2010-09-11 16:15:49 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Control the weather -->
<!-- Title bar with close button -->
<label>Global Troposphere Weather Conditions</label>
<!-- Left Column -->
<!-- Cloud Layers -->
<label>Cloud Layers (All Altitudes ft-AMSL)</label>
<label>Altitude (ft)</label>
<label>Thickness (ft)</label>
<!-- Layer 4 -->
<!-- Layer 3 -->
<!-- Layer 2 -->
<!-- Layer 1 -->
<!-- Layer 0 -->
<!-- Cloud Layers End -->
<!-- Precipitation -->
<label>QNH (inHg)</label>
<!-- Precipitation End -->
<!-- Left Column End -->
<!-- Right Column -->
<!-- Aloft -->
<label>Aloft (All Altitudes ft-AMSL)</label>
<label>Wind (dir/kt)</label>
<label>Vis (m)</label>
<label>Temp (C)</label>
<label>Dewpt (C)</label>
<!-- Aloft End -->
<!-- Boundary -->
<label>Boundary (All Elevations ft-AGL)</label>
<label>Wind (dir/kt)</label>
<label>Vis (m)</label>
<label>Temp (C)</label>
<label>Dewpt (C)</label>
<!-- Boundary End -->
<!-- Right Column -->
<!-- Automatic Weather -->
<label>Automatic Weather Generation</label>
<label>METAR Source</label>
<label>Update winds aloft</label>
<label>METAR Data</label>
<!-- Automatic Weather -->
var dlg_root = cmdarg();
var normalize_string = func(src) {
if( src == nil ) src = "";
var dst = "";
for( var i = 0; i < size(src); i+=1 ) {
if( src[i] == `\n` or src[i] == `\r` )
src[i] = ` `;
if( i != 0 and src[i] == ` ` and src[i-1] == ` ` )
dst = dst ~ " ";
dst[size(dst)-1] = src[i];
return dst;
var findScenarioByName = func(name) {
var wsn = props.globals.getNode( "/environment/weather-scenarios" );
if( wsn != nil ) {
var scenarios = wsn.getChildren("scenario");
foreach (var scenario; scenarios ) {
if( scenario.getNode("name").getValue() == name )
return scenario;
return nil;
var findElementByName = func(rootN, name) {
foreach( var child; rootN.getChildren() ) {
var n = child.getNode( "name" );
if( n != nil and n.getValue() == name )
return child;
var f = findElementByName(child,name);
if( f != nil ) return f;
return nil;
var propertyChangeListener = setlistener( "sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/source-selection", func(n) {
description = "";
metar = "nil";
var scenario = findScenarioByName( n.getValue() );
if( scenario != nil ) {
description = normalize_string(scenario.getNode("description", 1 ).getValue());
metar = normalize_string(scenario.getNode("metar", 1 ).getValue());
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/description", description );
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/metar", metar );
2010-09-12 23:04:49 +02:00
var metarListener = setlistener( "environment/metar/valid", func(n) {
var metar = getprop("environment/metar/data");
if( metar == nil or metar == "" ) metar = "NIL";
2010-09-11 16:15:49 +02:00
metar = normalize_string(metar);
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/metar", metar );
2010-09-11 23:32:20 +02:00
gui.dialog_update( "weather", "metar" );
2010-09-11 16:15:49 +02:00
}, 1, 0);
#initialize the METAR source selection
if( getprop( "environment/params/metar-updates-environment" ) == 0 ) {
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/source-selection", "Disabled" );
} else if( getprop( "environment/realwx/enabled" ) ) {
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/source-selection", "Live data" );
} else {
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/source-selection", "Manual input" );
setprop( "sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/metar", normalize_string(getprop("environment/metar/data")) );
# fill the METAR source combo box
var combo = findElementByName( dlg_root, "source-selection" );
var wsn = props.globals.getNode( "/environment/weather-scenarios" );
if( wsn != nil ) {
var scenarios = wsn.getChildren("scenario");
forindex (var i; scenarios )
combo.getChild("value", i, 1).setValue(scenarios[i].getNode("name").getValue());
var apply = func {
var scenarioName = getprop("sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/source-selection");
var metar = nil;
if( scenarioName == "Disabled" ) {
setprop( "/environment/params/metar-updates-environment", 0 );
setprop( "/environment/realwx/enabled", 0 );
metar = "";
} else if( scenarioName == "Live data" ) {
setprop( "/environment/params/metar-updates-environment", 1 );
setprop( "/environment/realwx/enabled", 1 );
} else {
setprop( "/environment/params/metar-updates-environment", 1 );
setprop( "/environment/realwx/enabled", 0 );
metar = getprop( "sim/gui/dialogs/weather-scenario/metar" );
if( metar != nil )
setprop( "environment/metar/data", normalize_string(metar) );
removelistener( propertyChangeListener );
removelistener( metarListener );