2012-06-30 00:38:14 +01:00
// -*-C++-*-
// written by Thorsten Renk, Oct 2011, based on default.frag
2012-08-06 14:15:43 +03:00
2012-06-30 00:38:14 +01:00
varying vec3 relPos;
uniform sampler2D texture;
varying float yprime_alt;
varying float mie_angle;
uniform float visibility;
uniform float avisibility;
uniform float scattering;
uniform float terminator;
uniform float terrain_alt;
uniform float hazeLayerAltitude;
uniform float overcast;
uniform float eye_alt;
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2012-06-30 00:38:14 +01:00
const float EarthRadius = 5800000.0;
const float terminator_width = 200000.0;
float alt;
float luminance(vec3 color)
return dot(vec3(0.212671, 0.715160, 0.072169), color);
float light_func (in float x, in float a, in float b, in float c, in float d, in float e)
x = x - 0.5;
// use the asymptotics to shorten computations
if (x > 30.0) {return e;}
if (x < -15.0) {return 0.0;}
return e / pow((1.0 + a * exp(-b * (x-c)) ),(1.0/d));
// this determines how light is attenuated in the distance
// physically this should be exp(-arg) but for technical reasons we use a sharper cutoff
// for distance > visibility
float fog_func (in float targ)
float fade_mix;
// for large altitude > 30 km, we switch to some component of quadratic distance fading to
// create the illusion of improved visibility range
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targ = 1.25 * targ * smoothstep(0.07,0.1,targ); // need to sync with the distance to which terrain is drawn
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if (alt < 30000.0)
{return exp(-targ - targ * targ * targ * targ);}
else if (alt < 50000.0)
fade_mix = (alt - 30000.0)/20000.0;
return fade_mix * exp(-targ*targ - pow(targ,4.0)) + (1.0 - fade_mix) * exp(-targ - pow(targ,4.0));
return exp(- targ * targ - pow(targ,4.0));
void main()
2012-08-06 14:15:43 +03:00
vec3 lightDir = gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz;
float intensity;
2012-06-30 00:38:14 +01:00
2012-08-06 14:15:43 +03:00
vec4 fragColor = gl_Color * texture2D(texture, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
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// here comes the terrain haze model
float delta_z = hazeLayerAltitude - eye_alt;
float dist = length(relPos);
2012-08-06 14:15:43 +03:00
if (dist > max(40.0, 0.07 * min(visibility,avisibility)))
//if (dist > 40.0)
//if (0==1)
2012-06-30 00:38:14 +01:00
alt = eye_alt;
float transmission;
float vAltitude;
float delta_zv;
float H;
float distance_in_layer;
float transmission_arg;
// angle with horizon
float ct = dot(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), relPos)/dist;
// we solve the geometry what part of the light path is attenuated normally and what is through the haze layer
if (delta_z > 0.0) // we're inside the layer
if (ct < 0.0) // we look down
distance_in_layer = dist;
vAltitude = min(distance_in_layer,min(visibility, avisibility)) * ct;
delta_zv = delta_z - vAltitude;
else // we may look through upper layer edge
H = dist * ct;
if (H > delta_z) {distance_in_layer = dist/H * delta_z;}
else {distance_in_layer = dist;}
vAltitude = min(distance_in_layer,visibility) * ct;
delta_zv = delta_z - vAltitude;
else // we see the layer from above, delta_z < 0.0
H = dist * -ct;
if (H < (-delta_z)) // we don't see into the layer at all, aloft visibility is the only fading
distance_in_layer = 0.0;
delta_zv = 0.0;
vAltitude = H + delta_z;
distance_in_layer = vAltitude/H * dist;
vAltitude = min(distance_in_layer,visibility) * (-ct);
delta_zv = vAltitude;
// ground haze cannot be thinner than aloft visibility in the model,
// so we need to use aloft visibility otherwise
transmission_arg = (dist-distance_in_layer)/avisibility;
float eqColorFactor;
//float scattering = ground_scattering + (1.0 - ground_scattering) * smoothstep(hazeLayerAltitude -100.0, hazeLayerAltitude + 100.0, relPos.z + eye_alt);
if (visibility < avisibility)
transmission_arg = transmission_arg + (distance_in_layer/visibility);
// this combines the Weber-Fechner intensity
eqColorFactor = 1.0 - 0.1 * delta_zv/visibility - (1.0 -scattering);
transmission_arg = transmission_arg + (distance_in_layer/avisibility);
// this combines the Weber-Fechner intensity
eqColorFactor = 1.0 - 0.1 * delta_zv/avisibility - (1.0 -scattering);
transmission = fog_func(transmission_arg);
// there's always residual intensity, we should never be driven to zero
if (eqColorFactor < 0.2) eqColorFactor = 0.2;
float lightArg = (terminator-yprime_alt)/100000.0;
vec3 hazeColor;
hazeColor.b = light_func(lightArg, 1.330e-05, 0.264, 2.527, 1.08e-05, 1.0);
hazeColor.g = light_func(lightArg, 3.931e-06, 0.264, 3.827, 7.93e-06, 1.0);
hazeColor.r = light_func(lightArg, 8.305e-06, 0.161, 3.827, 3.04e-05, 1.0);
// now dim the light for haze
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//float eShade = earthShade;
float eShade = 0.9 * smoothstep(terminator_width+ terminator, -terminator_width + terminator, yprime_alt) + 0.1;
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// Mie-like factor
if (lightArg < 10.0)
{intensity = length(hazeColor);
float mie_magnitude = 0.5 * smoothstep(350000.0, 150000.0, terminator-sqrt(2.0 * EarthRadius * terrain_alt));
hazeColor = intensity * ((1.0 - mie_magnitude) + mie_magnitude * mie_angle) * normalize(mix(hazeColor, vec3 (0.5, 0.58, 0.65), mie_magnitude * (0.5 - 0.5 * mie_angle)) );
// high altitude desaturation of the haze color
intensity = length(hazeColor);
hazeColor = intensity * normalize (mix(hazeColor, intensity * vec3 (1.0,1.0,1.0), 0.7* smoothstep(5000.0, 50000.0, alt)));
// blue hue of haze
hazeColor.x = hazeColor.x * 0.83;
hazeColor.y = hazeColor.y * 0.9;
// additional blue in indirect light
float fade_out = max(0.65 - 0.3 *overcast, 0.45);
intensity = length(hazeColor);
hazeColor = intensity * normalize(mix(hazeColor, 1.5* vec3 (0.45, 0.6, 0.8), 1.0 -smoothstep(0.25, fade_out,eShade) ));
// change haze color to blue hue for strong fogging
//intensity = length(hazeColor);
hazeColor = intensity * normalize(mix(hazeColor, 2.0 * vec3 (0.55, 0.6, 0.8), (1.0-smoothstep(0.3,0.8,eqColorFactor))));
// reduce haze intensity when looking at shaded surfaces, only in terminator region
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//float shadow = mix( min(1.0 + dot(normal,lightDir),1.0), 1.0, 1.0-smoothstep(0.1, 0.4, transmission));
//hazeColor = mix(shadow * hazeColor, hazeColor, 0.3 + 0.7* smoothstep(250000.0, 400000.0, terminator));
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// determine the right mix of transmission and haze
//fragColor.xyz = transmission * fragColor.xyz + (1.0-transmission) * eqColorFactor * hazeColor * earthShade;
fragColor.xyz = mix(eqColorFactor * hazeColor * eShade, fragColor.xyz,transmission);
gl_FragColor = fragColor;
else // if dist < 40.0 no fogging at all
gl_FragColor = fragColor;