Fork 0

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#version 330 core
layout(location = 0) out uint fragHits;
uniform sampler2D hdr_tex;
// color.glsl
float linear_srgb_to_luminance(vec3 color);
// histogram.glsl
uint luminance_to_bin_index(float luminance);
// exposure.glsl
vec3 undo_exposure(vec3 color);
void main()
ivec2 hdr_tex_size = textureSize(hdr_tex, 0);
int column = int(gl_FragCoord.x);
uint target_bin = uint(gl_FragCoord.y); // [0, 255]
uint hits = 0u;
for (int row = 0; row < hdr_tex_size.y; ++row) {
vec3 hdr_color = texelFetch(hdr_tex, ivec2(column, row), 0).rgb;
hdr_color = undo_exposure(hdr_color);
// sRGB to relative luminance
float lum = linear_srgb_to_luminance(hdr_color);
// Get the bin index corresponding to the given pixel luminance
uint pixel_bin = luminance_to_bin_index(lum);
// Check if this pixel should go in the bin
if (pixel_bin == target_bin) {
hits += 1u;
fragHits = hits;