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# Canvas backward support for using 3.0 API with FlightGear 2.8
(func {
# 2.8 uses multiple properties for representing a color. Also different names
# are used for the colors and no CSS syntax like #rrggbb are supported.
var color_components = ["red", "green", "blue", "alpha"];
var setColorNodes = func(obj, name, color)
if( size(color) == 1 )
color = color[0];
if( typeof(color) != "vector" )
debug.warn("Wrong type for color");
else if( size(color) < 3 or size(color) > 4 )
debug.warn("Color needs 3 or 4 values (RGB or RGBA)");
var node = obj._node.getNode(name, 1);
for(var i = 0; i < size(color_components); i += 1)
node.getNode(color_components[i], 1)
.setDoubleValue( i < size(color) ? color[i]
: 1 ); # default alpha is 1
return obj;
Element.setColor = func setColorNodes(me, "color", arg);
Element.setColorFill = func {
setColorNodes(me, "color-fill", arg);
me.setBool("fill", 1);
Path.setColor = Element.setColor;
Path.setColorFill = Element.setColorFill;
Text.setColor = Element.setColor;
Text.setColorFill = Element.setColorFill;
Canvas.setColorBackground = func()
me._node = me.texture;
setColorNodes(me, "color-background", arg);
# 2.8 uses multiple properties instead of a single string property
Canvas.setStrokeDashArray = func(pattern)
if( typeof(pattern) == 'vector' )
me._node.setValues({'stroke-dasharray': pattern});
debug.warn("setStrokeDashArray: vector expected!");
return me;
# Create a canvas object from the given node. Used instead of ghost available
# in newer FG versions.
var makeCanvas = func(node)
return {
_node_ghost: node._g,
createGroup: func props.wrapNode(me._node_ghost).addChild("group", 0, 0)._g
2012-11-15 14:19:09 +01:00
# Internal helper for creating a canvas.
# @note In 2.9+ this function is replaced by a C++ function. This
# implementation is just used as fallback for 2.8 and for usage
# in other programs.
canvas._newCanvasGhost = func()
return makeCanvas( Canvas.property_root.addChild("texture", 0, 0) );
# Internal helper for retrieving an existing canvas.
canvas._getCanvasGhost = func(arg_ghost)
var arg = props.wrapNode(arg_ghost);
# get a canvas specified by its root node
if( Canvas.property_root.getPath() == arg.getParent().getPath() )
var node = Canvas.property_root.getChild("texture", arg.getIndex());
# get a canvas by its name
else if( (var name = arg.getChild("name")) != nil )
name = name.getValue();
var node = nil;
foreach(var c; Canvas.property_root.getChildren("texture"))
if( c.getValue("name") == name )
node_canvas = c;
# get a canvas by its index
else if( (var index = arg.getChild("index")) != nil )
var node = Canvas.property_root.getChild("texture", index.getValue());
if( node == nil )
return nil;
return makeCanvas( node );
2012-11-15 14:19:09 +01:00
print("Canvas API: FlightGear 2.8 backward support loaded.");