2010-09-02 12:10:29 +02:00
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Our coastlines are too unrealiable to just teleport to the nearest seaport.
We may have to search around its reported location until we actually find water.
var label = cmdarg().getNode("text/label");
var apt = airportinfo("seaport");
var rwys = apt.runways;
var lat = apt.lat;
var lon = apt.lon;
label.setValue(" The nearest seaport is \"" ~ apt.name ~ "\" (" ~ apt.id ~ ") ");
var goto_seaport = func {
var rwyid = keys(rwys)[0];
var rwy = rwys[rwyid];
print("SP: going to seaport ", apt.id, "/", rwyid, " (\"", apt.name, "\")");
setprop("/sim/presets/airport-id", apt.id);
teleport(rwy.lat, rwy.lon);
settimer(verify, 4);
var verify = func {
var p = geo.aircraft_position();
if (on_water(p.lat(), p.lon())) {
print("SP: seaport center is on water");
foreach (var r; keys(rwys)) {
print("SP: trying runway ", r);
var lat = rwys[r].lat;
var lon = rwys[r].lon;
if (on_water(lat, lon)) {
setprop("/sim/presets/runway", r);
setprop("/sim/presets/heading-deg", rwys[r].heading);
print("SP: runway ", r, " is on water");
return teleport(lat, lon);
print("SP: trying circle");
for (var dist = 500; dist <= 1500; dist += 500) {
print("SP:\tat distance ", dist, " m");
for (var course = 0; course < 360; course += 60) {
print("SP:\t\tat course ", course, " degree");
p.set_latlon(apt.lat, apt.lon);
p.apply_course_distance(course, dist);
if (on_water(p.lat(), p.lon())) {
print("SP: found water");
setprop("/sim/presets/heading-deg", course);
return teleport(p.lat(), p.lon());
print("SP: no water found");
var teleport = func(lat, lon) {
setprop("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", lat);
setprop("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", lon);
2014-03-05 16:46:10 +00:00
2010-09-02 12:10:29 +02:00
var on_water = func(lat, lon) {
var g = geodinfo(lat, lon);
return g != nil and g[1] != nil and !g[1].solid;
<label>Location inappropriate for a seaplane</label>
<legend>Stay anyway</legend>
<legend>Go to seaport</legend>