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WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// -*-C++-*-
#version 130
#extension GL_EXT_texture_array : enable
// written by Thorsten Renk, Oct 2011, based on default.frag
// Development tools:
// Reduce haze to almost zero, while preserving lighting. Useful for observing distant tiles.
// Keeps the calculation overhead. This can be used for profiling.
// Possible values: 0:Normal, 1:Reduced haze.
const int reduce_haze_without_removing_calculation_overhead = 0;
// Remove haze and lighting and shows just the texture.
// Useful for checking texture rendering and scenery.
// The compiler will likely optimise out the haze and lighting calculations.
// Possible values: 0:Normal, 1:Just the texture.
const int remove_haze_and_lighting = 0;
// End of test phase controls
// written by Thorsten Renk, Oct 2011, based on default.frag
// Ambient term comes in gl_Color.rgb.
varying vec4 light_diffuse_comp;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec3 relPos;
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
varying vec2 ground_tex_coord;
varying vec2 rawPos;
varying vec3 worldPos;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// Testing code:
//vec3 worldPos = vec3(5000.0, 6000.0, 7000.0) + vec3(vec2(rawPos), 600.0); // vec3(100.0, 10.0, 3.0);
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
//varying vec2 orthoTexCoord;
varying vec4 eyePos;
uniform sampler2D landclass;
uniform sampler2DArray textureArray;
uniform sampler2D perlin;
//varying float yprime_alt;
//varying float mie_angle;
varying float steepness;
uniform float visibility;
uniform float avisibility;
uniform float scattering;
uniform float terminator;
uniform float terrain_alt;
uniform float hazeLayerAltitude;
uniform float overcast;
uniform float eye_alt;
uniform float snowlevel;
uniform float dust_cover_factor;
uniform float lichen_cover_factor;
uniform float wetness;
uniform float fogstructure;
uniform float snow_thickness_factor;
uniform float cloud_self_shading;
uniform float season;
uniform int quality_level;
uniform int tquality_level;
2021-11-09 20:27:23 +00:00
// Passed from VPBTechnique, not the Effect
uniform float fg_tileWidth;
uniform float fg_tileHeight;
uniform bool fg_photoScenery;
uniform vec4 fg_dimensionsArray[128];
uniform vec4 fg_ambientArray[128];
uniform vec4 fg_diffuseArray[128];
uniform vec4 fg_specularArray[128];
uniform vec4 fg_textureLookup1[128];
uniform vec4 fg_textureLookup2[128];
uniform vec4 fg_materialParams1[128];
uniform mat4 fg_zUpTransform;
uniform vec3 fg_modelOffset;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
const float EarthRadius = 5800000.0;
const float terminator_width = 200000.0;
//Testing phase: Why are these in global scope in WS2 shaders?
float alt;
float eShade;
float yprime_alt;
float mie_angle;
float shadow_func (in float x, in float y, in float noise, in float dist);
float DotNoise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength, in float fractionalMaxDotSize, in float dot_density);
float Noise2D(in vec2 coord, in float wavelength);
float Noise3D(in vec3 coord, in float wavelength);
float SlopeLines2D(in vec2 coord, in vec2 gradDir, in float wavelength, in float steepness);
float Strata3D(in vec3 coord, in float wavelength, in float variation);
float fog_func (in float targ, in float alt);
float rayleigh_in_func(in float dist, in float air_pollution, in float avisibility, in float eye_alt, in float vertex_alt);
float alt_factor(in float eye_alt, in float vertex_alt);
float light_distance_fading(in float dist);
float fog_backscatter(in float avisibility);
vec3 rayleigh_out_shift(in vec3 color, in float outscatter);
vec3 get_hazeColor(in float light_arg);
vec3 searchlight();
vec3 landing_light(in float offset, in float offsetv);
vec3 filter_combined (in vec3 color) ;
float getShadowing();
vec3 getClusteredLightsContribution(vec3 p, vec3 n, vec3 texel);
// Test-phase code:
// These should be sent as uniforms
// Tile dimensions in meters
// vec2 tile_size = vec2(tile_width , tile_height);
// Testing: texture coords are sent flipped right now:
// Note tile_size is defined in the shader include: ws30-landclass-search-functions.frag.
// vec2 tile_size = vec2(tile_height , tile_width);
// From noise.frag
float rand2D(in vec2 co);
// These functions, and other function they depend on, are defined
// in ws30-ALS-landclass-search.frag.
// Create random landclasses without a texture lookup to stress test.
// Each square of square_size in m is assigned a random landclass value.
int get_random_landclass(in vec2 co, in vec2 tile_size);
// Lookup a ground texture at a point based on the landclass at that point, without visible
// seams at coordinate discontinuities or at landclass boundaries where texture are switched.
// The partial derivatives of the tile_coord at the fragment is needed to adjust for
// the stretching of different textures, so that the correct mip-map level is looked
// up and there are no seams.
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
// Texture types: 0: base texture, 1: grain texture, 2: gradient texture, 3 dot texture,
// 4: mix texture, 5: detail texture.
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
vec4 lookup_ground_texture_array(in int texture_type, in vec2 ground_texture_coord, in int landclass_id,
in vec4 dFdx_and_dFdy);
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// Look up the landclass id [0 .. 255] for this particular fragment.
// Lookup id of any neighbouring landclass that is within the search distance.
// Searches are performed in upto 4 directions right now, but only one landclass is looked up
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
// Create a mix factor weighting the influences of nearby landclasses
void get_landclass_id(in vec2 tile_coord, in vec4 dFdx_and_dFdy,
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
out int landclass_id, out ivec4 neighbor_landclass_ids,
out int num_unique_neighbors,out vec4 mix_factor
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
// Look up the texel of the specified texture type (e.g. grain or detail textures) for this fragment
// and any neighbor texels, then mix.
vec4 get_mixed_texel(in int texture_type, in vec2 g_texture_coord,
in int landclass_id, in int num_unique_neighbors,
in ivec4 neighbor_texel_landclass_ids, in vec4 neighbor_mix_factors,
in vec4 dFdx_and_dFdy
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// End Test-phase code
void main()
yprime_alt = light_diffuse_comp.a;
//diffuse_term.a = 1.0;
mie_angle = gl_Color.a;
float effective_scattering = min(scattering, cloud_self_shading);
// distance to fragment
float dist = length(relPos);
// angle of view vector with horizon
float ct = dot(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), relPos)/dist;
vec3 shadedFogColor = vec3(0.55, 0.67, 0.88);
// this is taken from default.frag
vec3 n;
float NdotL, NdotHV, fogFactor;
vec3 lightDir = gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz;
vec3 halfVector = gl_LightSource[0].halfVector.xyz;
//vec3 halfVector = normalize(normalize(lightDir) + normalize(ecViewdir));
vec4 texel;
vec4 snow_texel;
vec4 detail_texel;
vec4 mix_texel;
vec4 fragColor;
vec4 specular = vec4(0.0);
float intensity;
// get noise at different wavelengths
// used: 5m, 5m gradient, 10m, 10m gradient: heightmap of the closeup terrain, 10m also snow
// 50m: detail texel
// 250m: detail texel
// 500m: distortion and overlay
// 1500m: overlay, detail, dust, fog
// 2000m: overlay, detail, snow, fog
float noise_10m;
float noise_5m;
noise_10m = Noise2D(rawPos.xy, 10.0);
noise_5m = Noise2D(rawPos.xy ,5.0);
float noisegrad_10m;
float noisegrad_5m;
float noise_50m = Noise2D(rawPos.xy, 50.0);;
float noise_250m = Noise3D(worldPos.xyz,250.0);
float noise_500m = Noise3D(worldPos.xyz, 500.0);
float noise_1500m = Noise3D(worldPos.xyz, 1500.0);
float noise_2000m = Noise3D(worldPos.xyz, 2000.0);
// get the texels
// Oct 27 2021:
// Geometry is in the form of roughly rectangular 'tiles'
// with a mesh forming a grid with regular spacing.
// Each vertex in the mesh is given an elevation
// Tile dimensions in m
// Testing: created from two float uniforms in global scope. Should be sent as a vec2
// vec2 tile_size
// Tile texture coordinates range [0..1] over the tile 'rectangle'
vec2 tile_coord = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
// Test phase: Constants and toggles for transitions between landlcasses are defined at
// the top of this file.
// Look up the landclass id [0 .. 255] for this particular fragment
// and any neighbouring landclass that is close.
// Each tile has 1 texture containing landclass ids stetched over it.
// Landclass for current fragment, and up-to 4 neighboring landclasses - 2 used currently
int lc;
ivec4 lc_n;
int num_unique_neighbors = 0;
// Mix factor of base textures for 2 neighbour landclass(es)
vec4 mfact;
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
// Partial derivatives of s and t of ground texture coords for this fragment,
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// with respect to window (screen space) x and y axes.
// Used to pick mipmap LoD levels, and turn off unneeded procedural detail
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
// dFdx and dFdy are packed in a vec4 so multiplying everything
// to scale takes 1 instruction slot.
vec4 dxdy_gc = vec4(dFdx(ground_tex_coord) , dFdy(ground_tex_coord));
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
get_landclass_id(tile_coord, dxdy_gc, lc, lc_n, num_unique_neighbors, mfact);
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// The landclass id is used to index into arrays containing
// material parameters and textures for the landclass as
// defined in the regional definitions
float index = float(lc)/512.0;
vec4 index_n = vec4(lc_n)/512.0;
float mat_shininess = fg_dimensionsArray[lc].z;
vec4 mat_ambient = fg_ambientArray[lc];
vec4 mat_diffuse = fg_diffuseArray[lc];
vec4 mat_specular = fg_specularArray[lc];
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// Testing code:
// Use rlc even when looking up textures to recreate the extra performance hit
// so any performance difference between the two is due to the texture lookup
// color.rgb = color.rgb+0.00001*float(get_random_landclass(tile_coord.st, tile_size));
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
// Calculate texture coords for ground textures
// Textures are stretched along the ground to different
// lengths along each axes as set by <xsize> and <ysize>
// regional definitions parameters.
vec2 stretch_dimensions = fg_dimensionsArray[lc].st;
vec2 tileSize = vec2(fg_tileWidth, fg_tileHeight);
vec2 texture_scaling = tileSize.xy / stretch_dimensions.st;
vec2 st = texture_scaling.st * ground_tex_coord.st;
// Scale partial derivatives
vec4 dxdy = vec4(texture_scaling.st, texture_scaling.st) * dxdy_gc;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
if (fg_photoScenery) {
// In the photoscenery case we don't have landclass or materials available, so we
// just use constants for the material properties.
mat_ambient = vec4(0.2,0.2,0.2,1.0);
mat_diffuse = vec4(0.8,0.8,0.8,1.0);
mat_specular = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
mat_shininess = 1.2;
2021-11-09 20:27:23 +00:00
texel = texture(landclass, vec2(gl_TexCoord[0].s, 1.0 - gl_TexCoord[0].t));
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
} else
// Color Mode is always AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, which means
// using a base colour of white for ambient/diffuse,
// rather than the material color from ambientArray/diffuseArray.
mat_ambient = vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
mat_diffuse = vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
mat_specular = fg_specularArray[lc];
mat_shininess = fg_dimensionsArray[lc].z;
// Lookup the base texture texel for this fragment and any neighbors, with mixing
texel = get_mixed_texel(0, ground_tex_coord, lc, num_unique_neighbors, lc_n, mfact, dxdy_gc);
//if (ground_tex_coord.x > 0.0) texel = vec4(1.0);
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
vec4 color = gl_Color * mat_ambient;
color.a = 1.0;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// Testing code: mix with green to show values of variables at each point
//vec4 green = vec4(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0);
//texel = mix(texel, green, (mfact[2]));
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
//mix_texel = texel;
//detail_texel = texel;
vec4 t = texel;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
int flag = 1;
int mix_flag = 1;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
float local_autumn_factor = texel.a;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
if (fg_photoScenery) {
flag = 0;
mix_flag = 0;
float distortion_factor = 1.0;
vec2 stprime;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
float noise_term;
float snow_alpha;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
//float view_angle = abs(dot(normal, normalize(ecViewdir)));
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
if ((quality_level > 3)&&(relPos.z +500.0 > snowlevel)) {
float sfactor;
snow_texel = vec4 (0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0) * (0.9 + 0.1* noise_500m + 0.1* (1.0 - noise_10m) );
snow_texel.r = snow_texel.r * (0.9 + 0.05 * (noise_10m + noise_5m));
snow_texel.g = snow_texel.g * (0.9 + 0.05 * (noise_10m + noise_5m));
snow_texel.a = 1.0;
noise_term = 0.1 * (noise_500m-0.5);
sfactor = sqrt(2.0 * (1.0-steepness)/0.03) + abs(ct)/0.15;
noise_term = noise_term + 0.2 * (noise_50m -0.5) * (1.0 - smoothstep(18000.0*sfactor, 40000.0*sfactor, dist) ) ;
noise_term = noise_term + 0.3 * (noise_10m -0.5) * (1.0 - smoothstep(4000.0 * sfactor, 8000.0 * sfactor, dist) ) ;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
if (dist < 3000.0*sfactor) {
noise_term = noise_term + 0.3 * (noise_5m -0.5) * (1.0 - smoothstep(1000.0 * sfactor, 3000.0 *sfactor, dist) );
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
snow_texel.a = snow_texel.a * 0.2+0.8* smoothstep(0.2,0.8, 0.3 +noise_term + snow_thickness_factor +0.0001*(relPos.z -snowlevel) );
if ((tquality_level > 2) && (mix_flag == 1))
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
// Mix texture is material texture 15, which is mapped to the b channel of fg_textureLookup1
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
//int tex2 = int(fg_textureLookup1[lc].b * 255.0 + 0.5);
//mix_texel = texture(textureArray, vec3(gl_TexCoord[0].st * 1.3, tex2));
if (mix_texel.a < 0.1) { mix_flag = 0;}
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
//WS2: mix_texel = texture2D(mix_texture, gl_TexCoord[0].st * 1.3); // temp
mix_texel = lookup_ground_texture_array(4, st * 1.3, lc, dxdy * 1.3);
if (mix_texel.a <0.1) {mix_flag = 0;}
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
if (tquality_level > 3 && (flag == 1))
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
stprime = vec2 (0.86*gl_TexCoord[0].s + 0.5*gl_TexCoord[0].t, 0.5*gl_TexCoord[0].s - 0.86*gl_TexCoord[0].t);
//distortion_factor = 0.9375 + (1.0 * nvL[2]);
distortion_factor = 0.97 + 0.06 * noise_500m;
stprime = stprime * distortion_factor * 15.0;
if (quality_level > 4)
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
stprime = stprime + normalize(relPos).xy * 0.02 * (noise_10m + 0.5 * noise_5m - 0.75);
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// Detail texture is material texture 11, which is mapped to the g channel of fg_textureLookup1
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
//int tex3 = int(fg_textureLookup1[lc].g * 255.0 + 0.5);
//detail_texel = texture(textureArray, vec3(stprime, tex3));
if (detail_texel.a < 0.1) { flag = 0;}
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
//WS2: detail_texel = texture2D(detail_texture, stprime); // temp
vec4 dxdy_prime = vec4(dFdx(stprime), dFdy(stprime));
detail_texel = lookup_ground_texture_array(5, stprime, lc, dxdy_prime);
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// texture preparation according to detail level
// mix in hires texture patches
float dist_fact;
float nSum;
float mix_factor;
float transition_model = fg_materialParams1[lc].r;
float hires_overlay_bias = fg_materialParams1[lc].g;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
if (tquality_level > 2) {
// first the second texture overlay
// transition model 0: random patch overlay without any gradient information
// transition model 1: only gradient-driven transitions, no randomness
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
if (mix_flag == 1) {
// Random patch overlay weighting with noise
nSum = 0.18 * (2.0 * noise_2000m + 2.0 * noise_1500m + noise_500m);
// Increase the weighting for the mix_texel if more gradient-driven.
nSum = mix(nSum, 0.5, max(0.0, 2.0 * (transition_model - 0.5)));
// Add the gradient element
nSum = nSum + 0.4 * (1.0 -smoothstep(0.9,0.95, abs(steepness)+ 0.05 * (noise_50m - 0.5))) * min(1.0, 2.0 * transition_model);
mix_factor = smoothstep(0.5, 0.54, nSum);
texel = mix(texel, mix_texel, mix_factor);
local_autumn_factor = texel.a;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
if (tquality_level > 3) {
// then the detail texture overlay
if (dist < 40000.0)
if (flag == 1) {
//noise_50m = Noise2D(rawPos.xy, 50.0);
//noise_250m = Noise2D(rawPos.xy, 250.0);
dist_fact = 0.1 * smoothstep(15000.0,40000.0, dist) - 0.03 * (1.0 - smoothstep(500.0,5000.0, dist));
nSum = ((1.0 -noise_2000m) + noise_1500m + 2.0 * noise_250m +noise_50m)/5.0;
nSum = nSum - 0.08 * (1.0 -smoothstep(0.9,0.95, abs(steepness)));
mix_factor = smoothstep(0.47, 0.54, nSum +hires_overlay_bias - dist_fact);
if (mix_factor > 0.8) {mix_factor = 0.8;}
texel = mix(texel, detail_texel,mix_factor);
local_autumn_factor = texel.a;
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// autumn colors
float autumn_factor = season * 2.0 * (1.0 - local_autumn_factor) ;
texel.r = min(1.0, (1.0 + 2.5 * autumn_factor) * texel.r);
texel.g = texel.g;
texel.b = max(0.0, (1.0 - 4.0 * autumn_factor) * texel.b);
if (local_autumn_factor < 1.0)
intensity = length(texel.rgb) * (1.0 - 0.5 * smoothstep(1.1,2.0,season));
texel.rgb = intensity * normalize(mix(texel.rgb, vec3(0.23,0.17,0.08), smoothstep(1.1,2.0, season)));
const vec4 dust_color = vec4 (0.76, 0.71, 0.56, 1.0);
const vec4 lichen_color = vec4 (0.17, 0.20, 0.06, 1.0);;
//float snow_alpha;
if (quality_level > 3)
// mix vegetation
texel = mix(texel, lichen_color, 0.4 * lichen_cover_factor + 0.8 * lichen_cover_factor * 0.5 * (noise_10m + (1.0 - noise_5m)) );
// mix dust
texel = mix(texel, dust_color, clamp(0.5 * dust_cover_factor + 3.0 * dust_cover_factor * (((noise_1500m - 0.5) * 0.125)+0.125 ),0.0, 1.0) );
// mix snow
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
if (relPos.z +500.0 > snowlevel)
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
snow_alpha = smoothstep(0.75, 0.85, abs(steepness));
//texel = mix(texel, snow_texel, texel_snow_fraction);
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
texel = mix(texel, snow_texel, snow_texel.a* smoothstep(snowlevel, snowlevel+200.0, snow_alpha * (relPos.z)+ (noise_2000m + 0.1 * noise_10m -0.55) *400.0));
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
else if (relPos.z +500.0 > snowlevel)
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
float snow_alpha = 0.5+0.5* smoothstep(0.2,0.8, 0.3 + snow_thickness_factor +0.0001*(relPos.z -snowlevel) );
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// texel = vec4(dot(vec3(0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140), texel.rgb));
WS30: MR #267: Improved texture lookups from VS Squashed commit of the following: commit 115511888c20c53670eba17a82c81c9af99d7302 Author: vs <vs2009@mail.com> Date: Mon Dec 6 18:52:06 2021 +1000 WS30 effects and shaders: Changelog: ws30-ALS-ultra.frag: - Ground textures lookups use their own coordinates separate from the landclass texture lookup. - Partial derivatives dFdx and Dfdy are packed together in a vec4, so simple multiplication to scale can be done in 1 instruction. dFdx = s and t components. dFdy = p and q components. These must be scaled properly for ground texture access as ground texture stretching and detiling of tex coords mean textures are scaled differently. - Added calculation of partial derivatives for texture coordinates used by the 5 non- base textures. dFdx() and dFdy() were called for nontrivial texture coordinate manipulation. - New control randomise_texture_lookups added at top of ws30-ALS-ultra.frag, in the development tools section. Setting this to 1 will do a stress test of ground texture array lookups. A fast random number generation function is used to assign each landclass 4 random textures from the ground texture array - this is done by . Performance will not be as bad in the full ALS port as some texture slots will better caching in memory - e.g. have 1 or a few variants. - Possible optimisation: use a 2nd or 3rd texture array for some of the non-base texture slots that typically have 256, 512, or 1024 textures. The resolutions of these arrays should change based on the largest loaded texture size in the active regional definitions - this will allow taking full advantage of smaller texture sizes in some areas. The disadvantage is some texture duplication with more slots. - Possible optimisation: offer the option to shrink textures by 50% or 25% - for texture slots that use large textures like base or mix slots. - Very temporary - reduce procedural normal map features with photoscenery active without breaking profiling, as the inputs to shaders are effect defaults or placeholder (by request on ML). ---- ws30-ALS-ultra.vert: - Start of conversion of geocentic world space xyz into lat/lon coords used for ground texture lookups. Currently commented out as it's unknown what model space coords are in (not geocentric it seems). ws20-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - Add control for changing the ground texture array lookup function for debugging in case old compilers/GPUs have issues. tex_lookup_type: 0: normal( textureGrad(), 1: textureLod (manual Lod calculation), 2: texture() with no partial derivative adjustment. - New get6_random_integers() will extract 6 limited random values from the full precision of a 32 bit random value. - Old landclass_texel_size_m references are removed since textureSize() is used. There are no 'const in float' arguments that may cause issues on AMD compilers. ---- WS30-overlay effect (Inactive): - ws30-overlay.eff (derived from terrain-overlay.eff). Technique no "4" is used for two passes. The 1st pass is a copy of the ALS ultra pass (technique no "5") from ws30.eff. The 2nd pass is the same as terrain-overlay.eff. The 2nd pass uses terrain- overlay.frag from WS2. - grass-ALS.vert copied to ws30-ovelay-ALS.vert. To do: needs texture coords that don't change with tiles. - terrain-overlay-ALS.geom copied to ws30-overlay-ALS.geom. To do: uses gl_PositionIn [i].xy for position in the horizontal plane - assumes z is vertical. Tile model space doesn't seem to match this. - WS3 doesn't seem to have a way of switching references to terrain-overlay.eff (which inherits from terrain-default.eff) to the new ws3-overlay.eff (which needs to inherit from ws30.eff). The ws3-overlay.eff included /might/ just work without any other changes: the first pass is the WS3 als ultra settings pass, and the second overlay pass is unchanged from WS2 (the same terrain overlay shaders should probably work apart from texcoords and rawpos not being correct). - Materials/base/materials-base.xml: ws30Road material: uncomment line declaring terrain-default as the effect. The target effect for ws30 roads is road-*.eff and it's added to ws30Road and ws30Freeway but commented out as it's not working currently. - Misc: large scale transitions are turned on in ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag by default. Grow landclass borders with large scale transitions is now on by default. ---- Changes after the multi-texture support commit: ws30-ALS-ultra.vert - Added documentation: WS30 model space and z up space - for future people working on WS30, and people looking through shaders to rule out possibilities e.g. when fixing bugs, or interpreting visual bug reports. ws30-ALS-landclass-search-functions.frag: - For now, lookup_ground_texture_array() also looks up the relevant texture's index based on an integer. - Add get_mixed_texel() - looks up texel for this fragment and any neighbors before mixing. Moves currently shared mixing code out of 3 fragment shaders. Misc: changed indentation from mixed tabs/spaces to spaces in ws30-ALS-ultra frag and vert. The indentation can be changed again when the porting is complete. ws30-ALS vert/frag and ws30-ALS-detailed vert/frag: - Add varying for ground texture coordiante, currently set to gl_TexCoord[0]. Apply texture stretching dimensions in fragment shaders. - Misc: varying rawPos is set to vec2 for now, as relPos.z+eye_alt might be faster. Misc: keep WS2 mixing logic for now , including turning off mixing via the alpha channel of the textures ---- Changes after sending material parameters in uniform arrays commit: - Materials parameter for rock_strata is cast into an int so rock_strata==1 should work. Misc: Left over uniform for rock strata cleaned up. - ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag: Add missing mat_shininess for photoscenery case .
2022-01-03 15:43:29 +00:00
texel = mix(texel, vec4(1.0), snow_alpha* smoothstep(snowlevel, snowlevel+200.0, (relPos.z)));
WS30 shaders: Add WS3 detailed technique using the "6" slot. Port the ALS haze, lighting, and math parts of the detailed and ultra shaders. The texture lookups are left out. Shader selection based on terrain quality setting: - Ultra - ws30-ALS-ultra frag/vert. - High and Medium - ws30-ALS-detailed frag/vert. The shaders switch code paths based on quality level uniform. - Low - ws30-ALS frag/vert. Changelog: ws30-ALS vertex shaders: - Ambient colour material colour doesn't seem to be used in the vertex shader, and isn't sent to fragment shaders currently. Regional materials only define non-default ambient colour of vec4(0.0) for water, ocean etc. Otherwise the default value of vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) is used. ws30-ALS.frag: - Set alpha of color to diffuse_term.a, to be consistent with WS2 implementation. ws30-ALS-ultra.frag and ws30-ALS-detailed.frag - World pos is assigned a value to allow noise functions to compile. - Swatch_size is temporarily set to 2000m instead of the xsize texture dimension to allow noise math to run while landclass search and texture arrays are being looked up. Swatch_size is used to adjust the wavelength of multiple overlay mixing noise wavelengths based on how far the textures are stretched (WiP WS2 feature). There are some noise calculations that could run while the first landclass lookup happens. If this is not enough, the selection of calculated noise wavelengths to add could change based on how far the textures are stretched, instead of changing the wavelengths at calculation time. - Move photoscenery technique no "4" after technique no "7" without changing the index (in case the low index is needed for photoscenery). This makes viewing a diff with the WS2 effect easier. Performance: Currently there's only 1 ground texture lookup and landclass transitions for that texture. The ultra shader looks up 5 more textures. Probably transitions for 1 more texture need to be supported, as often a base and overlay texture are mixed contributing heavily to visible colour. The math overhead is mostly present, except for noise math being better hidden than in the eventual version. Some of the texture array lookups in the full version may be hidden by the math - depending on GPU memory handling compared to calculation speed.
2021-11-10 00:25:09 +10:00
// get distribution of water when terrain is wet
float water_threshold1;
float water_threshold2;
float water_factor =0.0;
if ((dist < 5000.0)&& (quality_level > 3) && (wetness>0.0))
water_threshold1 = 1.0-0.5* wetness;
water_threshold2 = 1.0 - 0.3 * wetness;
water_factor = smoothstep(water_threshold1, water_threshold2 , (0.3 * (2.0 * (1.0-noise_10m) + (1.0 -noise_5m)) * (1.0 - smoothstep(2000.0, 5000.0, dist))) - 5.0 * (1.0 -steepness));
// darken wet terrain
texel.rgb = texel.rgb * (1.0 - 0.6 * wetness);
// light computations
vec4 light_specular = gl_LightSource[0].specular;
// If gl_Color.a == 0, this is a back-facing polygon and the
// normal should be reversed.
//n = (2.0 * gl_Color.a - 1.0) * normal;
n = normal;//vec3 (nvec.x, nvec.y, sqrt(1.0 -pow(nvec.x,2.0) - pow(nvec.y,2.0) ));
n = normalize(n);
NdotL = dot(n, lightDir);
if ((tquality_level > 3) && (mix_flag ==1)&& (dist < 2000.0) && (quality_level > 4))
noisegrad_10m = (noise_10m - Noise2D(rawPos.xy+ 0.05 * normalize(lightDir.xy),10.0))/0.05;
noisegrad_5m = (noise_5m - Noise2D(rawPos.xy+ 0.05 * normalize(lightDir.xy),5.0))/0.05;
NdotL = NdotL + 1.0 * (noisegrad_10m + 0.5* noisegrad_5m) * mix_factor/0.8 * (1.0 - smoothstep(1000.0, 2000.0, dist));
if (NdotL > 0.0) {
float shadowmap = getShadowing();
vec4 diffuse_term = light_diffuse_comp * mat_diffuse;
color += diffuse_term * NdotL * shadowmap;
NdotHV = max(dot(n, halfVector), 0.0);
if (mat_shininess > 0.0)
specular.rgb = (mat_specular.rgb
* light_specular.rgb
* pow(NdotHV, mat_shininess)
* shadowmap);
color.a = 1.0;//diffuse_term.a;
// This shouldn't be necessary, but our lighting becomes very
// saturated. Clamping the color before modulating by the texture
// is closer to what the OpenGL fixed function pipeline does.
color = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0);
fragColor = color * texel + specular;
fragColor.rgb += getClusteredLightsContribution(eyePos.xyz, n, texel.rgb);
// here comes the terrain haze model
float delta_z = hazeLayerAltitude - eye_alt;
if (dist > 0.04 * min(visibility,avisibility))
//if ((gl_FragCoord.y > ylimit) || (gl_FragCoord.x < zlimit1) || (gl_FragCoord.x > zlimit2))
//if (dist > 40.0)
alt = eye_alt;
float transmission;
float vAltitude;
float delta_zv;
float H;
float distance_in_layer;
float transmission_arg;
// we solve the geometry what part of the light path is attenuated normally and what is through the haze layer
if (delta_z > 0.0) // we're inside the layer
if (ct < 0.0) // we look down
distance_in_layer = dist;
vAltitude = min(distance_in_layer,min(visibility, avisibility)) * ct;
delta_zv = delta_z - vAltitude;
else // we may look through upper layer edge
H = dist * ct;
if (H > delta_z) {distance_in_layer = dist/H * delta_z;}
else {distance_in_layer = dist;}
vAltitude = min(distance_in_layer,visibility) * ct;
delta_zv = delta_z - vAltitude;
else // we see the layer from above, delta_z < 0.0
H = dist * -ct;
if (H < (-delta_z)) // we don't see into the layer at all, aloft visibility is the only fading
distance_in_layer = 0.0;
delta_zv = 0.0;
vAltitude = H + delta_z;
distance_in_layer = vAltitude/H * dist;
vAltitude = min(distance_in_layer,visibility) * (-ct);
delta_zv = vAltitude;
// ground haze cannot be thinner than aloft visibility in the model,
// so we need to use aloft visibility otherwise
transmission_arg = (dist-distance_in_layer)/avisibility;
float eqColorFactor;
if (visibility < avisibility)
if (quality_level > 3)
transmission_arg = transmission_arg + (distance_in_layer/(1.0 * visibility + 1.0 * visibility * fogstructure * 0.06 * (noise_1500m + noise_2000m -1.0) ));
transmission_arg = transmission_arg + (distance_in_layer/visibility);
// this combines the Weber-Fechner intensity
eqColorFactor = 1.0 - 0.1 * delta_zv/visibility - (1.0 - effective_scattering);
if (quality_level > 3)
transmission_arg = transmission_arg + (distance_in_layer/(1.0 * avisibility + 1.0 * avisibility * fogstructure * 0.06 * (noise_1500m + noise_2000m - 1.0) ));
transmission_arg = transmission_arg + (distance_in_layer/avisibility);
// this combines the Weber-Fechner intensity
eqColorFactor = 1.0 - 0.1 * delta_zv/avisibility - (1.0 - effective_scattering);
transmission = fog_func(transmission_arg, alt);
// there's always residual intensity, we should never be driven to zero
if (eqColorFactor < 0.2) eqColorFactor = 0.2;
float lightArg = (terminator-yprime_alt)/100000.0;
vec3 hazeColor = get_hazeColor(lightArg);
// now dim the light for haze
eShade = 1.0 - 0.9 * smoothstep(-terminator_width+ terminator, terminator_width + terminator, yprime_alt);
// Mie-like factor
if (lightArg < 10.0)
intensity = length(hazeColor);
float mie_magnitude = 0.5 * smoothstep(350000.0, 150000.0, terminator-sqrt(2.0 * EarthRadius * terrain_alt));
hazeColor = intensity * ((1.0 - mie_magnitude) + mie_magnitude * mie_angle) * normalize(mix(hazeColor, vec3 (0.5, 0.58, 0.65), mie_magnitude * (0.5 - 0.5 * mie_angle)) );
intensity = length(hazeColor);
if (intensity > 0.0) // this needs to be a condition, because otherwise hazeColor doesn't come out correctly
// high altitude desaturation of the haze color
hazeColor = intensity * normalize (mix(hazeColor, intensity * vec3 (1.0,1.0,1.0), 0.7* smoothstep(5000.0, 50000.0, alt)));
// blue hue of haze
hazeColor.x = hazeColor.x * 0.83;
hazeColor.y = hazeColor.y * 0.9;
// additional blue in indirect light
float fade_out = max(0.65 - 0.3 *overcast, 0.45);
intensity = length(hazeColor);
hazeColor = intensity * normalize(mix(hazeColor, 1.5* shadedFogColor, 1.0 -smoothstep(0.25, fade_out,eShade) ));
// change haze color to blue hue for strong fogging
hazeColor = intensity * normalize(mix(hazeColor, shadedFogColor, (1.0-smoothstep(0.5,0.9,eqColorFactor))));
// reduce haze intensity when looking at shaded surfaces, only in terminator region
float shadow = mix( min(1.0 + dot(n,lightDir),1.0), 1.0, 1.0-smoothstep(0.1, 0.4, transmission));
hazeColor = mix(shadow * hazeColor, hazeColor, 0.3 + 0.7* smoothstep(250000.0, 400000.0, terminator));
// don't let the light fade out too rapidly
lightArg = (terminator + 200000.0)/100000.0;
float minLightIntensity = min(0.2,0.16 * lightArg + 0.5);
vec3 minLight = minLightIntensity * vec3 (0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
hazeColor *= eqColorFactor * eShade;
hazeColor.rgb = max(hazeColor.rgb, minLight.rgb);
// Testing phase controls
if (reduce_haze_without_removing_calculation_overhead == 1)
transmission = 1.0 - (transmission/1000000.0);
fragColor.rgb = mix(clamp(hazeColor,0.0,1.0) , clamp(fragColor.rgb,0.0,1.0),transmission);
fragColor.rgb = filter_combined(fragColor.rgb);
gl_FragColor = fragColor;
// Testing phase controls:
if (remove_haze_and_lighting == 1)
gl_FragColor = texel;