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var iscntrl = func(c) c >= 1 and c <= 31 or c == 127;
var isascii = func(c) c >= 0 and c <= 127;
var isupper = func(c) c >= `A` and c <= `Z`;
var islower = func(c) c >= `a` and c <= `z`;
var isdigit = func(c) c >= `0` and c <= `9`;
var isblank = func(c) c == ` ` or c == `\t`;
var ispunct = func(c) c >= `!` and c <= `/` or c >= `:` and c <= `@`
or c >= `[` and c <= `\`` or c >= `{` and c <= `~`;
var isxdigit = func(c) isdigit(c) or c >= `a` and c <= `f` or c >= `A` and c <= `F`;
var isspace = func(c) c == ` ` or c >= `\t` and c <= `\r`;
var isalpha = func(c) isupper(c) or islower(c);
var isalnum = func(c) isalpha(c) or isdigit(c);
var isgraph = func(c) isalnum(c) or ispunct(c);
var isprint = func(c) isgraph(c) or c == ` `;
var toupper = func(c) islower(c) ? c + `A` - `a` : c;
var tolower = func(c) isupper(c) ? c + `a` - `A` : c;
# trim spaces at the left (lr < 0), at the right (lr > 0), or both (lr = 0)
var trim = func(s, lr = 0) {
var l = 0;
if (lr <= 0)
for (; l < size(s); l += 1)
if (!isspace(s[l]))
var r = size(s) - 1;
if (lr >= 0)
for (; r >= 0; r -= 1)
if (!isspace(s[r]))
return r < l ? "" : substr(s, l, r - l + 1);
# return string converted to lower case letters
var lc = func(str) {
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < size(str); i += 1)
s ~= chr(tolower(str[i]));
return s;
# return string converted to upper case letters
var uc = func(str) {
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < size(str); i += 1)
s ~= chr(toupper(str[i]));
return s;
# case insensitive string compare and match functions
# (not very efficient -- converting the array to be sorted
# first is faster)
var icmp = func(a, b) cmp(lc(a), lc(b));
var imatch = func(a, b) match(lc(a), lc(b));
# Functions that are used in the IO security code (io.nas) are defined in a
# closure that holds safe copies of system functions. Later manipulation of
# append(), pop() etc. doesn't affect them. Of course, any security code
# must itself store safe copies of these tamper-proof functions before user
# code can redefine them, and the closure() command must be made inaccessible.
var match = nil;
var fixpath = nil;
var join = nil;
var replace = nil;
(func {
var append = append;
var caller = caller;
var pop = pop;
var setsize = setsize;
var size = size;
var split = split;
var substr = substr;
var subvec = subvec;
# check if string <str> matches shell style pattern <patt>
# Rules:
# ? stands for any single character
2007-06-22 18:49:38 +00:00
# * stands for any number (including zero) of arbitrary characters
# \ escapes the next character and makes it stand for itself; that is:
2007-06-22 20:41:00 +00:00
# \? stands for a question mark (not the "any single character" placeholder)
# [] stands for a group of characters:
2007-06-22 20:41:00 +00:00
# [abc] stands for letters a, b or c
# [^abc] stands for any character but a, b, and c (^ as first character -> inversion)
# [1-4] stands for digits 1 to 4 (1, 2, 3, 4)
# [1-4-] stands for digits 1 to 4, and the minus
# [-1-4] same as above
# [1-3-6] stands for digits 1 to 3, minus, and 6
# [1-3-6-9] stands for digits 1 to 3, minus, and 6 to 9
2007-06-22 18:49:38 +00:00
# [][] stands for the closing and the opening bracket (']' must be first!)
# [^^] stands for all characters but the caret symbol
# [\/] stands for a backslash or a slash (the backslash isn't an
# escape character in a [] character group)
# Note that a minus can't be a range delimiter, as in [a--e],
# which would be interpreted as any of a, e, or minus.
2007-06-22 20:41:00 +00:00
# Example:
# string.match(name, "*[0-9].xml"); ... true if 'name' ends with digit followed by ".xml"
match = func(str, patt) {
var s = 0;
for (var p = 0; p < size(patt) and s < size(str); ) {
if (patt[p] == `\\`) {
if ((p += 1) >= size(patt))
return 0; # pattern ends with backslash
} elsif (patt[p] == `?`) {
s += 1;
p += 1;
} elsif (patt[p] == `*`) {
for (; p < size(patt); p += 1)
if (patt[p] != `*`)
if (p >= size(patt))
return 1;
for (; s < size(str); s += 1)
if (caller(0)[1](substr(str, s), substr(patt, p)))
return 1;
} elsif (patt[p] == `[`) {
setsize(var x = [], 256);
var invert = 0;
if ((p += 1) < size(patt) and patt[p] == `^`) {
p += 1;
invert = 1;
for (var i = 0; p < size(patt); p += 1) {
if (patt[p] == `]` and i)
x[patt[p]] = 1;
i += 1;
2007-06-22 20:41:00 +00:00
if (p + 2 < patt[p] and patt[p] != `-` and patt[p + 1] == `-`
and patt[p + 2] != `]` and patt[p + 2] != `-`) {
var from = patt[p];
var to = patt[p += 2];
for (var c = from; c <= to; c += 1)
x[c] = 1;
if (invert ? !!x[str[s]] : !x[str[s]])
return 0;
s += 1;
p += 1;
if (str[s] != patt[p])
return 0;
s += 1;
p += 1;
return s == size(str) and p == size(patt);
# Removes superfluous slashes, empty and "." elements, expands
# all ".." elements, and turns all backslashes into slashes.
# The result will start with a slash if it started with a slash
# or backslash, it will end without slash. Should be applied to
# absolute property or file paths, otherwise ".." elements might
# be resolved wrongly.
fixpath = func(path) {
path = replace(path, "\\", "/");
2008-07-11 15:23:23 +00:00
var prefix = size(path) and path[0] == `/` ? "/" : "";
var stack = [];
foreach (var e; split("/", path)) {
if (e == "." or e == "")
elsif (e == "..")
append(stack, e);
return size(stack) ? prefix ~ join("/", stack) : "/";
# Join all elements of a list inserting a separator between every two of them.
join = func(sep, list) {
if (!size(list))
return "";
var str = list[0];
foreach (var s; subvec(list, 1))
str ~= sep ~ s;
return str;
# Replace all occurrences of 'old' by 'new'.
replace = func(str, old, new) {
return join(new, split(old, str));
})(); # end tamper-proof environment
# Simple scanf function. Takes an input string and a pattern
# and returns a vector containing success value and found elements.
# var r = string.scanf("comm3freq123.456", "comm%dfreq%f");
# The resulting vector is [1, 3, 123.456].
var Scan = {
new : func(s) {{ str: s, pos: 0, parents: [Scan] }},
getc : func {
if (me.pos >= size(me.str))
return nil;
var c = me.str[me.pos];
me.pos += 1;
return c;
ungetc : func { me.pos -= 1 },
rest : func { substr(me.str, me.pos) },
var scanf = func(str, format) {
if (find("%", format) < 0)
return cmp(str, format) ? nil : [2];
var result = [0];
var str = Scan.new(str);
var format = Scan.new(format);
while (1) {
var f = format.getc();
if (f == nil) {
} elsif (f == `%`) {
result[0] = 1; # unsafe match
f = format.getc();
if (f == nil)
die("trailing %");
if (f == `%` and str.getc() != `%`)
return nil;
var fnum = nil;
if (isdigit(f)) {
fnum = f - `0`;
while ((f = format.getc()) != nil and isdigit(f))
fnum = fnum * 10 + f - `0`;
var numstr = "";
var plus = 0;
if (f == `d` or f == `f`) { # int or float with optional minus
var c = str.getc();
if (c == `+`)
plus = 1;
elsif (c == `-`)
numstr = chr(c);
if (f == `D` or f == `F` or f == `d` or f == `f`) { # integer part
while ((var c = str.getc()) != nil and isdigit(c))
numstr ~= chr(c);
if (c != nil)
if (f == `f` or f == `F`) { # fractional part
while ((var c = str.getc()) != nil) {
if (num(numstr ~ chr(c)) != nil)
numstr ~= chr(c);
if (c != nil)
if (!size(numstr) and plus or numstr == "-")
return nil;
if (fnum != nil and size(numstr) > fnum)
for (var i = size(numstr) - fnum; i; i -= 1)
append(result, num(numstr));
} elsif (f != (var c = str.getc())) {
return nil;
} else {
result[0] = 2; # safe match
return str.getc() == nil and format.getc() == nil ? result : nil;