2015-07-24 18:37:16 +01:00
var start = 1;
var moisture = 0;
var foglevel = 0;
var frostlevel = 0;
#var tempmatch = 0;
#end debug
var dewpointC = getprop("/environment/dewpoint-degc");
var airtempC = getprop("/environment/temperature-degc");
var cabinheatset = 0; #double flow 0 - 1
var cabinairset = 0; #double flow 0 - 1
var cabindewpointset = -7; #19.4 degF
#props.Node.new({ "/environment/aircraft-effects/debug-tempmatch-airtempC":0 });
#props.globals.initNode("/environment/aircraft-effects/debug-tempmatch-airtempC", tempmatch, "INT");
#end debug
props.Node.new({ "/environment/aircraft-effects/cabin-heat-set":0 });
props.globals.initNode("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabin-heat-set", cabinheatset, "DOUBLE");
props.Node.new({ "/environment/aircraft-effects/cabin-air-set":0 });
props.globals.initNode("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabin-air-set", cabinairset, "DOUBLE");
props.Node.new({ "/environment/aircraft-effects/cabin-dew-setC":0 });
props.globals.initNode("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabin-dew-setC", cabindewpointset, "DOUBLE");
#added for flight recorder
props.Node.new({ "/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairtempC":0 });
props.globals.initNode("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairtempC", airtempC, "DOUBLE");
props.Node.new({ "/environment/aircraft-effects/surfacetempC":0 });
props.globals.initNode("/environment/aircraft-effects/surfacetempC", airtempC, "DOUBLE");
props.Node.new({ "/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairdewpointC":0 });
props.globals.initNode("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairdewpointC", dewpointC, "DOUBLE");
var weather_effects_loop = func {
var cabinairtempC = getprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairtempC");
var surfacetempC = getprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/surfacetempC");
var cabinairdewpointC = getprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairdewpointC");
############################################## rain
var airspeed = getprop("/velocities/airspeed-kt");
# c172p
var airspeed_max = 140;
if (airspeed > airspeed_max) {airspeed = airspeed_max;}
airspeed = math.sqrt(airspeed/airspeed_max);
# c172p
var splash_x = -0.1 - 2.0 * airspeed;
var splash_y = 0.0;
var splash_z = 1.0 - 1.35 * airspeed;
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/splash-vector-x", splash_x);
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/splash-vector-y", splash_y);
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/splash-vector-z", splash_z);
############################################## frost/fog/heat/air
dewpointC = getprop("/environment/dewpoint-degc");
airtempC = getprop("/environment/temperature-degc");
cabinairdewpointC = dewpointC;
cabinairset = getprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabin-air-set");
cabinheatset = getprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabin-heat-set");
#tempmatch = getprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/debug-tempmatch-airtempC");
#if (tempmatch) surfacetempC = cabinairtempC = airtempC;
#end debug
#cabinheat only pushes heat into cabin if a cabinair is open.
#cabinair is the flow of air into cabin(it will contian heat if cabinheat is open),
#otherwise it is just outside airtemp
if (cabinheatset > 0)
cabinairtempC += .04*(cabinheatset*cabinairset);
if (cabinairtempC > 32)
if (!getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/weather"))
gui.popupTip("Cabin temperature exceeding 90F/32C!");
#surfacetemp is slowely changed by cabinairtemp
if (surfacetempC < cabinairtempC)
surfacetempC += .03*(cabinheatset*cabinairset);
if (surfacetempC > cabinairtempC)
surfacetempC -= .03*(cabinheatset*cabinairset);
if (cabinairset > 0)
#if no cabinheat then we incrementally adjust cabintemp with outside airtemp
if (cabinairtempC < airtempC)
cabinairtempC += .03*cabinairset;
if (cabinairtempC > airtempC)
cabinairtempC -= .03*cabinairset;
if (surfacetempC < cabinairtempC)
surfacetempC += .02*cabinairset;
if (surfacetempC > cabinairtempC)
surfacetempC -= .02*cabinairset;
#regardless of whether or not vents are open we
#incremetally adjust cabintemp with outside airtemp
if (cabinairtempC < airtempC)
cabinairtempC += .01;
if (cabinairtempC > airtempC)
cabinairtempC -= .01;
if (cabinairdewpointC < dewpointC)
cabinairdewpointC += .01;
if (cabinairdewpointC > dewpointC)
cabinairdewpointC -= .01;
if (surfacetempC < cabinairtempC)
surfacetempC += .01;
if (surfacetempC > cabinairtempC)
surfacetempC -= .01;
#if cabinairtemp is less than dewpointtemp at startup we start out
#with fog. If it is also freezing we switch to frost.
#Otherwise we start calculating moisture level in the air
if (cabinairtempC <= cabinairdewpointC)
if (start == 1) {
foglevel = 1;
if (cabinairtempC <= 0)
frostlevel = 3;
foglevel = 0;
start = 0;
if (surfacetempC <= cabinairdewpointC)
if (moisture < 1) moisture += .01;
if (surfacetempC > cabinairdewpointC)
if (moisture > 0) moisture -= .01;
start = 0;
#we can't get frost unless temp is freezing
#if it is not freezing then we get fog instead
if (cabinairtempC <= 0)
if (!getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/weather"))
gui.popupTip("Cabin temperature falling below 32F/0C!");
frostlevel = moisture * 3;
if (foglevel > 0) foglevel -= moisture;
if (foglevel < 0) foglevel = 0;
if (frostlevel > 3) frostlevel = 3;
foglevel = moisture;
if (frostlevel > 0) frostlevel -= moisture;
if (frostlevel < 0) frostlevel = 0;
if (foglevel > 1) foglevel = 1;
if (!getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/weather"))
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/frost-level", frostlevel);
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/fog-level", foglevel);
#added for flight recorder
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairtempC", cabinairtempC);
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/surfacetempC", surfacetempC);
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairdewpointC", cabinairdewpointC);
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/frost-level", 0);
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/fog-level", 0);
#added for flight recorder
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairtempC", getprop("/environment/temperature-degc"));
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/surfacetempC", getprop("/environment/temperature-degc"));
setprop("/environment/aircraft-effects/cabinairdewpointC", getprop("/environment/dewpoint-degc"));
#if (cabinairtempC > 0)
# print("NO ICE, TOO WARM cabinairtempC > 0");
#} else print("ICE POSSIBLE, CABIN FREEZING cabinairtempC <= 0");
#if (airtempC > dewpointC)
# print("NO OUTSIDE DEW airtempC > dewpointC");
#} else
#if (airtempC <= dewpointC)
# print("OUTSIDE DEW ABLE airtempC <= dewpointC");
# if (cabinairtempC < 0)
# {
# print("ICE ABLE, OUTSIDE DEW cabinairtempC < 0");
# }
#if (cabinairtempC > cabinairdewpointC)
# print("NO INSIDE DEW cabinairtempC > cabinairdewpointC");
#} else
#if (cabinairtempC <= cabinairdewpointC)
# print("INSIDE DEW FORMING cabinairtempC <= cabinairdewpointC");
# if (cabinairtempC <= 0)
# {
# if (surfacetempC <= 0)
# else
# print("ICE ABLE CABIN DEW, SURFACE NOT FREEZING surfacetempC > 0");
# }
#end debug