2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
// -*- mode: C; -*-
// Licence: GPL v2
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
// <20> Emilian Huminiuc and Vivian Meazza 2011
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
#version 120
varying vec3 rawpos;
varying vec3 VNormal;
varying vec3 VTangent;
varying vec3 VBinormal;
varying vec3 vViewVec;
varying vec3 reflVec;
varying vec4 Diffuse;
varying float alpha;
2012-02-14 18:38:18 +02:00
//varying float fogCoord;
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
uniform samplerCube Environment;
uniform sampler2D Rainbow;
uniform sampler2D BaseTex;
uniform sampler2D Fresnel;
uniform sampler2D Map;
uniform sampler2D NormalTex;
uniform sampler3D Noise;
uniform float spec_adjust;
uniform float rainbowiness;
uniform float fresneliness;
uniform float noisiness;
uniform float ambient_correction;
uniform float normalmap_dds;
2011-12-01 20:57:20 +00:00
//uniform int fogType;
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
////fog "include" /////
uniform int fogType;
vec3 fog_Func(vec3 color, int type);
2011-12-01 20:57:20 +00:00
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
vec3 fog_Func(vec3 color, int type);
void main (void)
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
//vec3 halfV;
//float NdotL, NdotHV;
vec4 texel = texture2D(BaseTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
vec4 nmap = texture2D(NormalTex, gl_TexCoord[0].st * 8.0);
vec4 map = texture2D(Map, gl_TexCoord[0].st * 8.0);
vec4 specNoise = texture3D(Noise, rawpos.xyz * 0.0045);
vec4 noisevec = texture3D(Noise, rawpos.xyz);
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
vec3 lightDir = gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz;
vec3 halfVector = gl_LightSource[0].halfVector.xyz;
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
vec3 N;
float pf;
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
// vec4 color = gl_Color;
//vec4 specular = vec4(0.0);
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
N = nmap.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0;
N = normalize(N.x * VTangent + N.y * VBinormal + N.z * VNormal);
if (normalmap_dds > 0)
N = -N;
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
// calculate the specular light
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
float refl_correction = spec_adjust * 1.9 - 1.0;
float shininess = max (0.35, refl_correction);
float nDotVP = max(0.0, dot(N, normalize(gl_LightSource[0].position.xyz)));
float nDotHV = max(0.0, dot(N, normalize(gl_LightSource[0].halfVector.xyz)));
if (nDotVP == 0.0)
pf = 0.0;
pf = pow(nDotHV, /*gl_FrontMaterial.*/shininess);
vec4 Diffuse = gl_LightSource[0].diffuse * nDotVP;
vec4 Specular = /*gl_FrontMaterial.specular*/ vec4(vec3(0.5*shininess), 1.0)* gl_LightSource[0].specular * pf;
vec4 color = gl_Color + Diffuse * gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse;
color += Specular * /*gl_FrontMaterial.specular*/ vec4(vec3(0.5*shininess), 1.0) * nmap.a;
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
//color.a = alpha;
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
//vec4 texelcolor = color * texel + specular;
color.a = texel.a * alpha;
color = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 viewVec = normalize(vViewVec);
// Map a rainbowish color
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
float v = dot(viewVec, normalize(VNormal));
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
vec4 rainbow = texture2D(Rainbow, vec2(v, 0.0));
// Map a fresnel effect
vec4 fresnel = texture2D(Fresnel, vec2(v, 0.0));
// map the refection of the environment
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
vec4 reflection = textureCube(Environment, reflVec * dot(N,VNormal));
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
// set the user shininess offset
float transparency_offset = clamp(refl_correction, -1.0, 1.0);
float reflFactor = 0.0;
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
//vec4 specNoise1 = texture3D(Noise, rawpos.xyz*0.001);
float MixFactor = specNoise.r * specNoise.g * specNoise.b * 350.0;
//MixFactor *= specNoise1.r;
MixFactor = 0.75 * smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, MixFactor);
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
reflFactor = max(map.a * (texel.r + texel.g), 1.0 - MixFactor) * (1.0- N.z) + transparency_offset ;
//reflFactor = clamp(reflFactor, 0.0, 0.75);
reflFactor =0.75 * smoothstep(0.05, 1.0, reflFactor);
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
// set ambient adjustment to remove bluiness with user input
float ambient_offset = clamp(ambient_correction, -1.0, 1.0);
vec4 ambient_Correction = vec4(gl_LightSource[0].ambient.rg, gl_LightSource[0].ambient.b * 0.6, 0.5) * ambient_offset ;
ambient_Correction = clamp(ambient_Correction, -1.0, 1.0);
// add fringing fresnel and rainbow effects and modulate by reflection
vec4 reflcolor = mix(reflection, rainbow, rainbowiness * v);
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
reflcolor += Specular * nmap.a;
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
vec4 reflfrescolor = mix(reflcolor, fresnel, fresneliness * v);
vec4 noisecolor = mix(reflfrescolor, noisevec, noisiness);
vec4 raincolor = vec4(noisecolor.rgb * reflFactor, 1.0);
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
raincolor += Specular * nmap.a;
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
vec4 mixedcolor = mix(texel, raincolor, reflFactor);
// the final reflection
2011-12-10 09:41:14 +00:00
vec4 fragColor = vec4(color.rgb * mixedcolor.rgb + ambient_Correction.rgb, color.a);
fragColor += Specular * nmap.a;
2011-11-27 23:12:59 +00:00
fragColor.rgb = fog_Func(fragColor.rgb, fogType);
gl_FragColor = fragColor;