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441 lines
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# Code to process XML-based tutorials. See $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.tutorials
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var STEP_INTERVAL = 5; # time between tutorial steps
var EXIT_INTERVAL = 1; # time between fulfillment of a step and the start of the next step
var tutorial = nil;
var steps = [];
var loop_id = 0;
var current_step = nil;
var num_errors = nil;
var num_step_runs = nil;
var last_run_time = nil;
var audio_dir = nil;
var startTutorial = func {
var name = getprop("/sim/tutorials/current-tutorial");
if (name == nil) {
screen.log.write("No tutorial selected");
tutorial = nil;
foreach (var c; props.globals.getNode("/sim/tutorials").getChildren("tutorial")) {
if (c.getNode("name").getValue() == name) {
tutorial = c;
if (tutorial == nil) {
screen.log.write('Unable to find tutorial "' ~ name ~ '"');
screen.log.write('Loading tutorial "' ~ name ~ '" ...');
current_step = 0;
num_step_runs = 0;
num_errors = 0;
last_run_time = time_elapsed.getValue();
steps = tutorial.getChildren("step");
var dir = tutorial.getNode("audio-dir");
if (dir != nil) {
audio_dir = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/" ~ dir.getValue() ~ "/";
} else {
audio_dir = "";
var presets = tutorial.getChild("presets");
if (presets != nil) {
props.copy(presets, props.globals.getNode("/sim/presets"));
fgcommand("presets-commit", props.Node.new());
if (getprop("/sim/presets/on-ground")) {
var eng = props.globals.getNode("/controls/engines");
if (eng != nil) {
foreach (var c; eng.getChildren("engine")) {
c.getNode("magnetos", 1).setIntValue(3);
c.getNode("throttle", 1).setDoubleValue(0.5);
var timeofday = tutorial.getChild("timeofday");
if (timeofday != nil) {
fgcommand("timeofday", props.Node.new({ "timeofday" : timeofday.getValue() }));
var init = tutorial.getNode("init");
is_running(1); # needs to be after "presets-commit"
# Pick up any weather conditions/scenarios set
setprop("/environment/rebuild-layers", getprop("/environment/rebuild-layers") + 1);
settimer(func { step_tutorial(loop_id += 1) }, STEP_INTERVAL);
var stopTutorial = func {
loop_id += 1;
if (is_running()) {
var end = tutorial.getNode("end");
_setlistener("/sim/crashed", stopTutorial);
# - Gets the current step node from the tutorial
# - If this is the first time the step is entered, it displays the instruction message
# - Otherwise, it
# - Checks if the exit conditions have been met. If so, it increments the step counter.
# - Checks for any error conditions, in which case it displays a message to the screen and
# increments an error counter
# - Otherwise display the instructions for the step.
var step_tutorial = func(id) {
id == loop_id or return;
var continue_after = func(i) { settimer(func { step_tutorial(id) }, i) }
if (current_step >= size(steps)) {
# end of the tutorial
var end = tutorial.getNode("end");
say_message(end, "Tutorial finished.");
say_message(nil, "Deviations: " ~ num_errors);
set_view(end) or view.point.restore();
var step = steps[current_step];
if (num_step_runs == 0) {
# first time we've encountered this step
say_message(step, "Tutorial step " ~ current_step);
num_step_runs += 1;
return continue_after(delay(step, STEP_INTERVAL));
# check for error conditions in random order
foreach (var error; shuffle(step.getChildren("error"))) {
if (props.condition(error.getNode("condition"))) {
num_errors += 1;
return continue_after(delay(error, STEP_INTERVAL));
# check for exit condition
var exit = step.getNode("exit");
if (exit != nil) {
if (!props.condition(exit.getNode("condition"))) {
return continue_after(delay(exit, STEP_INTERVAL));
# success!
current_step += 1;
num_step_runs = 0;
return continue_after(delay(tutorial, EXIT_INTERVAL));
var delay = func(node, default) {
if (node != nil) {
var d = node.getNode("interval");
if (d != nil) {
return num(d.getValue());
return num(default);
# scan all <set> blocks and set their <property> to <value> or
# the value of a property that <property n="1"> points to
# <set>
# <property>/foo/bar</property>
# <value>woof</value>
# </set>
var set_properties = func(node) {
node != nil or return;
foreach (var c; node.getChildren("set")) {
var dest = c.getChild("property", 0);
var src = c.getChild("property", 1);
var val = c.getChild("value");
dest != nil or die("<set> without <property>");
if (val != nil) {
setprop(dest.getValue(), val.getValue());
} elsif (src != nil) {
src = getprop(src.getValue());
src != nil or die("<property n=\"1\"> doesn't refer to defined property");
setprop(dest.getValue(), src);
} else {
die("<set> without <value> or <property n=\"1\">");
var set_targets = func(node) {
node != nil or return;
var time = time_elapsed.getValue();
var dest = props.globals.getNode("/sim/tutorials/targets", 1);
var aircraft = geo.aircraft_position();
var hdg = heading.getValue() + slip.getValue();
foreach (var t; node.getChildren()) {
var lon = t.getNode("longitude-deg");
var lat = t.getNode("latitude-deg");
if (lon == nil or lat == nil) {
die("target coords undefined");
var target = geo.Coord.new().set_lonlat(lon.getValue(), lat.getValue());
var dist = aircraft.distance_to(target);
var course = aircraft.course_to(target);
var angle = geo.normdeg(course - hdg);
if (angle >= 180) {
angle -= 360;
var d = dest.getChild(t.getName(), t.getIndex(), 1);
d.getNode("heading-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(course);
d.getNode("direction-deg", 1).setDoubleValue(angle);
var distN = d.getNode("distance-m", 1);
var lastdist = distN.getValue();
if (lastdist != nil) {
var speed = (lastdist - dist) / (time - last_run_time) + 0.00001; # m/s
d.getNode("eta-min", 1).setDoubleValue(dist / (speed * 60));
last_run_time = time;
var models = [];
var set_models = func(node) {
node != nil or return;
var manager = props.globals.getNode("/models", 1);
foreach (var src; node.getChildren("model")) {
var i = 0;
for (; 1; i += 1) {
if (manager.getChild("model", i, 0) == nil) {
var dest = manager.getChild("model", i, 1);
props.copy(src, dest);
dest.getNode("load", 1); # makes the modelmgr load the model
append(models, dest);
var remove_models = func {
foreach (var m; models) {
m.getParent().removeChild(m.getName(), m.getIndex());
models = [];
var set_view = func(node = nil) {
node != nil or return;
var v = node.getChild("view");
if (v != nil) {
return 1;
return 0;
var set_marker = func(node = nil) {
if (node != nil) {
var loc = node.getNode("marker");
if (loc != nil) {
var s = loc.getNode("scale");
"x/value": loc.getNode("x-m", 1).getValue(),
"y/value": loc.getNode("y-m", 1).getValue(),
"z/value": loc.getNode("z-m", 1).getValue(),
"scale/value": s != nil ? s.getValue() : 1,
"arrow-enabled": 1,
marker.getNode("arrow-enabled", 1).setBoolValue(0);
# Set and return running state. Disable/enable stop menu.
var is_running = func(which = nil) {
var prop = "/sim/tutorials/running";
if (which != nil) {
setprop(prop, which);
gui.menuEnable("tutorial-stop", which);
return getprop(prop);
# Output the message and optional sound recording.
var lastmsgcount = 0;
var say_message = func(node, default = nil) {
var msg = default;
var audio = nil;
var is_error = 0;
if (node != nil) {
is_error = node.getName() == "error";
var m = node.getChildren("message");
if (size(m)) {
msg = m[rand() * size(m)].getValue();
var a = node.getChildren("audio");
if (size(a)) {
audio = a[rand() * size(a)].getValue();
if (msg != last_message.getValue() or (is_error and lastmsgcount == 1)) {
# Error messages are only displayed every 10 seconds (2 iterations)
# Other messages are only displayed if they change
if (audio != nil) {
var prop = { path : audio_dir, file : audio };
fgcommand("play-audio-message", props.Node.new(prop));
screen.log.write(msg, 1, 1, 1);
} else {
setprop("/sim/messages/copilot", msg);
lastmsgcount = 0;
} else {
lastmsgcount += 1;
var shuffle = func(vec) {
var s = size(vec);
forindex (var i; vec) {
var j = rand() * s;
if (i != j) {
var swap = vec[j];
vec[j] = vec[i];
vec[i] = swap;
return vec;
var run_nasal = func(node) {
node != nil or return;
foreach (var n; node.getChildren("nasal")) {
if (n.getNode("module") == nil) {
n.getNode("module", 1).setValue("__tutorial");
fgcommand("nasal", n);
var say = func(what, who = "copilot", delay = 0) {
settimer(func { setprop("/sim/messages/", who, what) }, delay);
# Set up namespace "__tutorial" for embedded Nasal.
var init_nasal = func {
globals.__tutorial = {
say : say, # just exporting tutorial.say as __turorial.say
next : func(n = 1) { current_step += n; num_step_runs = 0 },
previous : func(n = 1) {
current_step -= n;
num_step_runs = 0;
if (current_step < 0) {
current_step = 0;
var dialog = func {
fgcommand("dialog-show", props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : "marker-adjust" }));
# Tutorial loader for development purposes.
# Usage: tutorial.load("Aircraft/bo105/Tutorials/foo.xml", 1)
# Loads this file to tutorial slot #1 (/sim/tutorials/tutorial[1])
var load = func(file, index = 0) {
props.globals.getNode("/sim/tutorials", 1).removeChild("tutorial", index);
fgcommand("loadxml", props.Node.new({
"filename": file,
"targetnode": "/sim/tutorials/tutorial[" ~ index ~ "]/",
var marker = nil;
var heading = nil;
var slip = nil;
var last_message = nil;
var time_elapsed = nil;
_setlistener("/sim/signals/nasal-dir-initialized", func {
marker = props.globals.getNode("/sim/model/marker", 1);
heading = props.globals.getNode("/orientation/heading-deg", 1);
slip = props.globals.getNode("/orientation/side-slip-deg", 1);
last_message = props.globals.getNode("/sim/tutorials/last-message", 1);
time_elapsed = props.globals.getNode("/sim/time/elapsed-sec", 1);