the following if update_chrono() is launched from a
# centralized loop in order to save some CPU cycles.
var chrono_loop = func {
settimer(chrono_loop, 0.1);
settimer(chrono_loop, 0.5);
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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<value>Cockpit View</value>
<!-- Clock Setting Knob -->
<!-- Chronometer Start Stop Button -->
<!-- lighting -->
<!-- LoD -->
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