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# Earthview orbital rendering
var lightning_table = [];
var entry = [2.85, 30.28, 0.35, 0.045];
append(lightning_table, entry);
entry = [9.3,8.0,0.1, 0.105];
append(lightning_table, entry);
entry = [6.0, -72.0, 0.2, 0.09];
append(lightning_table, entry);
entry = [30.89, -112.0, 0.72, 0.34];
append(lightning_table, entry);
var check_lightning_table = func (lat, lon) {
for (var i=0; i< size(lightning_table); i=i+1)
if (math.abs(lat - lightning_table[i][0]) < 15.0)
if (math.abs(lon - lightning_table[i][1]) < 15.0)
return i;
return -1;
var start = func() {
if (earthview_running_flag ==1) {return;}
2014-04-25 09:40:32 +03:00
earthview_running_flag = 1;
var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");
# the coordinates of the 7 tiles' junction points, from North to South
# and West to East on the geo sphere.
geojunctions[0] = geo.Coord.new();
geojunctions[0].set_latlon(90.0, 0.0);
geojunctions[1] = geo.Coord.new();
geojunctions[1].set_latlon(0.0, -180.0);
geojunctions[2] = geo.Coord.new();
geojunctions[2].set_latlon(0.0, -90.0);
geojunctions[3] = geo.Coord.new();
geojunctions[3].set_latlon(0.0, 0.0);
geojunctions[4] = geo.Coord.new();
geojunctions[4].set_latlon(0.0, 90.0);
geojunctions[5] = geo.Coord.new();
geojunctions[5].set_latlon(0.0, 180.0);
geojunctions[6] = geo.Coord.new();
geojunctions[6].set_latlon(-90.0, 0.0);
# tiles are uniquely defined by 3 junction points and we store their
# index. We also store the 3 corresponding indices of junction arcs as
# well as the name of the associated neighbouring tiles
################################ <--- 0 identified
## # # # ##
## N1 # N2 # N3 # N4 ##
## # # # ##
# 1 ### 2 #### 3 #### 4 #### 5 #
## # # # ##
## S1 # S2 # S3 # S4 ##
## # # # ##
################################ <--- 6 identified
tiling[0] = atile.new("N1",[0,1,2],["N3","S4","S2"],[[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]],["N4","S1","N2"]);
tiling[1] = atile.new("N2",[0,2,3],["N4","S1","S3"],[[0,2],[2,3],[3,0]],["N1","S2","N3"]);
tiling[2] = atile.new("N3",[0,3,4],["N1","S2","S4"],[[0,3],[3,4],[4,0]],["N2","S3","N4"]);
tiling[3] = atile.new("N4",[0,4,5],["N2","S3","S1"],[[0,4],[4,5],[5,0]],["N3","S4","N1"]);
tiling[4] = atile.new("S1",[1,2,6],["N4","N2","S3"],[[1,2],[2,6],[6,1]],["N1","S2","S4"]);
tiling[5] = atile.new("S2",[2,3,6],["N1","N3","S4"],[[2,3],[3,6],[6,2]],["N2","S3","S1"]);
tiling[6] = atile.new("S3",[3,4,6],["N2","N4","S1"],[[3,4],[4,6],[6,3]],["N3","S4","S2"]);
tiling[7] = atile.new("S4",[4,5,6],["N3","N1","S2"],[[4,5],[5,6],[6,4]],["N4","S1","S3"]);
tiling_visibility = {"N1":0,"N2":0,"N3":0,"N4":0,"S1":0,"S2":0,"S3":0,"S4":0};
# determine which tiles to show
setprop("/earthview/show-n1", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-n2", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-n3", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-n4", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-s1", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-s2", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-s3", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-s4", 0);
aurora_model.node = earthview.place_earth_model("Models/Astro/aurora.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
# set Basic Weather off
# set some reasonable defaults
setprop("/environment/visibility-m", 80000.0);
setprop("/sim/rendering/mie", 0.0);
setprop("/sim/rendering/rayleigh", 0.00002);
setprop("/sim/rendering/dome-density", 1.0);
setprop("/earthview/shade-effect", 0.5);
earth_model.l1 = setlistener("/earthview/show-n1", func(n) {load_sector (1, n);},0,0);
earth_model.l2 = setlistener("/earthview/show-n2", func(n) {load_sector (2, n);},0,0);
earth_model.l3 = setlistener("/earthview/show-n3", func(n) {load_sector (3, n);},0,0);
earth_model.l4 = setlistener("/earthview/show-n4", func(n) {load_sector (4, n);},0,0);
earth_model.l5 = setlistener("/earthview/show-s1", func(n) {load_sector (5, n);},0,0);
earth_model.l6 = setlistener("/earthview/show-s2", func(n) {load_sector (6, n);},0,0);
earth_model.l7 = setlistener("/earthview/show-s3", func(n) {load_sector (7, n);},0,0);
earth_model.l8 = setlistener("/earthview/show-s4", func(n) {load_sector (8, n);},0,0);
var stop = func () {
# unload tiles not loaded via listeners
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 1)
# unlock rotation flag to allow downloading of distance-managed tiles
cloudsphere_rotated_flag = 0;
setprop("/earthview/show-n1", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-n2", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-n3", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-n4", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-s1", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-s2", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-s3", 0);
setprop("/earthview/show-s4", 0);
settimer( func {
}, 1.0);
2014-04-25 09:40:32 +03:00
earthview_running_flag = 0;
var place_earth_model = func(path, lat, lon, alt, heading, pitch, roll) {
var m = props.globals.getNode("models", 1);
for (var i = 0; 1; i += 1)
if (m.getChild("model", i, 0) == nil)
var model = m.getChild("model", i, 1);
var R1 = 5800000.0;
var R2 = 58000.0;
var altitude1 = getprop("/position/altitude-ft");
var altitude2 = R2/R1 * altitude1;
var model_alt = altitude1 - altitude2 - R2 * m_to_ft;
setprop("/earthview/latitude-deg", lat);
setprop("/earthview/longitude-deg", lon);
setprop("/earthview/elevation-ft", model_alt);
setprop("/earthview/heading-deg", heading);
setprop("/earthview/pitch-deg", pitch);
setprop("/earthview/roll-deg", roll);
setprop("/earthview/yaw-deg", 0.0);
var eview = props.globals.getNode("earthview", 1);
var latN = eview.getNode("latitude-deg",1);
var lonN = eview.getNode("longitude-deg",1);
var altN = eview.getNode("elevation-ft",1);
var headN = eview.getNode("heading-deg",1);
var pitchN = eview.getNode("pitch-deg",1);
var rollN = eview.getNode("roll-deg",1);
model.getNode("path", 1).setValue(path);
model.getNode("latitude-deg-prop", 1).setValue(latN.getPath());
model.getNode("longitude-deg-prop", 1).setValue(lonN.getPath());
model.getNode("elevation-ft-prop", 1).setValue(altN.getPath());
model.getNode("heading-deg-prop", 1).setValue(headN.getPath());
model.getNode("pitch-deg-prop", 1).setValue(pitchN.getPath());
model.getNode("roll-deg-prop", 1).setValue(rollN.getPath());
model.getNode("load", 1).remove();
return model;
var control_loop = func {
if (earthview_running_flag == 0) {return;}
var R1 = 5800000.0;
var R2 = 58000.0;
var altitude1 = getprop("/position/altitude-ft");
var altitude2 = R2/R1 * altitude1;
var model_alt = altitude1 - altitude2 - R2 * m_to_ft;
#var horizon = math.sqrt(2.0 * R1 * altitude1 * ft_to_m );
#if (horizon > 5000000.0) {horizon = 5000000.0;}
#horizon on the R1-ball for an altitude given by the real one
var horizon = 0.0;
if (altitude1 >= 0.0)
horizon = R1*math.acos(1.0/(1.0+altitude1*ft_to_m/R1));
setprop("/earthview/horizon-km", horizon/1000.0);
setprop("/earthview/elevation-ft", model_alt);
var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");
setprop("/earthview/latitude-deg", lat);
setprop("/earthview/longitude-deg", lon);
setprop("/earthview/roll-deg", -(90-lat));
setprop("/earthview/yaw-deg", -lon);
if (getprop("/earthview/show-force-all") == 1)
tiling_visibility = {"N1":1,"N2":1,"N3":1,"N4":1,"S1":1,"S2":1,"S3":1,"S4":1};
var shuttle_pos = geo.aircraft_position();
#horizon (in m) over the geo earth (for tests)
var geohorizon = shuttle_pos.horizon();
#fold back the distorsion induced by R2/ERAD != altitude2/altitude1 on
#the geo sphere.
var distorted_geohorizon = geo.ERAD*horizon/R1;
# over which tile are we?
var tile_index = math.floor((180.0+geo.normdeg180(shuttle_pos.lon()))/90.0);
if (shuttle_pos.lat() < 0.0)
tile_index += 4;
#print("lon= lat= ",shuttle_pos.lon()," ",shuttle_pos.lat());
#print("horizon= geohorizon= distorted_geohorizon= ",horizon/1000.0," ",geohorizon/1000.0," "
# ,distorted_geohorizon/1000.0);
#print("current tile_index= ",tile_index);
#print("tile name is ",tiling[tile_index].name);
tiling_visibility[tiling[tile_index].name] = 1;
# which neighbouring tiles are visible
# loops over junctions, i.e. arcs and points
for (var i=0; i < 3; i = i+1) {
var ia = tiling[tile_index].arcs.index[i][0];
var ib = tiling[tile_index].arcs.index[i][1];
# print("ti i= ",tile_index," ",i);
# print("ia= ib= ",ia," ",ib);
# print("line names= ",tiling[tile_index].arcs.names[i]);
# print("dist to arc= ",shuttle_pos.greatcircle_distance_to(geojunctions[ia],geojunctions[ib])/1000.0);
if (shuttle_pos.greatcircle_distance_to(geojunctions[ia],geojunctions[ib]) > distorted_geohorizon)
tiling_visibility[tiling[tile_index].arcs.names[i]] = 0;
tiling_visibility[tiling[tile_index].arcs.names[i]] = 1;
var ic = tiling[tile_index].points.index[i];
# print("ic= ",ic);
# print("point names= ",tiling[tile_index].points.names[i]);
# print("distance to point= ",shuttle_pos.distance_to(geojunctions[ic])/1000.0);
# print(" ");
if (shuttle_pos.distance_to(geojunctions[ic]) > distorted_geohorizon)
tiling_visibility[tiling[tile_index].points.names[i]] = 0;
tiling_visibility[tiling[tile_index].points.names[i]] = 1;
#print("N1 ",tiling_visibility["N1"]);
#print("N2 ",tiling_visibility["N2"]);
#print("N3 ",tiling_visibility["N3"]);
#print("N4 ",tiling_visibility["N4"]);
#print("S1 ",tiling_visibility["S1"]);
#print("S2 ",tiling_visibility["S2"]);
#print("S3 ",tiling_visibility["S3"]);
#print("S4 ",tiling_visibility["S4"]);
# now set scattering paramaters
if (getprop("/earthview/mrd-flag") == 1)
var rayleigh = 0.0002;
var mie = 0.001;
var density = 1.0;
if (altitude1 < 300000.0)
else if (altitude1 < 650000.0)
rayleigh = rayleigh - 0.00018 * (altitude1-300000.0)/350000.0;
mie = mie - 0.001 * (altitude1-300000.0)/350000.0;
density = 1.0;
rayleigh = 0.00002;
mie = 0.0;
density = 1.0;
if (getprop("/earthview/control_loop_flag") ==1) {settimer( func {control_loop(); },0);}
var slow_loop = func {
if (earthview_running_flag == 0) {return;}
# thunderstorms
var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg") + getprop("/earthview/cloudsphere-angle");
var index = check_lightning_table(lat, lon);
if (index > -1)
rn = rand();
if (rn < 0.3)
var roi_x_base = lightning_table[index][2];
var roi_y_base = lightning_table[index][3];
var rn = 0.005 * (2.0 * rand() - 0.5);
setprop("/earthview/roi-x1", roi_x_base + rn);
rn = 0.005 * (2.0 * rand() - 0.5);
setprop("/earthview/roi-y1", roi_y_base + rn);
if (getprop("/earthview/control_loop_flag") ==1) {settimer( func {slow_loop(); },1.0);}
var lightning_strike = func {
var rn = rand();
var repeat = 1;
if (rn > 0.5) {repeat = 2;}
var duration = 0.1 + 0.1 * rand();
var strength = 0.5 + 1.0 * rand();
setprop("/earthview/lightning", strength);
settimer( func{ setprop("/earthview/lightning", 0.0);}, duration);
var duration1 = 0.1 + 0.1 * rand();
if (repeat == 2)
settimer( func{ setprop("/earthview/lightning", strength);}, duration + 0.1);
settimer( func{ setprop("/earthview/lightning", 0.0);}, duration + 0.1 + duration1);
# rotate position of cloud tiles
var adjust_cloud_tiles = func {
# we need to load all cloud tiles if we want to rotate the cloudsphere
if (getprop("/earthview/cloudsphere-angle") > 0.0)
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");
if (getprop("/earthview/show-n1") == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node1 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_N1.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
if (getprop("/earthview/show-n2") == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node2 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_N2.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
if (getprop("/earthview/show-n3") == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node3 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_N3.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
if (getprop("/earthview/show-n4") == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node4 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_N4.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
if (getprop("/earthview/show-s1") == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node5 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_S1.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
if (getprop("/earthview/show-s2") == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node6 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_S2.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
if (getprop("/earthview/show-s3") == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node7 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_S3.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
if (getprop("/earthview/show-s4") == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node8 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_S4.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
cloudsphere_rotated_flag = 1;
cloudsphere_rotated_flag = 0;
var clear_cloud_tiles = func {
if (getprop("/earthview/show-n1") == 0)
if (getprop("/earthview/show-n2") == 0)
if (getprop("/earthview/show-n3") == 0)
if (getprop("/earthview/show-n4") == 0)
if (getprop("/earthview/show-s1") == 0)
if (getprop("/earthview/show-s2") == 0)
if (getprop("/earthview/show-s3") == 0)
if (getprop("/earthview/show-s4") == 0)
# load of individual tile
var load_sector = func (i, n) {
var action = n.getValue();
if (action)
var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");
if (i==1)
earth_model.node1 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/earth_N1.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node1 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_N1.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
else if (i==2)
earth_model.node2 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/earth_N2.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node2 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_N2.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
else if (i==3)
earth_model.node3 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/earth_N3.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node3 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_N3.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
else if (i==4)
earth_model.node4 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/earth_N4.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node4 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_N4.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
else if (i==5)
earth_model.node5 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/earth_S1.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node5 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_S1.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
else if (i==6)
earth_model.node6 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/earth_S2.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node6 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_S2.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
else if (i==7)
earth_model.node7 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/earth_S3.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node7 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_S3.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
else if (i==8)
earth_model.node8 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/earth_S4.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
{cloudsphere_model.node8 = place_earth_model("Models/Astro/clouds_S4.xml",lat, lon, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
if (i==1)
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
else if (i==2)
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
else if (i==3)
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
else if (i==4)
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
else if (i==5)
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
else if (i==6)
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
else if (i==7)
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
else if (i==8)
if (cloudsphere_rotated_flag == 0)
var ft_to_m = 0.30480;
var m_to_ft = 1.0/ft_to_m;
var earth_model = {};
var cloudsphere_model = {};
var aurora_model = {};
var earthview_running_flag = 0;
var cloudsphere_rotated_flag = 0;
var geojunctions = [];
setsize(geojunctions, 7);
var boundary = {
new: func(bindex, bname) {
var m = { parents: [ boundary ] };
m.index = bindex;
m.names = bname;
return m;
var atile = {
new: func(tname, ptind, ptname, arcind, arcname) {
var m = { parents: [ atile ] };
m.name = tname;
m.points = boundary.new(ptind, ptname);
m.arcs = boundary.new(arcind, arcname);
return m;
var tiling = [];
setsize(tiling, 8);
var tiling_visibility = {};