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<?xml version="1.0"?>
var dlgRoot = cmdarg();
var DIALOG_ROOT = "/sim/gui/dialogs/joystick-config";
# Read the current bindings
# Fill in the joystick names combo box.
var joysticks = props.globals.getNode("/input/joysticks").getChildren("js");
if (size(joysticks) == 0) {
# No joysticks found - no point filling in rest of dialog
setprop(DIALOG_ROOT ~ "joystick-count", 0);
} else {
var jsselect = gui.findElementByName(dlgRoot, "jsselect" );
forindex (var joystick_index; joysticks) {
var js = joysticks[joystick_index];
var js_id = "unknown";
if ((js.getNode("id") != nil) and (js.getNode("id").getValue() != nil))
js_id = js.getNode("id").getValue();
jsselect.getNode("value[" ~ joystick_index ~ "]", 1).setValue(js_id);
var joystick_index = getprop(DIALOG_ROOT ~ "/selected-joystick-index");
var table = gui.findElementByName(dlgRoot, "axistable");
# Fill in the valid axis bindings
for (var i = 0; i < joystick.MAX_AXES; i = i + 1) {
# Label
var t = table.getChild("text", 2*i + 4, 1);
t.getNode("row", 1).setValue(i + 1);
t.getNode("col", 1).setValue(0);
t.getNode("label", 1).setValue("Axis " ~ i);
# Raw data
t = table.getChild("text", 2*i + 5, 1);
t.getNode("property", 1).setValue("/devices/status/joysticks/joystick[" ~ joystick_index ~ "]/axis[" ~ i ~ "]");
t.getNode("row", 1).setValue(i +1 );
t.getNode("col", 1).setValue(1);
t.getNode("label", 1).setValue("01234");
t.getNode("format", 1).setValue("%2.2f");
t.getNode("halign", 1).setValue("right");
t.getNode("live", 1).setValue(1);
# Axis Binding. Changed for 2018.1 to have a button rather than a dropdown as this
# allows us to have a nicer UI and to keep compatible with the old engine bindings
t = table.getChild("button", i, 1);
t.getNode("name", 1).setValue("axis" ~ i ~ "binding");
t.getNode("row", 1).setValue(i + 1);
t.getNode("col", 1).setValue("2");
t.getNode("halign", 1).setValue("fill");
t.getNode("pref-width", 1).setValue("150");
t.getNode("live", 1).setValue(1);
t.getNode("property", 1).setValue(DIALOG_ROOT ~ "/axis[" ~ i ~ "]/binding");
t.getNode("legend", 1).setValue(getprop(DIALOG_ROOT ~ "/axis[" ~ i ~ "]/binding"));
var b = t.getChild("binding", 0, 1);
b.getNode("command", 1).setValue("property-assign");
b.getNode("property", 1).setValue("/sim/gui/dialogs/joystick-config/current-axis");
b.getNode("value", 1).setValue(i);
b = t.getChild("binding", 1, 1);
b.getNode("command", 1).setValue("dialog-show");
b.getNode("dialog-name", 1).setValue("button-axis-config");
# Inverted
t = table.getChild("checkbox", i, 1);
t.getNode("name", 1).setValue("axis" ~ i ~ "inverted");
t.getNode("property", 1).setValue(DIALOG_ROOT ~ "/axis[" ~ i ~ "]/inverted");
t.getNode("row", 1).setValue(i +1 );
t.getNode("col", 1).setValue(3);
t.getNode("visible", 1).getNode("property", 1).setValue(DIALOG_ROOT ~ "/axis[" ~ i ~ "]/invertable");
t.getNode("live", 1).setValue(1);
var b = t.getChild("binding", 0, 1);
b.getNode("command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply");
b.getNode("object-name", 1).setValue("axis" ~ i ~ "inverted");
b = t.getChild("binding", 1, 1);
b.getNode("command", 1).setValue("nasal");
b.getNode("script", 1).setValue("updateConfig();");
# Set up the buttons.
table = gui.findElementByName(dlgRoot, "buttontable");
var row = 1;
var col = 0;
for (var button = 0; button < joystick.MAX_BUTTONS; button = button + 1) {
t = table.getChild("checkbox", button, 1);
t.getNode("property", 1).setValue("/devices/status/joysticks/joystick[" ~ joystick_index ~ "]/button[" ~ button ~ "]");
t.getNode("row", 1).setValue(row );
t.getNode("col", 1).setValue(col);
t.getNode("live", 1).setValue(1);
t = table.getChild("button", button, 1);
t.getNode("name", 1).setValue("button" ~ button);
t.getNode("pref-width", 1).setValue(140);
t.getNode("halign", 1).setValue("fill");
t.getNode("live", 1).setValue("fill");
t.getNode("row", 1).setValue(row );
t.getNode("col", 1).setValue(col +1);
t.getNode("legend", 1).setValue(getprop(DIALOG_ROOT ~ "/button[" ~ button ~ "]/binding"));
var b = t.getChild("binding", 0, 1);
b.getNode("command", 1).setValue("property-assign");
b.getNode("property", 1).setValue("/sim/gui/dialogs/joystick-config/current-button");
b.getNode("value", 1).setValue(button);
b = t.getChild("binding", 1, 1);
b.getNode("command", 1).setValue("dialog-show");
b.getNode("dialog-name", 1).setValue("button-config");
col = col + 2;
if (col > 5) {
row = row +1;
col = 0;
var updateConfig = func() {
fgcommand("reinit", props.Node.new({"subsystem": "input"}));
fgcommand("dialog-close", props.Node.new({"dialog-name": "joystick-config"}));
fgcommand("dialog-show", props.Node.new({"dialog-name": "joystick-config"}));
<label>Joystick Configuration</label>
<label> To configure your joystick/yoke/pedals:</label>
<label> 1) Select the device your wish to configure from the drop-down.</label>
<label> 2) Identify the control you wish to configure by moving the joystick or pressing the button. The result is shown in the Input column.</label>
<label> 3) Using the drop-down or dialog button, select what you want the control to do. "Custom" indicates a manually configured command.</label>
<label> Your selection will take effect immediately.</label>
<label> 4) Test your control. Some joystick controls can be "inverted" if you wish the control to take effect in the opposite direction.</label>
<label> Your modified joystick configuration is saved automatically. You can reset the configuration to the default by pressing Reset Configuration. </label>
<!-- Joystick selector -->
fgcommand("dialog-close", props.Node.new({"dialog-name": "joystick-config"}));
fgcommand("dialog-show", props.Node.new({"dialog-name": "joystick-config"}));
<legend>Reset Configuration</legend>
fgcommand("reinit", props.Node.new({"subsystem": "input"}));
fgcommand("dialog-close", props.Node.new({"dialog-name": "joystick-config"}));
fgcommand("dialog-show", props.Node.new({"dialog-name": "joystick-config"}));
<legend>Refresh Joysticks</legend>
fgcommand("reinit", props.Node.new({"subsystem": "input"}));
fgcommand("dialog-close", props.Node.new({"dialog-name": "joystick-config"}));
fgcommand("dialog-show", props.Node.new({"dialog-name": "joystick-config"}));
<label> Configuration File:</label>
<label>Joystick Confgig</label>
<!-- Axis list -->
<!-- Header Row -->
<!-- Axes get added here -->
<!-- Buttons -->
<!-- Header row-->
<!-- Buttons get added here -->
<label>Aileron: </label>
<label>Elevator: </label>
<label>Rudder: </label>
<label>Throttle: </label>
<!-- Button bar -->