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Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
# Title : Emesary based 'real time' module executive
# File Type : Implementation File
# Description : Uses Emesary notifications to permit Nasal subsystems to be invoked in
# : a controlled manner.
# :
# : Sends out a FrameNotification for each frame recipient can implement
# : workload reduction as appropriate based on skipping frames (2=half,
# : 4=quarter etc.) because some code can safely be run at quarter rate
# : (e.g. ~10hz).
# :
# : The developer should interleave slower rate modules to spread out
# : workload A frame is defined by the timer rate; which is usually the
# : maximum rate as determined by the FPS.
# :
# : This is an alternative to the timer based or explicit function calling
# : way of invoking aircraft systems. It has the advantage of using less
# : timers and remaining modular, as each aircraft subsytem can simply
# : register itself with the global transmitter to receive the frame
# : notification.
# See Also : https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive
# : F-15 and F-14 for examples of how to use this.
# Author : Richard Harrison (richard@zaretto.com)
# Creation Date : 4 June 2018
# Copyright (C) 2018 Richard Harrison Released under GPL V2
# This is the notification that is sent out to all recipients each frame.
# The notification contains a hash of property values.
# Frame modules can request that the hash includes key/property pairs
# by using the FrameNotificationAddProperty
# An instance of this class is be contained within the EmesaryExecutive.
var FrameNotification =
debug: 0,
# The rate and the transmitter to use
new: func(_rate, transmitter=nil)
if (transmitter == nil)
transmitter = emesary.GlobalTransmitter;
var new_class = emesary.Notification.new("FrameNotification", _rate, 0);
append(new_class.parents, FrameNotification);
new_class.Rate = _rate;
new_class.FrameCount = 0;
new_class.ElapsedSeconds = 0;
new_class.monitored = {};
new_class.properties = {};
new_class.transmitter = transmitter;
# embed a recipient within this notification to allow the monitored property
# mapping list to be modified.
new_class.Recipient = emesary.Recipient.new("FrameNotification");
new_class.Recipient.Receive = func(notification)
if (notification.NotificationType == "FrameNotificationAddProperty")
var root_node = props.globals;
if (notification.root_node != nil) {
root_node = notification.root_node;
if (new_class.properties[notification.property] != nil
and new_class.properties[notification.property] != notification.variable)
logprint(1,"FrameNotification: (",notification.module,") FrameNotification: already have variable ",new_class.properties[notification.property]," for ",notification.variable, " referencing property ",notification.property);
if (new_class.monitored[notification.variable] != nil
and new_class.monitored[notification.variable].getPath() != notification.property
and new_class.monitored[notification.variable].getPath() != "/"~notification.property)
logprint(1,"FrameNotification: (",notification.module,") FrameNotification: already have variable ",notification.variable,"=",new_class.monitored[notification.variable].getPath(), " using different property ",notification.property);
# else if (new_class.monitored[notification.variable] == nil)
# print("[INFO]: (",notification.module,") FrameNotification.",notification.variable, " = ",notification.property);
new_class.monitored[notification.variable] = root_node.getNode(notification.property,1);
new_class.properties[notification.property] = notification.variable;
logprint(4,"(",notification.module,") FrameNotification.",notification.variable, " = ",notification.property, " -> ", new_class.monitored[notification.variable].getPath() );
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_OK;
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
return new_class;
fetchvars : func() {
foreach (var mp; keys(me.monitored)){
if(me.monitored[mp] != nil){
if (FrameNotification.debug > 1)
logprint(5," ",mp, " = ",me.monitored[mp].getValue());
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
me[mp] = me.monitored[mp].getValue();
# request to add a property to the frame notification
var FrameNotificationAddProperty =
new: func(module, variable, property, root_node=nil)
var new_class = emesary.Notification.new("FrameNotificationAddProperty", variable, 0);
if (root_node == nil)
root_node = props.globals;
new_class.module = module ;
new_class.variable = variable;
new_class.property = property;
new_class.root_node = root_node;
return new_class;
# The way that the core measures frame rate gives invalid values after a pause so instead
# we will measure specific to our needs.
var PerformanceMeasurement = {
new : func {
return {
parents: [PerformanceMeasurement],
lp : aircraft.lowpass.new(0.1),
period : props.globals.getNode("/sim/emexec/monitor-period",1),
frame_count_node : props.globals.getNode("/sim/frame-number"),
frame_count : getprop("/sim/frame-number") or 0,
emexec_frame_rate_node : props.globals.getNode("/sim/emexec/frame-rate",1),
start_time : systime(),
frame_rate : 30,
update: func {
# calculate the average (mean) rate for the monitored period and then let this
# filter into our output frame rate
me.delta_seconds = systime() - me.start_time;
me.frame_count_delta = me.frame_count_node.getValue() - me.frame_count;
me.frame_rate = me.frame_count_delta / me.delta_seconds;
me.elapsed_seconds= systime();
# reset at the end of the defined period as over a long period the average isn't as relevant for our purposes
if (me.delta_seconds > me.period.getValue()){
me.start_time = systime();
me.frame_count = me.frame_count_node.getValue();
start : func {
me.timer = maketimer(2, me, func { me.update() });
me.timer.simulatedTime = 0;
return me;
performanceMeasurement = PerformanceMeasurement.new();
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
# the main exeuctive class.
# There will be one of these as emexec.ExceModule however multiple instances could be
# created - but only by those who understand scheduling - because it is not necessary
# to have more than one - unless we mange to enable some sort of per core threading.
var EmesaryExecutive = {
new : func(_ident="EMEXEC", transmitter=nil) {
# by default use global transmitter
if (transmitter == nil)
transmitter = emesary.GlobalTransmitter;
var new_class = {
parents: [EmesaryExecutive],
Ident: _ident,
frameNotification : FrameNotification.new(1, transmitter),
emexecRate : props.globals.getNode("/sim/emexec/rate-hz",1),
emexecMaxRate : props.globals.getNode("/sim/emexec/max-rate-hz",1),
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
frame_inc : 0,
cur_frame_inc : 0.033, # start off at 33hz
new_class.transmitter = transmitter;
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
# setup the properties to monitor for this system
var exec_prop_list = {
frame_rate : "/sim/frame-rate",
frame_rate_worst : "/sim/frame-rate-worst",
elapsed_seconds : "/sim/time/elapsed-sec",
eframe_rate : "/sim/emexec/frame-rate",
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
# now setup the timer.
# - initially use update rate of 30hz.
# - use simulated time as otherwise will continue to be called when paused
# - start timer now, as the listener will effectively block module calls until sim init
new_class.frameNotification.running = 0;
setlistener("sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func(v) {
logprint(1,"started ",new_class.Ident);
new_class.frameNotification.dT = 0; # seconds
new_class.frameNotification.curT = 0;
new_class.frameNotification.running = 1;
new_class.execTimer = maketimer(new_class.cur_frame_inc, new_class, new_class.timerCallback);
new_class.execTimer.simulatedTime = 1;
return new_class;
set_rate : func(ratehz){
me.cur_frame_inc = 1.0/ratehz;
me.frame_inc = me.cur_frame_inc;
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
start : func {
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
stop : func {
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
# request monitoring of a list of hash value pairs.
monitor_properties : func(input){
# this uses a notification to isolate the implementation which is also in this module; so it could
# call directly; however the design is that a FrameNotification add property could also trigger other
# logic that we do not know about.
foreach (var name; keys(input)) {
me.transmitter.NotifyAll(FrameNotificationAddProperty.new(me.Ident, name, input[name]));
# ident: String (e.g F-15 HUD)
# inputs: hash of properties to monitor
# : e.g
# {
# AirspeedIndicatorIndicatedMach : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-mach",
# Alpha : "orientation/alpha-indicated-deg",
# }
# : object - must have an update(notification) method that will receive a frame notification
# : rate is the frame skip update rate (1/update rate). 0 or 1 means full rate
# : offset is the offset to permit interleave
# - e.g for two objects to interleave we could have a rate of two and an offset of 0 and 1 which
# would result in one object being processed per frame
register: func(ident, properties_to_monitor, object, rate=1, frame_offset=0) {
var new_class = emesary.Recipient.new(ident);
new_class.object = object;
new_class.Receive = func(notification)
if (notification.NotificationType == "FrameNotification"){
if (rate <= 1 or 0 == math.mod(notification.FrameCount + frame_offset,rate)){
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_OK;
return emesary.Transmitter.ReceiptStatus_NotProcessed;
return new_class;
timerCallback : func {
if (!me.frameNotification.running){
logprint(3, me.Ident~": Waiting for start");
me.frameNotification.dT = me.frameNotification.elapsed_seconds - me.frameNotification.curT;
if (me.frameNotification.dT > 1.0)
me.frameNotification.curT = me.frameNotification.elapsed_seconds;
me.frameNotification.FrameCount = me.frameNotification.FrameCount + 1;
# this permits us to go up to 1/32 rate (which could be less than 1hz)
if (me.frameNotification.FrameCount > 32) {
me.frameNotification.FrameCount = 0;
# adjust exec rate based on frame rate.
# calculate exec update rate based on frame rate; this a quadratic function from a curve fit.
me.frame_inc = (math.round((0.33227017+0.10041432*me.frameNotification.eframe_rate+0.01681707*me.frameNotification.eframe_rate*me.frameNotification.eframe_rate)/5)*5+5);
# limit to: 1 <= update rate <= maxRate (default 50)
me.frame_inc = math.max(1,math.min(me.emexecMaxRate.getValue(), me.frame_inc));
me.frame_inc = 1/me.frame_inc;
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
# Adjust timer if new value
if (me.frame_inc != me.cur_frame_inc) {
Nsasl: Added Exec Scheduler see also https://wiki.flightgear.org/Nasal_Optimisation#Emesary_real_time_executive Using a scheduler to manage the invocation of Nasal modules provides a more predictable and efficient way to replace update loops and also optimises property tree access to one access per property per frame by using a hash that contains the property values. There is a default global object created (emexec.ExecScheduler) that should be used in most circumstances. Each Nasal object simply has to have an update(notification) method. This will be called on a schedule and the notification will contain any requested property values. The exec will also adapt the rate to the frame rate; with a maximum of 50hz, but this will drop to as low as 4hz based on the frame rate to optimise workload. The modules will be called in the order in which they were added; so it is possible to have modules in the right sequence (i.e. an earlier module calculates values that are used by a later module) A simple example is below. The VSD_device has the update method ------ # list of prooperties to include in the notification hash var properties_to_monitor = { OrientationHeadingDeg : "orientation/heading-deg", OrientationPitchDeg : "orientation/pitch-deg", OrientationRollDeg : "orientation/roll-deg", GroundspeedKts : "velocities/groundspeed-kt", radar2_range : "instrumentation/radar/radar2-range", target_display : "sim/model/f15/instrumentation/radar-awg-9/hud/target-display", vc_kts : "instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/true-speed-kt", }; # create Canvas based device (that has an update method) VSD = VSD_Device.new(designation, textureImage, notification.Ident, root_node); # register with the exec; # - ident # - proprties to include in notification hash # - object (with an .update(notification) method # - rate (4 = 1/4) emexec.ExecModule.register("F15-VSD", properties_to_monitor, VSD, 4);
2022-04-03 18:29:49 +02:00
# profiling aid: embed within a class
# and each frame call log("something") to trace time
# e.g. to create using the default log level of INFO:
# ot = OperationTimer.new("VSD");
# or for log level debug
# ot = OperationTimer.new("VSD",2);
# ...
# ot.reset();
# ot.log("start");
# ... code ...
# ot.log("half way");
# ... code ...
# ot.log("finished");
OperationTimer = {
new : func (ident="timer", level=3) {
parents: [OperationTimer],
timestamp: maketimestamp(),
ident: ident,
resolution_uS: 1000.0,
level : level,
log : func( text){
logprint(me.level, sprintf("%10s: %8.3f : %s",me.ident, me.timestamp.elapsedUSec()/me.resolution_uS, text));
reset : func {
var xmit = emesary.Transmitter.new("exec");
var ExecModule = EmesaryExecutive.new("EMEXEC", xmit);