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# See: http://wiki.flightgear.org/MapStructure
# Class things:
var name = 'VFRChart';
var parents = [OverlayLayer.Controller];
var __self__ = caller(0)[0];
OverlayLayer.Controller.add(name, __self__);
TileLayer.add(name, {
parents: [TileLayer],
type: name, # Layer type
df_controller: __self__, # controller to use by default -- this one
var new = func(layer) {
var m = {
parents: [__self__],
layer: layer,
map: layer.map,
listeners: [],
source: nil,
#layer.makeURL = string.compileTemplate('http://vfrmap.com/20140918/tiles/vfrc/{z}/{y}/{x}.jpg');
#layer.makePath = string.compileTemplate(layer.maps_base ~ '/vfrchart/{z}/{x}/{tms_y}.png');
layer.max_zoom = 14;
layer.min_zoom = 4;
m.sources = [
{ name : 'US',
url : 'http://vfrmap.com/20140918/tiles/vfrc/{z}/{tms_y}/{x}.jpg',
path : layer.maps_base ~ '/vfrmap/{z}/{tms_y}/{x}.jpg',
min_zoom : 3, max_zoom : 12,
min_lat : 16, max_lat : 72,
min_lon : -179, max_lon: -60
{ name: 'DE',
url : 'https://secais.dfs.de/static-maps/ICAO500-2015-EUR-Reprojected_07/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
path : layer.maps_base ~ '/secais/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
min_zoom : 5, max_zoom : 15,
min_lat : 46, max_lat : 55.1,
min_lon : 5, max_lon: 16.5 }
return m;
var updateLayer = func() {
# Choose a source for the maps based on location. For the moment
# this purely based on lat/lon bounds, but should be something
# more advanced as we get more sources.
var lat = me.map.getLat();
var lon = me.map.getLon();
foreach (var source; me.sources) {
if ((source.min_lat < lat) and (source.max_lat > lat) and
(source.min_lon < lon) and (source.max_lon > lon) )
if (source.name != me.source) {
me.layer.min_zoom = source.min_zoom;
me.layer.max_zoom = source.max_zoom;
me.layer.makeURL = string.compileTemplate(source.url);
me.layer.makePath = string.compileTemplate(source.path);
me.source = source.name;
var del = func() {
foreach (var l; me.listeners)